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Structural mapping of the west central Arabian Shield (Saudi Arabia) using downward continued magnetic data
⁎Corresponding author. (Luan Thanh Pham)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
In this study, we have applied a stable downward continuation technique to magnetic anomalies from the global geomagnetic field model MAG2V3 to improve the resolution of magnetic data of the west central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia. Then, advanced interpretation methods such as the tilt angle of the horizontal gradient (TAHG), horizontal gradient of a modified tilt angle (HGSTDR), and enhanced horizontal gradient (EHGA) have been applied to downward continued magnetic dataset to highlight the main structural features in the region. The observed geologic structures from the magnetic analysis revealed NW-SE, NE-SW, and ENE-WSW orientations in the west central Arabian Shield. The depths of these structures were computed by the analytic signal (AS) technique and the obtained result shows depths varying from 1.2 to 9.2 km. This study provided a new map of the subsurface geological structures for a better understanding of the tectonic evolution of the west central Arabian Shield.
Magnetic interpretation
Subsurface structures
west central Arabian Shield
1 Introduction
Geophysical methods are used as a powerful tool to map geologic structures (Ekinci et al., 2012, 2013, 2015; Duong et al., 2021; Wijanarko et al., 2022; Narayan et al., 2016, 2021, 2022, 2023; Trung et al., 2023; Xayavong et al., 2023). The magnetic data obtained from the global geomagnetic field model MAG2V3 is characterized by low cost and broad coverage compared to other geophysical methods (Nabighian et al., 2005; Hinze et al., 2012). Interpretation of magnetic anomalies provides important information about hidden geological features (Saada et al., 2021a, 2022). The shapes of the magnetic anomalies are intrinsically smoothed with respect to that of their structures. Thus, magnetic data collected from aerial surveys or the ground should be enhanced to improve its spatial resolution. Downward continuation of magnetic data can provide a better resolution of geologic structures due to the enhancement of short wavelength anomalies. However, the downward continuation using the traditional frequency domain technique is unstable and divergent (Tran and Nguyen, 2020). Some authors (e.g., Fedi and Florio, 2002; Pasteka et al., 2012) introduced stable downward continuation methods to solve this issue. Another stable technique based on the Taylor series expansion of anomalies was also introduced by Tran and Nguyen (2020).
Apart from the downward continuation, numerous techniques have been developed for mapping geologic formations by deciphering magnetic anomalies (Pham et al., 2023; Ekwok et al., 2022a, b). These methods are based on gradients of data (Saada et al., 2021b; Prasad et al., 2022a; Pham et al., 2022a, Kamto et al., 2023; Pham and Prasad, 2023). In general, there are two categories of edge detection methods: unbalanced and balanced. The total gradient (Nabighian, 1972), horizontal gradient (Cordell, 1979), high order total gradient (Hsu et al., 1996), and high order horizontal derivative (Fedi and Florio, 2001) are the commonly used unbalanced methods. To detect the boundaries of small and large signals, some normalized methods have been introduced. For example, the tilt angle (Miller and Singh, 1994), theta map (Wijns et al., 2005), normalized statistics (Cooper and Cowan, 2008), and orthogonal Hilbert transforms (Cooper, 2009). Some high-resolution methods have been introduced by others, for example, the tilt derivative of the horizontal gradient (Ferreira et al., 2013), the horizontal gradient of a modified tilt angle (Nasuti et al., 2019), improved theta (Zareie, and Moghadam, 2019), logistic functions (Pham et al., 2019, 2020), enhanced horizontal gradient (Pham et al., 2022b), enhanced total gradient (Prasad et al., 2022a), analytic signals-based detector (Jorge et al., 2023). Eldosouky et al., (2022a), Pham and Prasad (2023) reviewed the effectiveness of the edge estimation techniques in terms of their precision in the determination of the edges of sources on both observed and synthetic data.
