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Original article
32 (
); 2096-2102

Numerical simulation of two-dimensional modified Helmholtz problems for anisotropic functionally graded materials

Department of Mathematics, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo, Indonesia
Department of Marine Science, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

⁎Corresponding author. mohivanazis@yahoo.co.id (Moh. Ivan Azis)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


  • The paper focuses on finding solutions to modified Helmholtz BVPs of anisotropic FGMs.


In this paper we consider the modified Helmholtz type equation governing 2D-boundary value problems for anisotropic functionally graded materials (FGMs) with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The persistently spatially changing diffusion and leakage factor coefficients involved in the governing equation indicate the inhomogeneity of the material under consideration. And the anisotropic diffusion coefficients indicate the material’s anisotropy. Some particular examples of problems are solved numerically using a boundary element method (BEM). The results show the accuracy and consistency of the numerical solutions, the effect of the coefficient βx values on the solutions, and the impact of the inhomogeneity and the isotropy of the materials to the solutions.


Boundary element method
Modified Helmholtz problems
Anisotropic functionally graded media

1 Introduction

Authors commonly define an FGM as an inhomogeneous material having a specific property such as thermal conductivity, hardness, toughness, ductility, corrosion resistance, etc. that changes spatially in a continuous fashion. Nowadays FGM has become an important topic, and numerous studies on FGM for a variety of applications have been reported (see e.g. Bakhadda et al., 2018; Bounouara et al., 2016; Hedayatrasa et al., 2014; Karami et al., 2017; Karami et al., 2018a; Karami et al., 2018b; Karami et al., 2018c; Karami et al., 2019a; Karami et al., 2019b and Zemri et al., 2015).

The modified Helmholtz equation appears in many kind of applications such as neutron diffusion problems (Itagaki and Brebbia, 1993), advection-diffusion problems (Solekhudin and Ang, 2012), problems governed by Laplace type equation (Chen et al., 2002), Debye-Huckel theory and the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann problems (Kropinski and Quaife, 2011), steady-state groundwater flow (Gusyev and Haitjema, 2011) and unsteady heat conduction (Guo et al., 2013). So many works which are related to the modified Helmholtz equation and focusing on finding its numerical solutions have been done, yet most of the works are limited to the case of isotropic and/or homogeneous media. The works by Igarashi and Honma (1992), Itagaki and Brebbia (1993), Singh and Tanaka (2000), Chen et al. (2002), Cheng et al. (2006), Gusyev and Haitjema (2011), Kropinski and Quaife (2011), Guo et al. (2013), Nguyen et al. (2013) and Chen et al. (2014) are among the examples.

Apparently, BEM has been successfully used for solving many types of problems of either homogeneous or functionally graded (inhomogeneous), and either isotropic or anisotropic materials. Some works using BEM for homogeneous anisotropic media of 2D diffusion-convection and Helmholtz problems (e.g. Azis et al. (2018); Azis, 2019a) have been recently reported. And for inhomogeneous anisotropic media BEM also has been used to solve elasticity, scalar elliptic, Helmholtz, diffusion-convection and diffusion-convection–reaction problems (see e.g. Azis and Clements, 2014; Azis, 2019b; Azis, 2019c; Hamzah et al., 2019; Lanafie et al., 2019; Haddade et al., 2019; Azis et al., 2019; Hamzah et al., 2019).

This paper discusses derivation of a BEM for numerically solving 2D problems governed by the modified Helmholtz type equation for anisotropic FGMs of the form

xiλijx1,x2ϕx1,x2xj-β2x1,x2ϕx1,x2=0where the coefficients λij and β2 depend on x1 and x2 and the repeated summation convention (summing from 1 to 2) is employed. In the steady-state groundwater flow, the value of 1/βx is called the “leakage factor” or “characteristic leakage length” (see Gusyev and Haitjema, 2011). Eq. (1) is relevant to modelling systems for anisotropic FGMs which are governed by the modified Helmholtz. The technique of transforming (1) to constant coefficient equations will be used for obtaining a boundary integral equation for the solution of (1). It is necessary to place some constraint on the class of coefficients λij and β for which the solution obtained is valid.

For Eq. (1) to be an elliptic partial differential equation throughout Ω, the matrix of coefficients λij is required to be a symmetric positive definite matrix. The coefficients λij and β are also required to be twice differentiable functions.

