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Nonlinear integral models with delays: Recent developments and applications
⁎Corresponding author. (Yuri Yatsenko)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
The authors examine contemporary integral dynamic models of biological, environmental, and technological systems with heterogeneous components. The models contain two-dimensional control functions, nonlinearities, and delays in system inputs. The paper demonstrates the versatility of integral equations and their importance to various applications. Connections and advantages of integral and differential models are discussed. A survey of optimal control strategies for such models is provided.
Integral dynamic models
Endogenous delay
Optimal control
Population models
Technological renovation
1 Introduction
Integral equations have been intensively used in modeling various processes in physics, biology, environmental sciences, engineering, economics, and operations research (Ahmed and Teo, 1981; Brokate, 1985; Boucekkine et al., 1997; Corduneanu, 1991; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 1996; Jovanovic and Tse, 2010; Volterra, 1959). An integral dynamic model with delay was proposed by Boltzman in 1874 to describe elastic persistence in physics. Vito Volterra developed Boltzman theory and introduced integral models with delay to population ecology in 1900. Sharpe and Lotka (1911) derived the integral renewal equation for age-structured human populations, which remains a backbone of modern demography. Integral models of economic-technological growth, known as vintage capital models, were suggested in the 1960’s to describe technological renovation of economic systems (Solow et al., 1966).
The motivation of this paper is to highlight recent developments in the contemporary theory of integral models and their applications. It explores models of dynamic systems with heterogeneous components that depend on certain structural parameters (Corduneanu, 1991; Kato et al., 2007; Webb, 1985; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a). Those parameters have various interpretations, such as the age or size of individuals in population models or a starting point of technological renovation in economic-environmental problems. The models under consideration include two-dimensional controls and nonlinearities and delays in the system inputs. Another related goal of this paper is to demonstrate the versatility of integral equations and how similar models are used to describe different applied phenomena that seem to be unrelated at the first sight.
The study of integral models enhances other areas. For instance, operations research studies equipment replacement problems, which are usually considered in discrete settings as integer programming problems (Hartman and Tan, 2014). Similar problems are also studied by integral vintage capital models. Establishing relevant links between two modeling tools, continuous and discrete replacement models, helps to overcome challenges of discrete analysis and address open issues in operations research. Thus, time-continuous vintage models (Yatsenko and Hritonenko, 2005, 2009) explain a paradox in equipment replacement under technological improvement raised in (Cheevaprawatdomrong and Smith, 2003).
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are an alternative modeling tool for heterogeneous dynamic systems with delay. Both integral and PDE models have been applied to age-structured biological populations for centuries (Sharpe and Lotka, 1911; McKendrick, 1926; Brokate, 1985; Clark, 1976; Webb, 1985; Greenhalgh, 1987) and to size-structured populations since 1980’s (Metz and Diekmann, 1986; Calsina and Saldaña, 1995; De Roos and Persson, 2001; Kato et al., 2007; Goetz et al., 2010, 2013). The integral equations have been used to study age-structured systems in economics since 1960’s (Solow et al., 1966; Malcomson, 1975; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 1995, 1996; Boucekkine et al., 1997), and more recently the PDEs joined this pool (Jovanovic and Yatsenko, 2012; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2010; Hritonenko et al., 2017). The advantage of integral models is they are more general and flexible and often allow for deeper research results compared to differential models. Connections between integral and PDE models in various applications are discussed in this paper.
Growing applications of integral models raise new questions and require their investigation. Optimal control is a major tool in applying integral models to practical problems. Optimality conditions lead to dual integral equations that bring new analytic challenges. Optimization problems in some models require solving nonlinear integral equations with unknowns in the lower (equations with delays) and upper (equations with leads) limits of integration. The paper offers a systematic survey of modeling outcomes, such as structure and asymptotics of optimal trajectories, turnpike properties, solution irregularities, and so on (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a).
