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25 (
); 201-208

Numerical solution of two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problems via exponential spline

Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta Univ., Tanta 31521, Egypt

*Corresponding author waheed_zahra@yahoo.com (W.K. Zahra)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

Available online 4 February 2013


In this paper, a singularly perturbed semi-linear boundary value problem with two-parameters is considered. The problem is solved using exponential spline on a Shishkin mesh. The convergence analysis is derived and the method is convergent independently of the perturbation parameters. Numerical results are presented which support the theoretical results.


Singular perturbation
Polynomial spline
Exponential spline
Shishkin mesh

1 Introduction

It is well known that in various fields of science and engineering many reaction–diffusion as well as convection–diffusion problems naturally occur. Heat transfer with large Péclet numbers, nuclear engineering, combustion, control theory, elasticity, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, quantum mechanics, optimal control, chemical-reactor theory, convection–diffusion process and geophysics are some examples of these fields. However, reaction–diffusion problem when εd = 0 and convection–diffusion problem when εd = 1 are enclosed in the two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problem (Gracia et al., 2006; Kadalbajoo and Gupta, 2009; Kadalbajoo and Yadaw, 2008; Lin et al., 2009; Linß and Roos, 2004; Rao and Chakravarthy, 2012; Rao and Kumar, 2008; Rao et al., 2010; Reddy and Pramod, 2003; Roos and Uzelac, 2003; Stynes and Kopteva, 2011; Valanarasu and Ramanujam, 2003; Valarmathi and Ramanujam, 2003). This two-parameter singularly perturbed semi-linear boundary value problem has the following form:

Ly ( x ) - ε d y + ε c p ( x ) y + f ( x , y ) = 0 , x ( 0 , 1 ) , where the boundary conditions are:
y ( 0 ) = μ 1 , y ( 1 ) = μ 2 ,
with two small parameters 0 < εc ≪ 1, 0 < εd ≪ 1, where p(x) and f(x, y) are sufficiently smooth functions and p ( x ) p ̃ > 0 , for x ∈ [0, 1], assuming that fy(x, y) > 0.

Different numerical methods were proposed to solve singularly perturbed problem with εc = 1 and εc = 0 such as Reddy and Pramod (2003), Kadalbajoo and Gupta (2009), Lin et al. (2009), Rao and Kumar (2008), Rao and Chakravarthy (2012), Rao et al. (2010) and Stynes and Kopteva (2011). On the other hand, the solution of the two-parameter singular perturbation problem was made in limited researches such as Gracia et al. (2006), Valanarasu and Ramanujam (2003) and Valarmathi and Ramanujam (2003). Linß and Roos (2004) considered linear two-parameter singularly perturbed convection–diffusion problem and used the simple upwind-difference scheme on Shishkin mesh to establish almost first-order convergence, independently of the parameters εc and εd. Roos and Uzelac (2003) also considered linear two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problem. They used stream-line diffusion finite element method on properly chosen Shishkin mesh. As a result they proved almost second-order pointwise convergence uniformly with respect to the parameters εc andεd. B-spline collocation method for solving linear two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problems on piecewise-uniform Shishkin mesh was investigated by Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008), they conclude the uniform convergence of the second order.

Herein, the exponential spline difference scheme method is used to solve the two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problems given by Eqs. (1) and (2) by utilizing a properly chosen piecewise-uniform Shishkin mesh proving that the method is uniformly convergent independently of parameters εc and εd.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a priori estimates of the continuous problem. In Section 3, the Shishkin mesh technique is introduced. The design of exponential spline difference scheme method is presented in Section 4 followed by the uniform convergence of the method in Section 5. In Section 6, numerical results and the comparison of approximate solutions are presented to demonstrate the uniformity of the convergence. Finally, Section 7 is devoted for the conclusions.


