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22 (
); 97-110

Microtremor measurements in Yanbu city of Western Saudi Arabia: A tool for seismic microzonation

Geology & Geophysics Dept., Faculty of Science, King Saud Univ., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Seismology Dept., National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author m_fnais@yahoo.com (M.S. Fnais) mfnais@ksu.edu.sa (M.S. Fnais)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Microtremor measurements are one of the most popular world-wide tool for estimation of site response especially within the urban area. This technique has been applied over 85 sites distributed regularly through Yanbu metropolitan area with an ultimate aim of seismic hazard microzonation for ground-shaking site effects. The horizontal to vertical spectral analysis (H/V) was carried out over all the sites to estimate both the fundamental resonance frequency and its corresponding amplification for the ground vibration. In most sites, H/V curve for amplitude spectra display a clear peak suggesting the presence of a soil-bedrock impedance contrast. Other sites, however, show more than one peak indicating the presence of more than one impedance contrast through sedimentary cover. The estimated values of fundamental frequency range from 0.25 Hz up to 7.9 Hz increases with decreasing depths of basement rock. It has lower values at the central zone extending from north to south compared to the eastern and western parts of Yanbu area. On the other hand, the estimated values of amplification factor ranges from the value of 2 to 5, where the higher values prevailing through the central zone with increasing thickness of sediments. Analyses of the acquired data set have clearly shown that, both of two parameters vary considerably through Yanbu city. This could be due to lateral variations in soil thickness and/or variations in the soil type at Yanbu area. These results show the 2D and 3D effect of basin geometry. The estimated values for the fundamental frequency from microtremor data are compared with that from shear-wave velocity structure within the area of interest and show an excellent agreement.


Yanbu city

1 Introduction

Yanbu city represents one of marine ports of western Saudi Arabia where it is located along the Red Sea eastern coast. It belongs to Al-Madinah province about 350 km north of Jeddah city (Fig. 1).

Location map for Yanbu city.
Figure 1
Location map for Yanbu city.

The central part of the city refers to the old town, while modern Yanbu is a short distance away. In 1975, the Saudi government selected both Yanbu and Al-Jubail, both small towns on the Persian Gulf coast, to be developed as modern industrial cities and established the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu. The town is expanding as an industrial and commercial center with three large oil refineries, a petrochemical complex, and a large desalination plant that plays an important role in diversifying Saudi Arabia's economic base.

The behavior of the ground motion during an earthquake is generally well explained by the geological surface structure in the place where the phenomenon is studied. Past and recent observations have shown that the damage caused by strong earthquakes is more important in sedimentary basins than on hard rock structures. Unfortunately, Yanbu city lies within the Red Sea's active tectonic environment and is affected by the present-day geodynamic processes acting in the Red Sea region. The resulting structures either normal or transform faults run parallel to and/or across the Red Sea. Some of these faults extend inland over tens or hundreds of kilometers (Al-Shanti, 1966; Pallister, 1984). The relative movements along such faults can cause large and damaging earthquakes. Historical information (Poirier and Taher, 1980; Ambraseys and Milville, 1983; Ambraseys et al., 1994) in association with the recent studies (Merghelani, 1981; El-Isa and Al-Shanti, 1989; Al-Amri, 1995) around Yanbu have revealed its significant level of earthquake activity which should be taken into account for the strategic plans in the future. Recently, the city was affected by the occurrence of the moderate earthquake at Harat Lunayyir (Mw 5.7) earthquake swarm on May 19, 2009 (Al-Amri and Fnais, 2009). Earthquake ground-shaking intensity has been participated at Yanbu city (MMI = 5) in spite of 130 km distance from the earthquake location.

