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Original article
31 (
); 209-214

Numerical solution of thin plates problem via differential quadrature method using G-spline

Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq

⁎Corresponding author. uhm@sc.nahrainuniv.edu.iq (Osama H. Mohammed)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


In this article the numerical solution of thin plates problem is introduced by using the differential quadrature method together with Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto sampling points for modeling the vibration of a square thin plate.

The explicit formula of the weighting coefficients for approximation of derivatives is utilized with the aid of the G-spline interpolation function.

A numerical example is presented and the results that have been obtained are compared with the existing methods in order to illustrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed approach.


Differential quadrature method
Hermite-Birkhoff problem (HB-problem)
G-spline interpolation
Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto points

1 Introduction

Bellman and Casti was proposed a numerical method which is so called differential quadrature (DQ) for evaluating the derivatives of sufficiently smooth function, (Bellman and Casti, 1971). Their basic idea came from the well-known approach Gauss Quadrature for calculating the integral numerically.

Evaluating the derivatives of different orders of a sufficiently smooth function can be considered as an extension which is give rise to DQ (Bellman and Casti, 1971; Jalaal et al., 2011), where the derivatives of a smooth function are approximated with weighting sum of function values at a group of so called sampling points or nodes (Zong and Zhang, 2009).

Bellman and his co-authors presented two methods for calculating the weighting coefficients which is the key procedure in the DQ applications (Shu, 2000).

Differential Quadrature (DQ) aroused many authors and because of that, its applications rapidly developed, (Quan and Chang, 1989; Shu and Richards, 1992; Shu and Xue, 1997; Shu and Wu, 2007; Korkmaz and Dag, 2008; Jiwari et al., 2012; Pekmen and Tezer-Sezgin, 2012; Ragb et al., 2014; Jiwari, 2015; Eftekhari, 2015; Shamani et al., 2015; Ghasemi et al., 2016; Mittal and Dahiyah, 2016, 2017; Ghasemi, 2017; Thoudam, 2017; Shamani and Aghdam, 2017a,b; Shamani and Aghdam, 2018).

A comprehensive review of the differential quadrature method has been given by Bert and Malik (1996). This paper employs function approximation theory using G-spline interpolation to formulate DQ.

Nearly 71 years ago, I.J. Schoenberg (1968) introduced the subject of “spline function” since that time splines may be considered as an important tool in different branches of mathematics such as approximation theory, numerical analysis, numerical treatment of ordinary, integral, partial differential equations, statistics, etc. There are several types of splines appeared in literature given by Deboor (1978), Powell (1981) and Stephen (2002).

Among these types of spline the so called G-spline interpolation which is necessary to the work of this paper, was initially presented by Schoenberg (1968). Schoenberg used the term “G-spline” instead of generalized splines because the natural spline term “generalized spline” describes an extension of another type of spline.

The G-spline is used to interpolate the HB-data (problem), the data in this problem are the values of the function and its derivatives but without Hermite’s condition that the only consecutives be used at each node. Further, Schoenberg (1968) define G-spline as smooth piecewise polynomials, where the smoothness is governed by the incidence matrix, and then he proved that G-splines, satisfies the ”minimum norm property”, which is used for the optimality of the G-spline function, that is defined mathematically by the following inequality:

I [ f ( m ) ( x ) ] 2 dx > I [ S ( m ) ( x ) ] 2 dx , where the function S is called a G-spline and it’s a polynomial spline of degree 2 m-1 over the interval I.


2 The G-spline interpolation function:

I.J. Schoenberg (1968) proposed a tool in order to specify the HB-problem or the interpolatory condition:

f ( j ) ( x i ) = y i ( j ) for ( i , j ) e where e is a certain set of ordered pairs, and called a G-spline interpolation. It is convenient in this section to discuss the HB-problem, before we give the tractable formal definition of the natural G-spline interpolation as follows: Consider the node points

x 1 < x 2 < < x K and let α be the maximum order of the derivatives to be specified at the nodes. Define an incidence matrix E, by:

E = [ a ij ] , i = 1 , 2 , k ; j = 0 , 1 , α , where: a ij = 1 , ( i , j ) e , 0 , ( i , j ) e , and e = { ( i , j ) : i = 1 , 2 , K ; j = 0 , 1 , α } .

