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Numerical comparison for the solutions of anharmonic vibration of fractionally damped nano-sized oscillator
⁎Corresponding author. Tel.: +92 333 151290. (Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Available online 15 July 2010
Peer-review under responsibility of King Saud University.
In this paper, we consider the nonlinear vibrations of nano-sized cantilever. The elastic force is considered anharmonic, deriving from a Morse potential and the nonlinearity is attributed to the Casimir force. The solution is established for viscous and fractional damping by making use of He’s polynomials which are calculated from homotopy perturbation method (HPM). The solution procedure explicitly reveal the complete reliability and simplicity of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, comparison with variational iteration method (VIM) shows that both the techniques are in full agreement with each other.
Nano-sized oscillator
Fractional damping
Homotopy perturbation method
1 Introduction
The mechanical properties of the micro- and nano-devices can be described in terms of classical or quantum mechanics (Cleland, 2003; Draganescu and Capalnasan, 2003; Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010; Ke and Espinosa, 2004; Ghorbani and Nadjfi, 2007; He, 2008a). It is an established fact (Draganescu and Capalnasan, 2003; Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010; Ke and Espinosa, 2004) that mechanical motion of the elements of micro- and nano-devices is examined inconnection with nonlinear forces of quantum nature similar to the Casimir force. Moreover, the anelastic properties of materials are nonlinear in nature (see Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010; Ke and Espinosa, 2004; He, 2008a, and the references therein). The Casimir effect consists in the electrical polarization of two perfectly conducting bodies, the Casimir force taking significant values when the separation between these bodies is reduced to less than 100 nm. On the other hand (Cleland, 2003; Draganescu and Capalnasan, 2003; Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010; Ke and Espinosa, 2004; Ghorbani and Nadjfi, 2007; He, 2008a), it was found that in materials like plastics and nano-wires, the most adequate kind of damping is the fractional damping. Recently, Drăgănescu et al. (2010) used Adomian’s decomposition method for solving the governing problem. It is worthmentiong that Adomian’s scheme is coupled with number of complexities including evaluation of the so-called Adomian’s polynomials. He (2008a,b, 2006, 2005, 2004a,b, 2000) developed the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) by merging the standard homotopy and perturbation. The HPM (Ghorbani and Nadjfi, 2007; He, 2008a,b, 2006, 2005, 2004a,b, 2000; Mohyud-Din, 2009; Mohyud-Din et al., 2009; Mohyud-Din and Noor, 2007; Mohyud-Din and Noor, 2009; Mohyud-Din et al., 2009; Yıldırım, 2009; Yıldırım, 2008; Yıldırım, 2008; Xu, 2007; Abbasbandy, 2007; Abbasbandy, 2007; Abdou and Soliman, 2005; Abdou and Soliman, 2005) has been successfully applied to a wide class of nonlinear problems. In a subsequent work, Ghorbani and Nadjfi (2007) established He’s polynomials which are calculated from homotopy perturbation method (HPM), are compatible with Adomian’s polynomials but are much more user friendly (see Ghorbani and Nadjfi, 2007; Mohyud-Din et al., 2009; Mohyud-Din and Noor, 2007; Mohyud-Din and Noor, 2009; Mohyud-Din et al., 2009 and the references therein). It is to be highlighted that Noor and Mohyud-Din (2008), Mohyud-Din et al. (2010) made the elegant coupling of He’s polynomials and correction functional of variatioanl iteration method (VIM) and introduced one of the most reliable modified version of VIM. It is also explained (Noor and Mohyud-Din, 2008; Mohyud-Din et al., 2010) that this modified version is easier to implement and is very effective to tackle the nonlinear terms. The basic motivation of this paper is the extension of He’s polynomials for solving anharmonic vibration equation of a nano-sized oscillator with fractional damping. The solution procedure explicitly reveal the complete reliablity of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, we have also applied variational iteration method (VIM) on the same problem and it is observed that results obtained by both the techniques are in good agreement with each other.
2 Homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and He’s polynomials
To explain the He’s homotopy perturbation method, we consider a general equation of the type,
3 The nonlinear model
Consider the elastic force acting in case of oscillations of the nano-devices originates in the Morse potential (Draganescu and Capalnasan, 2003; Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010):
4 Fractional derivatives
The fractional derivative was first introduced by Leibniz, and then was studied by mathematicians like Liouville and Riemann. With the aid of Riemann–Liouville definition ([Cleland, 2003; Draganescu and Capalnasan, 2003; Draganescu, 2006; Drăgănescu et al., 2010; Ke and Espinosa, 2004; Ghorbani and Nadjfi, 2007; He, 2008a), the fractional derivative operator
, which is a linear operator, may be written as:
5 Implementation of the method
We will solve Eq. (16) by using He’s polynomials with the initial conditions
Now, we shall apply variational iteration method (VIM) on Eq. (16) using the conditions and . The correction functional (with Lagrange multiplier ) is given by Consequently, we get the same results as (33)–(38). Hence, it is observed that results obtained by He’s polynomials and variational iteration method are in good agreement with each other.
6 Conclusion
In this study, we studied a nonlinear oscillator model with fractional damping and a nonlinearity due to Casimir force and anharmonic elastic force deriving from a Morse potential. The solution of the model was obtained with the aid of He’ polynomials which aare calculated from homotopy perturbation method (HPM). Unlike classical techniques, the homotopy perturbation method leads to an analytical approximate and exact solutions of the nonlinear equations easily and elegantly without transforming the equation or linearizing the problem and with high accuracy, minimal calculation and avoidance of physically unrealistic assumptions. As a numerical tool, the method provide us with numerical solution without discretization of the given equation, and therefore, it is not effected by computation round-off errors and one is not faced with necessity of large computer memory and time. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is independent of the complexities arising in calculating Adomian’s polynomials.
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