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Szász-Beta operators via Hermite Polynomial
⁎Corresponding author at: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, U.P., India. (M. Mursaleen),
Received: ,
Accepted: ,
This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
The aim of present article is to introduce the Szász-Beta operators in terms of Hermite Polynomial. We calculate some estimates and then discuss convergence theorems and order of approximation in terms of Korovkin theorem and first order modulus of smoothness respectively. Next, we study pointwise approximation results in terms of Peetre’s K-functional, second order modulus of smoothness, Lipschitz type space and th order Lipschitz type maximal function. Lastly, weighted approximation results and statistical approximation theorems are proved.
Modulus of smoothness
Szász operator
Hermite Polynomial
Order of approximation
Rate of convergence

1 Introduction and preliminaries
The approximation in operator theory is a significant area of mathematical analysis, emerged in the 19th century and continues to be studied by mathematicians worldwide. Its relevance extends beyond mathematics to various fields, including the basic sciences and engineering. The primary objective of approximation theory is to represent a complex function using simpler functions with more elementary properties, such as differentiability and integrability. It has applications in computational aspects like describing the shapes of geometric objects as well as in applied and pure mathematics, including fixed point theory and numerical analysis. Control nets and control points are used to study parametric surfaces and curves, respectively. The theory has widespread applications in other scientific branches, such as data structures, computer graphics, computer algebra and numerical analysis. In , Weierstrass (1885) gave an elegant result in approximation theory named as Weierstrass approximation theorem. Several renowned mathematicians have worked on providing simpler and more understandable proofs for this theorem.
In order to provide a succinct proof of the Weierstrass approximation theorem using binomial distribution, Bernstein (1913) invented a sequence of polynomials known as Bernstein polynomials in
as follows:
The sequences of operators presented in (1.3) are restricted for continuous function only. Motivated with the above development, we introduce a sequences of positive linear operators to give approximations in bigger class of function, i.e., the space of Lebesgue measurable functions which is named as Szász-Beta operators in view of Hermite Polynomial as:
1.1 Properties
(Whittaker and Watson, 1990) Here we recall some properties of (Beta) function as:
Lemma 1.1 Grazyna, 2016
Let be the sequence of operators presented by (1.3). Then, we have
Let be the sequence of operators given by (1.5) and , . Then, one get
for each .
From the Eq. (1.5), we have Now, for , For , For , Similarly, we may demonstrate the last portion of the Lemma.
Let be the operators given by (1.5) and central moments , . Then, one get for each .
Using the definition of , we get for , it is obvious that Now, we consider for , that is as follows: Further, for , that is as follows: Similarly, we can prove the rest part of this Lemma. □
In subsequent sections, we deal with convergence rate of operators and order of approximation. Fuhrer, direct results are discussed as locally and globally in different spaces. In the last section, A-Statistical approximation results are investigated in several functional spaces.
2 Convergence rate and approximation order
Let be a continuous function defined on non-negative axes. Then the modulus of smoothness is given by
Let be a sequence of operator introduced in Eq. (1.5). Then, for all , on each closed and bounded subset of where represents uniform convergent.
In view of Korovkin type theorem which regard the uniform convergence of the sequence of linear positive operators, it is enough to see that uniformly on every closed and bounded subset of . In the light of Lemma 1.2, this result can easily be proved. □
In view of result given by Shisha and Mond (1968), we can prove the order of convergence in terms of Ditzian–Totik the modulus of continuity.
For and the operators introduced in Eq. (1.5), we have where .
3 Locally approximation results
In this section, we think back to some functional spaces and functional relation as:
: Represent a space of bounded and continuous real valued functions. Now, Peetre’s K-functional is given by
provided with the norm
and Ditzian–Totik modulus of smoothness of second order is given by
We recall a relation from DeVore and Lorentz (1993) page no. 177, Theorem 2.4 as:
For and , one yield where and .
and in view of relation Taylor expansion, we get
Let . Then, there corresponds a non-negative constant such that where is given by in Lemma 3.1.
For and and with the definition of , we get In the light of Lemma 3.1 and inequalities in Eq. (3.3), one get Using Eq. (3.1), we yield the desired result. □
Now, we discuss the next result in Lipschitz type space (Özarslan and Aktuğlu, 2013), which is given as: where , and .
For the sequence of positive linear operators (1.5) and
, one has
For and , we get Since , for all , we yield which implies that Theorem 3.3 works for . Next, we consider for and in view of Hölder’s inequality using and , we have Since , for all , one get Hence, we yield the required result. □
Next, we deal the approximation locally in view of
th order modulus of smoothness then, Lipschitz-type maximal function which is introduced by Lenze (1988) as:
Let and . Then, for all , we have
It is noted that Using Eq. (3.9), one get then by using Hölder’s inequality using and , we have Hence, we completes the proof. □
4 Approximation properties globally
Suppose that
be the weight function. Then,
, here
is a constant based on
denotes space of continuous function in
equipped with the norm
, where
is a constant depending on
. Ditzian–Totik modulus of continuity for the function
defined on the closed interval
is defined by
Let and modulus of smoothness given on . Then, for any , we get where .
For any and , we get Using operator on both sides, we have Next, in view of Lemma 1.3 and , we get Taking , we can easily prove the required result. □
In this paper, we use the test function, which is given by .
Theorem 4.3 Gadjiev, 1974, Gadjiev, 1976
Suppose that the sequence of positive linear operators acting from to satisfies the conditions then, for , we have
Let . Then, we have
In order to prove Theorem 4.4, it is sufficient to check that In the light of Lemma 1.2, it is obvious , here and restrict with , also For a large value of , we get . Also, Which implies that as . Hence, we completes the proof of Theorem 4.4 □
5 A-statistical approximation
In this section, we recall some notations from Gadjiev and Orhan (2007). Suppose that ( ) represents a non-negative infinite summability matrix. Then, a sequence is called to be A-statistically convergent to , that is , if for every
be a sequence with following assertions holds
Consider be a non-negative regular suitability matrix and the sequence with condition (5.1) with , . Then, for each , .
By using Lemma 1.2, we have
Which implies that
, this shows that
. Therefore, we get
Now, we discuss the rate of A-Statistical approximation convergence in view of the Peetre’s K-functional for operators .
Let . Then,
In view of Taylor’s result, we get
. Operating
, both the sides in the above equation, we get
which yields that
Let . Then, where , and .
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduce a sequence of linear positive operators In this paper, we introduce a sequence of linear positive operators in integral form via Hermite Polynomial to approximate the functions which belongs to Lebesgue measurable space named as Szász-Beta type operators defined by (1.5). Further, we calculate the some estimates which are used to prove convergence rate and approximation order. Moreover, the various approximation results, e.g., locally and globally approximation results and A-Statistical approximation are investigated using these sequences of operators to achieve better approximations in several functional spaces.
Declaration of competing interest
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