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On Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea approximating operators involving Boas-Buck-type polynomials
⁎Corresponding author at: Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University (Taiwan), Taichung, Taiwan. (M. Mursaleen),
Received: ,
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
A sequence of approximating operators is constructed in the present article with the help of Boas-Buck-type polynomials (BB-polynomials). We called this constructed operator as Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators (JLP-operators) involving BB-polynomials. We establish some approximation properties of approximating operators converging towards the function to be approximated. We investigate versatile Korovkin-type property and also demonstrate the rate of convergence. Moreover, some approximation results are given in the weighted spaces. Furthermore, a Voronoskaja type theorem is also proved as well as approximation result when functions belong to the Lipschitzian class.
Szász operators
Appell polynomials
Phillips operators
Modulus of continuity
Korovkin’s theorem
Boas-Buck-type polynomials
1 Introduction and preliminaries
In the theory of approximation, our main task is to provide the arithmetic representation of non-arithmetic quantities or functions which are difficult to handle to simple functions. Korovkin (Korovkin, 1953) found out the simplest criterion for positive approximation processes at the beginning of the second half of the last century. This concept has affected to a great extent not only traditional approximation theory but also diverse section of mathematics, e.g. orthogonal polynomials, several types of differential equations, in particular partial differential equations, wavelet and harmonic analysis etc. Szász operator (Szász, YYYY) was modified by Mazhar and Totik (1985) as
Some remarkable results analogous to Szász (YYYY) were obtained by them and if we take , by using above generating functions, we get Szász operators (Szász, YYYY). Based on a parameter Păltănea (2008) generalized the Phillips operators (Phillips, 1954) which provides the connection with Szász operators as . Verma and Gupta (2015) modified the operator given in Eq. (2) as follows:
Ismail (1974) generalized the well-known Szász operators. Ansari et al. (2019), Mursaleen et al. (2019), Mursaleen et al. (2018), Mursaleen et al. (2019) also introduced different generalizations of Szász operators with the concept of Durrmeyer, Păltănea and Sheffer operators and sequences. For more literature on such type generalization of operators and its approximation properties, one is suggested to refer Alotaibi and Mursaleen (2020), Ansari et al. (2018), Ansari et al. (2019), Kilicman et al. (2020), Mohiuddine et al. (2017), Mursaleen et al. (2019), Verma and Gupta (2015).
Recently, Sucu et al. (2012) constructed linear positive operators with the assistance of BB-polynomials. BB-polynomials (Ismail, 2005) have generating functions of the form
(i) ,
(ii) ,
(iii) The power series (1.5)–(1.8) converges for provided .
The following sequence of positive linear operators involving the BB-polynomials was introduced by Sucu et al. (2012)
From (5), we obtain
One can find the proof of (i)–(iii) in Sucu et al. (2012). Here we will provide the proof of (iv) and (v).
(iv) Differentiating the generating function (5) thrice with respect to u, we get
2 Construction of operators and auxiliary results
Considering the revised form of Sucu et al. (2012) positive linear operators involving the BB-polynomials, we construct the JLP-operators including BB-polynomials as
Let M be the space of polynomials. For , we have
For , we havewhere
Here, we will give some auxiliary definitions as well as necessary lemmas followed by our main result. We will assume throughout the paper that the sequence of operators are positive and also we consider
satisfy the following equalities
We can obtain easily by the fact that . Next, by using, Lemma (1) and operator (10), we haveNow, we will compute ,On the one hand, we will compute , we haveUsing Lemma 1 and operator (10), in the similar way, we have
We have
Now, we will prove well-known Korovkin type approximation theorem for the introduced operators. Suppose is the space of bounded and uniformly continuous functions on .
For a given continuous function converges uniformly to f on .
By considering the equality (13) given as in Lemma 2, we deduce that
3 Weighted approximation properties of operators
It was Gadzhiev who demonstrated weighted Korovkin-type theorems (Gadjiev, 1974). Let denote the set of all those functions g which satisfy growth condition , defined on the positive real axis where is a constant which depends only on g. Let be the subspace of all those functions which are continuous and also belong to . Also, be the subspace of , for which the limit exists, . It is clear that . is equipped with
Let . For ,
By Lemma 2, part (i) and (iii), we will haveThen, we obtainBecause and using condition given in Eq. (13), there is such that
It can be seen that defined by Eq.(10) acts from to by using Lemma 4.
Now we will give some theorems based on the weighted approximation.
Let verifies the condition (13). Then for each ,
As in Gadzhiev (1975), it is enough to prove that
For r = 0, 1, 2, we haveThe proof completes here.
Let be a positive constant, be the positive linear operators sequence defined by Eq. (10). Then, we get.
Let be arbitrary but fixed. Then
The modulus of continuity of isIt is well known that for any and
For where is as follows:
Applying triangular inequality, we getNow using inequality (20), Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 2, we getNow choosing , we haveHence, the desired result is obtained.
Now, we will denote by . Letdenote the classical Peetre’s K-functional and the second modulus of smoothness of , where and . By Theorem 2.4 of Devore and Lorentz (1993),
Suppose . Then for every non-negative , there exists such thatwhere
4 Voronovskaja type theorem
In order to study the Voronovskaja type theorem for Jakimovski-Leviatan-Paˇltaˇnea operators including BB-Polynomials, we consider the following assumptions on the analytic functions and :
For operators, we have
Let such that . Thenuniformly for .
Suppose and be fixed. We can write by Taylor’s formula thatwhere denotes the Peano’s form of the remainder, , and . Applying , we will haveTherefore,With the help of Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we have
5 Rate of convergence
Let , and . We say that a function ifis satisfied.
For , we havewhere
For ,By Hölder’s inequality with the values and , we get following inequality,From Lemma 2 we getChoosing , we obtain
6 Conclusions and further remarks
Here, a sequence of Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators is constructed involving Boas-Buck-type polynomials (BB-polynomials). We have developed some approximation properties of this operator and investigated versatile Korovkin-type property and also obtained the rate of convergence. Moreover, some approximation results are given in the weighted spaces. Furthermore, a Voronovskaja type theorem is also proved as well as approximation result when functions belong to the Lipschitzian class.
We tried to construct positive linear operators with the help of a function to approximate that function which is difficult to be studied. In this regard, we introduced a very novel operator not studied to date which improves and generalizes an existing operator, like BB-polynomials (Büyükyazıcı et al., 2014) and JLP operators (Sucu et al., 2012) which are already studied. We tried to introduce to a new JLP operator involving BB-polynomials and this operator is a more generalized form of the previous. All the necessary calculations and results are given which will be helpful for those who are going to study different variations and generalizations of JLP operators involving BB-polynomials. There is further scope that these operators can be extended to q and -analogues which will be more general in nature and in particular, the q-analogue gives better rate of approximation.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The author (Khursheed J. Ansari) extends his appreciation to the “Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University” for funding this work through research groups program under Grant No. R.G.P.1/198/41.
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