Let y i ( j ) be prescribed real numbers for each ( i , j ) e , then the HB-problem is to find f ( x ) C α ,such that:

f ( j ) ( x i ) = y i ( j ) for ( i , j ) e . The matrix E  will likewise describes the set of Eq. (4) if we define the set e by:
e = { ( i , j ) | a ij = 1 } .
Then the integer   n = i , j a ij , is the number of interpolatory conditions required to constitute the system (4).

The G-spline interpolant of order mto f can be given in terms of the fundamental G-spline functions   L ij ( x ) , which is described in detail in Schoenberg (1968) by:

S m ( x ) = ( i , j ) e L ij ( x ) y i ( j ) , where

L ij ( s ) ( x r ) = 0 , if ( r , s ) ( i , j ) . 1 , if ( r , s ) = ( i , j ) .


2.1 Approximation of linear functional with the sense of G-spline formula

Let I = [a, b] be a finite interval containing the node points x 1 , x 2 , x k  and let us consider a linear functional:

£ f : C α [ a , b ] R of the form:

£ f = j = 0 α a a j ( x ) f ( j ) ( x ) dx + j = 0 α i = 1 n j b ji f ( j ) ( x ji ) , where a j ( x ) are piecewise continuous functions in I , x ji I and b ji are real constants. we can approximate the functional in Eq. (7) using the formula:
£ f = ( i , j ) e β ij f ( j ) ( x i ) + Rf ,
where Rf represents the remainder see Schoenberg (1968). Therefore, in order to find the approximation of £ f given by (8), which is best in some sense, we propose to determine the real’s β ij .

Schoenberg (1968) states two procedures to determine β ij  one of them is Sard procedure, which can be summarized by the following theorem:


2.1.1 Theorem (Schoenberg, 1968)

If   α < m < n and the HB-problem (4) is m-poised, then Sard’s best approximation (8) to £ f of order m is obtained by operating with £ on both sides of the G-spline interpolation formula (6) of order m.

In other words, the coefficients β ij are given by:

β ij = £ L ij ( x ) , where L ij are the fundamental functions of (6).

Details can be found in Schoenberg (1968) for the generation of these fundamentals G-splines.


3 The G-spline interpolation-based differential quadrature method

Suppose that the function f ( x ) is sufficiently smooth on the interval [ x 1 , x N ] , and consider an m-poised HB- problem:

f ( j ) ( x i ) = y i ( j ) , ( i , j ) e , on the N distinct nodes:

x 1 , x 2 , x N .

Based on differential Quadrature, we have

df dx x = x k = ( i , j ) e a ki ( j ) f i ( j ) , k = 1 , 2 , N ,
d 2 f dx 2 x = x k = ( i , j ) e b ki ( j ) f i ( j ) , k = 1 , 2 , N ,
where a ki ( j ) and b ki ( j ) are the weighting coefficients of the first and second order derivatives.


3.1 Computation of the weighting coefficients for the first and second order derivatives using G-spline interpolation formula