It is well known that, local site effects play an important role in the damage occurring during a destructive earthquake (Singh et al., 1988; Graves, 1993; Bakir et al., 2002; Sørensen et al., 2006). The lateral variation in the site effects are mainly due to the local site conditions such as type and nature of sediments, water saturation, basin geometry, and thickness of sediments. In addition, it is realized that the presence of sharp lithological boundaries between the bedrocks and the overlying sediments cause strong impedance contrasts that affect the local site responses. Different approaches have been carried out to evaluate the local site response (Nakamura, 1989; Lermo and Chavez-Garcia, 1993; Field and Jacob, 1995). In this study, the evaluation of the local site effects for Yanbu metropolitan city was conducted according to the most popular and world-wide approach through the calculation of the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) for the recorded ambient vibrations. These spectral ratios show the fundamental frequency and the associated amplification factor. As proved through the intensive investigations, thick sedimentary cover usually generates amplitude spectra with peaks at low frequencies (<3 Hz) while thin sediments generate peaks at high frequencies (>10 Hz). The broad spectrum with constant amplitude is usually associated with the crystalline outcrops (Nakamura, 1989, 2000; Bard, 1994; Bard et al., 2004). Then, the estimated fundamental frequencies and the corresponding amplifications are compared with the surface geology.


2 Geological and tectonic setting

The available geological information for Yanbu city and the surrounding area comes from the geologic map of Yanbu (Fig. 2) with scale 1:250,000 (Pellaton, 1979). Most of the area is occupied by outcrops of tertiary–quaternary marine and continental coastal plain sediments. Marine quaternary deposits are represented mainly by reef terraces which lie several meters above sea level. Sand and mud in the lower zones are intermixed with contemporaneous alluvial material. While continental quaternary deposits are represented by: (1) sandy mantle covering a wide area which has a composite origin incorporating fluviatile and Aeolian transport; (2) gravely or sandy spreads dissected by very close drainage; and (3) gravely spreads related to the degradation of the older terraces.

Geologic map for Yanbu area.
Figure 2
Geologic map for Yanbu area.

The distribution of tertiary sediments was controlled by the syndepositional section across the coastal plain from the Precambrian basement in the east to the coast in the west would be: (1) beds of shale and conglomerate sandstone alternating with siltstone, (2) thin tertiary reefal limestone with the Miocene coral, rising above the coastal plain and alternating with sandstone and silts, (3) shale covered by sand and gravel, and (4) raised reef limestone terraces of quaternary age.

Depending on the lithological variations through 106 boring logs in the city of Yanbu (Al-Haddad et al., 2001), the subsurface soil column at Yanbu city can be classified as an extremely variable complex and is composed of the following profiles:

  • Extremely loose to loose fine to medium sand deposits from the surface to 15 m depth with a very shallow groundwater table (less than 1 m).

  • Thin top layer of compact shattered coral (2–5 m with SPT-N values from 20 to 50) underlain by thick layer of very loose to loose fine sand with some gravel and/or silt (6–8 m with SPT-N values between 5 and 25) below the ground level.

  • A dense to very dense layer of silty sand with gravel and cobbles.

  • Coral limestone interbedded with coralline sand and fines. It is of medium dense to very dense especially at deeper depths (35 km south of Yanbu).


3 Data acquisition and processing

Seismic noise measurements were acquired at 85 sites during the period from 3rd to 20th August 2009 at the intersected points of two mutually perpendicular sets of profiles covering the metropolitan zone of Yanbu city (Fig. 3 and Table 1).