2 Properties of the continuous problem

The construction of a layer-adapted mesh as well as the analysis of the method requires information about the behavior of derivatives of the exact solution, where we substitute f(x, y) = r(x)y − g(x) into Eq. (1). To describe the layers at x = 0 and x = 1, the characteristic equation is used as given in Linß and Roos (2004), as follows:

- ε d η ( x ) 2 + ε c p ( x ) η ( x ) + r ( x ) = 0 . It has two real solutions η1(x) < 0 and η2(x) > 0, which characterize the layers at x = 0 and x = 1, respectively. Let: ψ 1 = - max x [ 0 , 1 ] η 1 ( x ) and ψ 2 = min x [ 0 , 1 ] η 2 ( x ) . The situations of the two external layers are characterized by ε c 2 ε d or ε c 2 / ε d 0 as εc → 0, which imply that ψ 1 ψ 2 p ̃ ε d we have the layers similar to the reaction–diffusion case εc = 0. Herein, a priori bounds for the solution and its derivatives are established, as follows:
Lemma 1

For any 0 < d < 1, we have up to a certain order q that it depends on the smoothness of the data

| y k ( x ) | C 1 + ψ 1 k e - d ψ 1 x + ψ 2 k e - d ψ 2 ( 1 - x ) , for 0 k q . For the proof of the above lemma refer to Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008).

Lemma 2

The solution y(x) of Eqs. (1) and (2) has the representation, see (Linß and Roos, 2004)

y ( x ) = u ( x ) + w 0 ( x ) + w 1 ( x ) , where | u ( k ) ( x ) | C for 0 k q , w 0 ( k ) ( x ) C ψ 1 k e - b ψ 1 x for 0 k q , and w 1 ( k ) ( x ) C ψ 2 k e - b ψ 2 ( 1 - x ) for 0 k q .


3 Mesh selection strategy

In this section, for the selection of the mesh for the previously discussed three subintervals; the solution regions are provided. It is known that on an equidistant mesh no scheme can attain convergence at all mesh points uniformly in εc and εd, unless its coefficients have an exponential property. Therefore, unless a specially chosen mesh is used, we cannot obtain a parameter-uniform convergence at all the mesh points. The simple possible non-uniform mesh, namely a piecewise-uniform mesh discussed by Linß and Roos (2004), is sufficient for the construction of a parameter-uniform method. It is fine near layers but coarser otherwise. We do not claim that these piecewise-uniform meshes are optimal in any sense. It is attractive because of its simplicity and adequacy for handling a wide variety of singularly perturbed problems. The Shishkin mesh one should have a priori knowledge about the location and nature of the layers which, applicable only by using. To obtain the discrete counterpart of the two-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problems Eqs. (1) and (2), firstly the considered mesh discretized the domain Ω ¯ = [ 0 , 1 ] into three subintervals: Λ 0 = [ 0 , γ 1 ] , Λ c = [ γ 1 , 1 - γ 2 ] and Λ 1 = [ 1 - γ 2 , 1 ] , where transition parameters are given by γ 1 = min 1 4 , 2 ψ 1 ln n , γ 2 = min 1 4 , 2 ψ 2 ln n , with n to be the number of subdivision points of the interval [0, 1] and we place n/4, n/2 and n/4 mesh points, respectively, in [0, γ1], [γ1, 1 − γ2] and [1 − γ2, 1]. Denote the step sizes in each subinterval by h 1 = 4 γ 1 n , h 2 = 2 ( 1 - γ 1 - γ 2 ) n and h 3 = 4 γ 2 n , respectively. Accordingly the resulting piecewise-uniform Shishkin mesh may be represented by: h ̃ = h 1 = 4 γ 1 n , x i = x i - 1 + h 1 , for i = 1 , 2 , , n / 4 , h 2 = 2 ( 1 - γ 1 - γ 2 ) n , x i = x i - 1 + h 2 , for i = n / 4 + 1 , , 3 n / 4 , h 3 = 4 γ 2 n , x i = x i - 1 + h 3 , for i = 3 n / 4 + 1 , , n .


4 Description of the current method

Consider a uniform mesh Δ with nodal point xi on the interval [0, 1] such that Δ: 0 = x1 < x2 < ⋯ < xn−1  < xn = 1 where

x i = ih and h = 1 n , i = 0 , 1 , 2 , , n . Let y(x) be the exact solution of the problem presented by Eqs. (1) and (2) and Si be an approximation solution to yi = y(xi) obtained by the segment Qi(x) passing through the points (xi, Si) and (xi+1, Si+1). Each mixed Spline segment Qi(x) has the following form, (for more details see (Zahra, 2009, 2011,)):
Q i ( x ) = a i e k ( x - x i ) + b i e - k ( x - x i ) + c i ( x - x i ) + d i i = 0 , 1 , 2 , . , n ,
where ai, bi, ci and di are constants and k is a free parameter.