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the integral dynamic models with delays, their applied interpretation, connection to PDE models, and challenges of their analysis. Section 3 presents the integral models with endogenous delays as a special case of general models of Section 2 and discusses their major investigation techniques and applications. Section 4 compares and summarizes advantages of integral and differential models.
2 Integral models with distributed controls and their applications
The nonlinear integral model
The structural parameter s is often referred to as a size, and the given function describes the change of the size s over time t starting with the initial size . An example of nonlinear is provided in Section 2.2.
If the size s of system elements linearly depends on their age z = t − t0, then
where k is a constant, and the size-structured model (1) can be transformed to the age-structured model (De Roos and Persson, 2001; Kato, 2004; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a):
In the control theory (Barnett, 1975; Ahmed and Teo, 1981; Caputo, 2005; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a), the input vector x manages the use of various system resources. The inputs of heterogeneous resources produce a certain aggregate output y(t). This process is nonlinear, involves additional delays, and is determined by various physical, economic, and environmental factors. The corresponding output balance can be written as
The rational control of the dynamic system (2) and (3) is often described by an optimization objective
Special cases of the age-structured model (2)–(4) and size-structured model (1) are widely used in applications. They are written as PDE-based or integral optimal control problems. Connections and comparative advantages of these two different modelling tools are discussed below.
2.1 Population biology and demography
Modern age-structured models of population dynamics are mostly versions of the PDE-based Lotka-McKendrik or Gurtin-MacCamy population models (McKendrick, 1926; Clark, 1976; Brokate, 1985; Webb, 1985; Barbu and Iannelli, 1999; Anita, 2000; Fister and Lenhart, 2004). Harvesting is among classic applications of such models. In particular, rational harvesting of a fully manageable biological population can be described by the following optimization problem (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2010, 2012):
Find U(t), u(z,t), and x(z,t), z ∈ [0,A], t ∈ [0,T], that maximize
It is important to recognize, that in harvesting models (Clark, 1976; Murphy and Smith, 1990; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2012, 2013a), the control u(z,t) can be introduced as the harvesting rate (density) as in (6) or as the harvesting effort (then, the PDE (6) contains the product u(z,t)x(z,t) instead of u(z,t)).
The model (5)–(8) has been employed to find optimal harvesting strategies and explore sustainable development. It can be used as a demographic block to analyze the dependence of human lifespan on medical expenditures (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2010), explore links between technological progress and endogenous retirement age and other problems in demographic and biomedical sciences.
Mathematical investigation of the problem (5)–(8) includes optimality conditions, steady-state analysis, convergence of optimal trajectories to the steady state, closed-form solutions, a long-term balanced growth and transition dynamics, just to name a few. A simple transformation (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a, pp. 151–153) shows that the linear age-structured PDE model (6)–(8) is a special case of the linear integral model (2)–(4), known as the Lotka model (Sharpe and Lotka, 1911). The advantage of PDE models is that they are easier to solve.
2.2 Environmental protection and natural resources
Carbon and other pollutants contaminate the environment and negatively impact human well-being. Environmental protection is among important global issues (Bréchet et al. 2013, Kharrazi et al. 2013). Biological, chemical, and engineering techniques have been developed to reduce the environmental pollution. Ocean and forest are major biological means to decrease pollutions and clean the environment. Forest sequestrates a great amount of carbon dioxide and provides valuable timber. Here we consider a forestry model used in environmental applications (Hritonenko et al., 2009; Goetz et al., 2013).