Throughout the paper, the analysis used is purely mathematical; to develop a BEM for obtaining the numerical solution of problems governed by Eq. (1) is the main purpose. The analysis in general applies for anisotropic media, but it is equally applicable to isotropic materials as a special case occurring when λ11=λ22 and λ12=0. Likewise, the analysis also applies especially for homogeneous materials, as a special case of FGMs, that occurs when λij and β are constant. Therefore the main aim of this paper is to make the coverage of (1) wider as to cover the case of anisotropic FGMs as well as the special case of isotropic homogeneous materials which mostly had been worked on previously.


2 The boundary value problem

Referred to a Cartesian frame Ox1x2 a solution to (1) is sought which is valid in a region Ω in R2 with boundary Ω consisting of a number of piecewise continuous curves. On Ω either ϕx or P(x) is specified, where


x=x1,x2 and n=n1,n2 is the normal vector pointing out on the boundary Ω. A boundary integral equation will be sought, from which numerical values of the dependent variables ϕ and its derivatives may be obtained for all points in Ω.


3 The boundary integral equation

The boundary integral equation is derived by transforming the variable coefficient Eq. (1) to a constant coefficient equation. We restrict the coefficients λij and β to be of the form

where gx is a differentiable function and λij and β2 are constant. Substitution of (3) and (4) into (1) gives


ϕx=g-1/2xψxtherefore Eq. (5) can be written asλijxigg-1/2ψxj-β2g1/2ψ=0which can be further written as

Use of the identity2g1/2xixj=-14g-3/2gxigxj+12g-1/22gxixjallows Eq. (7) to be written in the formg1/2λij2ψxixj-ψλij2g1/2xixj-β2g1/2ψ=0

So that if g satisfies

λij2g1/2xixj+kg1/2=0where k is a constant, then the transformation (6) brings the variable coefficients Eq. (5) into a constant coefficients equation

Moreover, substitution of (3) and (6) into (2) gives

P=-Pgψ+Pψg1/2where Pgx=λijg1/2/xjni and Pψx=λijψ/xjni

Three possible multi parameter function gx satisfying (8) are gx=Aα0+α1x1+α2x22 for which k=0,gx=Aexpαmxm2 for which k<0 and λijαiαj=-k, and gx=Acosαmxm+sinαmxm2 for which k>0 and λijαiαj=k. When the material under consideration is a layered material consisting of several layers where each layer is a specific type of material of specific constant coefficients λij and β2 then the discrete variation of the constant coefficients from layer to layer may certainly accommodate the determination of a continuous variation of the variable coefficients λijx and β2x by interpolation, that is to determine the parameters αm of function gx.

An integral equation for (9) is

ηx0ψx0=ΩΓx,x0ψx-Φx,x0Pψxdsxwhere x0=(a,b),η=0 if (a,b)ΩΩ, η=1 if (a,b) lies inside the domain Ω,η=12 if (a,b) is on the boundary Ω given that Ω has a continuously turning tangent at (a,b). The function Φ in (11) is called the fundamental solution, which is any solution of the equation λij2Φ/xixj+(k-β2)Φ=δx-x0 and the Γ is defined as Γx,x0=λijΦx,x0/xjni where δ denotes the Dirac delta function. Following Azis (2017), for 2-D problems Φ and Γ are given by
where K=τ¨/ζ,ω=|β2/ζ|, ζ=λ11+2λ12τ̇+λ22τ̇2+τ¨2/2, R=(ẋ1-ȧ)2+(ẋ2-ḃ)2,ẋ1=x1+τ̇x2, ȧ=a+τ̇b,ẋ2=τ¨x2 and ḃ=τ¨b where τ̇ and τ¨ are respectively the real and the positive imaginary parts of the complex root τ of the quadratic λ11+2λ12τ+λ22τ2=0 and H02,H12 denote the Hankel function of second kind and order zero and order one respectively, K0,K1 denote the modified Bessel function of order zero and order one respectively and ı represents the square root of minus one. The derivatives R/xj necessary for the calculation of the Γ in (13) are given by R/x1=ẋ1-ȧ/R and R/x2=τ̇ẋ1-ȧ+τ¨ẋ2-ḃ/R. Use of (6) and (10) in (11) yields

Eq. (14) provides a boundary integral equation which is the starting point of BEM construction for determining the numerical solutions of ϕ and its derivatives at all points of Ω.


4 Numerical examples

To illustrate the use of BEM some examples of problems governed by (1) are considered. For a simplicity, the domain Ω is taken to be a unit square for all problems (see Fig. 1). Hankel and the modified Bessel functions in (12) and (13) are approximated by their ascending series, and the integral in (14) is evaluated using Gaussian quadrature (see Abramowitz and Stegun, 1972). A number of 640 (constant) boundary elements of equal length, that is 160 elements on each side of the unit square domain, are used for the implementation of BEM.