To obtain the necessary conditions for the coefficients introduced in Eq. (7), the segment values of Q i ( x i ) , Q i ( x i + 1 ) , Q i ( 1 ) ( x i ) and Q i ( 1 ) ( x i + 1 ) should be considered at the common node. Expressions for the four coefficients of (7) can be developed in terms of Si, Si+1, Mi, and Mi+1, by defining:

Q i ( x i ) = S i , Q i ( x i + 1 ) = S i + 1 , Q i ( 2 ) ( x i ) = M i , Q i ( 2 ) ( x i + 1 ) = M i + 1 . Via a straightforward calculation we obtain the following expressions:
a i = h 2 ( M i + 1 - e - θ M i ) 2 θ 2 sinh ( θ ) , b i = h 2 ( e θ M i - M i + 1 ) 2 θ 2 sinh ( θ ) , c i = ( S i + 1 - S i ) h - h ( M i + 1 - M i ) θ 2 and d i = S i - h 2 M i θ 2 ,
where θ = kh and i = 0, 1, 2, …, n.

Using the continuity of the first derivative at the point (xi, Si), where Q i - 1 ( x ) and Q i ( x ) the following relation for i = 1,2, … .,n − 1 is obtained;

( S i + 1 - 2 S i + S i - 1 ) = h 2 ( α M i + 1 + β M i + α M i - 1 ) , where α = ( sinh ( θ ) - θ ) / θ 2 sinh ( θ ) and β = ( 2 θ cosh ( θ ) - 2 sinh ( θ ) ) / θ 2 sinh ( θ ) , when k → 0 that θ → 0 then ( α , β ) = 1 6 ( 1 , 4 ) and the relation defined by Eq. (10) reduces to the following ordinary cubic spline relation:
( S i + 1 - 2 S i + S i - 1 ) = h 2 6 ( M i + 1 + 4 M i + M i - 1 ) ,
at the point xi the proposed singularly perturbed problem may be discretized by:
M i = 1 ε d ε c p i S i ( 1 ) + f i ,
where S i ( 1 ) = S i + 1 - S i - 1 2 h , S i + 1 ( 1 ) = 3 S i + 1 - 4 S i + S i - 1 2 h , S i - 1 ( 1 ) = - S i + 1 + 4 S i - 3 S i - 1 2 h , f i = f ( x i , y i ) and p i = p ( x i ) . Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11), we get the following nonlinear equations;
- ε d ( S i - 1 - 2 S i + S i + 1 ) + ε c h 2 [ D i S i - 1 + E i S i + A i S i + 1 ] = - h 2 ( α f i - 1 + β f i + α f i + 1 ) i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n - 1 .
Eq. (10) gives n − 1 linear algebraic equations in n − 1 unknowns Si, where: A i = - α p i - 1 + β p i + 3 α p i + 1 , D i = - 3 α p i - 1 - β p i + α p i + 1 , E i = 4 α ( - p i + 1 + p i - 1 ) .


5 Convergence analysis

In this section, the convergence analysis of the current method is investigated. The exponential spline solution of Eqs. (1) and (2) is based on the nonlinear equation given by Eq. (13). It can easily be seen that the system given by Eq. (13) gives n − 1 nonlinear algebraic equations in the n − 1 unknowns Si,i = 1, 2, …, n − 1. This can be written in the standard matrix equation as:

N ( S ) = C , where N ( S ) = BS + h 2 B F ( S ) and the matrices B and B ̃ may be written as:
B = ε d B 0 + ε c h 2 B 1 , F = diag ( ( f y ) i ) ,
B 0 = 2 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 - 1 2 ,
B = β α α β α α β α α β ,
B 1 = E 1 A 1 D 2 E 2 A 2 D n - 2 E n - 2 A n - 2 D n - 1 E n - 1 ,
C i = ε d μ 1 - h 2 α f 0 - ε c h 2 D 1 μ 1 , i = 1 , 0 , i = 2 , 3 , , n - 2 ε d μ 2 - h 2 α f n - ε c h 2 D n μ 2 , i = n - 1 . ,
Let | p i | P , | F | F and let N(i,j) be the (i, j)th element of matrix N given by Eq. (14). Thus the row sums of the N satisfy: N i = j n 1 , j = ε d + ε c h 2 ( 2 α + β ) P + h 2 ( 2 α + β ) F ̃ , i = 1 , n - 1 , N i = j n i , j = = h 2 ( 2 α + β ) F , i = 2 , 3 , , n - 2 , for small values of εd and εc then matrix N is irreducible and monotone and it follows that N−1 exists and N−1 ⩾ 0 thus the system in Eq. (14) has a unique solution; see (Henrici, 1962).
Theorem 1

