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Predicting hydraulic conductivity around septic tank systems using soil physico-chemical properties and determination of principal soil factors by multivariate analysis
⁎Corresponding author. (S.A. Ganiyu)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
The knowledge of soil hydraulic conductivity is essential for the study of waste water infiltration rate into the soil subsurface. This study assesses selected soil hydraulic properties of soil around septic tank systems. Twelve soil samples were collected from four different locations within Ido Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. The analyzed parameters were done based on standard procedures. The measured values of soil physico-chemical properties were used to predict Ksat using multiple linear regression analysis. The soil water content, porosity, Organic Carbon, Soil pH, bulk density, soil resistivity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) ranged from 20.6 to 26.2%, 34.3 to 47.2%, 0.11 to 0.37%, 5.8 to 6.2, 1.40 to 1.74 g/cm3, 4.55 to 5.80 O cm and 1.34 to 10.52 mm/hr respectively. The relationship obtained from regression analysis on data (R2 = 86.8) is a new model with empirical linear equation which allows a new relation to estimate Ksat from the selected parameters. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified 3 major factors accounting for 92.7% of the total variation in the soil hydraulic variables. The result of Cluster Analysis (CA) shows groups based on correlation between hydraulic parameters and topographic settings.
Hydraulic conductivity
Soil water content
Bulk density
Septic tank
1 Introduction
Soils are the major sink for both household and industrial wastes released into the environment. Therefore soils may become enriched in various wastes and atmospheric deposition (Ma et al., 2016). An important soil property to study the behaviour of soil water flow is the soil permeability to water. Hydraulic conductivity determination is one of the most important parameters for flow and transport related mechanism in soil (Brouwer and Bugeja, 1979; Jadczyszyn and Niedzwiecki, 2005; Olorunfemi and Fasinmirin, 2011). The knowledge of soil hydraulic conductivity have many valuable applications in ecological monitoring, waste-water infiltration, irrigation, rate of evaporation, water uptake by root, drainage and construction of water storage facilities (Kutilek and Nielsen, 1994; Sarki et al., 2014; Niec and Spychala, 2014; Welsh and Allen, 2014).
The hydraulic conductivity indicates the rate at which water can flow through a material. It determines the potential for the transport of leachate bearing contaminants/wastewater effluents to move through the soil into underlying strata and eventually into nearby groundwater (Kogbara et al., 2014). Hydraulic conductivity depends on soil physical characteristics such as porosity, soil type, bulk density, water content, intrinsic permeability, organic carbon, clay mineralogy, particle size distribution, soil structures and soil texture (Sarki et al., 2014; Olorunfemi and Fasinmirin, 2011; Vereechen et al., 1990; Bouma, 1981; Delgado-Rodriguez et al., 2011). The variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity may be due to occurrence of macropores and soil texture (Hillel, 1982; Vepraskas et al., 1991). The study of soil hydraulic conductivity is important when designing and installing a septic tank system. Septic tank is a means of disposal of household domestic wastes in form of black waste (toilet wastes) and human excrements from the comfort of living area. In waste water infiltration, the amount of water passing through depends greatly on the soil hydraulic conductivity. Central to performance of septic system is the ease of soil permeability. In order to treat waste water effluent properly, soil in the absorption field must be able to move water away from the trenches fast enough to prevent water from rising to the surface. The soil type, percolation rate, depth to impermeable layer and average water table depth are factors needed for consideration when determining the suitability of a particular site for a septic system (Collick et al., 2006). Several published work on determination of soil permeability and its associated physical properties have been well documented (Sarki et al., 2014; Niec and Spychala, 2014; Olorunfemi and Fasinmirin, 2011; Mbagwu, 1983; Salako and Adepelumi, 2016; Shevnin et al., 2006; Dec et al., 2008; Tatiana et al., 2015) while scientists have also analyzed soil properties and associated geochemical components based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Ma et al., 2016; Adhikari et al., 2011; Gergen and Harmanescu, 2012; Satyanarayanan et al., 2016).
Several Scientists have also worked on prediction of soil hydraulic conductivity using both physico-chemical and morphological properties (Wösten et al., 2001; Lilly et al., 2008; Pachepsky et al., 2008; Karahan and Ersahin, 2016). The knowledge of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) can be used to assess the infiltration of wastewater from the trenches into the soil and also to determine the direction of transfer of water from the drainfield area. Thus, there is need to take hydraulic conductivity of soil around septic tank system into consideration among other factors such as hydraulic loading rate, clogging of the infiltrative surface, relationship between soil morphological properties to soil water movement, etc (EPA, 2000). In this research work, an estimation of hydraulic conductivity of soil samples within the vicinity of septic tank systems was studied. The objectives were to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity in relation to waste water infiltration rate to the soil subsurface, develop a new model equation to estimate Ksat from analyzed soil parameters in the laboratory and to apply multivariate statistical techniques to study interrelationship among soil hydraulic parameters.