As established by forest scientists, the link between the size and age of a tree is weak and corresponding mathematical models should use the tree size rather than its age as a structured parameter. First size-structured forestry models were introduced in the 80’s (Metz and Diekmann, 1986; Calsina and Saldaña, 1995; De Roos and Persson, 2001; Kato et al., 2007). The carbon sequestration in timber was added later. The following problem determines the optimal planting/logging regime that maximizes the joint benefits from timber production and carbon sequestration (Hritonenko et al., 2009):
The model (9)–(13) is a special case of the integral model (1), (3), (4). To illustrate that, let us define characteristic curves of the Eq. (10). For any continuous E(t), t ∈ [0,T), the characteristic curve φE(t; l1, t1) through a point (l1, t1) ∈ (0,∞)x[0,T) is the solution of the differential equation
For a given E, the function φE(t;l1,t1) describes the tree size φ (t) reached at time t if φ (t1) = l1. For clarity, let us choose a commonly accepted nonlinear growth rate
At a constant E(t) = E, the characteristic depends only on the difference between the initial time t1 and current time t.
Using (15) and (16), the PDE (10) can be rewritten as the nonlinear integral equation
2.3 Technological innovations and equipment replacement
Equipment ranging from computers to industrial machines is among key production inputs of any business, but it ages with time and should be periodically replaced before it becomes obsolete because new better equipment appears on market (Hartman and Tan, 2014; Yatsenko and Hritonenko, 2017). Finding the optimal replacement time in multi-disciplinary settings involves not only financial and technological, but also social and environmental aspects (contamination and protection, shortage of energy and natural resources). Alongside with new equipment, the old one is still on market because of its lower prices, increased performance (learning-by-doing), and limited substitutability of vintages.
From a mathematical viewpoint, any production system is a system with memory implemented in technological structures and, as such, can be described by the model (2)–(4). The memory is implemented in the existing structure of productive equipment. Economic applications of models (2)–(4) are known as the vintage capital models and describe the optimal renovation of heterogeneous assets under technological progress (Solow et al., 1966; Malcomson, 1975; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 1995, 2005; Boucekkine et al., 1997; Boucekkine and Pommeret, 2004; Jovanovic and Tse, 2010). They describe the equipment (capital assets) as a collection of heterogeneous vintages that differ by their age and installation time.
The vintage model with investments into new and old vintages (Jovanovic and Yatsenko, 2012) considers rational capital management in a firm that faces the integral production function
Complete dynamics of such models combines a long-term balanced growth (a steady-state solution, turnpike trajectory) and short-term transition dynamics before a solution reaches balanced growth (Boucekkine et al., 1997; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2008, 2013a). The balance growth in (19)–(21) is studied by Jovanovic and Yatsenko (2012), who explore how learning affects buying older technologies. Qualitative properties of the model (19)–(21) and conditions for the convergence of its optimal trajectories to the balanced growth are obtained in (Hritonenko et al., 2017).
3 Integral models with controlled memory
Integral dynamic models can contain a special type of nonlinearities that arise when certain obsolete elements of a dynamic system are abruptly removed from the system. It leads to the appearance of specific nonlinear controls that can be introduced in the general age-structured dynamic model (2). Let us consider its linear version:
The new features of the model (22) compared to (2) are that:
the infinite delay over (−∞,0] is necessary to depict existing structure of inputs at the initial instant t = 0,
the inputs x(t) of the age-structured model (22) are not differentiated by their age, which occurs when x(t) contain only the system elements of age zero, such as newborns in biology or newest technologies in industry.
Those features make the model (22) suitable to technological applications. In control theory, the matrix function A(τ,t) is a flexible two-dimensional control that changes the intensities of input-output channels (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2005, 2013a). It can take more specific forms in some applications. In particular, production systems under improving technology (at ∂K(τ,t)/∂τ > 0) acquire only the newest and most efficient equipment vintages and scrap only the oldest obsolete vintages. The scrapping process is described by the special form of the control A:
subject to
The unknown lower limits zj(t) of integration in (25) reflect delays in a dynamic system and describe the unknown lifetimes t-zj(t) of system elements. In (24) and (25), some or all components of functions x(t) = {xi(t), i = 1,…,n}, and z(t) = {zi(t), i = 1,…,n}, t ∈ [t0,T), are unknown. The functions Kij(τ,t,x) ≥ 0 and fi(t) ≥ 0, i = 1,…,m, j = 1,…,n, τ ∈ [τ0, T), t ∈ [t0, T), and the initial vector x0(τ), τ ∈ [ τ0, t0], are given.