Distribution of microtremor measurements at Yanbu area.
Figure 3
Distribution of microtremor measurements at Yanbu area.
Table 1 Parameters of measuring stations for seismic noise at Yanbu City.
Station code Date Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Location
Y1 3 August 2009 38.1082 24.0581 Empty Land
Y2 3 August 2009 38.1083 24.0628 Empty Land
Y3 3 August 2009 38.1097 24.0683 Balbeed Company
Y4 3 August 2009 38.1094 24.0730 Empty Land
Y5 3 August 2009 38.1080 24.0790 Empty Land
Y6 4 August 2009 38.1084 24.0836 Holiday Inn Hotel
Y7 4 August 2009 38.1079 24.0885 Empty Land
Y8 4 August 2009 38.1088 24.0930 Empty Land
Y9 4 August 2009 38.1087 24.0975 Empty Land
Y10 4 August 2009 38.1076 24.1019 Empty Land
Y11 5 August 2009 38.0996 24.0580 Jeddah Road
Y12 5 August 2009 38.0997 24.0627 Empty Land
Y13 5 August 2009 38.0997 24.0665 Empty Land
Y14 5 August 2009 38.1000 24.0708 Empty Land
Y15 5 August 2009 38.1000 24.0750 Almajd Club
Y16 6 August 2009 38.0997 24.0790 Empty Land
Y17 6 August 2009 38.0997 24.0833 Empty Land
Y18 6 August 2009 38.1000 24.0875 Empty Land
Y19 6 August 2009 38.1000 24.0916 Empty Land
Y20 6 August 2009 38.0999 24.0958 Empty Land
Y21 7 August 2009 38.09261 24.05833 Empty Land
Y22 7 August 2009 38.09156 24.06236 Empty Land
Y23 7 August 2009 38.09192 24.05 Empty Land
Y24 7 August 2009 38.09183 24.07111 Empty Land
Y25 7 August 2009 38.09164 24.075 Playground
Y26 8 August 2009 38.0915 24.0791 Jeddah Road
Y27 8 August 2009 38.0919 24.083 Empty Land
Y28 8 August 2009 38.0917 24.0877 Empty Land
Y29 8 August 2009 38.0917 24.0914 Empty Land
Y30 8 August 2009 38.0914 24.0957 Empty Land
Y31 9 August 2009 38.0832 24.0666 Radison Sas Hotel
Y32 9 August 2009 38.0833 24.0708 Empty Land
Y33 9 August 2009 38.0833 24.075 Empty Land
Y34 9 August 2009 38.0833 24.0791 Mercury Exhibit
Y35 9 August 2009 38.0831 24.0836 Jeddah Road
Y36 10 August 2009 38.0838 24.0875 Empty Land
Y37 10 August 2009 38.0834 24.0916 Empty Land
Y38 10 August 2009 38.0832 24.0959 Empty Land
Y39 10 August 2009 38.0832 24.1003 Empty Land
Y40 10 August 2009 38.0832 24.1041 Empty Land
Y41 11 August 2009 38.0749 24.0751 Yanbu Port
Y42 11 August 2009 38.0752 24.0791 Yanbu Port
Y43 11 August 2009 38.0749 24.0835 Yanbu Port
Y44 11 August 2009 38.0750 24.0873 Danat Yanbu Hotel
Y45 11 August 2009 38.0752 24.0918 Empty Land
Y46 12 August 2009 38.0751 24.0957 Empty Land
Y47 12 August 2009 38.0750 24.1001 Sabhkat area
Y48 12 August 2009 38.0751 24.1041 Sabkhat area
Y49 12 August 2009 38.0748 24.1081 Empty Land
Y50 12 August 2009 38.0750 24.1124 Empty Land
Y51 13 August 2009 38.0666 24.0791 Yanbu Port
Y52 13 August 2009 38.0667 24.0833 Al-Maktaba
Y53 13 August 2009 38.0667 24.0874 Empty Land
Y54 13 August 2009 38.0668 24.0917 Empty Land
Y55 13 August 2009 38.0667 24.095 Empty Land
Y56 14 August 2009 38.0666 24.1000 Empty Land
Y57 14 August 2009 38.0665 24.1042 Empty Land
Y58 14 August 2009 38.0664 24.1080 Empty Land
Y59 14 August 2009 38.0666 24.1126 Empty Land
Y60 14 August 2009 38.0668 24.1167 Empty Land
Y61 15 August 2009 38.0581 24.0790 Old City
Y62 15 August 2009 38.0582 24.0834 Historical Gate
Y63 15 August 2009 38.0581 24.0873 Schools compound
Y64 15 August 2009 38.0581 24.0916 Playground zone
Y65 15 August 2009 38.0583 24.0957 Empty Land
Y66 16 August 2009 38.0584 24.0999 Empty Land
Y67 16 August 2009 38.0583 24.10422 Empty Land
Y68 16 August 2009 38.0585 24.1084 Empty Land
Y69 16 August 2009 38.0583 24.1125 Empty Land
Y70 16 August 2009 38.0583 24.1165 Empty Land
Y71 17 August 2009 38.0563 24.0763 Empty Land
Y72 17 August 2009 38.0498 24.0826 Empty Land
Y73 17 August 2009 38.053 24.088 Empty Land
Y74 17 August 2009 38.0499 24.096 Empty Land
Y75 17 August 2009 38.0501 24.1001 Empty Land
Y76 17 August 2009 38.0823 24.0446 Governorate Build
Y77 18 August 2009 38.05 24.1086 Water Authority
Y78 18 August 2009 38.0499 24.1125 Empty Land
Y79 18 August 2009 38.0516 24.0807 Educational Build
Y80 19 August 2009 38.0416 24.0827 Empty Land
Y81 19 August 2009 38.0416 24.0791 Al-Shate School
Y82 19 August 2009 38.0375 24.0833 Obeida School
Y83 20 August 2009 38.0326 24.0856 Empty Land
Y84 20 August 2009 38.0304 24.0913 Al-Waleed School
Y85 20 August 2009 38.0387 24.1792