The domain Ω.
Fig. 1
The domain Ω.


4.1 Problems with analytical solutions

Some problems with analytical solutions will be considered. The aim is to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical solutions. In addition to this, the impact of an increase of the coefficient βx on the accuracy, when appropriate, will also be investigated. For all test problems considered, the boundary conditions areϕgivenonthesideAB,BC,CDPgivenonthesideAD


4.1.1 Example 1: anisotropic quadratically graded material

For k=0 one of the possible forms of g(x) satisfying (8) is the quadratic function g(x)=21+2x1+3x22 that is when a quadratically graded material is under consideration. The constant coefficient λij isλij=1112

We take several values of β2. The values of β2 and corresponding maximum value of wave number βx and analytical solutions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 The values of β2 and corresponding maximum βx and analytical solutions for Example 1.
β2 maxβx Analytical solution ϕx
0.3125 6.71 exp0.25x1+x221+2x1+3x2
1.25 13.41 exp0.5x1+x221+2x1+3x2
5 26.83 expx1+x221+2x1+3x2
20 53.66 exp2x1+x221+2x1+3x2

Table 2 shows convergence of the numerical solutions and Table 3 indicates efficiency of the BEM. Specifically, the standard BEM only needs less than a minute time to obtain the solutions cx and its derivatives at 19 interior points. From this point forward, all the computation results are obtained using total number of 640 elements. Fig. 2 shows numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for several values of β2. The errors are reasonably small occurring in the fourth decimal place. Fig. 2 also indicates that in general the errors increase as the value of β2 gets larger.

Table 2 Convergence of solutions for Example 1 of the case β2=20.
Point 160 elements 320 elements 640 elements Analytical
(0.1,0.5) 0.6154 0.6153 0.6150 0.6148
(0.3,0.5) 0.7993 0.7993 0.7991 0.7989
(0.5,0.5) 1.0561 1.0560 1.0558 1.0556
(0.7,0.5) 1.4140 1.4137 1.4135 1.4132
(0.9,0.5) 1.9131 1.9129 1.9125 1.9122
Table 3 CPU computation time (in seconds) for Example 1 of the case β2=20.
160 elements 320 elements 640 elements
4.59375 16.03125 59.65625
Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 1.
Fig. 2
Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 1.


4.1.2 Example 2: anisotropic exponentially graded material

When k<0 in Eq. (8), one of possible forms of g(x) is an exponential function of the form g(x)=2exp0.2x1+0.3x22. The constant coefficients λij and k are taken to beλij=1112k=-0.34

Table 4 shows several values of β2 and corresponding maximum value of wave number βx and analytical solutions.

Table 4 The values of β2 and corresponding maximum βx and analytical solutions for Example 2.
β2 maxβx Analytical solution ϕx
0 0 0.5
0.31 1.84 0.5exp0.1x1+0.1x2
0.91 3.14 0.5exp0.3x1+0.2x2
4.66 7.12 0.5exp0.8x+0.7x2
19.66 131.59 0.5exp1.8x1+1.7x2

Fig. 3 shows numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for several different values of β2. The errors occur in the fourth decimal place, even with large values of β2. Again, the errors increase as the value of β2 gets larger.

Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 2.
Fig. 3
Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 2.


4.1.3 Example 3: anisotropic trigonometrically graded material

Another possible forms of g(x), when k>0 in Eq. (8), is a trigonometrical function g(x)=2cos(πx1/4+πx2/4)+sin(πx1/4+πx2/4)2 where π=3.1415. Again, we take the constant coefficients λij and kλij=1112k=5π2/16

We intend to set the value of the coefficient (k-β2) in (9) to be negative, zero and positive, so as to consider three different types of Eq. (9). Therefore we choose β2=9π2/16,5π2/16,π2/16 thus k-β2=-π2/4,0,π2/4. Table 5 shows the values of β2 and corresponding analytical solutions.

Table 5 The values of β2 and corresponding analytical solutions for Example 3.
β2 Analytical solution ϕx
916π2 0.5expπ20(x1+x2)cosπ4(x1+x2)+sinπ4(x1+x2)
516π2 0.51+x1+x2cosπ4(x1+x2)+sinπ4(x1+x2)
116π2 cosπ20(x1+x2)+sinπ20(x1+x2)2cosπ4(x1+x2)+sinπ4(x1+x2)

Fig. 4 shows numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for three different values of β2. As for each β2 represents a different type of Eq. (9), it is inappropriate to make a conclusion regarding the effect of β2 values change on the errors.

Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 3.
Fig. 4
Numerical ϕ absolute errors along the line x2=0.5 for Example 3.


4.2 Problems without any simple analytical solutions

Two problems will be considered. The boundary conditions areP=0onthesideABϕ=0onthesideBCP=0onthesideCDP=100onthesideAD


4.2.1 Example 4

Now, the purpose is to show coherence between the flow vector ϕx1,ϕx2 and the scattering ϕ solutions inside the domain, and the impact of the inhomogeneity and the anisotropy of the material. The variable coefficients λijx and β2x for the governing Eq. (1) areλijx=λijgxβ2x=β2gxgx=2α0+α1x1+α2x22β2=20

And we consider two cases regarding the anisotropy λij and inhomogeneity gx of the material as shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Two cases regarding the anisotropy λij and inhomogeneity gx for Example 4.
Material λij gx
Isotropic homogeneous 1001 4
Anisotropic inhomogeneous 1112 21+2x1+3x22

Figs. 5 and 6 show a coherence between the flow vector and scattering ϕ solutions. This verifies that the developed FORTRAN code computes the flow vector correctly.

Flow and scattering solutions for Example 4 of the isotropic homogeneous material.
Fig. 5
Flow and scattering solutions for Example 4 of the isotropic homogeneous material.
Flow and scattering solutions for Example 4 of the anisotropic inhomogeneous material.
Fig. 6
Flow and scattering solutions for Example 4 of the anisotropic inhomogeneous material.


4.2.2 Example 5

The aim is to see comparison of solutions for quadratically, exponentially and trigonometrically graded materials by keeping the parameters A,αm of the function g(x), and the constant coefficients λij,β2 the same for all types of graded materials. Three types of material’s gradation and their forms of function g(x) arequadraticalg(x)=Aα0+αmxm2,k=0exponentialgx=Aexpαmxm2,k=-λijαiαjtrigonometricalgx=Acos(αmxm)+sin(αmxm)2,k=λijαiαj

The parameter β2 chosen is β2=20 and the values of constant matrix λij and the parameters αm associated with the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 The values of constant matrix λij and the parameters αm for Example 5.
Material λij gx
Isotropic homogeneous 1001 A=2,α0=1,α1=0,α2=0
Isotropic inhomogeneous 1001 A=2,α0=1,α1=7π16,α2=7π16
Anisotropic homogeneous 1112 A=2,α0=1,α1=0,α2=0
Anisotropic inhomogeneous 1112 A=2,α0=1,α1=7π16,α2=7π16

Table 8 shows a comparison of ϕ solutions inside the unit square domain for each combination of isotropy and homogeneity, and each type of types of material’s gradation. The results in Table 8 may be described as follows:

  • for each type of material, the impact of the anisotropy and inhomogeneity on the solutions is evident. This suggests that it is important to take into account the anisotropy as well as the inhomogeneity in application.

  • when the material is homogeneous (ie. α1=0,α2=0 so that k=0), either the material is isotropic or anisotropic, all the three types of material give identical solutions since the problems are identical.

  • contrarily, when the material is inhomogeneous (ie. α1=7π16,α2=7π16) the scattering solutions of the three types of material’s gradation are different. This is due to that the problems are not identical (the value k in Eqs. (8) and (9) is different) for each type of material’s gradation.

Table 8 Comparison of ϕ solutions for Example 5.


5 Conclusion

It is possible to find numerical solutions of problems governed by an equation of variable coefficients such as the modified Helmholtz type Eq. (1) by using a standard BEM. Being adopted in this work, transformation of the variable coefficient equation into a constant coefficient equation is among way to derive a boundary integral equation. A BEM may then be constructed from the boundary integral equation. The standard BEM provides an ease of implementation, timeless computation and accurate solutions.

Modeling physical application for an anisotropic FGM always involves a variable coefficients governing equation such as (1). In this paper, quadratically, exponentially and trigonometrically graded materials are considered as the FGMs.

In addition to its accuracy, the BEM has also been working properly. This is indicated by the consistency between the flow vectors and scattering solutions. Moreover, it is also observed that the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material effect the results. This suggests both anisotropy and inhomogeneity should be taken into account in applications.


This work was supported by the Hasanuddin University, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.


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