2 Material and methods
2.1 Description of the study area
The study area lies within the latitudes 7.20oN–7.23° N of the equator and longitude 3.49oE–3.52oE of the Greenwich meridian. Ido Local Government Area is within Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. Ibadan has tropical wet and dry seasons. The wet season starts from April-October with an average temperature of 26.5 °C and relative humidity of 81% (Olorunfemi and Fasinmirin, 2011) while dry season runs from November-March. Ibadan is within the humid tropics with a mean rainfall of 1237 mm (Akintola, 1986). Ibadan falls under Guinea zone with bimodal rainfall patterns (Omotosho and Abiodun, 2007; Ogolo and Adeyemi, 2009; Oguntunde et al., 2012; and Ogungbenro and Morakinyo, 2014). The climate in Ibadan is classified as Aw based on Kȯȯpen-Geiger system (Essenwanger, 2003). This implies a tropical region with dry winter season and a wet summer season. The prevalent wind in Ibadan during wet season is the moist maritime southwest monsoon that blows inland from Atlantic Ocean. The dry season in Ibadan city is controlled by tropical continental air mass from Sahara desert (Oyenuga et al., 2016; and Egbinola and Amobichukwu, 2013). This period is characterized with low relative humidity and high rate of evaporation (Ogolo and Adeyemi, 2009). In Ibadan, the months of January and September are the months of lowest and highest relative humidity (Adeyemi and Aro, 2004; and Audu et al., 2015). The sampling locations are Ajanla-Oluyole, Elebu-Oluyole, Aba-Alamu, Apata/Dogo and Institute of Agricultural Research & Training (IAR&T) premises (Fig. 1) within the metropolis. The geographical data of the sampling locations were presented in Table 1. The study area falls within the Basement Complex Terrain of southwestern Nigeria. The basement complex rock consists of crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks which form a part of the African crystalline shield with rocks belonging to the youngest of the three major provinces of the west African craton (Adetoyinbo et al., 2010). The dominant rock types are quartzites of the meta-sedimentary series and banded gneisses, augen gneisses and migmatites, which constitute the gneiss-miginatite complex. Other minor rock types include pegmatites, quartz, aplites, dolerite dykes, amphibolites and xenoliths (Okunlola et al., 2009). Banded gneiss constitutes over 75% of the rocks in and around Ibadan while the augen gneiss and quartzites share the remaining in equal percentages (Okunlola et al., 2009). The dominant rock type in the study area is migmatite gneiss (as shown in Fig. 1). *USDA = United State Department of AgricultureGeological map showing the rock type that underlies the sampled area and field layout of the sampling points.
Sample code
Elevation (m)
Local classification
USDA classification
7° 2048.7N
3° 5026.6E253
Middle slope
Aquic kanha pludalf
7° 2046.6N
3° 5029.4E190
Lower slope
Dystric Eutru dept
7° 2049.6N
3° 5024.4E175
Upper slope
Typic Kandiu staff
7° 2112.3N
3° 4927.4E173
Upper slope
Typic Kanhaplustalf
7° 2114.5N
3° 4927.4E190
Upper slope
Typic Kanhaplustalf
7° 2111.5N
3° 4924.4E189
Upper slope
Typic Kandiu stalf
7° 2257.1N
3° 4931.8E175
Upper slope
Typic Kandiu Stalf
7° 2257.5N
3° 4931.2E197
Middle slope
Aquic Kanhaplu dalf
7° 2256.2N
3° 4939.8E177
Middle slope
Aquic Kanhaplu dalf
7° 2256.6N
3° 4939.2E193
Upper slope
Typic Kanhaplus stalf
7° 2258.5N
3° 4938.1E188
Middle slope
Aquic Kanhaplu staff
7° 2258.3N
3° 5035.2E152
Middle slope
Typic Kandiu stalf
2.2 Soil sampling and laboratory analysis
Twelve composite soil samples were randomly collected around septic systems at a depth of 0–30 cm with the aid of soil auger and core samplers at four different locations within Ido Local Government area. The locations are Ajanla (S1, S2, S3), Elebu ((S4, S5, S6); Aba-Alamu (S7, S8); Dogo (S9, S10, S11) and IAR&T ((S12). Soil samples were collected at a distance of about 0.5 m–1.0 m from the septic tanks. Soil samples were packed in a well labeled polythene bags and conveyed to soil physics laboratory of the IAR & T for samples preparation and parameters of interest were: soil pH, organic matter, organic carbon, bulk density, porosity, particle size analysis, resistivity, water content and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)
Particle size distribution was determined by modified Boyoucos hydrometer method as described by Gee and Or, (2002) while textural classification was done using the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification system. The determination of bulk density was carried out by gravimetric soil core method as described by Grossman and Reinsch (2002) and the particle density was assumed to be 2.65 g/cm3. The porosity in % was calculated from the bulk density using the equation as described by Hillel, (2004) where
where = bulk density in g/cm3 and .
