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Original article
02 2022

New preconditioning and half-sweep accelerated overrelaxation solution for fractional differential equation

Anand International College of Engineering, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303012, India
International Center for Basic and Applied Sciences, Jaipur 302029, India
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation
Nonlinear Dynamics Research Center (NDRC), Ajman University, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
Tadris Matematika, UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38211, Indonesia
Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus, Labuan F.T. 87000, Malaysia
Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 88400, Malaysia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan (A. Sunarto).

⁎Corresponding authors at: Anand International College of Engineering, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303012, India (P. Agarwal); Tadris Matematika, UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38211, Indonesia. goyal.praveen2011@gmail.com (Praveen Agarwal), andang99@gmail.com (Andang Sunarto),

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


The present paper investigates the approximate solution of a one-dimensional linear space-fractional diffusion equation using a new preconditioning matrix to develop an efficient half-sweep accelerated overrelaxation iterative method. The proposed method utilizes unconditionally stable implicit finite difference schemes to formulate the discrete approximation equation to the problem. The formulation employs the Caputo fractional derivative to treat the space-fractional derivative in the problem. The paper's focus is to assess the improvement in terms of the convergence rate of the solution obtained by the proposed iterative method. The numerical experiment illustrates the superiority of the proposed method in terms of solution efficiency against one of the existing preconditioned methods, preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation and implicit Euler method. The proposed method reveals the ability to compute the solution with lesser iterations and faster computation time than the preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation and implicit Euler method. The method introduced in the paper, half-sweep preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation, has the potential to solve a variety of space-fractional diffusion models efficiently. Future investigation will improve the absolute errors of the solutions.


Finite difference method
Caputo fractional derivative
Space-fractional derivative
Preconditioning matrix
Accelerated overrelaxation

1 Introduction

Fractional calculus has gained considerable popularity and importance for almost five decades now. It is mainly from various demonstrated applications in biological science, physical science and other branches of sciences. Fractional calculus has significantly contributed to the modelling of transmission of Covid-19 infection (Cui and Liu, 2022), pharmacokinetic compartments (Azizi, 2022), Meningitis with treatment and vaccination (Peter et al., 2022), tumour and immune cells interactions (Tang et al., 2022), mechanical behaviour of asphalt mastic (Lagos-Varas et al., 2022), fluid flow and heat transfer (Turkyilmazoglu, 2022), control behaviour of wearable exoskeletons (Sun et al., 2021) and control behaviour of a knee joint orthosis (Delavari and Jokar, 2021). Many different fractional differential equations (FDE) have arisen from the realistic applications of fractional calculus. FDE is a generalization of differential equations based on the established theory and application of fractional calculus. FDE can also be considered the extended partial differential equations by modifying the integer-order derivative into the fractional-order derivative.

The solutions of FDEs must be obtained to understand the fractional mathematical models. Various solution methods have been proposed to the literature, such as the finite difference method with collocation (Mesgarani et al., 2021;Safdari et al., 2020;Jaleb and Adibi, 2019), finite difference method with preconditioners (Barakitis et al., 2022; Shao and Kang, 2022; Sunarto et al., 2022; Sunarto et al., 2021), finite difference method with Lucas polynomials (Ali et al., 2022), Adomian decomposition method (Turkyilmazoglu, 2022; Ahmad et al., 2022; Turkyilmazoglu, 2021) and variational iteration method (Ibraheem et al., 2022). Following the high interest towards the finite difference method with preconditioners, this paper aims to investigate the approximate solution of a type of FDE, the space-fractional diffusion equation, using a new preconditioning matrix to develop an efficient half-sweep accelerated overrelaxation iterative method. This paper utilizes the Caputo fractional derivative to treat the space-fractional derivative because it allows the inclusion of traditional and conventional initial-boundary conditions in the formulation of the problem (Elsayed and Orlov, 2020). In addition, the Caputo space-fractional derivative's memories affect the dynamics of the considered variables (Sene, 2022). The importance of Caputo space-fractional can be seen in the modelling of biological models (Haghi and Ghanbari, 2022), sediment suspension in ice-covered channels (Wang et al., 2022), drug diffusion through the skin (Caputo and Cametti, 2021) and chaotic processes (Owolabi et al., 2020).

The paper's focus is to assess the improvement in terms of the convergence rate of the solution obtained by the proposed iterative method. Among various iterative methods that can be used to solve the generated system of equations from an FDE (She et al., 2023; AllaHamou et al., 2022; Wen et al., 2022; Sun et al., 2022; Tang and Huang, 2022), the paper proposes a modified accelerated overrelaxation iterative method using a new preconditioning matrix with a half-sweep iteration strategy. The paper's contribution is a new preconditioned iterative method that can solve a space-fractional diffusion equation at a good efficiency level. The following sections of the paper are organized: Section 2 formula tesa discrete approximation to a one-dimensional linear space-fractional diffusion equation using a half-sweep type finite difference method in the Caputo sense. Section 3 derives the proposed iterative method to solve the generated system of equations from the discretized problem. Section 4 illustrates the numerical results of solving several initial-boundary value problems using the proposed numerical method and the comparison analysis against the standard preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation method (Sunarto et al., 2016). The conclusion of the paper is stated in Section 5.


2 Half-sweep type finite difference method in caputosense

This section describes the formulation of a discrete approximation to a one-dimensional linear space-fractional diffusion equation using a half-sweep type finite difference method in the Caputo sense. The paper usesa general space fractional FDE in the formulation, which is given by (Reutskiy and Lin, 2018),

U x , t t = c 1 x β U x , t x β + c 2 x U x , t x + c 3 x U x , t + g x , t , and the solution is assumed to exist under the following initial and boundary conditions,
U x , 0 = I x , U 0 , t = B 1 t , U L , t = B 2 t .

Based on Eq. (1), the variables c i , i = 1 , 2 , and 3 are either constants or functions in terms of x while g ( x , t ) is a source function.

This paper utilizes half-sweep type implicit finite difference schemes to discretize Eq. (1) for the time derivative, integer-order space derivative and other functions (Ibrahim and Abdullah, 1995; Sunarto et al., 2021; Chew et al., 2021). Meanwhile, Caputo fractional derivative is applied to approximate the fractional-order space derivative. Below is the following established definition of Caputo fractional derivative used in the discretization (Oldham and Spanier, 2006):

Definition 1. Let x be the upper limit of the integral, and a real number β be the fractional order, such that 0 m - 1 < β < m where m is a positive integer. Then, f m ξ represents the m -th order derivative of a smooth function f ( x ) . Hence, the Caputo fractional derivative of f ( x ) is defined as

D x β f x = 1 Γ m - β 0 x f m ξ x - ξ β - m + 1 d ξ .

Combining half-sweep type finite difference schemes and Eq. (3) gives the following discrete approximation to the space-fractional derivative,

β U x , t x β = 1 Γ 2 - β j = 0 , 2 , 4 , i - 2 jh j + 1 h U i - j - 2 , n - 2 U i - j , n + U i - j + 2 , n 4 h 2 P h - ξ β d ξ , where for i = 0 , 2 , 4 , . . . , s - 2 and h = L / s where L and s represent the spatial interval and the numberof grid points, respectively. For the sake of simplicity, Eq. (4) can be simplified, and the space-fractional derivative can be equivalent to
β U x , t x β = ρ j = 0 , 2 , 4 , i - 2 σ j β U i - j - 2 , n - 2 U i - j , n + U i - j + 2 , n ,
ρ = 2 h - 2 Γ 3 - β ,
σ j β = j 2 + 1 2 - β - j 2 2 - β .

Then, putting Eq. (5) together with the half-sweep finite differences for other derivatives such as first-order time derivative, first-order space derivative and source functions, Eq. (1) can be rewritten in the form of finite difference approximation equation in Caputo sense as follows, k - 1 U i , n - U i , n - 1 = c 1 x ρ j = 0 , 2 , 4 , i - 2 σ j β U i - j - 2 , n - 2 U i - j , n + U i - j + 2 , n

+ c 2 x 4 h - 1 U i + 2 , n - U i - 2 , n + c 3 x U i , n + g i , n . Further arrangement and simplification can yield

c 2 U i - 2 , n + c 3 U i , n - c 2 U i + 2 , n - c 1 j = 0 , 2 , 4 , i - 2 σ j β U i - j - 2 , n - 2 U i - j , n + U i - j + 2 , n

= k - 1 U i , n - 1 + g i , n , where c 1 = c 1 x ρ , c 2 = c 2 x 4 h - 1 and c 3 = k - 1 - c 3 x .

Based on Eq. (9), one may have the following equations subject to different values of j . For instance, when j = 0 , Eq. (9) becomes

c 2 U i - 2 , n + c 3 U i , n - c 2 U i + 2 , n - c 1 σ 0 β U i + 2 , n - 2 U i , n + U i - 2 , n = k - 1 U i , n - 1 + g i , n , and when j = 2 , Eq. (9) becomes c 2 U i - 2 , n + c 3 U i , n - c 2 U i + 2 , n - c 1 σ 0 β U i + 2 , n - 2 U i , n + U i - 2 , n
- c 1 σ 2 β U i , n - 2 U i - 2 , n + U i - 4 , n = k - 1 U i , n - 1 + g i , n .

Hence, when the pattern continues for j = 4 , 6 , , one can easily obtain a general form of the equation that can generate a large-scale system of equations as follows,

- τ i + a i U i - 6 , n + b i U i - 4 , n + p i U i - 2 , n + q i U i , n + + r i U i + 2 , n = f i , n , where
τ i = c 1 j = 6 , 8 , i - 2 σ j β U i - j - 2 , n - 2 U i - j , n + U i - j + 2 , n ,
a i = - c 1 σ 4 β ,
b i = - c 1 σ 2 β + 2 c 1 σ 4 β ,
p i = c 2 - c 1 σ 0 β + 2 c 1 σ 2 β - c 1 σ 4 β ,
q i = c 3 + 2 c 1 σ 0 β - c 1 σ 2 β ,
r i = - c 2 - c 1 σ 0 β ,
f i , n = k - 1 U i , n - 1 + g i , n .

When Eq. (12) takes all points bounded by a specified solution domain, the large-scale system of equations can be expressed in the form of a matrix equation,

M U ^ = f ^ , where
M = q 2 r 2 p 4 q 4 r 4 a s - 4 b s - 4 p s - 4 a s - 2 b s - 2 s - 2 × s - 2 ,
U ^ = U 2 U 4 U s - 4 U s - 2 s - 2 × 1 ,
f ^ = f 2 - U 0 p 2 f 4 f s - 4 f s - 2 - U s p s - 2 s - 2 × 1 .

Noted that the matrix dimensions of matrix M , U ^ and f ^ are s - 2 × s - 2 , s - 2 × 1 , and s - 2 × 1 , respectively. This paper suggests that an efficient iterative method needs to be developed to solve a complex matrix equation like Eq. (20). Hence, this paper proposes a new preconditioning matrix that can enhance the convergence rate of the iterated solutions. Moreover, this paper develops a new iterative method called the half-sweep preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation.


3 Derivation of a preconditioned iterative method

This section is devoted to showing the derivation of the proposed preconditioned iterative method to solve the system of equations shown (Eq. (20)). From here, the paper shall use HSPAOR to stand for the proposed method to solve space-fractional diffusion problems. To begin the derivation, let's consider a transformed matrix equation that corresponds to Eq. (20) as follows,

A U ^ = f ^ .

Eq. (24) is obtained using the following matrix transformations with a new preconditioning matrix P ,

A = P M P T ,
f ^ = P d ^ ,
U ^ = P T d ^ .
The preconditioning matrix P that is proposed in this paper has the form of
P = I + S ,
where I is the identity matrix, and S has the form of
S = 0 - φ 2 0 0 0 0 0 - φ 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - φ s - 4 0 0 0 s - 2 × s - 2 .

Based on the coefficient matrix A that presents in the transformed matrix equation shown in Eq. (24), this paper considers a unique decomposition of matrix A that is given by

A = A D - A L - A U , where A D , A L , and A U are the diagonal, the strictly lower triangular and the strictly upper triangular coefficients, respectively. Then, by strategically adding two accelerating parameters ω and θ , the HSPAOR method can be derived into
U ^ k + 1 = A D - ω A L - 1 ω A U + θ - ω A L + 1 - θ A D U ^ k + θ A D - ω A L - 1 f ^ ,
where U ^ k + 1 and U ^ k denotes the set of unknown points at ( k + 1 ) -th and ( k ) -th iterations, respectively. Based on the iterative method shown by Eq. (31), two accelerating parameters must be adjusted until some fixed values achieve the maximum convergence rate. Although the theory of estimating the optimum parameters exists, which can be referred to in (Hadjidimos, 1978), the theory is only valid for solving simple systems of linear equations.

Hence, to achieve the desired convergence rate and the objective of the numerical study, which is to investigate the numerical solutions, a manual selection of accelerating parameters is conducted by running the developed simulation program several times until the smallest number of iterations is obtained. The selection procedure can be described as follows. We initially let θ = 1 and use different values of ω within the range ( 1 , 2 ) . When the smallest number of iterations is obtained for some value of ω , by using the “optimum” value of ω , we increase the value of θ gradually until the final smallest number of iterations is obtained. The implementation of the HSPAOR method is programmed using the C++ programming language. The structure of the code and instructions are made thoroughly. Due to the copyright issue, the paper can only provide the following algorithm.

Algorithm 1: HSPAOR method to solve space-fractional diffusion equations

  1. Set the initial guess U ^ k = 0 = 0 , and the tolerance error = 10 - 10 .

  2. For i = 2 , 4 , , s - 2 , iterate Eq. (31).

  3. For i = 1 , 3 , , s - 1 , run linear interpolation module.

  4. If U ^ k + 1 - U ^ k , then go to the next time-step or n = n + 1 .

  5. If the time-step reaches the final step or n = N , display outputs such as numerical solutions, the maximum number of iterations, program execution time, and maximum absolute errors.


4 Numerical experiment and results

Section 4 illustrates the proposed method's results by solving several initial-boundary value problems of space-fractional diffusion. Below are the following test problems considered in this paper.

Example 1

Consider the given one-dimensional linear time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equation (Khader, 2011),

U x , t t = Γ 1.5 x 0.5 β U x , t x β + x 2 + 1 cos ( t + 1 ) - 2 x sin ( t + 1 ) ,
subjects to
I x = x 2 + 1 sin 1 , B 1 t = sin t + 1 , B 2 t = 5 sin t + 1 .

Based on Eq. (32), the value of Γ 1.5 x 0.5 represents the diffusion coefficient, while the function x 2 + 1 cos ( t + 1 ) - 2 x sin ( t + 1 ) is the source of diffusion. The accuracy of the numerical solution obtained by HSPAOR is compared to the exact solution,

U x , t = x 2 + 1 sin t + 1 .
Example 2

Consider another one-dimensional linear time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equation (Khader, 2011),

U x , t t = Γ 1.2 x β β U x , t x β + 3 x 2 2 x - 1 e - t ,
subjects to
I x = x 2 1 - x , B 1 t = B 2 t = 0 .

Based on Eq. (32), Γ 1.2 x β represents the diffusion coefficient, while 3 x 2 2 x - 1 e - t is the source function. The accuracy of the numerical solution obtained by HSPAOR is compared to the exact solution,

U x , t = x 2 1 - x e - t .

The results considered take account of numerical solutions, the number of iterations to obtain the final solutions ( k f ) , the final time after completing the C++ program,which is measured in seconds ( s ) and the value of absolute errors. Fig. 1 until 6 show the numerical solutions obtained by HSPAOR after solving Examples 1 and 2 using β = 1.2 , 1.5 , and 1.8 . The solutions are compared to the exact solutions at various points and time level T = 2.0 seconds.

Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.2 .
Fig. 1
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.2 .

Based on Figs. 1 through 3, the effectiveness of HSPAOR in computing numerical solutions of Example 1 at various orders of space-fractional is illustrated. The numerical solutions are sufficiently close to the provided exact solutions at β = 1.2 and well-fitted to the exact solutions at both β = 1.5 and 1.8 . However, HSPAOR shows some disadvantages in computing the numerical solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.2 and 1.5 compared to the exact solutions, see Figs. 4 and 5. The accuracy of the solutions by HSPAOR is better when the value of space-fractional order is set to be greater than 1.5 or β = 1.8 ; for instance, see Fig. 6.

Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.5 .
Fig. 2
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.5 .
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.8 .
Fig. 3
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 1 at β = 1.8 .
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.2 .
Fig. 4
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.2 .
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.5 .
Fig. 5
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.5 .
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.8 .
Fig. 6
Numerical solutions by HSPAOR against exact solutions of Example 2 at β = 1.8 .

Next, comparison in terms of the number of iterations, program completion time and maximum absolute error between HSPAOR and two tested methods, such as the standard or full-sweep preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation (FSPAOR) (Sunarto et al., 2016) and implicit Euler (Meerschaert and Tadjeran, 2006) is shown in Tables 1 until 6. The comparison is conducted using three different values of space-fractional order, β = 1.2 , 1.5 , and 1.8 , and five different numbers of domain points for the consistency of the solutions.

Table 1 Results comparison of solving Example 1using . β = 1.2 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 74 1.48 2.37e-02
FSPAOR 33 0.73 2.37e-02
HSPAOR 19 0.30 2.24e-02
256 Implicit Euler 152 11.64 2.44e-02
FSPAOR 64 5.21 2.44e-02
HSPAOR 35 2.73 2.37e-02
512 Implicit Euler 312 90.64 2.47e-02
FSPAOR 127 35.22 2.47e-02
HSPAOR 70 15.21 2.44e-02
1024 Implicit Euler 709 972.27 2.49e-02
FSPAOR 272 342.76 2.49e-02
HSPAOR 147 139.66 2.47e-02
2048 Implicit Euler 1647 3727.45 2.52e-02
FSPAOR 597 1195.59 2.52e-02
HSPAOR 318 452.46 2.49e-02

Based on Tables 1 until 6, the comparison results show that the HSPAOR method is more efficient than he FSPAOR and implicit Euler methods in solving Examples 1 and 2. The number of iterations and program completion time required by the HSPAOR method to obtain the final numerical solutions at all different points are significantly lesser than the other two tested methods. However, the absolute errors produced by the HSPAOR method are slightly larger than the FSPAOR and implicit Euler methods for Example 1 using β = 1.5 and 1.8 and Example 2 using β = 1.8 . Furthermore, by observing the consistency of the numerical solutions with the increasing number of points in computation, this paper found that the absolute errors show some sign of gradual growth for Example 1 at β = 1.2 and Example 2 at all values of β .

Table 2 Results comparison of solving Example 1 using β = 1.5 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 251 4.95 6.21e-04
FSPAOR 77 1.84 6.21e-04
HSPAOR 40 0.61 6.99e-04
256 Implicit Euler 666 51.01 5.69e-04
FSPAOR 204 17.51 5.69e-04
HSPAOR 100 7.040 6.21e-04
512 Implicit Euler 1780 550.52 5.35e-04
FSPAOR 548 177.13 5.35e-04
HSPAOR 261 49.26 5.69e-04
1024 Implicit Euler 4750 2970.31 5.13e-04
FSPAOR 1469 873.87 5.13e-04
HSPAOR 696 523.33 5.35e-04
2048 Implicit Euler 13,230 15348.70 5.09e-04
FSPAOR 4012 4274.43 5.09e-04
HSPAOR 1856 2132.82 5.24e-04
Table 3 Results comparison of solving Example 1 using β = 1.8 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 930 18.29 3.99e-04
FSPAOR 234 5.56 3.99e-04
HSPAOR 103 2.43 4.03e-04
256 Implicit Euler 3029 233.01 3.97e-04
FSPAOR 769 66.34 3.97e-04
HSPAOR 323 26.16 3.99e-04
512 Implicit Euler 9840 2755.31 3.96e-04
FSPAOR 2528 828.27 3.96e-04
HSPAOR 1067 305.81 3.97e-04
1024 Implicit Euler 46,847 7259.97 3.95e-04
FSPAOR 11,783 2081.94 3.95e-04
HSPAOR 5463 1005.63 3.96e-04
2048 Implicit Euler 187,322 28979.20 3.93e-04
FSPAOR 47,253 8800.61 3.93e-04
HSPAOR 22,125 4232.91 3.95e-04
Table 4 Results comparison of solving Example 2 using β = 1.2 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 57 1.42 5.44e-02
FSPAOR 33 0.73 5.44e-02
HSPAOR 19 0.30 5.16e-02
256 Implicit Euler 117 10.95 5.58e-02
FSPAOR 64 5.21 5.58e-02
HSPAOR 35 2.73 5.44e-02
512 Implicit Euler 249 81.84 5.58e-02
FSPAOR 127 35.22 5.58e-02
HSPAOR 70 15.21 5.28e-02
1024 Implicit Euler 560 853.89 5.65e-02
FSPAOR 272 342.76 5.65e-02
HSPAOR 147 139.66 5.32e-02
2048 Implicit Euler 1296 3157.00 5.80e-02
FSPAOR 597 1195.59 5.80e-02
HSPAOR 318 452.46 5.73e-02
Table 5 Results comparison of solving Example 2 using β = 1.5 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 182 4.41 1.80e-02
FSPAOR 77 1.84 1.80e-02
HSPAOR 40 0.61 1.73e-02
256 Implicit Euler 481 45.32 1.84e-02
FSPAOR 204 17.51 1.84e-02
HSPAOR 100 7.04 1.81e-02
512 Implicit Euler 1297 484.4 2.39e-02
FSPAOR 548 177.13 2.39e-02
HSPAOR 261 49.26 1.84e-02
1024 Implicit Euler 3493 2614.51 2.45e-02
FSPAOR 1469 873.87 2.45e-02
HSPAOR 696 523.33 1.86e-02
2048 Implicit Euler 9541 13859.30 2.92e-02
FSPAOR 4012 4274.43 2.92e-02
HSPAOR 1856 2132.82 1.86e-02
Table 6 Results comparison of solving Example 2 using β = 1.8 .
s Method k Seconds Max Error
128 Implicit Euler 569 13.7 1.25e-04
FSPAOR 234 5.56 1.25e-04
HSPAOR 103 2.43 1.76e-04
256 Implicit Euler 1861 164.77 1.44e-04
FSPAOR 769 66.34 1.44e-04
HSPAOR 323 26.16 1.76e-04
512 Implicit Euler 6235 2027 1.53e-04
FSPAOR 2528 828.27 1.53e-04
HSPAOR 1067 305.81 1.82e-04
1024 Implicit Euler 29,937 5248.83 1.65e-04
FSPAOR 11,783 2081.94 1.65e-04
HSPAOR 5463 1005.63 1.84e-04
2048 Implicit Euler 121,482 22345.00 2.30e-04
FSPAOR 47,253 8800.61 2.30e-04
HSPAOR 22,125 4232.91 2.45e-04

To complete the numerical experiment, this paper compares the maximum absolute errors produced by the proposed HSPAOR method (with a time-step 0.2) with some numerical methods, including the methods that utilize the Chebyshev polynomial of degree n p . The error comparison is made using a similar setting of Example 2 that has been done (Khader, 2011; Saadatmandi and Dehghan, 2011; Azizi and Loghmani, 2013). Table 7 shows the comparison in terms of maximum absolute errors against the selected three methods.

Table 7 Errors comparison of solving Example 2 using β = 1.8 at time-level T = 2.0 seconds for various points, x .
x HSPAOR (Khader, 2011), n p = 3 (Saadatmandi and Dehghan, 2011) (Azizi and Loghmani, 2013), n p = 5
0 0 1.71e-04 0 0
0.1 5.87e-03 2.11e-05 2.89e-05 1.40e-07
0.2 6.98e-03 1.77e-04 1.09e-04 9.06e-07
0.3 6.31e-03 3.01e-04 2.20e-04 3.25e-08
0.4 5.10e-03 4.04e-04 3.40e-04 6.55e-08
0.5 3.83e-03 4.89e-04 4.45e-04 1.02e-08
0.6 2.67e-03 5.63e-04 5.15e-04 7.38e-09
0.7 1.71e-03 6.33e-04 5.27e-04 1.64e-07
0.8 9.54e-04 7.06e-04 4.60e-04 2.75e-08
0.9 3.91e-04 7.87e-04 2.91e-04 1.32e-07
1.0 0 8.83e-04 0 0

Based on the findings through the numerical experiment, HSPAOR possesses the advantage in terms of computational efficiency, especially when a large system of equations is considered. The reason is that the iteration procedure by the preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation is highly efficient in computing the generated system of equations. Besides that, using a half-sweep strategy in formulating the finite difference approximation in the Caputo sense has successfully reduced the computational complexity in the developed program. However, to achieve a greater efficiency level, the accuracy of the solution becomes the trade-off. The disadvantage of the HSPAOR method is revealed when it is used to solve Example 2 using β = 1.2 and 1.5 . Since the development of HSPAOR is based on implicit finite difference schemes, the accuracy of HSPAOR is limited by the properties of implicit finite difference schemes, which are second-order accurate in space. This paper hypothesized that the magnitude of absolute errors could be reduced using higher-order finite difference schemes and different fractional definitions.


5 Conclusion

This paper successfully developed an efficient half-sweep accelerated overrelaxation iterative method using a new preconditioning matrix to solve several space-fractional diffusion problems. The Caputo fractional derivative is compatible with formulating a discrete approximation equation via implicit finite difference schemes. The numerical results showed the superiority of the proposed method in terms of solution efficiency against the standard preconditioned accelerated overrelaxation and implicit Euler methods. When the absolute errors by the proposed method are compared against several existing numerical methods, the errors are slightly larger than all considered methods. The magnitude of errors can be reduced by using higher-order finite difference schemes and different fractional definitions. Based on the performance of the proposed method in terms of efficiency, it has the potential to solve a variety of space-fractional diffusion models efficiently. Future investigation will improve the solutions' absolute errors so that the proposed method's reliability can be increased.


NBHM (DAE). Grant Number: 02011/12/2020 NBHM (R.P)/RD II/7867.

Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Grant Number: 075-15-2021-603

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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