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On strict common fixed points of hybrid mappings in 2-metric spaces
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 698503111 (Javid Ali)
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Available online 29 July 2011
In this paper, we introduce an implicit relation with a view to cover several contractive conditions in one go and utilize the same to prove a general common fixed point theorem for two hybrid pairs of occasionally weakly compatible mappings defined on 2-metric spaces. Our results extend, generalize and unify several known common fixed point theorems of the existing literature.
2-Metric spaces
Common fixed point
OWC hybrid pair of mappings
Implicit relation
1 Introduction
The concept of 2-metric spaces was introduced and investigated by Gähler in his papers (Gähler, 1963; Gähler, 1965) which were later developed by many other mathematicians including Gähler himself. Like various other aspects of the theory, a number of authors also studied a multitude of results of metric fixed point theory in the setting of 2-metric spaces. In doing so, the authors are indeed motivated by various concepts already known in respect of metric spaces which enable them to introduce analogous concepts in the frame work of 2-metric spaces. For this kind of work, we refer to Cho et al. (1988), Murthy et al. (1992), Tan et al. (2003), Naidu and Prasad (1986), Abu-Donia and Atia (2007), Pathak et al. (1995) wherein the weak conditions of commutativity such as: compatible mappings, compatible mappings of type (A) and type (P), weakly compatible mappings of type (A) and weakly compatible mappings were lifted to the setting of 2-metric spaces which were subsequently utilized to prove results on common fixed points in 2-metric spaces.
On the other hand, Al-Thagafi and Shahzad (2008) introduced the notion of occasional weak compatibility (in short OWC) as a generalization of weak compatibility. Jungck and Rhoades (2006) utilized this notion of OWC to prove common fixed point theorems in symmetric spaces. In fact, OWC is not a proper generalization of weak compatibility for those pairs of mappings whose set of coincidence points is empty. Imdad et al. (2011) pointed out that OWC is pertinent in respect of nontrivial weak compatible pairs (i.e., pairs with at least one coincidence point). In the same spirit, Pant and Pant (2010) redefined OWC and termed it as conditional commutativity wherein authors assumed that the set of coincidence points is nonempty. Most recently, Doric et al. (2011) proved that OWC and weak compatibility are identical notions in respect of single-valued pairs of mappings whenever point of coincidence is unique. But, the same is not true for pairs of hybrid mappings, i.e., OWC property is weaker than weak compatibility in respect of hybrid pairs of mappings.
2 Preliminaries
A 2-metric space is a set X equipped with a real-valued function d on X3 which satisfies the following conditions:
to each pair of distinct points x, y in X, there exists a point z ∈ X such that d(x, y, z) ≠ 0,
d(x, y, z) = 0 when at least two of x,y,z are equal,
d(x, y, z) = d(x, z, y) = d(y, z, x),
d(x, y, z) ⩽ d(x, y, u) + d(x, u, z) + d(u, y, z) for all x, y, z, u ∈ X.
The function d is called a 2-metric on the set X whereas the pair (X, d) stands for 2-metric space. Geometrically, in respect of a 2-metric d, d(x, y, z) represents the area of a triangle with vertices x, y and z.
It is known (cf. Gähler, 1965; Naidu and Prasad, 1986) that a 2-metric d is a non-negative continuous function in any one of its three arguments but the same need not be continuous in two arguments. A 2-metric d is said to be continuous if it is continuous in all of its arguments. Throughout this paper d stands for a continuous 2-metric.
A sequence {xn} in a 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be convergent to a point x ∈ X (denoted by limn→∞xn = x) if limn→∞d(xn, x, z) = 0 for all z ∈ X.
A sequence {xn} in a 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be Cauchy sequence if limn,m→∞d(xn, xm, z) = 0 for all z ∈ X.
A 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent.
Remark 2.1 Naidu and Prasad, 1986
In general, a convergent sequence in a 2-metric space (X, d) need not be Cauchy, but every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence whenever 2-metric d is continuous on X.
Definition 2.4 Murthy et al., 1992
A pair of self mappings (S, T) of a 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be compatible if limn→∞ d(STxn, TSxn, z) = 0 for all z ∈ X, whenever {xn} is a sequence in X such that limn→∞ Sxn = limn→∞Txn = t for some t ∈ X.
