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Original article
28 (
); 14-16

A fractional model for dye removal

National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, 199 Ren-Ai Road, Suzhou, China
Nantong Textile Institute, Soochow University, Nantong, China
College of Mathematics and Information Science, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, China

⁎Corresponding author at: National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, 199 Ren-Ai Road, Suzhou, China. Tel.: +86 139 1315 2427. hejihuan@suda.edu.cn (Ji-Huan He), ijnsns@aliyun.com (Ji-Huan He),

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


The adsorption process has a fractional property, and a fractional model is suggested to study a transport model of direct textile industry wastewater. An approximate solution of the concentration is obtained by the variational iteration method.


Fractional calculus
Variational iteration method
Langmuir isotherm
Analytical solution

1 Introduction

Textile industries produce huge amounts of polluted effluents that are normally discharged into surface water bodies and groundwater aquifers (Ardejani et al., 2007; Khaled et al., 2009; Gupta and Suhas, 2009; Sinha et al., 2013; Garaje et al., 2013). These wastewaters cause much damage to the ecological system and quality of the surface water obtained and create a lot of disturbance to groundwater resources (Ardejani et al., 2007).

To model the adsorption process of the direct textile industry wastewater, the following transport equation is normally adopted (Ardejani et al., 2007):

R C t + KS ρ d = 0 where

  • C = equilibrium concentration of the solution.

  • S = quantity of mass sorbed on the solid surface (mg/g).

  • R = the retardation factor.

  • K = delay constant.

  • ρ d  = bulk density of the medium (1/1000 mg/mm3).

  • Langmuir isotherm reveals the relationship between C and S, which reads (Ardejani et al., 2007).

S = Q 0 K L C 1 + K L C

  • Q0 = maximum adsorption capacity.

  • KL= Langmuir constant.

  • KF= partition coefficient indicating adsorption capacity.

Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) together, we obtain the following nonlinear equation

R C t + K ρ d Q 0 K L C 1 + K L C = 0 , C ( 0 ) = C 0

It is pointed out, however, that the adsorption process is of fractional property, and can be modeled by a fractional differential equation (Quiroga et al., 2013a,b).


2 Fractional model for dye removal

According to the fractional statistical theory of adsorption (Quiroga et al., 2013a,b), we can modify Eq. (3) in the form:

R α C t α + K ρ d Q 0 K L C 1 + K L C = 0 where the fractional derivative is defined as (He, 2014)
α C t α = 1 Γ ( n - α ) d n dt n t 0 t ( s - t ) n - α - 1 [ C 0 ( s ) - C ( s ) ] ds
where C 0 ( t ) is a known function.

By the fractional complex transform (Li and He, 2010; He and Li, 2012; Li et al., 2012)

T = t α Γ ( 1 + α ) we can convert Eq. (4) into its differential partner, which reads
R C T + K ρ d Q 0 K L C 1 + K L C = 0

We re-write Eq. (7) in the form

C T + aC + bC C T = 0 , C ( 0 ) = C 0 where a = K ρ d Q 0 K L R b = K L

Using the variational iteration method (He and Wu, 2007; He, 2006, 2012), we can construct the following iteration algorithm:

C n + 1 ( T ) = C n ( T ) - 0 T e a ( s - T ) dC n ( s ) ds + aC n ( s ) + bC n ( s ) dC n ( s ) ds ds or
C n + 1 ( T ) = C 0 ( T ) - b 0 T e a ( s - T ) C n ( s ) dC n ( s ) ds ds

Eq. (9) is called the variational iteration algorithm-I, and Eq. (10) the variational iteration algorithm-II. We begin with

C = C 0 e - β T where

β  = an unknown constant to be determined later.

By the variational iteration algorithm-II, we have

C 1 ( T ) = C 0 e - β T + b β C 0 2 0 t e a ( s - T ) e - 2 β s ds = C 0 e - β T + b β C 0 2 a - 2 β ( e - 2 β T - e - aT )

From Eq. (8), we have an additional initial condition, that is

dC dT ( 0 ) = aC 0 1 + bC 0

Using this relationship, we can identify β in Eq. (12):

C 1 ( 0 ) = - β C 0 + b β C 0 2 a - 2 β ( - 2 β + a ) = aC 0 1 + bC 0

From Eq. (14) β can be solved, which is

β = - ( abC 0 2 - aC 0 + 2 C 0 ) + ( abC 0 2 - aC 0 + 2 aC 0 ) 2 + 8 a 2 C 0 C 0 ( 1 - bC 0 ) 4 C 0 ( 1 - bC 0 )

We, therefore, obtain the following analytical solution:

C ( T ) = C 0 e - β T + b β C 0 2 a - 2 β ( e - 2 β T - e - aT )

Finally we have

C ( t ) = C 0 exp - β t α Γ ( 1 + α ) + b β C 0 2 a - 2 β exp - 2 β t α Γ ( 1 + α ) - exp - at α Γ ( 1 + α ) where a = K ρ d Q 0 K L / R and b = K L .


3 Conclusion

We give a fractional model for dye removal, when the fractional order α = 1 , the fractional model becomes the classic one. The approximate solution reveals that C changes with t α , and decreases approximately exponentially from C 0 at t = 0 to a final value C = 0 when t tends to infinity.


The work is supported by Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD), National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11372205 & 51463021 and Project for Six Kinds of Top Talents in Jiangsu Province under Grant No. ZBZZ-035, Science & Technology Pillar Program of Jiangsu Province under Grant No. BE2013072 and Yunnan province NSF under Grant No. 2011FB090.


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