The west central part of Saudi Arabia is bounded to the east by Hadan, to the west by the Red Sea, to the south by Mecca, and to the north by Harrat Rahat (Fig. 1). The crustal structures of the west central Arabian Shield have been studied by some researchers using gravity and seismic data (Al-Amri, 1998, 1999; Nyblade et al., 2006; Eldosouky et al., 2021, 2022b; Qaysi et al., 2022). Some other studies in the area were centered on mapping geological structures using magnetic data. AlSaud (2008) used the vertical derivative and tilt derivative to map structures in the area from magnetic data. However, the use of these methods brings false structures, as reported by Eldosouky et al., (2022a, c). Eldosouky et al. (2021) used the enhanced horizontal gradient to map the lithospheric structure of the whole Arabian Shield. Melouah et al. (2023) used the logistic methods and some other techniques to bring a clear map for the structures of the area. Abdelrahman et al. (2023) mapped geothermal anomalies in the area using magnetic data. All these studies used magnetic data instead of downward continued magnetic data that can provide more detailed results.Regional geological map of the west central Arabian Shield overlaid by major tectonic features (after AlSaud, 2008).
In this paper, some advanced interpretation techniques such as the tilt of the horizontal gradient (TAHG), horizontal gradient of a modified tilt (HGSTDR), and enhanced horizontal gradient (EHGA) were applied to interpret downward continued magnetic anomalies in the west central Arabian Shield (Saudi Arabia) instead of directly using magnetic data from the MAG2V3 model like some previous studies. We also estimated the depth of the obtained structures by the analytic signal technique. The use of downward continued magnetic data in this study helped to generate a new structural map with higher resolution.
2 Geological setting
The study region is situated between latitudes 21° and 23° N and longitudes 39° to 41.5° E in the west-central region of Saudi Arabia (Fig. 1). The Ad Damm fault zone dominates the west central region of Saudi Arabia, which divides the region into two contrasting structural domains and runs diagonally across it from northeast to southwest (Fig. 1). The region comprises four main rock units: Cenozoic sedimentary rocks, Neoproterozoic plutonic and metamorphosed volcanic and volcaniclastic formations, Cenozoic flood basalt and shield volcano and Quaternary alluvium (Fig. 1). The southern part of the west-central region of Saudi Arabia exposes the Plutonic rocks of the Asir terrane, comprising biotite, orthogneiss, monzogranite, and hornblende biotite monzogranite to granodiorite orthogneiss, as reported by AlSaud (2008). In contrast, sedimentary rocks are predominantly found in the Jiddah terrane with a scattered distribution. According to AlSaud (2008), the oldest rocks exposed in the research region are basalt, quartzite, quartz-rich schist, marble, and amphibolites. Some lava intrusion structures were recognized in the study region (Moore and AlRehaili, 1989).
3 Data and methods
3.1 Data
The global magnetic model EMAG2v3 (Meyer et al., 2017) was used to extract the magnetic data for the study area. This model has been used by many authors in determining structures in the Earth's crust (Mohamed and Deep, 2021; Eldosouky et al., 2021, Lei et al., 2022; Njeudjang et al., 2023; Abdelrahman et al., 2023, Solano-Acosta et al., 2023). The data having a 2′×2′ resolution is obtained by a combination of data from ship, satellite, and airborne magnetic measurements. The last version of the global magnetic model (i.e., EMAG2v3 version) is a significant update of the previous release of the Earth's magnetic field. Fig. 6a presents the magnetic anomalies of the west central Arabian Shield. The range of anomalies is − 134 to 137 nT and the magnetic map shows dominant E–W and NE–SW anomaly trends. As shown in Fig. 2, the highest peak of 137 nT is observed in the northeastern region, while most negative values are observed in the southern region.Magnetic anomaly map of the study area with major tectonic features. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
3.2 Methods
3.2.1 Downward continuation
Tran and Nguyen (2020) developed a stable technique for downward continuation. According to Fedi and Florio (2002), the downward continued anomaly is given by the Taylor series as the following equation:
is the downward continuation distance, and
are the vertical gradients of orders 1, 2, 3, … , N of magnetic data
, which can be determined from the following equation system (Tran and Nguyen, 2020):
Solving Eq. (3) with n = 10, we obtain
and by substituting these gradients into Eq. (1), the downward continued field can be written as:
3.2.2 Edge determination
The TAHG was presented by Ferreira et al. (2013) to extract the body edges. This detector is known as the arctangent of the ratio between the horizontal gradient derivatives, and is expressed as:
where HG is the horizontal gradient, which is defined by:
The detector uses the peaks to outline the geological boundaries. The tests of Ferreira et al. (2013) pointed out that its sensitivity to depth is low, and it can estimate the edges accurately.