Noise measurements were collected (Fig. 4) using five digital stations of 24-bit Quanterra Q330 digitizer equipped with high-performance portable Very Broad-Band (VBB) triaxial Streckeisen STS-2 velocimeter (with flat response from 8.33 mHz up to 50 Hz) with GPS timing. Generally known is the fact that man-made seismic noise represents a problem for seismic noise survey especially within densely urbanized areas in the form of traffic or industrial activities. To avoid recording of such transient signals into the measurements, special precautions should be taken whenever possible to measure as far as possible away from sites close to heavily traffic streets, boulevards and heavy-duty machines. In some cases, there are no possibilities in finding an appropriate site, then the measurements should be acquired in the early morning when there is relatively little human activity throughout the city. During the acquiring period of data the used seismometers have been installed in the early morning to collect the desired data after twenty-four hours of continuous recording. The measuring points are spread out within a range of 450 m vertically and 900 m horizontally forming a regular grid to achieve good quality of the contour maps for the fundamental frequency and amplification factor (Fig. 3).

Microtremor record at Yanbu city.
Figure 4
Microtremor record at Yanbu city.

Throughout the current work, all the sensors used were calibrated, installed in good coupling with soil, isolated thermally well against temperature changes using thick foam box and covered to reduce the interference of wind. Then, these sensors were oriented horizontally and vertically leveled. Ambient seismic noise was recorded with 200 Hz sampling rate for 24 h of continuous recording. This long duration of recording guarantees the statistical stabilization of the signal (Picozzi et al., 2005, 2008). All the experimental conditions for the current work were controlled mainly by the precautions of European SESAME research project (Chatelain et al., 2008; Guillier et al., 2008). Keeping in mind, higher fundamental resonance frequencies would be observed on sites having thin sediments, whereas the lower values of fundamental frequencies would be observed over the thick sediments (Nakamura, 1989; Atakan 1995; Lacave et al., 1999; Bard et al., 2004).

The collected data have been processed using the J-SESAME software developed within the framework of the great European project SESAME. The H/V spectral ratios were computed according to the following methodology: (1) base-line correction; (2) band-pass filtering to retain the frequencies in the range from 0.2 to 20 Hz; (3) windows of 50 s length were automatically selected using an anti-STA/LTA trigger algorithm and tapered with a 5% cosine function before the computation of spectra; (4) Fourier spectra were calculated for each noise component and smoothed using Konno–Omachi window having a smoothing constant b-value of 30; (5) the resulting spectral amplitudes of horizontal components were geometrically averaged and divided by the vertical spectra to calculate the H/V function. Moreover, stability of the peak in the H/V curve have been checked through three tests conducted at every measuring point, where the same frequency peaks were picked for each site at different times. Sensitivity tests were also carried out on the selected time window lengths during the data processing; the results declared low dependence of the window length and therefore, a high stability was achieved.

