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A conformable fractional calculus on arbitrary time scales
⁎Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 234370668; fax: +351 234370066. (Delfim F.M. Torres)
Received: ,
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
A conformable time-scale fractional calculus of order is introduced. The basic tools for fractional differentiation and fractional integration are then developed. The Hilger time-scale calculus is obtained as a particular case, by choosing .
Fractional calculus
Conformable operators
Calculus on time scales
1 Introduction
Fractional calculus is nowadays one of the most intensively developing areas of mathematical analysis (Jahanshahi et al., 2015; Machado et al., 2011; Tarasov, 2015), including several definitions of fractional operators like Riemann–Liouville, Caputo, and Grünwald–Letnikov. Operators for fractional differentiation and integration have been used in various fields, such as signal processing, hydraulics of dams, temperature field problem in oil strata, diffusion problems, and waves in liquids and gases (Benkhettou et al., 2015; Boyadjiev and Scherer, 2004; Schneider and Wyss, 1989). Here we introduce the notion of conformable fractional derivative on a time scale . The notion of conformable fractional derivative in is a recent one: it was introduced in Khalil et al. (2014), then developed in Abdeljawad (2015), and is currently under intensive investigations (Batarfi et al., 2015). In all these works, however, only the case is treated, providing a natural extension of the usual derivative. In contrast, here we introduce the conformable natural extension of the time-scale derivative. A time scale is an arbitrary nonempty closed subset of . It serves as a model of time. The calculus on time scales was initiated by Aulbach and Hilger (1990), in order to unify and generalize continuous and discrete analysis (Hilger, 1990, 1997). It has a tremendous potential for applications and has recently received much attention (Agarwal et al., 2002). The reader interested on the subject of time scales is referred to the books (Bohner and Peterson, 2001, 2003).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the conformable fractional derivative for functions defined on arbitrary time scales is introduced, and the respective conformable fractional differential calculus developed. Then, in Section 3, we introduce the notion of conformable fractional integral on time scales (the -fractional integral) and investigate some of its basic properties. We end with Section 4 of conclusion.
2 Conformable fractional differentiation
Let be a time scale, , and . We define the -neighborhood of t as . We begin by introducing a new notion: the conformable fractional derivative of order for functions defined on arbitrary time scales.
Let , and . For , we define to be the number (provided it exists) with the property that, given any , there is a -neighborhood of , such that for all . We call the conformable fractional derivative of f of order at t, and we define the conformable fractional derivative at 0 as .
If , then we obtain from Definition 1 the delta derivative of time scales. The conformable fractional derivative of order zero is defined by the identity operator: .
Along the work, we also use the notation .
The next theorem provides some useful relationships concerning the conformable fractional derivative on time scales introduced in Definition 1.
Let and be a time scale. Assume and let . The following properties hold.
If f is conformal fractional differentiable of order at , then f is continuous at t.
If f is continuous at t and t is right-scattered, then f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at t with
(1) -
If t is right-dense, then f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at t if, and only if, the limit exists as a finite number. In this case,
(2) -
If f is fractional differentiable of order at t, then .
Assume that f is conformable fractional differentiable at t. Then, there exists a neighborhood of t such that for . Therefore, for all and, since t is a right-dense point, Since when , and , it follows the continuity of f at t.
Assume that f is continuous at t and t is right-scattered. By continuity, Hence, given and , there is a neighborhood of t such that for all . It follows that for all . The desired equality (1) follows from Definition 1.
Assume that f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at t and t is right-dense. Let be given. Since f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at t, there is a neighborhood of t such that for all . Because , for all . Therefore, we get the desired result (2). Now, assume that the limit on the right-hand side of (2) exists and is equal to L, and t is right-dense. Then, there exists such that for all . Because t is right-dense, which leads us to the conclusion that f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at t and .
If t is right-dense, i.e., , then and . On the other hand, if t is right-scattered, i.e., , then by (iii)
In a time scale , due to the inherited topology of the real numbers, a function f is always continuous at any isolated point .
Let and . Then and for all . For function we have .
Let and with . In this time scale Here 0 is a right-dense minimum and every other point in is isolated. Now consider the square function f of Example 6. It follows that
Let and . For all we have and . Let . Then for all .
If is defined by for all , then .
If t is right-scattered, then by Theorem 4 (ii) one has . Otherwise, t is right-dense and, by Theorem 4 (iii), . □
If is defined by for all , then
From Theorem 4 (iv), it follows that . If , then and the desired relation is proved. Assume now that , i.e., . In this case t is right-dense and, by Theorem 4 (iii), . Therefore, if , then ; if , then . □
Now, let us consider the two classical cases and .
is conformable fractional differentiable of order
at point
if, and only if, the limit
exists as a finite number. In this case,
Here , so all points are right-dense. The result follows from Theorem 4 (iii). □
The identity (3) corresponds to the conformable derivative introduced in Khalil et al. (2014) and further studied in Abdeljawad (2015).
Let . If , then f is conformable fractional differentiable of order at with
Here and all points are right-scattered. The result follows from Theorem 4 (ii). □
Now we give an example using the time scale , which is a time scale with interesting applications in Biology (Fenchel and Christiansen, 1977).
Let and consider the time scale . Then and Let be continuous and . It follows from Theorem 4 that the conformable fractional derivative of order of a function f defined on is given by
For the conformable fractional derivative on time scales to be useful, we would like to know formulas for the derivatives of sums, products, and quotients of fractional differentiable functions. This is done according to the following theorem.