The HGSTDR is presented by Nasuti et al. (2019) to improve the resolution of the source edges. It computes the horizontal gradient of a modified tilt angle to map the body edges, and is expressed as (Nasuti et al., 2019):
where the STDR is defined by:
where k is the absolute field value of the studied site. The peaks of the filter are used to outline the body edges (Nasuti et al., 2019).
The EHGA is another normalized detector that uses the peak locations to highlight the edges of the magnetic structures. The detector is based on the horizontal gradient derivatives, which is expressed as (Pham et al., 2022a):
where p ≥ 2 (Pham et al., 2022a, c). The maximum EHGA locations respond to the geological boundaries.
3.2.3 Depth determination
The AS method (Salem and Ravat, 2003) uses the total gradient and its enhanced version to process gridded data. Salem and Ravat (2003) showed that the top depth
of a contact can be computed as:
where AS is the total gradient that is expressed as (Nabighian, 1972; Roest et al., 1992):
and EAS is the second total gradient, and is written as (Hsu et al., 1996):
4 Results and discussion
Since the global model EMAG2v3 provides magnetic anomalies at an altitude of 4 km above the geoid, the magnetic map (Fig. 2) is smooth. To generate a higher resolution magnetic map for the west central Arabian Shield, the downward continuation method of Tran and Nguyen (2020) has been applied to magnetic data in Fig. 2. The downward continued magnetic map of the study area is displayed in Fig. 3. It is observed from Fig. 3 that the downward continuation is stable, and its result fits well with TMI data. The downward continued magnetic map amplifies the data range (Fig. 3). As it can be seen, the small amplitude anomalies are shown more clearly in the downward continuation map (Fig. 3).4 km downward continued magnetic anomaly map of the study region. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
The magnetic inclination and declination of the west central Arabian Shield are 32.67° and 3.64° respectively. These values are obtained from IGRF using center coordinates of the area. The downward continued data were gotten from the RTP (reduction to pole) map before applying the interpretation techniques since the TMI anomalies are not located exactly over the magnetic structures, which could cause misinterpretation. Using this RTP technique, the anomalous field is symmetric above the centers of the source bodies. Fig. 4 displays RTP magnetic map of the west central Arabian Shield. The result is stable without linear artifacts (Fig. 4), thus, the RTP data can be used to extract the magnetic structures of the area.Magnetic anomaly map of the study region reduced to pole which is described in Fig. 3. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
Fig. 5 presents the results obtained from the TAHG of RTP magnetic anomalies in Fig. 4. The TAHG ranges from − π∕2 to + π∕2 (Fig. 5) where its peaks respond to magnetic structures. Since the TAHG is a normalization filter, it can detect all structural boundaries of strappingly and feebly magnetized bodies. As shown in Fig. 5, the method identified a variety of lineaments with the dominance of the NW-SE, NE–SW and ENE–WSW orientations. Although the method can detect all the edges with different amplitudes, it does not provide sharper anomalies over the source edges (Fig. 5). This limitation is also pointed out by some recent studies (Pham et al., 2020; Prasad et al., 2022b).TAHG of reduced to pole magnetic anomaly which is described in Fig. 4. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
Fig. 6 shows the results determined from applying the HGSTDR to RTP magnetic data in Fig. 4. The HGSTDR transform range is from 0 to 2.5 (Fig. 5) and location of ridge lines is used to delineate to magnetic edges. Since the HGSTDR is the horizontal gradient of a normalized filter (i.e., modified tilt angle), it can balance signals with different amplitudes. One can see that the HGSTDR shows sharper responses over structures than the TAHG. The edges in the HGSTDR map are clearly oriented in the NW-SE, NE–SW and ENE–WSW directions. Although the HGSTDR yields sharpened signals, it tends to link magnetization boundaries. As displayed in the model studies of Pham et al. (2021), the HGSTDR technique allows for accurate mapping of the body edges, but it may produce false information.HGSTDR of reduced to pole magnetic anomaly which is described in Fig. 4. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
The EHGA technique was applied to RTP magnetic anomalies in Fig. 4 to determine the edges of the causative bodies. Fig. 7 shows the results of the EHGA that ranges from − π∕2 to + π∕2. The maxima in the EHGA map can detect the edges which are approximately coincident with faults or any boundary bounding two compartments of different magnetizations. High anomalous zones indicate existence of the magnetic lineaments in the NW-SE, NE–SW and ENE–WSW directions. By comparing the outputs, it is observed that the shapes of the EHGA anomalies are very close to those from the TAHG technique. However, the EHGA technique has been able to bring a clearer depiction of structural edges and lithological contacts in the west central Arabian Shield. The EHGA map presents sharper signals than those from the TAHG map. Unlike the HGSTDR, the EHGA can delineate all structures without any secondary edges, as reported by Ekwok et al., (2022c) and Eldosouky et al., (2022d).EHGA of reduced to pole magnetic anomaly which is described in Fig. 4. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
For further validation of the structures determined by the edge detectors, we applied the AS techniques to RTP magnetic data in Fig. 4 to better describe magnetic structures and identify their depths. In this technique, we only showed the solution over the peaks of the total gradient, which were estimated by the technique of Blakely and Simpson (1986). Fig. 8 displays the source depths from the AS method, while Fig. 9 presents the histogram of these estimates. We can see from these figures, the depths of most of magnetic sources range from 3 to 5.5 km with a mean depth of 4.3 km.AS depth of reduced to pole magnetic anomaly which is described in Fig. 4. The thin lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
Histogram of the depth solutions.