The reliability of the actual H/V curve obtained with the selected recordings should be tested throughout the following consequences: (i) for a peak to be significant, it is recommended checking that the following condition is fulfilled: f0 > 10/lw (window length). This condition means that, at the frequency of interest, at least 10 significant cycles in each window should be present, (ii) large number of windows and of cycles is needed. The total number of significant cycles: nc = lw · nw · f0 be larger than 200, and (iii) an acceptably low level of scattering between all windows is needed. Large standard deviation values often mean that ambient vibrations are strongly non-stationary and undergo some kind of perturbations, which may significantly affect the physical meaning of the H/V peak frequency. Therefore it is recommended that σA(f) be lower than a factor of 2 (for f0 > 0.5 Hz), or a factor of 3 (for f0 < 0.5 Hz), over a frequency range at least equal to [0.5f0 and 2f0].

Generally, as noticed in urban environments that, the H/V curves exhibit local narrow peaks – or troughs of industrial origin, related to some kind of machinery (turbine and/or generators). Such perturbations are recognized by the following general characteristics: (i) they may exist over a significant area (in other terms, they can be seen up to distances of several kilometers from their source), (ii) as the source is more or less “permanent” (at least within working hours), the original (non smoothed) Fourier spectra should exhibit sharp narrow peaks at the same frequency for all the three components, (iii) reprocessing with less and less smoothing: in the case of industrial origin, the H/V peak should become sharper and sharper (while this is not the case for a site effect peak linked with the soil characteristics), (iv) if other measurements have been performed in the same area, determine whether a peak exists at the same frequencies with comparable sharpness (the amplitude of the associated peak, even for fixed smoothing parameters, may vary significantly from site to site, being transformed sometimes into a trough), and (v) another very effective check is to apply the random decrement technique (Dunand et al., 2002) to the ambient vibration recordings in order to derive the “impulse response” around the frequency of interest: if the corresponding damping (z) is very low (below 1%), an anthropic origin may be assumed almost certainly, and the frequency should not be considered in the interpretation.


4 Results and discussion

H/V spectral ratios for the selected windows have been computed at 85 of surveyed sites (Fig. 5a–c). The presence of clear peak of H/V curve (Fig. 5a) is considered as an indicative of the impedance contrast between the uppermost surface soil and the underlying hard rock, where large peak values are generally associated with sharp velocity contrasts (Bard et al., 2004) and is likely to amplify the ground motion. Fig. 5b illustrates two of peaks that reflect the presence of two large impedance contrasts while, Fig. 5c present some of broad peak or plateau-like curve and this could be related to the presence of an underground sloping of the interface between softer and harder layers. These results declared that the underground structure of the site exhibits significant lateral variations in thickness and dynamic properties, which lead to a significant 2D or 3D effects.

(a) Examples of clear peak of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (b) Examples of two peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (c) Examples of multiple and broad peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves.
Figure 5
(a) Examples of clear peak of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (b) Examples of two peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (c) Examples of multiple and broad peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves.
(a) Examples of clear peak of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (b) Examples of two peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (c) Examples of multiple and broad peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves.
Figure 5
(a) Examples of clear peak of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (b) Examples of two peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves. (c) Examples of multiple and broad peaks of spectral ratio (H/V) curves.

According to Fig. 6, the resonance frequency f0 varies from 0.25 to 7.9 Hz within the study area. The central part has lower values of f0 (less than 1 Hz) where 50% of f0 values lie in this area (Fig. 7). These low values indicate large thickness of sediments. While, there are some localized areas that have higher values of f0 (up to 6.7 Hz) distributed throughout the southeastern, southern, and southwestern parts of the area. The presence of high f0 at the southern part is limited to Al-Majd Sporting Club, Al-Maktaba, and Al-Shati secondary school sites. Parolai et al. (2001) stated that, the resonance frequency becomes lower in areas where the basement depth is greater and higher where it is shallower. Accordingly, the presence of higher and lower values reflect variation in the thicknesses of sediments through the area suggesting 2D or 3D basins in-between (Fig. 8). In general, the values of f0 increase due north.

