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30 (
); 479-482

On s-weakly gw-closed sets in w-spaces

Department of Mathematics, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 24341 Republic of Korea
This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


The purpose of this note is to introduce the notion of s-weakly gw-closed set in w-spaces and to study its some basic properties. In particular, the relationships among wg-closed sets, w-semi-closed sets and s-weakly g-closed sets are investigated.


Weakly gw-closed
s-weakly gw-closed

1 Introduction

In (Siwiec, 1974), the author introduced the notions of weak neighborhoods and weak base in a topological space. We introduced the weak neighborhood systems defined by using the notion of weak neighborhoods in (Min, 2008). The weak neighborhood system induces a weak neighborhood space which is independent of neighborhood spaces (Kent and Min, 2002) and general topological spaces (Csázár, 2002). The notions of weak structure and w-space were investigated in (Kim and Min, 2015). In fact, the set of all g-closed subsets (Levine, 1970) in a topological space is a kind of weak structure. We introduced the notion of gw-closed set in (Min and Kim, 2016a) and some its basic properties. In (Min, 2017), we introduced and studied the notion of weakly gw-closed sets for the sake of extending the notion of gw-closed sets in w-spaces. The purpose of this note is to extend the notion of gw-closed sets in w-spaces in a different way than the notion of weakly gw-closed sets. So, we introduce the new notion of s-weakly gw-closed sets in weak spaces, and investigate its properties. In particular, the relationships among weakly wg-closed sets, w-semi-closed sets and s-weakly g-closed sets are investigated.


2 Preliminaries

Let S be a subset of a topological space X. The closure (resp., interior) of S will be denoted by clS (resp., intS). A subset S of X is called a pre-open (Mashhour et al., 1982) (resp., α -open (Njastad, 1964), semi-open (Levine, 1963)) set if S int ( cl ( S ) ) (resp., S int ( cl ( int ( S ) ) ) , S cl ( int ( S ) ) ) . The complement of a pre-open (resp., α -open, semi-open) set is called a pre-closed (resp., α -closed, semi-closed) set. The family of all pre-open (resp., α -open, semi-open) sets in X will be denoted by PO ( X ) (resp., α ( X ) , SO ( X ) ). The δ -interior of a subset A of X is the union of all regular open sets of X contained in A and it is denoted by δ - int ( A ) (Velicko, 1968). A subset A is called δ - open if A = δ - int ( A ) . The complement of a δ - openset is called δ - closed . The δ - closure of a set A in a space ( X , τ ) is defined by { x X : A int ( cl ( B ) ) , B τ and x B } and it is denoted by δ - cl ( A ) . A subset A of a space ( X , δ ) is said a - open (Ekici, 2008) if A int ( cl ( δ - int ( A ) ) ) and a - closed if A cl ( int ( δ - cl ( A ) ) ) . And A is said ω -open (Ekici and Jafari, 2010) if for every x V , there exists an open subset U X containing x such that U - δ - int ( A ) is countable. The family of all a-open (resp., ω -open) sets in X will be denoted by aO ( X ) (resp., ω O ( X ) ).

A subset A of a topological space ( X , τ ) is said to be:

  1. g-closed (Levine, 1970) if cl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is open in X;

  2. gp-closed (Noiri et al., 1998) if pcl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is open in X;

  3. gs-closed (Arya and Nori, 1990) if scl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is open in X;

  4. g α -closed (Maki et al., 1994) if τ α cl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is α -open in X where τ α = α ( X ) ;

And the complement of a g-closed (resp., gp-closed, gs-closed, g α -closed) set is called a g-open (resp., gp-open, gs-open, g α -open) set. The family of all g-open (resp., gp-open sets, gs-open, g α -open) sets in X will be denoted by GO ( X ) (resp., GPO ( X ) , GSO ( X ) , G α O ( X ) ).

Let X be a nonempty set. A subfamily w X of the power set P ( X ) is called a weak structure (Kim and Min, 2015) on X if it satisfies the following:

  • w X and X w X .

  • For U 1 , U 2 w X , U 1 U 2 w X .