Compared to the model (22), the benefit of the integral model (24) with controlled delay is that it decreases the dimension of a control problem from two to one. However, its drawback is that it creates a new essential nonlinearity which leads to increased analytic complexity. Indeed, the integral equations with unknown delays are always nonlinear even if all other model functions are given. Moreover, the problem (24) and (25) involves the state-dependent delays x(z(t)) and the state constraints (25) on the derivative of the unknown zj(t). Challenges of state-dependent delays are well known in the modeling theory, e.g., (Carl et al., 2007, Desch and Turi, 1996; Domoshnitsky et al., 2002; Dmitruk and Vdovina, 2017). Furthermore, the integral equations with unknown upper integration limits (leads) appear in corresponding dual problems (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2009; Motamedi et al., 2014; Yatsenko 1995, Yatsenko, 2004). Finally, a finite interval [t0,T], T < ∞, causes solution irregularities compared to the infinite case T = ∞. To illustrate features of such models, we consider two special cases of (24) and (25) below.
3.1 Technological and industrial models
The optimal control problem
The problem (26)–(29) has been intensively studied. Hritonenko and Yatsenko (2005, 2008) developed a technique to overcome state constraints (28) on z and z′, obtained the necessary and sufficient condition for an extremum, and found asymptotic (turnpike) properties and exact structure of solutions to (26)–(29). In particular, the optimal control x at T < ∞ is affected by two groups of irregularities caused by replacement echoes and anticipation echoes (Boucekkine et al., 1997; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 1996, 2005, 2008). The first group of echoes is disseminated from left to right and the second one from right to left. The cumulative effect of two echoes leads to a sophisticated behavior of the optimal control x. Such investment echoes have been observed in real economies (Jovanovich and Tse, 2010).
Some other integral models with one scalar endogenous delay have been investigated in (Malcomson, 1975; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 1995; Boucekkine et al., 1997), and others. The model (26)–(29) has been extended to consider sustainable management of energy and natural resources, physical and human capital, environmental quotas and restrictions (Boucekkine and Pommeret, 2004; Boucekkine et al., 2014; Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013b; Hritonenko et al., 2015). Hritonenko and Yatsenko (2013c) study nonlinear integral Eq. (24) with several endogenous delays. A principal drawback of vintage models with endogenous delays compared to the vintage model (19)–(21) is that they cannot describe investments into older vintages.
3.2 Biological models
Integral models with delays of type (24) and (25) can be effectively used to describe controlled harvesting of biological populations (Brokate, 1985; Kato et al., 2007; Sharpe and Lotka, 1911; Webb, 1985). Hritonenko and Yatsenko (2006) describe the dynamics of a harvested population by the integral dynamic model with controlled delay
4 Conclusion
The choice of differential or integral equations as a modeling tool is ambiguous. In some situations, researchers transform original integral models to their differential analogues (ODEs or PDEs), and vice versa. A crucial benefit of differential equations is that they are easier to solve, so, the transition to them is natural in many cases. However, the major advantage of integral equations is that they are more general and can describe global situations that cannot be modeled by the differential equations. Indeed, although the derived equations of motion are often differential, the original general physical laws usually have an integral form. Even a slight modification of an applied problem may often require going back to an integral form of the model. Examples include problems of viscoelasticity, creep theory, super fluidity, aeroelasticity, coagulation and meteorology, electromagnetism, radiation transfer, radio physics, electronic lithography, and so on (Hritonenko and Yatsenko, 2013a). In principle, all differential models can be described with integral equations.
This paper outlines research supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, under Grant AP05131784. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for valuable remarks.
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