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The HK-Sobolev space and applications to one-dimensional boundary value problems
⁎Corresponding author. (S. Sánchez-Perales) (S. Sánchez-Perales)
Received: ,
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
In this paper, we introduce the HK-Sobolev space and establish a fundamental theorem of calculus and an integration by parts formula, then we give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to a variational problem associated with a Sturm–Liouville type equation involving Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions as source terms.
Henstock–Kurzweil integral
HK-Sobolev space
Weak derivative
Ordinary differential equations
1 Introduction
By way of introduction, let us begin with the motivation for this work.
A classical variational problem. The Sobolev space is given by
Given , find such that
The space has certain properties that are useful in order to find a solution to variational problems (2): it is a Hilbert, separable and reflexive space.
What happens if f is not of square Lebesgue integrable? In several physical phenomena, highly oscillating or singular functions appear (Condon et al., 2009; Hamed and Cummins, 1991; Hong and Xu, 2001; Samoilov et al., 2005). The Lebesgue integral is not enough for some highly oscillating functions leading to the possibility that the integral on the right side of the Eq. (2) does not exist for this type of functions and so the variational problem (2) would not be well defined. One way to solve this problem is to change the type of integral to be considered, in this work we will use the Henstock–Kurzweil integral. Different authors have studied differential equations involving Henstock–Kurzweil integrable functions. In León-Velasco et al. (2019) the authors use the Finite Element Method (FEM) for finding numerical solutions of elliptic problems with Henstock–Kurzweil integrable functions. They use open quadratures and Lobatto quadratures to approximate numerically the integrals that appear in the FEM. In Liu et al. (2018) are given conditions to establish the existence of a solution to nonlinear second-order differential equations of type subject to the boundary conditions , where the derivatives are in the distributional sense, are regulated functions and g is of bounded variation. In that paper the Henstock–Kurzweil–Stieltjes integral is used to transform the distributional differential equation into an integral equation, then the Leray–Schauder nonlinear alternative theorem is applied for finding a solution. In Sánchez-Perales and Mendoza-Torres (2020) the existence and uniqueness of the Shrödinger equation, a.e. on subject to arbitrary boundary values, is guaranteed for functions Henstock–Kurzweil integrable. Properties of the inverse of the Shrödinger operator are established, then the authors give conditions so that the solution of the differential equation can be expressed as a Fourier type series.
Henstock–Kurzweil–Sobolev space. Around the 1960s, R. Henstock and J. Kurzweil, independently, define a Riemann-type integral, known as Henstock–Kurzweil integral, which is equivalent to Denjoy and Perron integrals. This integral is more general than the Lebesgue integral. In this work we introduce, using the Henstock–Kurzweil integral instead of the Lebesgue integral, a space analogous to , which we will call the Henstock–Kurzweil–Sobolev space and denote it by . Since the product of two Henstock–Kurzweil integrable functions is not necessarily an integrable function, the space is not provided with a natural internal product. Thus we cannot apply classical theorems, such as Lax–Milgram’s, to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of the solution to variational problems such as (2). In this paper, we will use Fredholm’s alternative for compact operators and the properties of the Henstock–Kurzweil–Sobolev space to solve such problems.
2 Preliminaries
The symbol denotes the set of real numbers, stands for the complex numbers and is a closed finite interval. A tagged partition of is a finite collection of non-overlapping intervals such that , and for all . A function is a gauge on if for every . Given a gauge on and a tagged partition of is -fine if
A function is Henstock–Kurzweil integrable (HK-integrable) on if there exists a number I such that for every there exists a gauge on such that for each -fine tagged partition of ,
The number I is called the integral of f over and it is denoted by . The space of Henstock–Kurzweil integrable functions is denoted by . The Alexiewicz semi-norm of a function is defined by
A function is of bounded variation on () ifwhere the supremum is taken over all finite collections of non-overlapping intervals of .
(Talvila, 1999, Lemma 24) If and , then and
(Sargent, 1948, Theorem D) Let be functions such that f is of real values and . Then, if and only if there exists such that a.e. on .
The next Fubini’s Theorem is a direct consequence of Talvila (2002, Lemma 25).
If and , then for any subintervals of , we have
A function is absolutely continuous (respectively, absolutely continuous in the restricted sense) on a set , if for each there exists such that (respectively, ) whenever is a collection of non-overlapping intervals with endpoints in E and such that . The space of absolutely continuous functions on E is denoted by , and the space of absolutely continuous functions in the restricted sense on E is denoted by .
The function F is generalized absolutely continuous in the restricted sense on (), if F is continuous on and there exists a countable collection of subsets of such that and for all . This concept leads to a very strong version of the fundamental theorem of calculus:
[Fundamental theorem of calculus] (Gordon, 1994) Let be functions and let .
If and for all , then and almost everywhere on . In particular, if f is continuous at , then .
if and only if exists almost everywhere on and for all .
[Integration by parts formula] (Sánchez-Perales and Mendoza-Torres, 2020, Corollary 2.4) If and , then and
3 The HK-Sobolev space
In what follows from this document, we have presented the results on the interval without loss of generality, since they can be generalized to any compact interval. Let the space of all functions for which there exists a partition of such that for all ; and exist for all . We set
It is clear that if , then and belong to . The next theorem is proved in a similar way to Hestenes (1966, Lemma 15.2, p. 51) with some modifications.
[Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations] Let with g continuous on the right at . Thenfor every , if and only if,for almost all .
We assume that f and g are HK-integrable on , then the function is differentiable except for a set K of measure zero. Let , choose such that , and define the function
Then and so
Since g is continuous on the right at 0, it follows that
From Bartle (2001, Theorem 12.5),
Thus the right side of (4) tends to as . Therefore, , i.e.