Since the EHGA filter can delineate all the magnetic sources with less ambiguity, it is recommended for geologic structural mapping. The lineaments in the west central Arabian Shield were extracted from the EHGA map are displayed in Fig. 10a. For a comparison, Fig. 10a also presents the depth estimates superimposed on the EHGA lineaments. It can be seen that the determined magnetic edges match with many AS solutions (Fig. 10a). Fig. 10b shows the rose diagram of the lineaments from magnetic interpretation. We can see that a range of lineaments was detected in Fig. 10a with the NW-SE, NE–SW and ENE–WSW orientations predominating (Fig. 10b). One can see that the EHGA method clearly enhanced the magnetization signatures that are not noticeably seen from the magnetic maps in Figs. 2, 3 and 4.(a) Source depth and lineaments (pink lines) of the study area. (b) Rose diagram of magnetic lineaments. The thin black lines are the boundaries of major geological provinces, dark black colored lines are the major faults and the discontinuous lines are the major shear zones.
From tectonic standpoint, the study area is a part of one of the Earth's important megastructures (Robertson, 2004; Eldosouky et al., 2021). Therefore, the delineated edges (Figs. 7 and 10a) were investigated to reveal detailed structural and geophysical maps of the west central Arabian Shield. Close analysis of the generated rose diagram and structural maps indicate that the region is affected by several structural trends that have NW-SE, NE-SW and ENE-WSW orientations. The main NW-SE structural trend is linked to the direction of the Najd-Fault-Sysytem in the Arabian Shield (Dixon et al., 1987; Eldosouky et al., 2021, 2022b; Melouah et al., 2023). This NW-SE trend signifies that pre-Red Sea main fault systems had a powerful effect on the rifting-mechanism that dominates and manages the present deformation (Dixon et al., 1987; Richter et al., 1991). The major NE-SW trend of the west central Arabain Shield is associated with the Samran-fold belt which suggests to have originated in the late-Proterozoic (Camp and Roobol, 1991a, b). The ENE-WSW is of Cretaceous age and is one of the dominant trends affecting the study area. The present findings agree with Eldosouky et al. (2021) but in our present study, it can be mapped giving a more reliable interpretation and presenting the dominant structures in detail. These results could be useful for future investigations in the west central Arabian Shield.
5 Conclusions
Magnetic data from the MAG2V3 model of the west central Arabian Shield have been enhanced using a stable downward continuation technique. Advanced methods including the TAHG, HGSTDR, EHGA and AS have been used to interpret this downward continued magnetic dataset. The obtained results provided a range of lineaments with the NW-SE, NE-SW, and ENE-WSW-oriented trends predominating. The findings also showed that most of depths of magnetic sources range from 3 to 5.5 km with a mean depth of 4.3 km. With the use of these findings, we were able to differentiate the anomalies from geologic structures with varying magnetizations, and generate a new structural map for the studied region. The present findings could be useful for future investigations in the study area.
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and Innovation, “Ministry of Education” in Saudi Arabia for funding this research through project no. (IFKSUOR3-192-6). KNDP thanks the Director, CSIR-NGRI, for his encouragement and permission to submit this work (NGRI/Lib/2023/ Pub-96).
Disclosure statement
No potential competing interest was reported by the authors.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Appendix A
Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Appendix A
Supplementary data
The following are the Supplementary data to this article: