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Original article
01 2022

New records and addition to the flora of Saudi Arabia, mainly from Faifa Governorate, Jazan Region

Faculty of Science and Arts, Albaha University, Baljurashi, Saudi Arabia
Agricultural Research & Extension Authority, Yemen
Academic Institute in Faifa, Saudi Arabia
Agricultural Development Fund, Faifa, Saudi Arabia
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), P.O. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia

⁎Corresponding author. alnamazi@kacst.edu.sa (Ali A. Al-Namazi)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


Based on vegetation surveys made in the southern region of Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021, five new plant taxa including four species and one subspecies, belonging to four families that had not previously been recorded in Saudi Arabia's flora were discovered. Within the Arabian Peninsula, all newly recorded species (i.e., Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. (Fabaceae), Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. (Burseraceae), Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis (Capparaceae), Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (Piperaceae), and Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. (Fabaceae) were recorded in Yemen while A. vaginalis was also recorded in Oman. Brief descriptions and comments on the phytogeography of each taxon are given. The distribution of plants in Faifa Mountains and surrounding areas was mapped using geographic information systems (GIS) and ground surveys.


Saudi Arabia
New addition records

1 Introduction

The vegetation cover in Saudi Arabia has received many surveys and studies. A number of books on the flora and vegetation of Saudi Arabia have been published (e.g., Migahid, 1996; Collenette, 1999; Chaudhary, 1999, 2000, 2001; Qashash, 2007; Mandaville, 2013; Al-Surour, 2018). The southwestern region of Saudi Arabia has the majority of the floristic diversity in Saudi Arabia (Fadl et al., 2021; Al-Namazi et al., 2022). Jazan is considered as one of the rich regions in plant diversity (Abbas et al., 2020). Therefore, several studies have occurred on its vegetation cover (e.g. Al-Turki, 2004; AlFarhan et al., 2005; El-Shabasy, 2016; Al-Gifri et al., 2019; Shalabi and Masrahi, 2019; Abbas et al., 2020).

The high plant diversity of Jazan region might be due to the variation in altitudes from sea level to 3100 m, in addition to the variation in climate conditions resulting from the altitudinal variations (Abbas et al., 2020). Moreover, most likely because environmental deviations caused by latitudinal and altitudinal gradients may have a significant influence on the spatial distributions of plant community diversity, where herbaceous plants grow well in low latitude regions (Jump et al., 2009). In general, there has been little research on latitudinal range retractions. The latitudinal gradient creates variation in the ecological conditions, which leads to variation in the plant community composition among the different altitudes. Thus, the mountainous areas have high plant diversity (Al-Namazi et al., 2021). Similarly, the mountainous region of Faifa in Jazan is one of the richest areas of plant diversity since about 537 species were recorded in this region (AlFarhan et al., 2005).

The study of natural plant species and the discovery of new plants enrich a country's plant life and aid in their protection, as well as enrich its economy if these plants are economically significant. Understanding the distribution of plant species across environmental and geographic gradients has long been a goal of ecology and plant management. However, the mechanisms governing this phenomenon are unknown, particularly along latitude gradients. (Zhang et al., 2019).

Several studies, however, have discovered that changes in plant functional behaviors along with a latitudinal gradient pattern, as well as community diversity along geographical gradients, as well as the effects of latitude and altitude on plant community diversity, are essential topics in biodiversity research. (Xu et al., 2017). The geographic distribution of plants is significantly influenced by physiography, climate, and edaphic conditions. (Jump et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2017).

In addition to the known high species richness of Faifa, this study aims to highlight the new records and novel taxa additions to the flora of Saudi Arabia. In this article, we are aiming to identify and describe these species and their habitats.


2 Materials and methods


2.1 The study area

The surveyed areas are located in southwestern Saudi Arabia's Asir region and are part of Jazan Province (Fig. 1). The region is regarded as Saudi Arabia's least known, and it remains largely unexplored. In fact, until the last decade of the twentieth century, botanists rarely visited the Faifa and surrounding areas, which can be considered a Hot Spot and an important plant area (IPA) in the Arabian Peninsula.

The location of the investigated area.
Fig. 1
The location of the investigated area.


2.2 Fieldwork

Several field trips for plant collections have been done during the period from 2020 to 2021. Fig. 2 shows the spatial distribution map of the vascular plants. This study used geographic information systems (GIS) and ground surveys to map the distribution of the plants in the Faifa and surrounding areas. The most recent floras' books and research were used to identify the collected specimens. All the specimens were kept and deposited in the herbarium of the Faculty of Science, of the University of Albaha, and in the herbarium of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (MUZ). Several photographs of plant parts (e.g., the whole plant, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits) were taken, in addition, to free-hand drawings.

Distribution pattern of the five newly recorded taxa in Faifa province, Saudi Arabia (Alys_vagi: Alysicarpus vaginalis; Comm_schim: Commiphora schimperi; Maer_ango: Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis; Pepe_lepto: Peperomia leptostachya; Vign_vexi:Vigna vexillata).
Fig. 2
Distribution pattern of the five newly recorded taxa in Faifa province, Saudi Arabia (Alys_vagi: Alysicarpus vaginalis; Comm_schim: Commiphora schimperi; Maer_ango: Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis; Pepe_lepto: Peperomia leptostachya; Vign_vexi:Vigna vexillata).


3 Results

For the first time, the study recorded five new taxa (4 species, and 1 subspecies) belonging to four families (i.e., Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. (Fabaceae), Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. (Burseraceae), Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis (Capparaceae), Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (Piperaceae), and Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. (Fabaceae). Although all of the five taxa had not previously been recorded in Saudi Arabia's flora, they were recorded from Yemen, with the exception of recording A. vaginalis in Oman. The following are brief descriptions and maps of each taxon. Table 1. describes the environmental and phytogeographical data of each plant species.

Table 1 The plant species with their environmental data.
Lat. Long. Plant name no. Altitude World Distribution habitat
17.2465 43.1107 Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. 2 1275 Yemen, Oman, Africa, Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Australia. roadside
17.2468 43.1106 Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. 1 1273 roadside
17.2628 43.1013 Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. 1 1373 rocky slope
17.2325 43.0773 Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. 1 1130 roadside
17.248 43.1111 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 2 1300 Yemen, East to SE Africa (From Sudan to South Africa roadside
17.2594 43.0989 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 3 1350 rocky slope
17.2482 43.1112 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 2 1305 roadside
17.2473 43.1111 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 1 1292 roadside
17.2491 43.1135 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 3 1400 terraces
17.2475 43.1134 Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. 1 1357 slope
17.4314 43.0582 Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis 3 1360 Yemen, Tropical Africa & S. Africa, rocky slope
17.2669 43.1218 Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis 2 1315 rocky slope
17.2772 43.0972 Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis 1 935 rocky slope
17.2669 43.122 Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis 2 1308 roadside
17.2684 43.1095 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn.
3 1497 Tropical & Subtropical America wall terraces
17.2441 43.0773 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn.
3 1050 wall terraces
17.2686 43.1095 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn.
5 1480 wall terraces
17.2445 43.0853 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. 1 1306 Yemen, Tropics & Subtropics of America, Africa, Asia and Australia roadside
17.2444 43.0855 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. 5 1310 roadside
17.2447 43.085 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. 3 1300 roadside
17.2455 43.0862 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. 4 1235 roadside
17.2455 43.0861 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. 3 1254 roadside


3.1 Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC., (Fabaceae)

Published in Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 2: 353. 1825. (Fig. 3).

Alysicarpus vaginalis floral and vegetative parts. A: Life form, B: branches with simple alternate leaves, C: The Inflorescences. D: The flower. E: The fruits.
Fig. 3
Alysicarpus vaginalis floral and vegetative parts. A: Life form, B: branches with simple alternate leaves, C: The Inflorescences. D: The flower. E: The fruits.

Ascending to prostrate annual or perennial herb. Leaves simple, ovate, oblong, to lanceolate, entire, alternate, petiolate, with little hairs, up to 2.5 cm. Flower in racemes up to 14 axillary flowers, blue, pink, purple, reddish-pink or rarely orange-yellow, 5–8 mm. Pod slightly hairy, cylindrical, not constricted between seeds up to 2 cm.

Alysicarpus is a genus of about 30 species, confined to the tropical and subtropical of the Old World (Pedley, 2001) with maximum diversity in India (leeratiwong et al., 2017). Only four species of Alysicarpus were recorded from the Arabian Peninsula. Alysicarpus vaginalis species has been recorded from the Arabian Peninsula only from Yemen and Oman (Wood, 1997; Al-Khulaidi, 2013; Ghazanfar, 2007) and appears to be recently introduced into Saudi Arabia. The plant is considered a weed plant threatening crops around the world (Holm et al., 1979).

Alysicarpus vaginalis is recognized from the other two species recorded from Saudi Arabia (Alysicarpus rugosus and Alysicarpus glumaceus) by its valvate calyx lobes, the color variation of the corolla, and pods not constricted between seeds. In the study area, we recorded a few individuals of this species growing on the roadside and rocky slopes (Table 1).

Specimen examined: Faifa, Jazan Region, 17.2465N, 43.1107E, 1275m alt., roadside, 10 Nov. 2020, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify MUZ-20210; Faifa, 17.2628N 43.1013E, 1373m alt., rocky slope, Al-Namazi, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify 21 Oct. 2021 MUZ 20229 (KACST).


3.2 Commiphora schimperi Engl. (Burseraceae)

Published in: Monogr. Phan. 4: 13. (1883). (Fig. 4).

Commiphora schimperi floral and vegetative parts. A: life form. B: 3-foliolate leaves. C: branch with the leaves. D: The clusters of the flowers. E: The fruits.
Fig. 4
Commiphora schimperi floral and vegetative parts. A: life form. B: 3-foliolate leaves. C: branch with the leaves. D: The clusters of the flowers. E: The fruits.

A small tree up to 6 m tall. Branches spine-tipped. Leaves 3-foliolate, dentate, obovate, the terminal leaflet up to 3 cm. lateral leaflets 18 mm to 20 mm. Flowers red to yellow, in dense clusters, fruits beaked, ovoid drupe, 16 mm. long (Fig. 4).

The genus Commiphora contains about 185 species in the world (Daly et al., 2011), and 15 species of Commiphora were recorded from the Arabian Peninsula. Commiphora schimperi was recorded only from Yemen, (Wood, 1997; Miller and Morris, 2004). For the first time in Saudi Arabia, we recorded this species. It is occur in scattered and varied habitats in Faifa such as roadside, rocky slopes, and terraces (Table 1 & Fig. 6). Commiphora schimperi is similar to C. kua, but the lateral leaflets are fully developed, dentate, and the terminal leaflet is larger (see Table 2).

Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis floral and vegetative parts. A: Life form, B: branches with the flowers, C: Leaves, D: flowers, E: Fruits.
Fig. 5
Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis floral and vegetative parts. A: Life form, B: branches with the flowers, C: Leaves, D: flowers, E: Fruits.
Peperomia leptostachya floral and vegetative parts. A: Plant habit. B: the inflorescence C: leaves, D: part of the fruiting rachis, E: a brownish to red stem, showing the whorls and opposite leaves.
Fig. 6
Peperomia leptostachya floral and vegetative parts. A: Plant habit. B: the inflorescence C: leaves, D: part of the fruiting rachis, E: a brownish to red stem, showing the whorls and opposite leaves.
Table 2 Summarizes the variations between the six species of the genus Commiphora found in Saudi Arabia (Wood, 1997).
Species Leaves Fruits Branches
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C.Chr 3 to 5-foliolate, entire, Lateral leaflets less than 3 cm 4-valved, apiculate spineless
Commiphora kataf (Forssk.) Engl., 1–3-foliolate, dentate with long petiole, lateral leaflets more than 1 cm long Flattened to rounded spineless
Commiphora kua (R.Br. ex Royle) Vollesen (= C. erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl) 1–3-foliolate, terminal leaflets, dentate, up to 5 cm. lateral leaflets less than 3 mm dentate, sometimes absent Apiculate, Not beaked Spine-tipped
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl 1–3-foliolate, lateral leaflets less than 3 mm, entire Apiculate, beaked Spine-tipped
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf. simple leaves, about 2.5 cm, entire Apiculate, the stone with 4 winged Spine-tipped
Commiphora schimperi (Berg.) Engl., 1–3-foliolate, terminal leaflets, dentate, up to 3 cm, lateral leaflets, dentate, always present beaked Spine-tipped

Specimen examined: Faifa, Jazan Region, 17.2594N, 43.0989E, 1350m alt., rocky slope, 19 Dec. 2020, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify MUZ-20204 (KACST); Faifa, 17.2491N, 43.1135E, 1400m alt., terraces, Al-Namazi, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify 18 Jan. 2021 MUZ 20223 (KACST).


3.3 Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis (Capparaceae)

Published in: Prod. 1: 254. (1824). (Fig. 5).

Shrub up to 2 m tall, with a rounded crown and smooth grey bark flaking to reveal yellowish-orange patches. Leaves, simple, ovate to oblong, up to 4 cm, petiolate, alternate, and broadly elliptic to ovate with rounded or notched apex. Inflorescence of short, terminal, corymbose racemes. Fruit up to 22 cm, long, narrowly cylindric, torulose (Miller and Cope, 1996; and see Fig. 7).

Vigna vexillata floral and vegetative parts. A: close-up with long peduncles and the twining stems. B: flower showing the yellowish nectar on the standard petal, the twisted keel beak, and the spur. C: typical 3- leaflets with rounded bases. D: a whole fruit, close-up fruit with brown hairs. E: the seeds.
Fig. 7
Vigna vexillata floral and vegetative parts. A: close-up with long peduncles and the twining stems. B: flower showing the yellowish nectar on the standard petal, the twisted keel beak, and the spur. C: typical 3- leaflets with rounded bases. D: a whole fruit, close-up fruit with brown hairs. E: the seeds.

Within the Arabian Peninsula, three species and two subspecies, and two varieties of the genus Maerua are recorded from Yemen, one subspecies is endemic to Socotra Island (Miller and Morris, 2004; Collenette, 1999; Miller and Cope, 1996). In the study area, we recorded the subspecies of Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis occurs in four locations with altitudes varying from 935 to 1360 m above sea level (a. s. l.); see (Table 1).

Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis can be distinguished from other species of Maerua in Saudi Arabia by the size of its leaves and fruits which are elongated bean-like pods, up to 16 cm, constricted between the seeds (Wood, 1997; Edwards et al., 2000; Thulin, 2008; see also Table 3 and Fig. 5).

Table 3 Summarizes the variations between the taxonomic characteristics of the different species of Maerua in Saudi Arabia (Wood, 1997; Edwards et al, 2000; Thulin, 2008).
Plant name petioles leaves fruits
Maerua angolensis more than 1 cm long Simple, up to 7 cm elongated bean-like pod, up to 16 cm, constricted between the seeds
Maerua crassifolia less than 1 cm long Simple, clustered on branches, less than 2 cm Strongly torulose, less than 7 cm., constricted between the seeds
Maerua triphylla var. calophylla more than 1 cm long Simple or 3-foliolate globose to cylindrical, not constricted between seed
Maerua oblongifolia less than 2 cm long Simple, up to 5 cm. Cylindrical, beaded, aggregate, slightly constricted between seed

Specimen examined: Faifa, Jazan Region, 17.4314N, 43.0582E, 1360m alt., rocky slope, Al-Namazi, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify 21 May. 2021 MUZ 20225 (KACST).


3.4 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (Piperaceae)

Published in: Bot. Beechey Voy. 96. (1832). (Fig. 6).

Annual and perennial succulent herb up to 30 cm tall, prostrate to creeping. Stems brownish to red. Leaves dark green, in whorls of three and opposite, margin entire hairy, elliptic to obovate, up to 3 cm. long, 2 cm. wide, with palmately 3 to 5 nerves, petiole up to 9 mm long. Flowers are small, borne in slender spikes or panicles, greenish-white (Fig. 6). In the Arabian Peninsula, the plant is only recorded in Yemen (Wood, 1997). We recorded this species in Faifa, growing in the walls of terraces at altitudes between 1050 and 1500 m a. s. l. (Table 1).

Specimen examined: Faifa, Jazan Region, 17.2686N, 43.1095E, 1480m alt., wall terraces, 15 Jan. 2021, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify MUZ-20216 (KACST).


3.5 Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. (Fabaceae)

Published in: R.de la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Cuba, Bot. 10: 191 (1845). (Fig. 7).

Perennial climbing herb. Stem covered by brownish hair. The stipules are linear. Leaves three foliolate, leaflets entire to undulating, ovate to lanceolate, 6 to 8 cm. long, apex acute. The inflorescence is axillary, flower pink, purple, 2–3 cm long, solitary on long peduncles 2–4-flowered at the peak. Fruits are sessile, linear, straight, covered with brown hairs, 6–10 cm. long (Fig. 7).

There are three species and two subspecies of Vigna recorded from Saudi Arabia (Collenette, 1999). In Arabian Peninsula, Vigna vexillata is only recorded from Yemen (Wood, 1997; Al-Khulaidi, 2013). Vigna vexillata has been divided into different varieties according to the morphology of the terminal leaflets (Pienaar and Kok, 1991; Maxted et al., 2004), in which var. vexillata with broadly or narrowly ovate to elliptic terminal leaflets. We found this plant in five locations in Faifa region, growing on the roadside (see Table 1). Vigna vexillata can be distinguished from other species of Vigna in Saudi Arabia by linear, straight pods, covered with brown hairs (Hedberg and Edwards, 1989; see Table 4).

Table 4 summarizes the variations between the taxonomic characteristics of the different species of Vigna in Saudi Arabia (Hedberg and Edwards, 1989).
plant name keel stipules pod
Vigna aconitifolia With marked pocket peltate, small, linear-lanceolate Cylindrical hairy, up to 3 cm
Vigna ambacensis Without marked pocket, with short beak Bilobed at the base Linear, pubescent up to 6 cm
Vigna membranacea Without marked pocket, with short beak Bilobed and unequally prolonged at the base Linear-cylindrical up to 10 cm
Vigna macrorhyncha Without marked pocket, without marked pocket, with long beak Small not extended below the base Up-curved at the apex, glabrous, up to 11 cm
Vigna vexillata With marked pocket Linear. Prolonged and subcordate at the base linear, straight, covered with brown hairs, up to 10 cm.

Specimen examined: Faifa, Jazan Region, 17.2444N, 43.0855E, 1310m alt., roadside, 21 Dec. 2020, M. Alfaifi & E. Al Faify MUZ-20205 (KACST).


4 Discussion

This study adds four new species, and one subspecies belonging to four families to the flora of Saudi Arabia. These plants are found in the Faifa Governorate and surrounding areas within, Jazan Province. The majority of these plants are concentrated on mountain slopes facing north and northwest, particularly west of Faifa.

Despite the fact that the vegetation and the flora in these areas have been surveyed by AlFarhan et al., 2005; Al-Turki, 2004; El-Shabasy, 2016; Al-Gifri et al., 2019; Shalabi and Masrahi, 2019; Abbas et al., 2020, the new discovery plants in our study were not included in these studies. Studies and herbarium searches also revealed that these plants had never been reported or collected in any Saudi Arabian herbarium (Collenette, 1999; Chaudhary, 1999, 2000, 2001).

Almost all plants reported in this study can only be seen in the low latitudes of the Faifa Mountains (Table 1). These plants are not found in almost similar environments at high latitudes between 19° to 22° latitude such as Albaha region and its surrounding areas (Al-Aklabi et al., 2016; Al-Khulaidi et al., 2016; Al-Zandi et al., 2018). This phenomenon has also been seen in some plants, such as Senegalia mellifera (Benth.) Seigler & Ebinger, Euryops arabicus Steud. Ex Jaub. & Spach and the recently discovered species of Celtis toka (Forssk.) Hepper& Wood (Alfaifi et al., 2021) and Aspilia kotschyi (Sch. Bip. Ex Hochst.) Oliv (Al-Khulaidi et al., 2021a,b), which are limited to the low latitudes of the SW Arabian Peninsula (Wood, 1997; Al-Khulaidi, 2013).

Several of these plant species have previously been documented in neighboring Yemen and Oman, as well as in East and West Africa and South America (Hutchinson and Dalziel, 1958; Wood, 1997; Holm et al., 1979; Koopman, 2011; Darbyshire et al., 2015; Germishuizen and Meyer, 2003).

This paper also supplements the research contributions by (Fayed and Alzahrani, 2007; Al-Sodany, 2016; Thomas et al., 2014; Basahi and Masrahi, 2019; Alfaifi et al., 2021; (Al-Khulaidi et al., 2021b; Al-Khulaidi et al., 2021a) of new records for Saudi Arabia, primarily from Faifa.

With the understanding that careful surveys may reveal more wild plants in this region, which is known for its high biodiversity. Its proximity to Yemen may aid in the presence of new species.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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