Then the pair ( X , w X ) is called a w-space on X. Then V w X is called a w-open set and the complement of a w-open set is a w-closed set.

Then the family τ , α ( X ) , GO ( X ) , aO ( X ) , ω O ( X ) and g α O ( X ) are all weak structures on X. But PO ( X ) , SO ( X ) , GPO ( X ) and GSO ( X ) are not weak structures on X.

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. For a subset A of X, the w-closure of A and the w-interior (Kim and Min, 2015) of A are defined as follows:

  • wC ( A ) = { F : A F , X - F w X } .

  • wI ( A ) = { U : U A , U w X } .

Theorem 2.1

[Kim and Min, 2015] Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X .

  • x wI ( A ) if and only if there exists an element U W ( x ) such that U A .

  • x wC ( A ) if and only if A V for all V W ( x ) .

  • If A B , then wI ( A ) wI ( B ) ; wC ( A ) wC ( B ) .

  • wC ( X - A ) = X - wI ( A ) ; wI ( X - A ) = X - wC ( A ) .

  • If A is w-closed (resp., w-open), then wC ( A ) = A (resp., wI ( A ) = A ).

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is called a generalized w-closed set (simply, gw-closed set) (Min and Kim, 2016a) if wC ( A ) U , whenever A U and U is w-open. If the w X -structure is a topology, the generalized w-closed set is exactly a generalized closed set in sense of Levine in (Levine, 1970). Obviously, every w-closed set is generalized w-closed, but in general, the converse is not true.

And A is called a weakly generalized w-closed set (simply, weakly gw-closed set) (Min, 2017) if wC ( wI ( A ) ) U whenever A U and U is w-open. Obviously, every gw-closed set is weakly gw-closed. In (Min, 2017), we showed that every w-pre-closed set (Min and Kim, 2016b) is weakly gw-closed.


3 Main results

Now, we introduce an extended notion of gw-closed sets in w-spaces as the following:

Definition 3.1

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is said to be s-weakly generalized w-closed (simply, s-weakly gw-closed) if wI ( wC ( A ) ) U whenever A U and U is w-open.

Obviously, the next theorem is obtained:

Theorem 3.2

Every gw-closed set is s-weakly g-closed.

Remark 3.3

In general, the converse of the above theorem is not true. Furthermore, there is no any relation between s-weakly gw-closed sets and weakly gw-closed sets as shown in the examples below:

Example 3.4

Let X = { a , b , c } and w = { , { a } , { b } , X } be a weak structure in X. For a w-open set A = { b } , note that wI ( A ) = A , wC ( A ) = { b , c } and wI ( wC ( A ) ) = wI ( { b , c } ) = A . So A is s-weakly gw-closed but not gw-closed. And since wC ( wI ( A ) ) = { b , c } , A is also not weakly gw-closed.

Example 3.5

For X = { a , b , c , d } , let w = { , { d } , { a , b } , { a , b , c } , X } be a structure in X. Consider A = { a } . Then since wI ( A ) = , obviously A is weakly gw-closed. For a w-open set U = { a , b } with A U , wI ( wC ( A ) ) = wI ( { a , b , c } ) = { a , b , c } U . So A is not s-weakly gw-closed.

In general, the intersection as well as the union of two s-weakly gw-closed sets is not s-weakly gw-closed as shown in the next examples:

Example 3.6

For X = { a , b , c , d } , let w = { , { a } , { b } , { c } , { a , c } , { a , c , d } , X } be a weak structure in X.

  • Let us consider A = { a } and B = { c } . Note that wI ( wC ( A ) ) = wI ( { a , d } ) = A , wI ( wC ( B ) ) = wI ( { c , d } ) = B and wI ( wC ( A B ) ) = wI ( { a , c , d } ) = { a , c , d } . Then we know that A and B are all s-weakly gw-closed sets but the union A B is not s-weakly gw-closed.

  • Consider two s-weakly gw-closed sets A = { a , b , c } and B = { a , c , d } . Then A B = { a , c } is not s-weakly gw-closed in the above (1).

Theorem 3.7

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then every w-semi-closed set is s-weakly gw-closed.