A pair of self mappings (S, T) of a nonempty set X is said to be weakly compatible if Sx = Tx (for some x ∈ X) implies STx = TSx.
Let (X, d) be a 2-metric space. We denote by B(X), the family of bounded subsets of (X, d). For all A, B and C in B(X), let D(A, B, C) and δ(A, B, C) be the functions defined by If A consists of a single point ‘a’, we write δ(A, B, C) = δ(a, B, C). Further, if B and C also consist of single points ‘b’ and ‘c’, respectively, then we write δ(A, B, C) = D(a, b, c) = d(a, b, c).
It follows from the definition that
δ(A, B, C) = 0 if at least two A, B, C are identically equal and singleton,
A sequence {An} of subsets of a 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be convergent to a subset A of X if:
given a ∈ A, there exists {an} in X such that an ∈ An for n = 1, 2, 3, … and limn→∞d(an, a, z) = 0 for each z ∈ X, and
given ∊ > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that An ⊂ A∊ for n > N where A∊ is the union of all open balls with centers in A and radius ∊.
The mappings I : X → X and F : X → B(X) are said to be weakly commuting at x if IFx ∈ B(X) and
If F is a single-valued mapping, then the set IFx becomes singleton. Therefore, δ(IFx, IFx, z) = 0 and condition (2.1) reduces to the condition given by Khan (1984), that is D(FIx, IFx, z) ⩽ D(Ix, Fx, z).
The mappings I : X → X and F : X → B(X) are said to be compatible if limn→∞D(FIxn, IFxn, z) = 0 for all z ∈ X, whenever {xn} is a sequence in X such that limn→∞Ixn = t ∈ A = limn→∞ Fxn for some t ∈ X and A ∈ B(X).
The mappings I : X → X and F : X → B(X) are said to be δ-compatible if limn→∞δ(FIxn, IFxn, z) = 0 for all z ∈ X, whenever {xn} is a sequence in X such that IFxn ∈ B(X), Fxn → {t} and Ixn → t for some t ∈ X.
Let I : X → X and F : X → B(X). A point x ∈ X is said to be a fixed point (strict fixed point) of F if x ∈ Fx (Fx = {x}). Also, a point x ∈ X is said to be a coincidence point (strict coincidence point) of (I, F) if Ix ∈ Fx (Fx = {Ix}).
Definition 2.11 Jungck and Rhoades, 1998
The mappings I : X → X and F : X → B(X) are said to be weakly compatible if they commute at all strict coincidence points, i.e., for each x in X such that Fx = {Ix}, we have FIx = IFx.
Remark 2.3 Jungck and Rhoades, 1998
Any δ-compatible pair (I, F) is weakly compatible but not conversely.
The mappings I : X → X and F : X → B(X) are said to be strict occasionally weakly compatible if the pair commutes at some of it’s strict coincidence points.
Quite recently, Abd El-Monsef et al. (2009) proved the following common fixed point theorem in 2-metric spaces.
If I, J : X → X and F, G : X → B(X) are mappings which satisfy
∪G(X) ⊆ I(X) and ∪F(X) ⊆ J(X),
for all x, y ∈ X and C ∈ B(X), where 0 ⩽ α < 1, a + b < 1, a, b ⩾ 0 and α∣a − b∣ < 1 − (a + b),
I(X) (or J(X)) is complete subspace of (X, d),
both the pairs (F, I) and (G, J) are weakly compatible, then F, G, I and J have a unique common fixed point in X.
There exists considerable literature on hybrid fixed point theorem involving diametral distances in metric spaces (e.g., Abd El-Monsef et al., 2007; Jungck and Rhoades, 1998; Sessa et al., 1986). The purpose of this paper is to prove a general common fixed point theorem for two pairs of OWC hybrid pair of mappings satisfying a newly defined implicit relation. Our results generalize and extend several previously known results of the existing literature.
3 Implicit relations
The study of common fixed point theorems in metric spaces for class of mappings satisfying implicit relations was initiated in Popa (1997, 1999). Following the lines of Imdad et al. (2002), Popa et al. (2010), employed this idea to prove common fixed point theorems in 2-metric spaces. Now, we define the following class of implicit relations.
