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Optimality conditions for parabolic systems with variable coefficients involving Schrödinger operators
*Tel.: +966 553541240 (A.H. Qamlo)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
Available online 17 May 2013
In this paper, we study the existence of a solution to n × n parabolic systems with variable coefficients involving Schrödinger operators defined on an unbounded domain of Rn. We then discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for these systems.
Parabolic systems
Optimal control
Schrödinger operator
Weight function
Variable coefficients
1 Introduction
Today, optimal control problems of distributed systems, that include partial differential equations have many mechanical and technical sources and a variety of technological and scientific applications.
Indeed, many optimal control problems of elliptic systems involving Schrödinger operators of the distributed type have been studied, as in Serag (2000, 2004) and Serag and Qamlo (2005). Whereas some of these problems had positive weight functions (Serag, 2004; Serag and Qamlo, 2005), others had constant coefficients, e.g., (Serag, 2000).
The necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for 2 × 2 parabolic and hyperbolic systems involving Schrödinger operators have already been discussed in (Bahaa, 2006; Qamlo, 2013).
In addition, optimal control problems for systems involving parabolic and hyperbolic operators with an infinite number of variables have been introduced in (Kotarski et al., 2002; Serag, 2007; Qamlo, 2008, 2009; Bahaa and El-Shatery, 2013).
Furthermore, time-optimal control of infinite order parabolic and hyperbolic systems has been studied in (Kowalewski and Krakowiak, 2008; Kowalewski, 2009).
Here, we discuss the following n × n parabolic systems with variable coefficients involving Schrödinger operators that are defined on an unbounded domain of Rn:
Y and F are column matrices with elements yi and fi, repectively, In addition, Q = Ω × (0,T) with boundary Σ = ∂ Ω × (0,T) and Ω is an unbounded domain of Rn with boundary ∂Ω. and Lq is a n × n diagonal matrix of the Schrödinger operator (−Δ + q), the potential q is a positive function that tends to ∞ at infinity, and A(x) is an n × n matrix of variable coefficients aij(x) (1 ⩽ i,j ⩽ n) that satisfy the following conditions:
there exist r > 1 and k > 0 such that
We first prove the existence and uniqueness of the state for system (1), and we then introduce the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for this system by a set of equations and inequalities.
2 Some facts and results
To prove our theorems, we recall certain results that are introduced in Djellit and Yechoui (1997) regarding the existence of the principal eigenvalue
of the following problem:
For n > 2, if ∃α > 0, β ⩾ 1,α > β, ∃k > 0, c > 0 such that
Furthermore, V(Ω) is a Hilbert space with the inner product and the corresponding norm which is equivalent to .
Now, to study our system (1), we recall the introduced by Serag (2000): with an inner product . We then have the following embeddings: and we introduce the space L2(0,T;V(Ω)) of measurable functions t → f(t) which is defined on the open interval (0,T), as the variable t ∈ (0,T) denotes the time, where T < ∞.
L2(0,T;V(Ω)) is a Hilbert space with the scalar product and the norm .
Analogously, we can define the space ,
with the following scalar product: Then we have the following chain: and by the Cartesian product, we have In addition, we will use the following definition of M-matrices (Bermann and Plemmons, 1979; Serag, 2004).
A nonsingular matrix β = (bij) is an M-matrix if bij < 0 for i ≠ j,bii > 0 and if the principal minors extracted from β are positive.
3 The scalar case
In this section, we consider the scalar case (i.e., a system that consists of one equation):
For f ∈ L2(0,T;V′(Ω)) and y0(x) ∈ V(Ω), there exists a unique solution y ∈ L2(0,T;V(Ω)) for system (7) if .
The continuous bilinear form:
In fact, we have:
Then, from (6):
that is,
The space L2(Q) is the space of controls. For a control u ∈ L2(Q), the state y(u) ∈ L2(0,T;V(Ω)) of the system is given by the solution of the following problem:
The observation equation is given by z(u) = y(u).
For a given zd ∈ L2(Q), the cost function is given by
The control problem is to find u ∈ Uad such that J(u) ⩽ J(v),
where Uad is a closed convex subset of L2(Q).
The cost function (11) can be written as was performed by Lions (1971): where a(v,v) is a continuous coercive bilinear form and L(v) is a continuous linear form on L2(0,T;V(Ω)). Then using the general theory of Lions (1971), there exists a unique optimal control u ∈ Uad such that J(u) = inf J(v) for all v ∈ Uad. Moreover, we have the following proposition that gives the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality: □
4 The case of systems
4.1 Operator equation
In this section, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution to system (1), which can be written as follows:
We introduce the continuous bilinear form π(t;y,φ):(V(Ω))n × (V(Ω))n → R as follows:
If conditions (2) and (3) hold, then the bilinear form (14) is coercive on (V(Ω))n if the matrix:
is the principal eigenvalue for the eigenvalue problem (4) when we replace the function g(x) with aii (x) in (4).
Consider the following variational characterization of
Under hypotheses (2), (3) and (15), for a given f = {f1,f2,…, fn} ∈ (L2(0,T;V′(Ω)))n and yi,0(x) ∈ V(Ω), there exists a unique solution y = {y1,y2,…,yn} ∈ (L2(0,T;V(Ω)))n to system (1).
4.2 The control problem
In this section, using the theory of Lions (1971), we discuss the existence and characterization of the optimal control for system (1).
The space (L2(Q))n is the space of controls. For a control u = {u1,u2,…,un} ∈ (L2(Q))n, the state y(u) = {y1(u),y2(u),…,yn(u)} ∈ (L2(0,T;V(Ω)))n of system (1) is given by the solution of:
The observation equation is given by z(u) = {z1(u),z2(u),…,zn(u)} = y(u) = {y1(u),y2 (u),…,yn(u)}.
For a given zd = {zd1,zd2,…,zdn} in (L2(Q))n, the cost function is given by:
The cost function (19) can be written as in Lions (1971): where a(v,v) is a continuous coercive bilinear form and L(v) is a continuous linear form on (L2(0,T;V(Ω)))n. Then using the general theory of Lions (1971), there exists a unique optimal control u ∈ Uad such that J(u) = inf J(v) for all v ∈ Uad. Moreover, we have the following theorem which gives the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality.
Assume that (2), (3) and (15) hold. If the cost function is given by (19), there exists a unique optimal control u = {u1,u2, … un} ∈ (L2(Q))n such that J(u) ⩽ J(v) ∀v ∈ Uad.
Moreover, this control is characterized by the following equations and inequalities:
The optimal control u = (u1,u2, … un) ∈ (L2(Q))n is characterized by Lions (1971):
which is equivalent to
This inequality can be written as follows:
This result proves Eq. (20).
Now, Eq. (22) can be written as: Using Green’s formula, we obtain: Furthermore, using (18), we have that which proves (21). □
If q = 0 in system (1), we have some existence results for the elliptic operator that were discussed in Serag (1998b).
If q = 0 and n = 2 in system (1), we obtain some results for the elliptic operator that were introduced in Serag (1998a).
If aij(x) = g(x) in system (1), we obtain some existence results for the elliptic operator that were obtained in Serag and Qamlo (2008).
If aij(x) = g(x) and n = 2 in system (1), we obtain some results for the elliptic operator that were obtained in Gali and Serag (1995).
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