Let A be a w-semi-closed set and U be a w-open set containing A. Since wI ( wC ( A ) ) A , obviously it satisfies wI ( wC ( A ) ) U . It implies that A is s-weakly gw-closed. □

Remark 3.8

In (2) of Example 3.6, the s-weakly gw-closed set A = { a , b , c } is not w-semi-closed. So, the converse of the above theorem is not always true.

From the above theorems and examples, the following relations are obtained:

Let X be a nonempty set. Then a family m ( P ( X ) ) of subsets of X is called a minimal structure (Maki, 1996) if , X m .

Theorem 3.9

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then the family of all s-weakly gw-closed sets is a minimal structure in X.

Lemma 3.10

[Kim and Min, 2015] Let ( X , w τ ) be a w-space and A , B X . Then the following things hold:

  • (1) wI ( A ) wI ( B ) = wI ( A B ) .

  • (2) wC ( A ) wC ( B ) = wC ( A B ) .

Let X be a w-space and A X . Then A is said to be w-semi-open (resp., w-semi-closed) (Min and Kim, 2016c) if A wC ( wI ( A ) ) (resp., wI ( wC ( A ) ) A ).

Lemma 3.11

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then for A X , A wI ( wC ( A ) ) is w-semi-closed.


From Lemma 3.10 and Theorem 2.1, wI ( wC ( A wI ( wC ( A ) ) ) ) = wI ( wC ( A ) wC ( wI ( wC ( A ) ) ) ) = wI ( wC ( A ) ) A wI ( wC ( A ) ) .

So, A wI ( wC ( A ) ) is w-semi-closed. □

Lemma 3.12

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . If F is any w-semi-closed set such that A F , then A wI ( wC ( A ) ) F .


Let F be a w-semi-closed set with A F . Then wI ( wC ( A ) ) wI ( wC ( F ) ) F , and so A wI ( wC ( A ) ) F .  □

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. For A X , the w-semi-closure (Min and Kim, 2016c) of A, denoted by wsC ( A ) , is defined as:

wsC ( A ) = { F X : A F , F is w - semi - closed in X } .

Theorem 3.13

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then for A X , wsC ( A ) = A wI ( wC ( A ) ) .


It is obtained from Lemma 3.11 and Lemma 3.12. □

Finally, we have the following theorem:

Theorem 3.14

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is s-weakly wg-closed if and only if wsC ( A ) U whenever A U and U is w-open.


Let A be an s-weakly gw-closed subset of X and let U be any w-open set such that A U . Then wI ( wC ( A ) ) U and A wI ( wC ( A ) ) U . So, by Theorem 3.13, wsC ( A ) U .

For A X , suppose that wsC ( A ) U whenever A U and U is w-open. Let U be any w-open set with A U . Then from hypothesis and Theorem 3.13, wI ( wC ( A ) ) A wI ( wC ( A ) ) = wsC ( A ) U . Hence, A is s-weakly gw-closed. □

Recall that: Let X be a topological space and A X . Then A is call a gs-closed set (Arya and Nori, 1990) if scl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is open.

Theorem 3.15

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . If w X is a topology, then the following thing hold: A is gs-closed if and only if int ( cl ( A ) ) U whenever A U and U is open.


From scl ( A ) = A int ( cl ( A ) ) , scl ( A ) U whenever A U and U is open if and only if int ( cl ( A ) ) U whenever A U and U is open. So, this theorem is obtained. □

Theorem 3.16

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set, then wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A contains no any non-empty w-closed set.


For an s-weakly gw-closed set A, let F be a w-closed subset such that F wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A . Then A X - F and X - F is w-open. Since A is s-weakly gw-closed, wI ( wC ( A ) ) X - F . From the facts, F X - wI ( wC ( A ) ) and F wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A , and so F = .  □

In general, the converse in Theorem 3.16 is not true as shown in the next example.

Example 3.17

Let X = { a , b , c , d } and a weak structure w = { , { a } , { b } , { a , c } , { a , b , c } , X } in X. For A = { a } , wI ( wC ( A ) ) = int ( { a , c , d } ) = { a , c } and wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A = { c } . So, we know that there is no any nonempty w-closed set contained in wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A . But A is not s-weakly gw-closed.