Let Φ be the set of all continuous functions satisfying the following conditions:
ϕ is nondecreasing in variable t1 and nonincreasing in variables t2 … , t6.
there exists h, k > 0 with hk < 1 such that for u, v ⩾ 0
ϕ(u, v, v, u, u + v,0) ⩽ 0 implies u ⩽ hv,
ϕ(u, v, u, v,0, u + v) ⩽ 0 implies u ⩽ kv.
ϕ(t, t,0,0, t, t) > 0 ∀t > 0.
Define as Setting h = k = α < 1, the requirements of Definition 3.1 are met out.
Define as where c1 > 0, c2, c3 ⩾ 0, c1 + 2c2 < 1 and c1 + c3 < 1.
Choosing , one can easily verify the requirements of Definition 3.1.
Define as where α,β,η > 0, α + β < 1, α + η < 1 and (α + β)(α + η) < 1.
Setting h = α + β < 1, k = α + η < 1 with hk < 1, one can easily check the requirements of Definition 3.1.
Define as where 0 ⩽ α < 1, β + η < 1, β,η ⩾ 0 and α∣β − η∣ < 1 − (β + η). Choosing , with hk < 1 (see Abd El-Monsef et al., 2009, p. 1438), one can easily verify the requirements of Definition 3.1.
Define as where is an upper semi-continuous function such that ψ(t) < t for all t > 0.
Define as where is an upper semi-continuous and increasing function in t2, … , t6 such that ψ(t, t, t,α t,βt) < t for all t > 0 and α,β ⩾ 0 with α + β = 2.
Define as where α ∈ (0,1) and is a Lebesgue integrable function which is summable and for all ∊ > 0.
Define as where α ∈ (0,1) and is a Lebesgue integrable function which is summable and satisfies for all ∊ > 0.
4 Main results
We begin with the following observation.
Let (X, d) be a 2-metric space wherein the mappings I : X → X and F:X → B(X) are strict OWC pair. If I and F have a unique point of strict coincidence {z} = {Ix} = Fx, then z is the unique common fixed point of I and F which also remains a strict fixed point of F.
Since the mappings I and F are strict OWC, there exists a point x ∈ X with {z} = {Ix} = Fx implies that FIx = IFx. Therefore {Iz} = {IIx} = IFx = FIx = Fz = {u} which shows that u is a point of strict coincidence of I and F. Now, in view of the uniqueness of point of coincidence, one infers z = u and henceforth {z} = {Iz} = Fz which shows that z is a common fixed point of I and F. Suppose that v ≠ z is another common fixed point of I and F which is also a strict fixed point for F, then {v} = {Iv} = Fv implies that v is a point of strict coincidence of I and F. Now, due to the uniqueness of point of strict coincidence one gets v = z. This concludes the proof. □
Let (X, d) be a 2-metric space wherein I, J : X → X and F, G : X → B(X) are the mappings which satisfy the inequality
Then u is the unique point of strict coincidence of I and F whereas v is the unique point of strict coincidence of J and G.
Firstly, we show that Ix = Jy. Let on contrary that Ix ≠ Jy, then using (4.1) and (ϕ1), we obtain a contradiction to (ϕ3). Hence Ix = Jy. Thus u = {Ix} = Fx = {Jy} = Gy. Suppose that there is some z ∈ X, z ≠ x with {w} = {Iz} = Fz. Then using (4.1) and (ϕ1), we obtain a contradiction to (ϕ3) provided δ(Iz, Jy, C) = 0. Hence {w} = {Iz} = Fz = {Jy} = Gy, u = {Ix} = Fx, and u is the unique point of strict coincidence of I and F. Similarly, one can show that v is the unique point of strict coincidence of J and G. This completes the proof. □
Let I, J : X → X and F, G : X → B(X) be mappings such that inequality (4.1) holds for all x, y ∈ X and C ∈ B(X) and
If I, J : X → X and F, G : X → B(X) are mappings which satisfy (4.1) and (4.2), then (for every n ∈ N), δ(Yn, Yn+1, Yn+2) = 0.
By using (4.1) and (ϕ1), we can have which implies (due to (ϕb)) δ(Y2n, Y2n+1, Y2n+2) = 0. Similarly, using (ϕa), we can also show that δ(Y2n+1, Y2n+2, Y2n+3) = 0. Thus, in all, δ(Yn, Yn+1, Yn+2) = 0. □
Lemma 4.2 Abd El-Monsef et al., 2007
If {An} and {Bn} are sequences in B(X) converging to A and B respectively, then δ(An, Bn, C) converges to δ(A, B, C) for every C ∈ B(X).