Let y(x) be the solution of Eqs. (1) and (2) and S(x) be the solution the scheme defined on the piecewise-uniform Shishkin mesh. Then

S ( x ) - y ( x ) C ( n - 1 ln n ) 2 , where C is a constant independent of εd and εc.


The estimate is obtained on each subinterval Ωi = [0, 1] separately. Using (Kadalbajoo and Gupta, 2009), the ε-uniform error estimate is

| S ( x ) - y ( x ) | Ch i 2 max Ω i | y ( x ) | . In our analysis, we split the numerical solution S corresponding to the decomposition of the exact solution S = U + W0 + W1. Then from Lemma 1, on Ωi, we get
| S ( x ) - y ( x ) | Ch i 2 max Ω i | y ( x ) | , Ch i 2 1 + ψ 1 2 e - j ψ 1 x + ψ 2 2 e - j ψ 2 ( 1 - x ) , Ch i 2 1 + ψ 1 2 + ψ 2 2 .
Also, using Lemma 2 and Eq. (21) on Ωi, see (Linß and Roos, 2004)
| S ( x ) - y ( x ) | | U + W 0 + W 1 - u - w 0 - w 1 | , | U - u | + | W 0 - w 0 | + | W 1 - w 1 | , Ch i 2 max Ω i | u ( x ) | + 2 max Ω i | w 0 ( x ) | + 2 max Ω i | w 1 ( x ) | , C ( h i 2 + e - j ψ 1 x i + e - j ψ 2 ( 1 - x i ) ) .
  • Case 1

    The argument now depends on whether 2 ln n ψ 1 1 4 and 2 ln n ψ 2 1 4 . In this caseψ1 ⩽ C lnn and ψ2 ⩽ C lnn. Then the result follows at once from Eq. (22) | S ( x ) - y ( x ) | C ( n - 1 ln n ) 2 .

  • Case 2

    When γ 1 = 2 ψ 1 ln n and γ 2 = 2 ψ 2 ln n . Suppose that i satisfies 1 i n 4 and 3 n 4 i n . Then h i = 4 γ 1 n = Cn - 1 ln n ψ 1 and h i = 4 γ 2 n = Cn - 1 ln n ψ 2 respectively. Now from Eq. (22), we get | S ( x ) - y ( x ) | C ( n - 1 ln n ) 2 , if i satisfied n 4 i 3 n 4 . Then γ1 ⩽ xi and xi ⩽ 1 − γ2 or γ2 ⩽  1 − xi and so e - ψ 1 x i e - ψ 1 γ 1 = e - 2 ln n = n - 2 , since γ 1 = 2 ln n ψ 1 . e - ψ 2 ( 1 - x i ) e - ψ 1 γ 2 = e - 2 ln n = n - 2 , since γ 2 = 2 ln n ψ 2 .

Using this in the Eq. (23) gives the required result. □


6 Numerical examples

In this section, we apply our method to the following example and verify experimentally uniform convergence.

Example 1

Consider the singularly perturbed boundary value problem see (Kadalbajoo and Yadaw, 2008);

- ε d y ( 2 ) + ε c y ( 1 ) + y = cos ( π x ) , x ( 0 , 1 ) , y ( 0 ) = 0 , y ( 1 ) = 0 .