Soil moisture content was determined using the method of weight loss in accordance with the ASTM D4959-07 standards (ASTM D4959–07, 2007). The soil pH in water of each soil sample was measured via a digital pH meter in accordance with ASTM G51–95 (2012) standards. The soil resistivity was measured using the M.C. miller soil boxes according to the ASTM G57-05 standards (ASTM G57–05, 2005). The dimension of each box and pin spacing was chosen so that soil resistivity is expressed in Ohm cm according to
The organic carbon (OC) was determined using the loss on ignition method (Cambardella et al., 2001).
The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was measured using the constant head permeameter method based on Reynolds and Elrick (2002).
2.2.1 Statistical analysis
The relationship between the dependent variable (Ksat) and the associated parameters (predictors) was evaluated using the multiple Regression Analysis. The significance of the observed correlation coefficient results was analyzed using the factor analysis and Pearson’s correlation method to explain relationship between sample parameters and/or variables. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the multivariate statistical techniques based on data reduction of an original data set while retaining the inherent interdependencies present in the original data set (Satyanarayanan et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2003; and Jianqin et al., 2010). The rotation of the PC was executed by the varimax method with Kaiser normalization. Cluster analysis (CA) is a method of sectioning a group of physical/Sample parameters into classes so that similar properties are in the same class. Samples/variables within a particular cluster are similar to each other but dissimilar from other clusters (Zhang et al., 2014). CA was performed with the aid of Ward’s linkage method and squared Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity between samples and/or parameters (Zhang et al., 2014).
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Physio-chemical analyses
The result of analyzed parameters on collected soil samples within the distance of 0.5–1.0 m to the septic tank systems is presented in Table 2. Four soil samples have sandy loam (SL) texture while the remains eight soil samples belong to sandy clay loam (SCL). This is in agreement with the earlier work by (Olorunfemi and Fasinmirin, 2011) where the predominant soil texture within Ibadan metropolis is SCL. However, the predominant soil type of analyzed soil samples according to USDA soil classification system is Typic Kandiustalf which account for 33.3% of analyzed samples. The bulk density values ranged from 1.40 to 1.74 g/cm3. Samples 5 and 10 with sandy loam textural class has the highest BD value (1.74 g/cm3) This may be due to the same value of least porosity (34.34%). Note: SL = Sandy Loam, WC = Water Content, OC = Organic Carbon, BD = Bulk Density. SCL = Sandy Clay Loam.
Sampling code
Textural class
BD (g/cm3)
Porosity (%)
Resistivity (Ohm cm)
Sample1 = 1.42 g/cm3, Ksat = 10.11 mm/hr, Porosity = 46.4% and WC = 21.02%) and sample 6 (BD = 1.41 g/cm3, Ksat = 10.52 mm/hr, Porosity = 46.8% and WC = 23.41%) have favourable physical condition. e porosity values ranged from 34.3% (with BD = 1.74 g/cm3) and to 47.2% (with BD = 1.40 g/cm3). This result agrees with the range of porosity obtained for tropical sandy soils by Lamotte et al. (1979), Osunbitan et al. (2005) and Lesturgez (2005). The soil water content ranged from 20.6% to 26.2% with a mean water content of 23.2% for all soil samples. The soil resistivity (Ohm-cm) values range from 4.55 to 5.80 Ohm-cm with a mean value of 5.19 Ohm-cm. The lowest soil resistivity was observed in sample 9 while sample 7 has the highest value of soil resistivity. The soil organic carbon (OC) ranged from 0.11 to 0.37%. The soil pH ranged from 5.8 to 6.2 with a mean pH value of 5.9. The saturated hydraulic conductivity values ranged from 1.34 to 10.52 mm/hr. It should be noted that samples 1 and 6 with highest values have the least values of BD out of analyzed SL soil samples. The variability of may be due to different amount of macropores and existence of pore continuity in the soil samples (Iversen et al., 2001; Cameira et al., 2003; and Buczko et al., 2006).
3.2 Interpretation of the regression analysis result
Table 3 shows the result of the Regression analysis to formulate a model (linear equation) for the relationship between the dependent variable (Ksat) and the predictors: bulk density, resistivity, water content (WC), OC and pH. The result reveals that relationship exists at 10% level between Ksat and predictors OC and pH. This is an indication that OC and pH contribute at 10% level to the variation in the Ksat of the soil. The R-square value of 86.8% indicates that the predictors in the model account for 86.8% of the total variation in the Ksat of the soil while F-value 7.878 which is significant at 5% level (P < 0.05) implies the feasibility of the model. The equation modeling the existing relationship between Ksat and the predictors as extracted from the regression table is
where BD = Bulk density, RES = resistivity, WC = water content and OC = organic carbon. ns = Not significant at 10% (p < 0.1) level.
