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22 (
); 161-166

Solitary waves solutions of the MRLW equation using quintic B-splines

Community College in Riyadh, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Shebein El-Koom, Egypt
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr-City, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author at: Community College in Riyadh, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia kamal_raslan@yahoo.com (K.R. Raslan)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


In this paper, B-spline finite element method is used to solve the Modified Regularized Long Wave (MRLW) equation. The proposed approach involves a collocation method using quintic B-splines at the knot points as element shape. Time integration of the resulting system of ordinary differential equation is effected using the fourth order Runge–Kutta method, instead of the difference method. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is integrated with respect to time. Three invariants of motion are evaluated to determine the conservation properties of the suggested scheme. The suggested numerical scheme leads to accurate and efficient results. Moreover, interaction two and three solitary waves are studied through computer simulation and the development of the Maxwellian initial condition into solitary waves is also shown.


Collocation method

1 Introduction

Solitary waves are wave packets or pulses, which propagate in nonlinear dispersive media. Due to dynamical balance between the nonlinear and dispersive effects these waves retain a stable waveform. The Regularized Long Wave (RLW) equation of the form:

u t + u x + uu x - δ u xxt = 0 , where δ is a positive constant, was originally introduced to describe the behavior of the undular bore by Peregrine (1966). This equation is very important in physics media since it describes phenomena with weak nonlinearity and dispersion waves, including nonlinear transverse waves in shallow water, ion-acoustic and magneto hydrodynamic waves in plasma and phonon packets in nonlinear crystals. The solutions of this equation are kinds of solitary waves named solitons whose shape is not affected by a collision. RLW equation was solved numerically by various forms of finite element methods (Alexander and Morris, 1979; Gardner and Gardner, 1990; Gardner et al., 1995, 1996; Dag, 2000; Khalifa et al., 1979; Soliman and Raslan, 2001; Dag et al., 2004; Raslan, 2005; Soliman and Hussien, 2005) such as Galerkin method, least square method and collocation method with quadratic B-splines, cubic B-splines and recently septic splines. Indeed, the RLW equation is special case of the Generalized Long Wave (GRLW) equation, which has the form:
u t + u x + μ u p u x - δ u xxt = 0 ,
where μ and δ are positive constants and p is a positive integer. The GRLW equation is studied by authors Zhang (2005) with finite difference method for a Cauchy problem and Kaya and El-Sayed (2003) with adomian decomposition method (ADM). Also, there are other studies on RLW, EWE, and GRLW equations (Ramos, 2007; Lu, 2008; Ramos, 2007; Soliman and Abdou, 2007; Shivamoggi, 2002). In this paper, we consider another special case of the GRLW which is called the Modified Regularized Long Wave (MRLW) equation. This equation was considered by Gardner et al. (1997) using Petrov–Galerkin method with quintic B-splines finite element. Here, a collocation method with quintic B-spline finite elements and uses the fourth order Runge–Kutta method to solve the system of first order ordinary differential equations instead of the finite difference method (Dag, 2000; Khalifa et al., 1979; Soliman and Raslan, 2001; Dag et al., 2004; Raslan, 2005; Soliman and Hussien, 2005; Zhang, 2005; Ramadan et al., 2005; El-Danaf et al., 2005; Hereman et al., 1986) which are accurate and efficient. The interaction of solitary waves and other properties of the MRLW equation are also studied.


2 The Governing equation and direct algebraic method (Gardner et al., 1997; Khalifa et al., 2007a,b; Hereman et al., 1986; Raslan, 2008)