The exact solution is given by

y ( x ) = ρ 1 cos ( π x ) + ρ 2 sin ( π x ) + ψ 1 exp ( λ 1 x ) + ψ 2 exp ( - λ 2 ( 1 - x ) ) , where ρ 1 = ε d π 2 + 1 ε c 2 π 2 + ( ε d π 2 + 1 ) 2 , ρ 2 = ε c π ε c 2 π 2 + ( ε d π 2 + 1 ) 2 , ψ 1 = - ρ 1 1 + exp ( - λ 2 ) 1 - exp ( λ 1 - λ 2 ) , ψ 2 = ρ 1 1 + exp ( λ 1 ) 1 - exp ( λ 1 - λ 2 ) , λ 1 = ε c - ε c 2 + 4 ε d 2 ε d , λ 2 = ε c + ε c 2 + 4 ε d 2 ε d .
Example 2

Consider the singularly perturbed boundary value problem see (Lin et al., 2009);

- ε d y ( 2 ) + y ( 1 ) + y = 1 , x ( 0 , 1 ) , y ( 0 ) = 0 , y ( 1 ) = 0 .

The exact solution is given by

y ( x ) = ( e λ 2 - 1 ) e λ 1 x / ( e λ 1 - e λ 2 ) + ( 1 - e λ 1 ) e λ 2 x / ( e λ 1 - e λ 2 ) + 1 , where λ 1 = 1 + 1 + 4 ε d 2 ε d , λ 2 = 1 - 1 + 4 ε d 2 ε d .
Example 3

Consider the semi-linear singularly perturbed boundary value problem see (Lin et al., 2009);

ε d y ( 2 ) + 2 y ( 1 ) = - e y , x ( 0 , 1 ) , y ( 0 ) = 0 , y ( 1 ) = 0 .

The exact solution is given by:

y ( x ) = ( 1 - e - 2 x / ε d ) ln 2 - ln ( x + 1 ) .
Example 4

Consider the one-parameter singularly perturbed boundary value problem see (Rao and Kumar, 2008);

- ε d y ( 2 ) + y = - cos 2 ( π x ) - 2 ε π 2 cos ( 2 π x ) , x ( 0 , 1 ) , y ( 0 ) = 0 , y ( 1 ) = 0 .

The exact solution is given by

y ( x ) = ( e - ( 1 - x ) / ε d ) + e - x / ε d ) 1 + e - 1 / ε d - cos 2 ( π x ) .

The estimated maximum pointwise error using exponential spline method applied to example1 is shown in Table 6. To compute the experimental rates of convergence Ordn for every fixed εc and εd, we use the rate of convergence from: Ord n = ln E n - ln E 2 n ln 2 The numerical results presented in Tables 1–4 clearly indicate that the proposed scheme with uniform mesh is not uniformly convergent for sufficiently small value of εc and εd and the maximal nodal error increases as the number of mesh points increases as in Table 4. To overcome this drawback, we have used a special piecewise uniform mesh known as Shishkin mesh. The numerical results displayed in Tables 5 and 6 clearly indicate that the proposed method based on exponential spline with Shishkin mesh is ε-uniformly convergent. Fig. 1 shows the exact and the approximate solution for various values of εd = 10−2, 10−3, 10−4, 10−5 and for fix εc = 10−6. Also, we note as εddecreases for fixed εc the width of boundary layer decreases and becomes more and more stiff at x = 0 and x = 1, this shows clearly the effect of εd and εcon the boundary layer (see Table 6). Fig. 2 shows the exact and approximate solutions which are taking the same shape and behavior. Also, numerical results generated by the proposed scheme indicate that the maximal nodal errors are smaller than those obtained by Lin et al. (2009), Rao and Kumar (2008), Rao et al. (2010), Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008) and Roos and Uzelac (2003).