Corollary 3.18

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set, then wsC ( A ) - A contains no any non-empty w-closed set.


Since wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A = ( A wI ( wC ( A ) ) ) - A = wsC ( A ) - A , by Theorem 3.16, the statement is satisfied. □

Theorem 3.19

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set and A B wsC ( A ) , then B is s-weakly gw-closed.


Let U be any w-open set such that B U . By hypothesis, obviously wsC ( B ) = wsC ( A ) . Since A is s-weakly gw-closed and A U , wsC ( B ) = wsC ( A ) U . So B is s-weakly gw-closed. □

Corollary 3.20

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set and A B wI ( wC ( A ) ) , then B is s-weakly gw-closed.


From A B wI ( wC ( A ) ) , A B A wI ( wC ( A ) ) = wsC ( A ) . By Theorem 3.19, the corollary is obtained. □

From now on, we introduce the notion of s-weakly gw-open sets and study its basic properties.

Definition 3.21

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is called an s-weakly generalized open set (simply, s-weakly gw-open set) if X - A is s-weakly gw-closed.

Theorem 3.22

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is s-weakly gw-open if and only if F wC ( wI ( A ) ) whenever F A and F is w-closed.


Obvious. □

From Theorem 3.13, the following is easily obtained:

Theorem 3.23

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then for A X , wsI ( A ) = A wC ( wI ( A ) ) .

Theorem 3.24

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then A is s-weakly gw-open if and only if F wsI ( A ) whenever F A and F is w-closed.


For an s-weakly gw-open subset A of X, let F be a w-closed set such that F A . Then F wC ( wI ( A ) ) . Since F A wC ( wI ( A ) ) , by Theorem 3.23, F wsI ( A ) .

For A X , suppose that F wsI ( A ) whenever F A and F is w-closed. If F is any w-closed set and F A , then by hypothesis and Theorem 3.23, F wsI ( A ) = A wC ( wI ( A ) ) , and so F wC ( wI ( A ) ) . Hence, A is s-weakly gw-open. □

Theorem 3.25

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then if A is s-weakly gw-open, then U = X , whenever wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) U and U is w-open.


Let U be any w-open set and wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) U . Then X - U ( X - wC ( wI ( A ) ) ) A = wI ( wC ( X - A ) ) A = wI ( wC ( X - A ) ) - ( X - A ) . Since X - A is s-weakly gw-closed, by Theorem 3.16, the w-closed set X - U must be empty. Hence, U = X .  □

Corollary 3.26

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space and A X . Then if A is s-weakly gw-open, then U = X , whenever wsI ( A ) ( X - A ) U and U is w-open.


Since wsI ( A ) ( X - A ) = ( A wC ( wI ( A ) ) ) ( X - A ) , by the above theorem, it is obtained. □

Theorem 3.27

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-open set and wC ( wI ( A ) ) B A , then B is s-weakly gw-open.


It is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.19 and Corollary 3.20. □

Theorem 3.28

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set, then wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A is s-weakly gw-open.


If A is an s-weakly gw-closed set, then by Theorem 3.12, is the only one w-closed subset of wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A . So, wC ( wI ( wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A ) ) . Hence, wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A is s-weakly gw-open. □

Corollary 3.29

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-closed set, then wsC ( A ) - A is s-weakly gw-open.


From wsC ( A ) - A = ( A wI ( wC ( A ) ) ) - A = wI ( wC ( A ) ) - A , it is obtained. □

Theorem 3.30

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-open set, then wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) is s-weakly gw-closed.


If A is an s-weakly gw-open set, then by Theorem 3.25, X is the only one w-open set containing wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) . So, obviously, wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) is s-weakly gw-closed. □

Corollary 3.31

Let ( X , w X ) be a w-space. Then if A is an s-weakly gw-open set, then wsI ( A ) ( X - A ) is s-weakly gw-closed.


It follows from wsI ( A ) ( X - A ) = ( A wC ( wI ( A ) ) ) ( X - A ) = wC ( wI ( A ) ) ( X - A ) and Theorem 3.30. □


The author is thankful to the referee for his/her useful suggestions.


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