To find the weights a ki ( j ) and b ki ( j ) ,we need to consider an m-poised HB-problem to approximate the function. Our purpose is to construct a polynomial of x, which is of the form

f ( x ) ( i , j ) e L ij ( x ) f i ( j ) Then the derivatives of order one and two at any grid points may be approximated as:
df dx x = x k = ( i , j ) e dL ij ( x ) dx x = x k f i ( j ) ,
d 2 f dx 2 x = x k = ( i , j ) e d 2 L ij ( x ) dx 2 x = x k f i ( j ) ,
with a ki ( j ) are the coefficients for the first order derivative, obtained by the following formula
a ki ( j ) = dL ij ( x ) dx x = x k ,
and b ki ( j ) are the coefficients of the second order derivative, given by
b ki ( j ) = d 2 L ij ( x ) dx 2 x = x k .
In the same manner, we may obtain formulae for higher order derivatives by using the higher order weighting coefficients, which are expressed as e ki ( j , m ) to avoid confusion. They are characterized by the following recurrence formulation.
e ki ( j , m ) = d m L ij ( x ) dx m x = x k ( i , j ) e , k = 1 , 2 , N - 1 .
Here we assume that a ki ( j ) = e ki ( j , 1 ) and b ki ( j ) = e ki ( j , 2 )


4 Analysis of differential quadrature of thin plates

In this section, the implementation of the G-spline interpolation-based DQM will be illustrated for thin plates problem.


4.1 The controlling equations and boundary conditions

The non-dimensional controlling equations for the deflection, free vibration and buckling for a plate may be written as Shu (2000):

Plate deflection

4 W x 4 + 2 λ 2 4 W X 2 Y 2 + λ 4 4 W Y 4 = a 4 q ( X , Y ) D , transverse vibration of thin, isotropic plates
4 W x 4 + 2 λ 2 4 W X 2 Y 2 + λ 4 4 W Y 4 = Ω 2 W ,
buckling of a plate under uniaxial compression
4 W x 4 + 2 λ 2 4 W X 2 Y 2 + λ 4 4 W Y 4 = N x a 2 D 2 W X 2 ,
where W is the dimensionless mode shape function, q ( X , Y ) is the external distributed load, Ω is the dimensionless frequency,  X = x / a , Y = y / b are dimensionless coordinates, a and b are the lengths of the plate edges, λ = a / b is the aspect ratio, and N x  is the uniaxial load. Furthermore, Ω = ω a 2 ρ / D , where ω is the dimensionless circular frequency, D = Eh 3 / [ 12 ( 1 - v 2 ) ] is the flexural rigidity, E , v , ρ and h are Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, the density of the plate material, and the plate thickness, respectively. It should be mentioned that the above equations do not cover all the cases. For example, for free vibration of the anisotropic plates, Eq. (17) has to be changed to include more terms. Eq. (18) can be modified to consider buckling under different compressions.

There are three basic boundary conditions, for free vibration analysis, these boundary conditions are:

Simply supported edge (SS)

W X = 0 = 0 , 2 W X 2 X = 1 = 0 ,
W Y = 0 = 0 , 2 W Y 2 Y = 1 = 0 ,
Clamped edge (C)
W X = 0 = 0 , W X X = 1 = 0 ,
W Y = 0 = 0 , W Y Y = 1 = 0 ,
Free edge (F)
2 W X 2 + v λ 2 2 W Y 2 X = 0 = 0 , 3 W X 3 + ( 2 - v ) λ 2 3 W X Y 2 X = 1 = 0 ,
λ 2 2 W Y 2 + v 2 W X 2 Y = 0 = 0 , λ 2 3 W Y 3 + ( 2 - v ) 3 W X 2 Y Y = 1 = 0 ,
2 W X Y
at the corner of two adjacent free edges.


4.2 Numerical discretization of the problem

The domain of computation for a rectangular plate is 0 X 1 , 0 Y 1 and for a numerical calculation, the mesh generation will be given as:

X i = 1 2 1 - cos i - 1 N - 1 π , i = 1 , 2 , , N ,
Y r = 1 2 1 - cos r - 1 M - 1 π , r = 1 , 2 , , M ,
where N and M refers to the number of the grid points in the X and Y directions respectively. Eqs. (17)–(19) can be discretizing by using G-spline-based DQ weighting coefficients. Let e k , i ( j , n ) be the DQ weighting coefficients of the n - th order derivative in the X direction, and e h , r - ( s , m ) be the DQ weighting coefficients of the m-th order derivative in the Y direction. Using the DQM, Eq. (17) may be discretized as
( i , j ) e 1 e k , i ( j , 4 ) W i , s ( j , s ) + 2 λ 2 ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 e k , i ( j , 2 ) e h , r - ( s , 2 ) W i , r ( j , s ) + λ 4 ( r , s ) e 2 e h , r - ( s , 4 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = a 4 q i , r D , ( i , j ) e 1 , ( r , s ) e 2 , k = 1 , 2 , , N , h = 1 , 2 , , M ;
and Eq. (18)is discretized as
( i , j ) e 1 e k , i ( j , 4 ) W i , r ( j , s ) + 2 λ 2 ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 e k , i ( j , 2 ) e h , r - ( s , 2 ) W i , r ( j , s ) + λ 4 ( r , s ) e 2 e h , r - ( s , 4 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = Ω 2 W i , r ( j , s ) , ( i , j ) e 1 , ( r , s ) e 2 , k = 1 , 2 , , N , h = 1 , 2 , , M ;
Hence, Eq. (19) is discretized as
( i , j ) e i e k , i ( j , 4 ) W i , r ( j , s ) + 2 λ 2 ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 e k , i ( j , 2 ) e h , r - ( s , 2 ) W i , r ( j , s ) + λ 4 ( r , s ) e 2 e h , r - ( s , 4 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = a 2 N x D ( i , j ) e 1 e k , i ( j , 2 ) W i , r ( j , s ) , ( i , j ) e 1 , ( r , s ) e 2 , k = 1 , 2 , , N , h = 1 , 2 , , M ,
where W i , r ( j , s ) = j + s W j X s Y x i , y r is ( j + s ) th derivative at the net point ( X i , Y r )

Eqs. (29)–(31) can be put in matrix form and the solution of these matrix forms can be calculated using standard solvers such as QR-algorithm.


4.3 Direct substitution of boundary conditions into discrete controlling equation

The derivatives that appeared in the boundary conditions must also discretize by the DQM and as follows:

W 1 , r ( j , s ) = 0 , W N , r ( j , s ) , W i , 1 ( j , s ) = 0 , W i , M ( i , s ) = 0
( i , j ) e 1 e 1 , i ( j , n 0 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = 0 at X = 0
( i , j ) e 1 e N , i ( j , n 1 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = 0 at X = 1
( r , s ) e 2 e 1 , r - ( s , m 0 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = 0 at Y = 0
( r , s ) e 2 e M , r - ( s , m 1 ) W i , r ( j , s ) = 0 at Y = 1
where n 0 , n 1 , m 0 and m 1 are possessed as either 1 or 2, where 1 is used for the clamped edge condition and 2 is used for the simply supported edge condition. n 0 , n 1 , m 0 and m 1 correspond to the edges of X = 0 , X = 1 , Y = 0 , Y = 1 , respectively.

Obviously, Eq. (32) can be easily substituted into Eq. (30). However, Eqs. (33)–(36) cannot be directly substituted into Eq. (30).

Using the direct approach given in Shu (2000), Eqs. (33) and (34) can be coupled to give two solutions W 2 , r ( j 1 , s ) and W N - 1 , r ( j 2 , s ) , where j 1 and j 2 represent the minimum partial order derivatives of Wwith respect to X at   X 2 and X N - 1 respectively, which are located at the grid points shown by the symbol in Fig. 1