Table 1 Comparison of maximum errors for Example 1 with equidistant mesh.
εc εd = 10−2, n = 128 εd = 10−4, n = 128
Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008) Our methods Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008) Our methods
α = 1 12 , β = 10 12 α = 1 24 , β = 22 24 α = 1 12 , β = 10 12 α = 1 24 , β = 22 24
10−3 8.3832-5 9.2993-7 4.1924-5 9.4446-3 1.3294-3 4.7598-3
10−4 8.2686-5 1.1557-7 4.1296-5 9.0436-3 3.6708-4 4.2856-3
10−5 8.2572-5 3.4933-8 4.1232-5 9.0036-3 2.8085-4 4.2295-3
10−6 8.2561-5 2.6878-8 4.1226-5 8.9996-3 2.7232-4 4.2238-3
10−7 8.2559-5 2.6072-8 4.1225-5 8.9992-3 2.7147-4 4.2232-3
Table 2 Comparison of maximum errors of Example 2, with equidistant mesh, n = 128, α = 1/12, β = 10/12, and εc = 1.
x εd = 0.01 εd = 0.0015
Lin et al. (2009) Our method Lin et al. (2009) Our method
1/16 7.3-3 2.8-7 7.4-3 4.6-9
2/16 6.9-3 5.3-7 6.9-3 8.7-9
4/16 6.1-3 9.4-7 6.1-3 1.5-8
6/16 5.4-3 1.2-6 5.4-3 2.0-8
12/16 3.7-3 1.7-6 3.7-3 2.7-8
14/16 3.3-3 7.3-7 3.3-3 2.8-8
Table 3 Comparison of maximum errors for example 3 with equidistant mesh, n = 1024, α = 1/12, β = 10/12, and εc = 1.
x εd = 0.01 εd = 0.0015
Lin et al. (2009) Our method Lin et al. (2009) Our method
100/1024 3.0-3 2.6976-3 1.2-3 3.5060-4
200/1024 2.5-3 2.1497-3 1.1-3 2.9906-4
300/1024 2.1-3 1.6944-3 1.0-3 2.4419-4
400/1024 1.8-3 1.3163-3 9.0-4 1.9313-4
500/1024 1.5-3 1.0014-3 8.0-4 1.4820-4
600/1024 1.3-3 7.3780-4 7.0-4 1.0962-4
700/1024 1.1-3 5.1589-4 7.0-4 7.6771-5
800/1024 9.0-4 3.2785-4 6.0-5 4.8823-5
900/1024 7.0-4 1.6753-4 5.0-4 2.4958-5
1000/1024 5.0-4 3.0047-5 5.0-4 4.4775-6
Table 4 Comparison of maximum errors for Example 4 with equidistant mesh, α = 1/12, β = 10/12, and εc = 1.
n εd = 10−3 εd = 10−4
Rao and Kumar (2008) Our method Rao and Kumar (2008) Our method
64 3.999-4 4.526-5 3.859-3 3.815-3
128 1.002-4 2.848-6 9.937-5 2.716-4
256 2.509-5 1.783-7 2.503-5 1.751-5
512 6.274-6 1.115-8 6.270-6 1.113-6
1024 1.568-6 6.970-10 1.568-6 6.966-8
Table 5 Comparison of maximum errors for example 1 with Shishkin mesh, n = 128, α = 1/12 and β = 10/12.
εc εd = 10−6 εd = 10−10
Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008) Our method Kadalbajoo and Yadaw (2008) Our method
100 6.1243-3 6.5929-3 6.1108-3 6.8146-3
10−1 1.9416-2 6.1326-3 1.9424-2 6.1407-3
10−2 1.8314-2 5.7912-3 1.8500-2 6.4540-3
10−3 1.3075-2 1.4464-3 1.8359-2 2.8582-3
10−4 9.4539-3 1.7624-3 1.8163-2 2.8119-3
10−5 9.0525-3 1.7689-3 1.3076-2 1.2664-3
10−6 9.0124-3 1.7694-3 9.4540-3 7.8644-4
10−7 9.0084-3 1.7695-3 9.0526-3 8.0674-4
10−8 9.0080-3 1.7695-3 9.0125-3 8.0870-4
10−9 9.0079-3 1.7695-3 9.0085-3 8.0889-4
10−10 9.0079-3 1.7695-3 9.0081-3 8.0891-4
10−11 9.0079-3 1.7695-3 9.0080-3 8.0892-4
10−12 9.0079-3 1.7695-3 9.0080-3 8.0892-4
Table 6 Comparison of maximum errors and order of convergence for example 1 with Shishkin mesh, n = 1024, α = 1/12 and β = 10/12.
εc εd = 10−2 εd = 10−4 εd = 10−6
Our method n = 512 Our method n = 1024 Our method n = 512 Our method n = 1024 Our method n = 512 Our method n = 1024