Consider the MRLW equation of the form

u t + u x + 6 u 2 u x - u xxt = 0 , a x b , t 0 , where the subscripts x and t denote differentiation, is considered with the boundary conditions u 0 as x ± . In this work, periodic boundary conditions on the region a x b are assumed in the form:
u ( a , t ) = u ( b , t ) = 0 , u x ( a , t ) = u x ( b , t ) = 0 , u xx ( a , t ) = u xx ( b , t ) = 0 ,
and the initial conditions to be used will be prescribed later. To find the traveling wave solution of Eq. (3), we introduce the wave variable ξ = x - ct , where c represents the arbitrary constant velocity of the wave traveling in the positive direction on the x axis and u ( x , t ) = f ( ξ ) . So Eq. (3) takes the form:
- cf ξ ( ξ ) + f ξ ( ξ ) + 6 f 2 ( ξ ) f ξ ( ξ ) + cf ξ ξ ξ ( ξ ) = 0 .
Integrating Eq. (5) gives
( 1 - c ) f ( ξ ) + 2 ( f ( ξ ) ) 3 + cf ξ ξ ( ξ ) = 0 ,
where the constant of integration equal zero since the solitary wave solution and its derivatives equal zero as ξ ± . The linear equation from (6) has the solution in the form f ( ξ ) = e k ξ , k = ± c - 1 c . We define g ( ξ ) = e k ξ and let f ( ξ ) = n = 1 a n ( g ( ξ ) ) n . From Eq. (5), we get the recursion relation (RR)
( ck 2 n 2 - c + 1 ) a n + 2 m = 2 n - 1 l = 1 m - 1 a n - m a m - l a l = 0 , n 3 ,
where the coefficients, in general, are of the form
a 2 n = 0 , n 1 , a 2 n + 1 = a 1 2 n + 1 2 2 n ( 1 - c ) n , n 0 ,
and then the exact solutions of Eq. (3) take the forms
u ( x , t ) = ( 4 - 4 c ) e c - 1 c ( x - ct ) a 1 4 - 4 c + e 2 c - 1 c ( x - ct ) a 1 2 , u ( x , t ) = ( 4 - 4 c ) e c - 1 c ( x - ct ) a 1 ( 4 c - 4 ) e 2 c - 1 c ( x - ct ) - a 1 2 ,
In Eq. (9) if we choose a 1 = 4 c - 4 then the solitary wave solution of MRLW equation reduces to:
u ( x , t ) = c - 1 sec h c - 1 c ( x - ct ) ,
if we replace c by c + 1 we get the solution, which is the same solitary wave solution of the MRLW equation appears in other papers (Gardner et al., 1997; Khalifa et al., 2007b) .
u ( x , t ) = c sec h c c + 1 ( x - ( c + 1 ) t - x 0 ) .
Hence, this method may not yield the analytical solutions for many PDEs like in interaction solitary and the Maxwellian initial condition. Therefore, the numerical analysis plays a very important role for obtaining the accurate approximate solutions in these cases and that is our objective in this study. Also, Eq. (3) has three invariants as in the form (Gardner et al., 1997; Khalifa et al., 2007b):
I 1 = a b udx , I 2 = a b ( u 2 + u x 2 ) dx , I 3 = a b ( u 4 - u x 2 ) dx ,
we point out that these invariants help us to test the numerical schemes especially for equations with no analytical solution and during the interaction of solitons.


3 Collocation method for solving MRLW equation

In this section, we apply the method with the function B j as quintic B-splines. We consider the approximate solution to the solution u ( x , t ) is given by

u N ( x , t ) = C j ( t ) B j ( x ) , where C j ( t ) are time dependent parameters to be determined at each time level and B j ( x ) are the quintic B-splines given by:
B i ( x ) = 1 h 5 ( x - x i - 3 ) 5 , x i - 3 x x i - 2 , ( x - x i - 3 ) 5 - 6 ( x - x i - 2 ) 5 , x i - 2 x x i - 1 , ( x - x i - 3 ) 5 - 6 ( x - x i - 2 ) 5 + 15 ( x - x i - 1 ) 5 , x i - 1 x x i , ( - x + x i + 3 ) 5 + 6 ( x - x i + 2 ) 5 - 15 ( x - x i + 1 ) 5 , x i x x i + 1 , ( - x + x i + 3 ) 5 + 6 ( x - x i + 2 ) 5 , x i + 1 x x i + 2 , ( - x + x i + 3 ) 5 , x i + 2 x x i + 3 , 0 , otherwise .
Then, the discredited equations for the space derivative are derived as
( B j ( x ) - B j ( x ) ) C ˙ j ( t ) = - 1 + 6 C j ( t ) B j ( x ) 2 C j ( t ) B j ( x ) ,
where x takes the values at the selected collocation knot points for quintic B-spline. The values of B j ( x ) and its first and second derivatives at knots points are given in Table 1.
Table 1 The values of quintic B-spline and its first and second derivatives at the knots points.
x x j - 3 x j - 2 x j - 1 x j x j + 1 x j + 2 x j + 3
B i 0 1 26 66 26 1 0
B i 0 5 / h 50 / h 0 - 50 / h - 5 / h 0
B i 0 20 / h 2 40 / h 2 - 120 / h 2 40 / h 2 20 / h 2 0

From these equations a system of first order ordinary differential equations can be obtained of the form:

A C ˙ ( t ) = F ( C ( t ) ) . Several others studies solved the first order ordinary differential system (16) by using the central difference approximation for C , but in the present studies we solve the system (16) using fourth order Runge–Kutta method.
AK 1 = F ( C n ) , AK 2 = F C n + 1 2 K 1 , AK 3 = F C n + 1 2 K 2 , AK 4 = F C n + K 3 ,
and we solved the last equations and using
C n + 1 = C n + k ( K 1 + 2 K 2 + 2 K 3 + K 4 ) 6 .
where K 1 , K 2 , K 3 and K 4 can be found by solving four systems (17). Once the parameter C has been determined at a specified time we can compute the solution at the required knots the time evolution of the approximate solution u N ( x , t ) is determined from that of the vector C n which is found by repeatedly applying the above procedure once the starting vector C 0 has been computed from the initial condition.