W 2 , r ( j 1 , s ) = 1 AXN ( i , j ) e 1 AXK 1 . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
w N - 1 , r ( j 2 , s ) = 1 AXN ( i , j ) e 1 AXKN . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
for r = 3 , 4 , , M - 2 , e 1 = e 1 / { ( 2 , j 1 ) , ( N - 1 , j 2 ) } where AXN = e N , 2 ( j , n 1 ) e 1 , N - 1 ( j , n 0 ) - e 1 , 2 ( j , n 0 ) e N , N - 1 ( j , n 1 ) AXK 1 = e 1 , i ( j , n 0 ) e N , N - 1 ( j , n 1 ) e 1 , N - 1 ( j , n 0 ) e N , i ( j , n 1 ) AXKN = e 1 , 2 ( j , n 0 ) e N , i ( j , n 1 ) - e 1 , i ( j , n 0 ) e N , 2 ( j , n 1 ) For ( i , j ) e 1
Description of the points for a rectangular plate.
Fig. 1
Description of the points for a rectangular plate.

In a similar way, Eqs. (35) and (36) can be coupled to give the solutions W i , 2 ( j , s 1 ) and W i , M - 1 ( j , s 2 ) where s 1 and s 2 represent the minimum partial order derivatives of W with respect to Y at Y 2 and Y M - 1 respectively, which are located at the net points shown by the symbol in Fig. 1,

W i , 2 ( j , s 1 ) = 1 AYM ( r , s ) e 2 AYK 1 . W i , r ( r , s ) ,
W i , M - 1 ( j , s 2 ) = 1 AYM ( r , s ) e 2 AYKM . W i , r ( r , s ) ,
for i = 3 , 4 , , N - 2 , e 2 = e 2 { ( 2 , s 1 ) , ( M - 1 , s 2 ) } where AYN = e M , 2 - ( s , m 1 ) e 1 , M - 1 - ( s , m 0 ) - e 1 , 2 - ( s , m 0 ) e M , M - 1 - ( s , m 1 ) AYK 1 = e 1 , r - ( s , m 0 ) e M , M - 1 - ( s , m 1 ) - e 1 , M - 1 - ( s , m 0 ) e M , r - ( s , m 1 ) AYKM = e 1 , 2 - ( s , m 0 ) e M , r - ( s , m 1 ) - e 1 , r - ( s , m 0 ) e M , 2 - ( s , m 1 ) For ( r , s ) e 2

For the points near the four corners shown by the symbol in Fig. 1, the four Eqs. (33)–(36) have to be coupled in order to give the following four solutions:

W 2 , 2 ( j 1 , s 1 ) = 1 AXN 1 AYM ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 AXK 1 . AYK 1 . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
W N - 1 , 2 ( j 2 , s 1 ) = 1 AXN 1 AYM ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 AXKN . AYK 1 . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
W 2 , M - 1 ( j 1 , s 2 ) = 1 AXN 1 AYM ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 AXK 1 . AYKM . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
W N - 1 , M - 1 ( j 2 , s 2 ) = 1 AXN 1 AYM ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 AXKN . AYKM . W i , r ( j , s ) ,
The reason for writing W 2 , 2 ( j 1 , s 1 ) , W N - 1 , 2 ( j 2 , s 1 ) , W 2 , M - 1 ( j 1 , s 2 ) and W N - 1 , M - 1 ( j 2 , s 2 ) in this form is to make them also as in the Eqs. (37)–(40) in terms of the points that we will get later form the Eq. (45). with Eqs. (32), (37)–(43) and (44), the boundary conditions are all directly substituted into Eq. (30). Hence, the final eigenvalue system of Eq. (30) may be given as:
( i , j ) e 1 C 1 W i , r ( j , s ) + 2 λ 2 ( i , j ) e 1 ( r , s ) e 2 C 2 W i , r ( j , s ) + λ 4 ( r , s ) e 2 C 3 W i , r ( j , s ) = Ω 2 W i , r ( j , s ) ,
( i , j ) e 1 , ( r , s ) e 2 where C 1 = e k , i ( j , 4 ) - e k , 2 ( j , 4 AXK 1 + e k , N - 1 ( j , 4 ) AXKN AXN , C 2 = e k , i ( j , 2 ) e h , r - ( s , 2 ) - ( AXK 1 . e k , 2 ( j , 2 ) + AXKN . e k , N - 1 ( j , 2 ) ) AXN e h , r - ( s , 2 ) - ( AYK 1 . e h , 2 ( s , 2 ) + AYKM . e h , M - 1 - ( s , 2 ) ) AYM e k , i ( j , 2 ) + ( AXK 1 . AYK 1 e k , 2 ( j , 2 ) . e h , 2 - ( s , 2 ) + AXKN . AYK 1 . e k , N - 1 ( s , 2 ) e h , 2 - ( s , 2 ) ) ) AXN . AYM + ( AXK 1 . AYKM . e k , 2 ( j , 2 ) . e h , M - 1 - ( s , 2 ) + AXKN . AYKM . e k , N - 1 ( j , 2 ) e h , M - 1 - ( s , 2 ) ) AXN . AYM , C 3 = e h , r - ( s , 4 ) - e h , 2 - ( s , 4 ) AYK 1 + e h , M - 1 - ( s , 4 ) . AYKM AYM