Let I, J : X → X and F, G : X → B(X) be the mappings such that (4.1) and (4.2) hold (for all x, y ∈ X and for all C ∈ B(X)). If I(X) (or J(X)) is a complete subspace of X, then
I and F have a strict coincidence point,
J and G have a strict coincidence point.
Owing to (4.1), (4.2), (4.3) and (ϕ1), we can write
Since δ(Y2n−1, Y2n+1, C) ⩽ δ(Y2n−1, Y2n, C) + δ(Y2n, Y2n+1, C) + δ(Y2n−1, Y2n+1, Y2n) and δ(Y2n−1, Y2n+1, Y2n) = 0 (due to Lemma 4.1), therefore
(due to (ϕa)) gives rise
For all C ∈ B(X) and m > n, we have (by Lemma 4.1) which on letting n, m → ∞ gives rise that limδ(Yn, Ym, C) = 0.
Suppose that J(X) is complete and Jx2n+1 ∈ Fx2n = Y2n, for n = 0,1, 2, … , we can have which implies that limd(Jx2m+1, Jx2n+1, C) = 0. Hence {Jx2n+1} is a Cauchy sequence and is also convergent to a limit p ∈ J(X), hence p = Jv for some v ∈ X. But Ix2n ∈ Gx2n−1 = Y2n−1, so that we obtain Consequently, lim Ix2n = p. Moreover, we obtain Since δ(Fx2n, Ix2n, C) ⩽ δ(Y2n, Y2n−1, C) implies limδ(Fx2n, Ix2n, C) = 0, therefore limδ(Fx2n, p, C) = 0. Similarly, we can have limδ(Gx2n−1, p, C) = 0. Using the inequality (4.1), we obtain Since δ(Jx2n+1, Gv, C) ⩽ δ(Fx2n, Gv, C), then by (ϕ1), we have Letting n → ∞, we obtain which implies by (ϕa) that δ(p, Gv, C) = 0, i.e., Gv = {p}. Therefore, Gv = {Jv} = {p} and v is a strict coincidence point of J and G.
Since G(X) ⊂ I(X), there exists u ∈ X such that {Iu} = Gv = {Jv}. By (4.1) and (ϕ1) we obtain By (ϕb), we obtain (Fu, p, C) = 0 which implies Fu = {p}. Hence u is a strict coincidence point of I and F. Therefore, {p} = {Iu} = Fu = {Jv} = Gv.
In view of Theorem 4.2, {p} = {Iu} = Fu is the unique point of strict coincidence of I and F. Similarly, {p} = {Jv} = Gv is the unique point of strict coincidence of J and G. Since (I, F) and (J, G) are strict OWC and p is a unique point of coincidence, then by Theorem 4.1, p is the unique common fixed point of I, J, F and G which is a strict common fixed point for F and G. In case I(X) is complete, the proof is similar. This completes the proof. □
The conclusions of Theorem 4.3 remain valid if inequality (4.1) is replaced by any one of the following contraction conditions: where c1 > 0, c2, c3 ⩾ 0, c1 + 2c2 < 1 and c1 + c3 < 1. where α,β,η > 0,α + β < 1,α + η > 1 and (α + β)(α + η) < 1. where 0 ⩽ α < 1,β,η ⩾ 0,β + η < 1 and α∣β − η∣ < 1 − (β + η). where is an upper semi-continuous function such that ψ(t) < t for all t > 0. where is an upper semi-continuous function such that ψ(t, t, t,αt,βt) < t for all t > 0 and α,β ⩾ 0 with α + β = 2. where α ∈ (0,1) and is a Lebesgue integrable function which is summable and satisfies for all ∊ > 0. where α ∈ (0,1) and is a Lebesgue integrable function which is summable and satisfies for all ∊ > 0.
In view of Theorem 4.3 with inequality (a4), we obtain a generalization of Theorem 2.1 besides some relevant results contained in Abd El-Monsef et al. (2007). Using inequalities (a1–a3) and (a5–a8) together with Theorem 4.3, we obtain generalization and extension of relevant results from Jungck and Rhoades (1998), Khan (1984), Naidu and Prasad (1986), Popa et al. (2010), Sessa et al. (1986) and also obtain some new results.
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