10−1 1.1976-5 2.9941-6 5.3351-4 2.6639-4 1.3240-3 6.4629-4
1.9999 1.0020 1.0346
10−2 6.1615-7 1.5401-7 4.9463-3 3.9897-3 1.1624-3 4.5526-4
2.0003 0.3101 1.3523
10−3 5.6601-8 1.4131-8 6.7619-3 6.2360-3 6.4687-4 4.8213-4
2.0020 0.1168 0.4240
10−4 5.7018-9 1.4064-9 6.6922-3 6.1992-3 4.8827-4 3.1132-4
2.0191 0.1104 0.6493
10−5 6.6095-10 1.4622-10 6.6833-3 6.1933-3 4.7194-4 2.9663-4
2.1764 0.1098 0.6699
10−6 1.5743-10 2.0296-11 6.6824-3 6.1927-3 4.7033-4 2.9520-4
2.9554 0.1098 0.6720
10−7 1.0712-10 7.7557-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7017-4 2.9506-4
3.7878 0.1098
10−8 1.0209-10 6.4920-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7016-4 2.9505-4
3.9750 0.1098 0.6722
10−9 1.0160-10 6.3608-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7015-4 2.9504-4
3.9975 0.1098 0.6722
10−10 1.0154-10 6.3671-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7015-4 2.9504-4
3.9953 0.1098 0.6722
10−11 1.0154-10 6.3508-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7015-4 2.9504-4
3.9953 0.1098 0.6722
10−12 1.0153-10 6.3532-12 6.6823-3 6.1926-3 4.7015-4 2.9504-4
3.9953 0.1098 0.6722
εd = 10−8 εd = 10−10 εd = 10−12
10−1 1.3325-3 6.5505-4 1.3326-3 6.5549-4 1.3267-3 6.5136-4
1.0244 1.0236 1.0263
10−2 1.5181-3 7.4409-4 1.5219-3 7.4713-4 1.5219-3 7.4716-4
1.0287 1.0264 1.0264
10−3 2.9398-4 1.0464-4 4.3265-4 2.0375-4 4.3430-4 2.0500-4
1.4903 1.0864 1.083
10−4 1.3035-4 4.8235-5 2.8760-4 8.8530-5 2.9368-4 9.0505-5
1.4342 1.6998 1.6982
10−5 9.9913-5 3.9352-5 1.3035-4 4.0206-5 2.8793-4 8.8692-5
1.3442 1.6969 1.6988
10−6 9.9090-5 3.8527-5 6.2985-5 1.7731-5 1.3035-4 4.0192-5
1.3629 1.8287 1.6974
10−7 9.9006-5 3.8446-5 6.3354-5 1.7717-5 5.9287-5 1.5575-5
1.3647 1.8383 1.9285
10−8 9.8998-5 3.8438-5 6.3388-5 1.7716-5 5.9771-5 1.5638-5
1.3649 1.8392 1.9344
10−9 9.8997-5 3.8437-5 6.3392-5 1.7716-5 5.9816-5 1.5644-5
1.3649 1.8392 1.9349
10−10 9.8997-5 3.8437-5 6.3392-5 1.7716-5 5.9819-5 1.5645-5
1.3649 1.8392 1.9349
10−11 9.8997-5 3.8437-5 6.3392-5 1.7716-5 5.9820-5 1.5645-5
1.3649 1.8392 1.9349
10−12 9.8997-5 3.8437-5 6.3392-5 1.7716-5 5.9821-5 1.5645-5
1.3649 1.8392 1.9349
Exact and approximate solutions for example1 at different values of εd = 10−2, 10−4, 10−3, 10−5 and for fix εc = 10−6.
Figure 1
Exact and approximate solutions for example1 at different values of εd = 10−2, 10−4, 10−3, 10−5 and for fix εc = 10−6.
Exact and Approximate solutions for example1 at εd = 10−3 and εc = 10−6.
Figure 2
Exact and Approximate solutions for example1 at εd = 10−3 and εc = 10−6.


7 Conclusion

A numerical method is developed to solve two-parameter singularly perturbed semi-Linear boundary value problems given by Eqs. (1) and (2). This method is based on exponential spline with a piecewise uniform Shishkin mesh. The method is shown to be uniformly convergent independent of mesh parameters and perturbation parameters εc and εd. It has been found that the proposed algorithm gives highly accurate numerical results and higher order of convergence than other existing methods.


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