Eq. (45) gives a system of ( N - 4 ) × ( M - 4 ) algebraic equations with ( N - 4 ) × ( M - 4 ) unknowns.


5 The free vibration analysis of square plates via G-spline based differential quadrature method

In this section the free vibration analysis of square plates as given in Eq. (30) with λ = 1 will be solved numerically using the proposed approach given in section four. Two different sets of HB- problems have been considered in order to find the solution of such problems as follows:


To construct the approximate solution via G-spline-based differential quadrature method an m-poised HB-problem must be chosen.

In this case we shall take a 5-poised HB- problem given for X and Y respectively by the sets e 1 = { ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 0 ) , ( 3 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 0 ) , ( 5 , 0 ) , ( 6 , 0 ) } , e 2 = { ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 0 ) , ( 3 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 0 ) , ( 5 , 0 ) , ( 6 , 0 ) } , with the node points given by Eqs. (27) and (28) taking N = 6 and M = 6 . First,apply the G-spline interpolation-based DQM for the simply supported simply supported simply supported simply supported (SS-SS-SS-SS) boundary conditions, and secondly for the clamped clamped clamped clamped (C-C-C-C) boundary conditions. The natural low of frequency of the (SS-SS-SS-SS) and (C-C-C-C) boundary conditions will be given in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison of natural low frequency ( Ω ) of a square plate using G-spline interpolation-based differential quadrature with the approximate solution given by Shu (2000) using case1.
Boundary conditions Ω (DQM), M = N = 6 Ω (Shu, 2000), M = N = 6
SS-SS-SS-SS 19.0665 19.0970
C-C-C-C 36.4037 36.4441

The fundamental G-spline functions L 10 ( x ) , L 20 ( x ) , L 30 ( x ) , L 40 , L 50 and L 60 ( x ) are given in Appendix A.

Case 2:

In this case we shall consider another 5-poised HB sets for X and Y respectively given by: e 1 = { ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 0 ) , ( 3 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 1 ) , ( 5 , 1 ) , ( 6 , 0 ) } , e 2 = { ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 0 ) , ( 3 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 1 ) , ( 5 , 1 ) , ( 6 , 0 ) } , with the node points given by Eqs. (27) and (28) with N = 6 and M = 6 , first, apply the G-spline interpolation-based DQM for the (SS-SS-SS-SS) boundary conditions and (C-C-C-C) boundary conditions. The natural low frequency for (SS-SS-SS-SS) and (C-C-C-C) boundary conditions will be given in Table 2.

Table 2 Comparison of natural low frequency ( Ω ) of a square plate using G-spline interpolation-based differential quadrature with the approximate solution given by Shu (2000)] using case 2.
Boundary conditions Ω (DQM), M = N = 6 Ω (Shu, 2000), M = N = 6
SS-SS-SS-SS 19.1797 19.0970
C-C-C-C 36.9222 36.4441

The fundamental G-spline functions L 10 ( x ) , L 20 ( x ) , L 30 ( x ) , L 41 , L 51 and L 60 ( x ) are given in Appendix B.