0.435 ns
Bulk density
−1.428 ns
−0.649 ns
water content
−0.718 ns
Organic carbon
The result of regression analysis showed that the lower BD, RES, WC, OC and higher values of pH increases soil hydraulic conductivity. The result in equation showed that only soil pH has positive relationship with the dependent variable ( However, hydraulic conductivity also depends on other properties such as pore size distribution, pore structure and tortuosity (Messing and Jarvis, 1995).
3.3 Result of correlation coefficient, PCA and CA
The degree of a linear association between any two of the analyzed parameters measured by Pearson’s correlation coefficients is presented in Table 4. Factor Analysis and PCA were performed on the normalized data set of 8 physical parameters of soil samples collected within the study area. The rotation of the principal components was converged in five (5) iterations. Table 5 shows the factor loading and eigen values of extracted components while Figs. 2a and 2b show the dendrogram of analyzed soil parameters and soil sampling points respectively. From Table 4, there are very strong positive associations between Ksat and pH (0.767**). Correlation analysis showed a negative relationship between Ksat and OC (−0.647*). Hu et al. (2008) established similar relationship between Ksat and OC content. There is expected negative correlation between porosity and BD at 0.01 level. Soil BD showed negative but not significant relationship with OC (−0.146) and pH (−0.485). The correlation between soil BD and pH is supported by a similar observation by Chaudhari et al. (2013). A very strong negative correlation also exist between water content (WC) and resistivity (−0.998**). The negative correlation between WC and Resistivity is expected because a decrease in soil water content leads to increase in resistivity.
Bulk density
Saturated hydraulic conductivity
water content
Organic carbon
Organic Matter
Bulk density
Saturated hydraulic conductivity
water content
Organic carbon
Bulk density
Saturated hydraulic conductivity
Water content
Organic carbon
Initial eigenvalue
% of variance
Cumulative %
Dendrogram of Analyzed parameters of Soil samples.
Dendrogram of soil sampling locations.
Two principal components were extracted and accounted for 80.7% of the total variation in the original data set. PCI (factor1) accounts for 47.5% of the total variance and characterized by strong positive loading on Ksat, moderate positive loadings on resistivity and pH, with moderate negative loadings on OC and WC. The positive loadings on Ksat, resistivity and pH agrees with correlation coefficient analysis result. Negative loading of resistivity with WC means a decrease in resistivity as WC rises. Similarly, negative loading of BD with porosity means a decrease in BD leads to rise in porosity value. PC 2 accounted for 33.1% of the total variance, showing strong positive loading on porosity and strong negative loading on BD. This agrees with the result of correlation coefficient analysis.
Two clusters were identified on the dendrogram of analyzed soil’s properties (Fig. 2a). Cluster 1 formed by Ksat, pH, porosity and resistivity are completely in accordance with positive loadings on PC1 and correlation coefficient. Cluster 2 comprises WC, OC and BD and correlates very well with negative loadings on PC1. The dendrogram schedule based on soil sampling sites depicts three (3) clusters (Fig. 2b). Cluster 1 comprises S3, S4, S5, S7, S10 and S11, cluster 2 consist of S8, S9 and S12 while cluster 3 comprises S1, S2 and S6. Cluster 1 comprises of samples belonging to the resistivity range of 5.10–5.66 Ohm cm. Cluster 2 contains samples with similar soil texture (SCL) and resistivity range (4.55–4.76 Ohm cm). Cluster 3 comprises of soil samples with similar BD range (1.40–1.42 g/cm3) and porosity range (46.4–47.1%).
These clusters of sampling points were grouped based on soil textural class, bulk density, resistivity and porosity values.
The component loadings of PC 1 and PC 2 are plotted in Fig. 3. There is correlation between the two components defined by FA and the generated plot. The figure showed the variation from positive to negative loading of each principal component. Resistivity is grouped in the positive side of PC1. Porosity, pH, saturated hydraulic conductivity, OC and WC are grouped in the positive side of PC2 while BD is grouped in the negative side of the two PCs.Component loadings for soil parameters data.
4 Conclusions
This study investigated the variability of hydraulic conductivity and the associated physical properties of soil samples within the vicinity of septic tank systems in four different locations in southwestern Nigeria. There is negative correlation between porosity and BD, soil water content and resistivity at 0.01 levels. The modeled linear equation showed that Ksat has inverse relationship with BD, RES, WC, OC and direct correlation with soil pH. PCA on analyzed soil samples identified two principal factors accounting for 80.7% of the total variation in the original data set while cluster analysis sectioning a group of samples/physical parameters based on similar soil physical characteristics and soil textural class.
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