Conversely, suppose thatfor almost all . We set , then and a.e. on , hence by Theorem 2.5,
Let . Iffor every , then a.e on .
Taking in Lemma 3.1, we obtain thatfor almost all . We set , by continuity of F and the zero function, we have that a.e. on .
Let . Iffor every , then there exists a constant C such that a.e on .
Consider the function
Let and define
Then and , hence . Thus by hypothesis and Fubini’s Theorem, we have that
Therefore, by Corollary 3.2, a.e. on .
Let . For a fixed define
Then andfor all .
It is clear that v is continuous. By Fubini’s Theorem it follows that
The HK-Sobolev space is defined to be
For we define the weak derivative of u, denoted by , aswhere g is the function given in Definition 1. Observe, by Corollary 3.2, is well defined. Also, from Theorem 3.4 we have that for every , there exists a continuous function v defined on such that , that is, each HK-integrable function is the weak derivative of a some continuous function.
If a.e on and belongs to , then and .1
Let be functions such that and a.e. on . Then exists a.e on , and by Theorem 2.5,for all . Thereforefor all . Consequently, and . □
As an immediate consequence of the previous proposition, we have that if u is a continuous function on I such that exists except on a countable set, then and .
[Fundamental theorem of calculus] Let . Then there exists a function such thatand
Write . By Theorem 3.4 we havefor all . On the other hand, as , then
Thereforefor all . Consequently by Corollary 3.3, there exists a constant C such that a.e. on . The function is the desired and satisfies the second part of the theorem. □
Every function admits one (and only one) continuous representative on . Therefore . Moreover, and by Proposition 3.5, .
If and there exists such that a.e on , then by Theorem 3.6, , i.e. v has a continuously differentiable representative on . Therefore by Theorem 2.2, for all real valued function .
[Integration by parts formula] If , then and
Also, if and and , then
Let . Then by Remark 2, and . From Sánchez-Perales and Mendoza-Torres (2020, Proposition 2.5), . Thus by Proposition 3.5, and
4 Existence and uniqueness of a solution of a boundary value problem
Define the spacesand
Let and let be real valued functions such that and for all and some . Consider the following problems:
I. Find that satisfies
(7)II. Find that satisfies
(8)for all .
The boundary value problem (I) and the variational problem (II) are equivalent. Indeed, suppose that is a solution of the boundary value problem (I). Multiplying both sides of the differential equation in (7) by and integrating it from 0 to 1, we obtain that
Thereforefor all . Conversely, suppose that satisfies (8) for all . Then,for all . Thus . Since , it follows by Proposition 3.5 and Corollary 3.7 that , consequently . On the other hand, since we have thatfor all . Consequently, from (8),for all . Hence, by Corollary 3.2, a.e. on .
To find a solution to the boundary value problem (I), we demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the variational problem (II). Define B on and on V by
It is clear that and are linear operators and B is a bilinear operator. The variational problem (8) is equivalent to find such that
Affirmation 1. There exists an operator such that for all and .
Define the functionsandwhere . Observe and . Define the operator by
Then A is a linear operator, and for each ,
Affirmation 2. There exists a function for which for all .
Let F be the primitive of f, observe that . Then defined bywhere , satisfies that andfor all .
Therefore, the problem (9) is equivalent to find such thatfor all , orfor all .
Remember that an operator between two normed spaces is compact if and only if for any bounded sequence in X, the sequence contains a converging subsequence. The following is the Arzelá-Ascoli Theorem.
A subset of is relatively compact on if and only if:
(i) is pointwise bounded, i.e. for every ,
(ii) is equicontinuous, i.e. for every there exists such thatfor all with , and for each .
Affirmation 3. The operator is compact, where .
Let be bounded. Then there exists such that for all . Let
We shall use the Arzelá-Ascoli theorem to prove that is relatively compact in with the uniform norm.
(i) First observe that if , then
Let . Then for every ,
(ii) We set . Let , since Q and are continuous on , there exists such that if , thenand
Let be such that . Suppose that . Then
Therefore, by the Arzelá-Ascoli theorem, is relatively compact in with the uniform norm. Now, let be a bounded sequence in , then for the above, there exists a subsequence of and such that uniformly. This implies thatuniformly for all . We set Then and . Therefore, . It is clear that and . ThusTherefore A is a compact operator.
We shall use the Fredholm’s Alternative Theorem:
(Kress, 1989, Theorem 3.4) If is a compact operator on a normed space X. The equation has a unique solution for all if and only if the homogeneous equation has only the trivial solution.
Affirmation 4. Let be the operator defined in (10). If and then the equation has only the trivial solution in .
Let be such that a.e. on . Then hence by Proposition 3.5 . This implies thatfor almost all . Again, by Proposition 3.5,
Denote by the conjugate of u, it is clear that . Then by Corollary 3.7,
Thuswhich implies that a.e. on .
Affirmation 5. If and , then the uniqueness of the variational problem (8) holds.
Suppose that there exist such that satisfy the variational problem (8). Thenfor all . Therefore
Thus in similar way to Affirmation 4, we have that
Therefore a.e. on .
From (11) and (12) it follows that the conclusions of Affirmation 4 and Affirmation 5 are also fulfilled if we assume that the homogeneous problemhas only the trivial solution.
Finally, we present the existence and uniqueness theorem.
Let and let be real valued functions such that and for all and some . If one of the following conditions holds:
(i) and ,
(ii) the homogeneous problemhas only the trivial solution,
The unique solution of the problemwhere and , is given by
In this case .
Authors acknowledge Mexican National Council for Science and Technology, Technological University of the Mixteca, and PRODEP-SEP for the support.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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