6 Conclusions

It is clear that the G-spline-based differential quadrature can be considered as a generalization to the usual differential quadrature method. Also, from Tables 1 and 2 one can conclude that G-spline based differential quadrature gave accurate results, although a small number of node points have been introduced.


Authors are very grateful to the reviewers for carefully reading the paper and for their comments and suggestions which have improved the paper.


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Appendix A

L 10 = 1 - 16.713 x + 78.399 x 2 - 143.193 x 3 + 93.468 x 4 - 55.423 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 110.86 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 110.985 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 + 111.195 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 - 111.41 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 9 + 55.763 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 20 = 20.379 x - 127.056 x 2 + 257.962 x 3 - 177.142 x 4 + 177.142 ( x - 0 ) + 9 - 221.75 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 + 221.999 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 - 222.419 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 + 222.85 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 9 - 111.541 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 30 = - 5.24 x + 72.038 x 2 - 192.538 x 3 + 151.627 x 4 - 110.985 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 221.999 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 222.249 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 + 222.669 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 - 223.101 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 9 + 111.666 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 40 = 2.519 x - 37.745 x 2 + 129.453 x 3 - 120.173 x 4 + 111.195 ( x - 0 ) + 9 - 222.419 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 + 222.669 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 - 223.091 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 + 223.523 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 9 - 111.877 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 50 = - 1.681 x + 25.66 x 2 - 92.759 x 3 + 94.766 x 4 - 111.41 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 222.85 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 223.101 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 + 223.523 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 - 223.956 ( x - 0.09046 ) + 9 + 112.094 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 60 = 0.737 x - 11.273 x 2 + 41.076 x 3 - 42.545 x 4 + 55.763 ( x - 0 ) + 9 - 111.541 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 + 111.666 ( x - 0.3456 ) + 9 - 111.877 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 9 + 112.094 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 9 - 56.105 ( x - 1 ) + 9 where ( x - ξ ) + r = ( x - ξ ) r , if x ξ . 0 , if x < ξ .

Appendix B

L 10 = 1 - 17.597 x + 90.409 x 2 - 174.268 x 3 + 116.155 x 4 - 42.812 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 68.302 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 25.613 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 - 26.239 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 + 6.394 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 8 + 0.122 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 20 = 22.056 x - 150.009 x 2 + 318.05 x 3 - 221.722 x 4 + 86.24 ( x - 0 ) + 9 - 137.588 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 + 51.595 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 + 52.856 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 - 12.881 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 8 - 2.221 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 30 = - 7.198 x + 99.57 x 2 - 271.589 x 3 + 216.346 x 4 - 101.248 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 161.532 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 60.573 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 - 62.054 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 + 15.123 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 8 + 0.29 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 41 = - 0.752 x + 11.049 x 2 - 36.161 x 3 + 32.963 x 4 - 19.359 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 30.886 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 11.582 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 - 11.865 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 + 2.892 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 8 + 0.055 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 51 = - 0.606 x + 8.835 x 2 - 28.158 x 3 + 24.221 x 4 - 11.705 ( x - 0 ) + 9 + 18.674 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 - 7.002 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 - 7.174 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 + 1.748 ( x - 0.9045 ) + 8 + 0.033 ( x - 1 ) + 9

L 60 = 2.739 x - 39.97 x 2 + 127.807 x 3 - 110.779 x 4 + 57.82 ( x - 0 ) + 9 - 92.246 ( x - 0.0955 ) + 9 + 34.591 ( x - 0.3458 ) + 9 + 35.437 ( x - 0.6546 ) + 8 - 8.636 ( x - 0.9046 ) + 8 - 0.165 ( x - 1 ) + 9

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