4 Numerical tests and results

In this section we present some numerical tests of our scheme for the solution of MRLW equation for single solitary waves in addition to determining the solution of two and three solitary waves interaction at different time levels. Also to show the development of Maxwellian initial condition into solitary waves. The numerical solution must preserve the conservation laws during propagation.


4.1 Propagation of single solitary waves

To examine the validated and the efficiency of our scheme, we consider two cases in our numerical work, since L -error norm and L 2 -error norm are used to compare our numerical solutions with the exact solution of Eq. (3). Also the quantities I 1 , I 2 and I 3 are evaluated to measure the conservation properties of the collocation scheme, the analytical values of these invariants can be found as (Gardner et al., 1997): I 1 = π c 2 , I 2 = c + 4 c 3 and I 3 = 2 c 2 3 - 4 c 3 . In the first case, we choose the parameters c = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 . The conservation properties and the L 2 -error norm and L -error norms. The analytical values for the invariants are I 1 = 4.44288 , I 2 = 3.29983 and I 3 = 1.41421 are illustrated in Table 2 below. Moreover, Table 3 represents the values of the invariants and error norms of the present method at time 10 against the results of Gardner et al. (1997) and Khalifa et al. (2007b).

Table 2 Invariants and errors for single solitary wave for c = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 , 0 x 100 .
T I1 I2 I3 L2-error norm L-error norm
0 4.442883 3.298731 1.415311 2.855687E−6 2.145767E−6
1 4.442883 3.298723 1.415301 2.257935E−5 1.645088E−5
2 4.442883 3.298712 1.415290 4.273932E−5 2.598763E−5
3 4.442885 3.298702 1.415280 6.246631E−5 3.492832E−5
4 4.442884 3.298692 1.415270 8.416529E−5 4.494190E−5
5 4.442884 3.298681 1.415260 1.078404E−4 5.537271E−5
6 4.442883 3.298672 1.415250 1.334255E−4 6.842613E−5
7 4.442883 3.298661 1.415240 1.620302E−4 8.213520E−5
8 4.442884 3.298652 1.415230 1.931854E−4 9.953976E−5
9 4.442882 3.298642 1.415219 2.265411E−4 1.171231E−4
10 4.442882 3.298630 1.415209 2.632212E−4 1.369715E−4
Table 3 Invariants and errors for single solitary wave for c = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 , 0 x 100 , time = 10.
Method I1 I2 I3 L2 × 103 L × 103
Analytical 4.44288 3.29983 1.41421 0 0
Present 4.44288 3.29863 1.415209 0.26322 0.13697
Gardner et al. (1997) 4.442 3.299 1.413 19.39 9.24
Gardner et al. (1997) 4.440 3.296 1.411 20.3 11.2
Khalifa et al. (2007b) 4.44288 3.29983 1.41420 9.30196 5.43718

Also, Table 3 represents the values of the invariants and errors norms of the present method at time 10 against the recorded results of Gardner et al. (1997) and Khalifa et al. (2007b).

We find that our scheme provides good results than others. The motion of solitary wave using our scheme is plotted at time 10 in Fig. 1.

Single solitary wave with c = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 , 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 100 , T = 10.
Figure 1
Single solitary wave with c = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 , 0 x 100 , T = 10.