Assume are conformable fractional differentiable of order . Then,
the sum is conformable fractional differentiable with ;
for any is conformable fractional differentiable with ;
if f and g are continuous, then the product is conformable fractional differentiable with ;
if f is continuous, then is conformable fractional differentiable with valid at all points for which ;
if f and g are continuous, then is conformable fractional differentiable with valid at all points for which .
Let us consider that , and let us assume that f and g are conformable fractional differentiable at .
Let . Then there exist neighborhoods and of t for which and Let . Then for all . Thus, is conformable differentiable at t and .
Let . Then for all s in a neighborhood of t. It follows that Therefore, is conformable fractional differentiable at t and holds at t.
If t is right-dense, then If t is right-scattered, then The other product rule formula follows by interchanging the role of functions f and g.
We use the conformable fractional derivative of a constant (Proposition 9) and property (iii) of Theorem 15 (just proved): from Proposition 9 we know that . Therefore, by (iii)
Since we are assuming .
(v) We use (ii) and (iv) to obtain This concludes the proof. □
Let c be a constant, , and .
If , then .
If and , then .
We prove the first formula by induction. If , then and holds from Propositions 9 and 10 and Theorem 15 (i). Now assume that holds for and let . We use Theorem 15 (iii) to obtain . Hence, by mathematical induction, part (i) holds. (ii) Let . From (iv) of Theorem 15, provided . □
We show some examples of application of Theorem 16.
Let and . Then . Note that if t is right-dense, then . If we choose and , then we obtain the usual derivative: .
Let and . Then . If t is right-dense, then . Moreover, if , then we obtain .
If , then for all .
The chain rule, as we know it from the classical differential calculus, does not hold for the conformable fractional derivative on times scales. This is well illustrated by the following example.
Let , for which and ; and be given by . Then, , while .
We can prove, however, the following result.
Theorem 21 Chain rule
. Assume
is continuous and conformable fractional differentiable of order
, and
is continuously differentiable. Then there exists c in the real interval
Let . First we consider t to be right-scattered. In this case, If , then we get and . Therefore, (4) holds for any c in the real interval . Now assume that . By the mean value theorem we have where . Since is continuous, there is a such that , which gives the desired result. Now let us consider the case when t is right-dense. In this case By the mean value theorem, there exists such that By the continuity of g, we get that . Then . Since t is right-dense, we conclude that , which gives the desired result. □
, for which
. (i) Choose
. Theorem 21 guarantees that we can find a value c in the interval
, such that
To end Section 2, we consider conformable derivatives of higher-order. More precisely, we define the conformable fractional derivative for , where n is some natural number.
Let be a time scale, , and let f be n times delta differentiable at . We define the conformable fractional derivative of f of order as . As before, we also use the notation .
Let , and . Then, by Definition 23, we have . Since and . By Proposition 9 and Theorem 15 (i) and (ii), we obtain that . We conclude from Proposition 10 that .
. The following relation holds:
Let f be a function n times delta-differentiable. For , there exist such that . Using Definition 23, . From the definition of (higher-order) delta derivative and Theorem 4 (ii) and (iii), it follows that . □
3 Fractional integration
Now we introduce the -conformable fractional integral (or -fractional integral) on time scales.
Let be a regulated function. Then the -fractional integral of f, , is defined by .
For Definition 26 reduces to the conformable fractional integral given in Khalil et al. (2014); for Definition 26 reduces to the indefinite integral of time scales (Bohner and Peterson, 2001).
Suppose is a regulated function. Denote the indefinite -fractional integral of f of order , as follows: . Then, for all , we define the Cauchy -fractional integral by .
Let , and . Then .
Let . Then, for any rd-continuous function , there exists a function such that for all . Function is said to be an -antiderivative of f.
The case is proved in Bohner and Peterson (2001). Let . Suppose f is rd-continuous. By Theorem 1.16 of Bohner and Peterson (2003), f is regulated. Then, is conformable fractional differentiable on . Using (6) and Definition 26, we obtain that . □
Let , and be two rd-continuous functions. Then,
if there exist with for all , then ;
if for all , then .
The relations follow from Definitions 26 and 28, analogous properties of the delta-integral, and the properties of Section 2 for the conformable fractional derivative on time scales. □
If is a rd-continuous function and , then
Let f be a rd-continuous function on . Then f is a regulated function. By Definition 28 and Theorem 30, there exist an antiderivative of f satisfying This concludes the proof. □
Let be a time scale, with . If for all , then f is an increasing function on .
Assume exist on and for all . Then, by (i) of Theorem 4, is continuous on and, therefore, by Theorem 31 (vii), for such that . From Definition 28, . □
4 Conclusion
A fractional calculus, that is, a study of differentiation and integration of non-integer order, is here investigated via the recent and powerful calculus on time scales. Our new calculus includes, in a single theory, discrete, continuous, and hybrid fractional calculi. In particular, the new fractional calculus on time scales unifies and generalizes: the Hilger calculus (Bohner and Peterson, 2001; Hilger, 1990), obtained by choosing ; and the conformable fractional calculus (Abdeljawad, 2015; Khalil et al., 2014; Batarfi et al., 2015), obtained by choosing .
This work was carried out while Nadia Benkhettou and Salima Hassani were visiting the Department of Mathematics of University of Aveiro, Portugal, February and March 2015. The hospitality of the host institution and the financial support of Sidi Bel Abbes University, Algeria, are here gratefully acknowledged. Torres was supported by Portuguese funds through CIDMA and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within project UID/MAT/04106/2013. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for constructive comments and suggestions.
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