In the second case, we choose the parameters c = 0.3 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 then the amplitude is 0.54772. The analytical values of the invariants are I 1 = 3.58197 , I 2 = 1.34508 and I 3 = 0.153723 . The changes of the invariants from the initial variants approach to zero throughout and agree with the analytical values for the three invariants, which indicated that our scheme is satisfactorily conservative. Errors are satisfactorily small, since L 2 -error norm = 1.9193 × 10 - 5 and L -error norm = 8.970499 × 10 - 6 at time 10. The results for the second case are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Invariants and errors for single solitary wave for c = 0.3 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.1 and x 0 = 40 , 0 x 100 .
T I1 I2 I3 L2-error norm L-error norm
1 3.581964 1.344973 0.1538265 2.142769E−06 1.221895E−06
2 3.581966 1.344973 0.1538264 4.352044E−06 2.086163E−06
3 3.581964 1.344973 0.1538264 6.752275E−06 3.129244E−06
4 3.581965 1.344973 0.1538264 8.884196E−06 4.291534E−06
5 3.581964 1.344973 0.1538264 1.087434E−05 5.215406E−06
6 3.581965 1.344973 0.1538264 1.292003E−05 6.198883E−06
7 3.581964 1.344972 0.1538264 1.472382E−05 7.271767E−06
8 3.581964 1.344973 0.1538264 1.632736E−05 7.659197E−06
9 3.581960 1.344972 0.1538264 1.784318E−05 8.493662E−06
10 3.581958 1.344973 0.1538264 1.919314E−05 8.970499E−06


4.2 Interaction of two solitary waves

Interaction of two positive solitary waves is studied using the initial conditions given by the linear sum of two well-separated solitary waves of various amplitudes:

u ( x , 0 ) = A 1 sec h ( p 1 ( x - x 1 ) ) + A 2 sec h ( p 2 ( x - x 2 ) ) , where A i = c i , p i = c i c i + 1 , i = 1 , 2 , x i and c i are arbitrary constants. The analytical values of the conservation laws of this case can be found as I 1 = π c 1 p 1 + π c 2 p 2 , I 2 = 2 c 1 p 1 + 2 c 2 p 2 + 2 p 1 c 1 3 + 2 p 2 c 2 3 and I 3 = 4 c 1 2 3 p 1 + 4 c 2 2 3 p 2 - 2 p 1 c 1 3 - 2 p 2 c 2 3 . In our computational work, we choose c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , x 1 = 25 , x 2 = 55 , δ = 1 , Δ x = 0.2 , Δ t = 0.05 with interval [0, 250], then the amplitudes are in ratio 2:1, where A 1 = 2 A 2 . The analytical values for the invariants of this case are I 1 = 11.467698 , I 2 = 14.629243 and I 3 = 22.880466 and the changes in I1, I2 and I3 as seen in Table 5 are small. Also, Fig. 2 shows the computer plot of the interaction of these solitary waves at different time levels, where the simulation is done to t = 14.
Table 5 Invariants of interaction two solitary waves of MRLW equation c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , x 1 = 25 , x 2 = 55 , [ 0 , 250 ] .
Time I1 I2 I3
1 11.467700 14.617920 22.885030
2 11.467700 14.616560 22.879620
3 11.467700 14.615220 22.874220
4 11.467700 14.613870 22.868820
5 11.467770 14.612520 22.863410
6 11.467620 14.611190 22.858020
7 11.467270 14.609970 22.852570
8 11.466890 14.609760 22.846460
9 11.466490 14.613410 22.839010
10 11.466050 14.608160 22.842790
(a) Interaction two solitary waves with c1 = 4, c2 = 1, x1 = 25, x2 = 55, [0, 250] at times T = 0. (b) Interaction two solitary waves with c1 = 4, c2 = 1, x1 = 25, x2=55, [0, 250] at times T = 14.
Figure 2
(a) Interaction two solitary waves with c1 = 4, c2 = 1, x1 = 25, x2 = 55, [0, 250] at times T = 0. (b) Interaction two solitary waves with c1 = 4, c2 = 1, x1 = 25, x2=55, [0, 250] at times T = 14.


4.3 Interaction of three solitary waves

The interaction of three MRLW solitary waves having different amplitudes and traveling in the same direction is illustrated. We consider the MRLW equation with initial conditions given by the linear sum of three well-separated solitary waves of various amplitudes:

u ( x , 0 ) = A 1 sec h ( p 1 ( x - x 1 ) ) + A 2 sec h ( p 2 ( x - x 2 ) ) + A 3 sec h ( p 3 ( x - x 3 ) ) , where A i = c i , p i = c i c i + 1 , i = 1 , 2 , 3 , x i and c i are arbitrary constants. The analytical values of the conservation laws of this case can be found as: I 1 = π c 1 p 1 + π c 2 p 2 + π c 3 p 3 , I 2 = 2 c 1 p 1 + 2 c 2 p 2 + 2 c 3 p 3 + 2 p 1 c 1 3 + 2 p 2 c 2 3 + 2 p 3 c 3 3 , I 3 = 4 c 1 2 3 p 1 + 4 c 2 2 3 p 2 + 4 c 3 2 3 p 3 - 2 p 1 c 1 3 - 2 p 2 c 2 3 - 2 p 3 c 3 3 . In our computational work, we choose c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 with interval [0, 250], then the amplitudes are in ratio 4:2:1, where A1 = 2A2 = 4A3. The analytical values for the invariants of this case are I1 = 14.9801, I2 = 15.8218 and I3 = 22.9923 and we find from our numerical scheme, that the invariants I1, I2 and I3 for interaction of these solitary waves are sensible constants, comparing with their big amplitudes, the changes are 5 × 10 - 2 , 5 × 10 - 3 and 1 × 10 - 2 percent, respectively, for the computer run and the results are recorded in Table 3. Fig. 3 shows details of interaction of these solitary waves at different time levels, and the simulation is done to t = 10 (see Table 6).
c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 1. (b) c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 5. (c) c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 10.
Figure 3
c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 1. (b) c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 5. (c) c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] , T = 10.
Table 6 Invariants of interaction three solitary waves of MRLW equation c 1 = 4 , c 2 = 1 , c 3 = 0.25 , x 1 = 15 , x 2 = 45 , x 3 = 60 , [ 0 , 250 ] .
Time I1 I2 I3
1 14.980110 15.826100 23.012800
2 14.980090 15.824760 23.007380
3 14.980180 15.823430 23.001970
4 14.979930 15.822100 22.996530
5 14.979550 15.820770 22.991110
6 14.979140 15.819470 22.985690
7 14.978740 15.818400 22.980090
8 14.978040 15.818480 22.973750
9 14.974250 15.822740 22.965790
10 14.930390 15.822500 22.964190


4.4 The Maxwellian initial condition

The fourth numerical test of our scheme is concerned with the generation of a train of solitary waves from Maxwellian initial condition:

u ( x , 0 ) = e - ( x - 40 ) 2 , into a train of solitary waves is examined. In this section, we consider the MRLW equation of the form
u t + u x + 6 u 2 u x - δ u xxt = 0 ,
as it is known, with the Maxwellian Eq. (21), the behavior of the solution depends on the values of δ . For δ δ c , where δ c is some critical value. The Maxwellian does not break up into solutions but exhibits rapidly oscillating wave packets. When δ δ c the mixed type of solutions is found which consists of a leading soliton and an oscillating tail. For δ δ c the Maxwellian breaks up into a number of solitons according to the value of δ . The recorded values of the invariants I1, I2, I3 are given in Table 7. The conservation properties are all good.
Table 7 Computed values I1, I2, I3 for Maxwellian initial condition when h = 0.1, k = 0.1, [0, 100].
δ Time I1 I2 I3
1 2 1.772449 2.506352 −0.3668149
4 1.772446 2.506235 −0.3666974
6 1.772447 2.506171 −0.3666326
8 1.772446 2.506123 −0.3665860
10 1.772444 2.506092 −0.3665553
0.5 2 1.772451 1.879888 0. 2596494
4 1.772446 1.879855 0.2596828
6 1.772449 1.879841 0.2596973
8 1.772450 1.879834 0.2597050
10 1.772449 1.879828 0.2597092
0.1 2 1.772452 1.378607 0.7608777
4 1.772451 1.378577 0.7608364
6 1.772451 1.378546 0.7607937
8 1.772451 1.378515 0.7607529
10 1.772453 1.378483 0.7607117
0.04 2 1.772453 1.302368 0.8343938
4 1.772453 1.300995 0.8320332
6 1.772453 1.299635 0.8296967
8 1.772451 1.298285 0.8273833
10 1.772440 1.296948 0.8250930

By decreasing the value of δ , more solitary waves are obtained. When δ = 0.1 , a single solitary wave is generated for our scheme, when δ = 0.04 a train of two stable solitary waves is generated, and so on. The total number of solitary waves generated for various values of δ are in agreement with the results found in Gardner et al. (1997) and Khalifa et al. (2007b) (Fig. 4).

Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 1 . (b) Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 0.1 . (c) Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 0.04 .
Figure 4
Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 1 . (b) Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 0.1 . (c) Maxwellian initial condition, Δ x = 0.1 , Δ t = 0.1 , [ 0 , 100 ] , δ = 0.04 .


5 Conclusion

A numerical method based on collocation method using quintic B-spline finite elements within the collocation method leads to a system of first order differential equations is solved by fourth order Runge–Kutta method, which shows good conservation. The efficiency of the method is tested on the problems of propagation of single solitary wave, interaction of two and three solitary waves and development of train of solitary waves from Maxwellian initial condition. The three invariants of motion are constant in all the computer simulations described here. The problems presented in this paper suggest that the methods should be considered as one of possible ways of solving these kinds of nonlinear partial differential equations.


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