Contour map for f0 for Yanbu city.
Figure 6
Contour map for f0 for Yanbu city.
Relation between number of records and their values of f0.
Figure 7
Relation between number of records and their values of f0.
3D model for the subsurface basement at Yanbu city.
Figure 8
3D model for the subsurface basement at Yanbu city.

Contour map for H/V amplitude ratio Amax (Fig. 9) illustrated that, the eastern part of the area has values less than 2.5 while the western part has values less than 3. Whereas these values increases towards the central zone of Yanbu metropolitan where it has a value of 5. By referring to the surface soil distribution it can be observed that the central part characterized by the thick section of soft sediments (sabkhat) amplifies the ground-shaking intensity five times more than that of basement rocks. However, it is to be noted that these values give the lower bound estimates of amplification of H/V ratio for a given site. Generally, it could be mentioned that, there is significant variation in this parameter within the study area.

Contour map for H/V amplitude ratio Amax for Yanbu city.
Figure 9
Contour map for H/V amplitude ratio Amax for Yanbu city.

Several studies show the relationship between the velocity structure beneath the recording site and the fundamental frequency obtained from HVSR (horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of microtremors) analysis (Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg, 1999; Parolai et al., 2002; Motamed et al., 2007). We used the sedimentary layer parameters obtained by Al-Haddad et al. (submitted for publication) through shear-wave velocity profiles, where a sample of ten boreholes have been drilled through the study area. Three of these boreholes are presented within the area of interest (Table 2). The weighted shear-wave velocities were computed according to the following formula: V s ( av ) = i = 1 n d i i = 1 n d i V si where di and vsi denote the thickness (in m) and the shear-wave velocity (in m/s) of the ith layer, in a total of n layers, existing in the same type of stratum (di and vsi were determined by borehole measurements).

Table 2 Shear-wave velocity profiles within the city of Yanbu.
Al-Ahati secondary school Al-Maktaba Al-Majd sporting club
Depth (m) Vs (m/s) Thickness (m) Depth (m) Vs (m/s) Thickness (m) Depth (m) Vs (m/s) Thickness (m)
0.9 205.53 0.9 1.21 225.69 1.21 0.73 180.7 0.73
1.82 301.02 0.92 1.71 315.76 0.5 1.47 332.69 0.74
2.59 427.26 0.77 3.35 491.59 1.64 2.91 474.57 1.43
3.4 421.26 0.81 5.7 750.08 2.35 5.39 804.79 2.49
4.75 385.39 1.35 7.66 835.94 1.96 8.29 798.79 2.89
6.34 427.4 1.58 8.17 929.94 0.5 11.27 763.53 2.98
8.23 575.5 1.89 9.43 610.52 1.26 15.66 757.53 4.39
10.95 624.84 2.72 10.31 446.4 0.88 19.28 884.37 3.62
14.16 618.84 3.21 16.63 446.85 6.33 23.45 1069.09 4.17
17.56 691.27 3.4 20.88 640.83 4.25 30 1063.09 6.55
30 772.11 9.12
Vs(av) = 467.83 Vs(av) = 566.04 Vs(av) = 752.74

Then, the values of fundamental resonance frequency can be computed at these three localities through the application of the following equation (Bard, 2000): f = V av 4 H where H is the total thickness (in m) of the sediments overlying the half-space and Vav is the average shear-wave velocity (in m/s) in the sediments. Using the above equation and the velocity model in Table 2, the resonance frequency f0 at these sites is estimated to be equal to 6.7 Hz at Al-Shati secondary school; 4.8 Hz at Al-Maktaba, and 6.3 Hz at Al-Majd Sporting Club where Vav values are 467.83 m/s; 566.04 m/s and 752.74 m/s respectively. On the other hand, the resonance frequency f0 estimated using the microtremor measurements, close to these boreholes, are 6.7 Hz, 5.2 Hz, and 6.5 Hz, respectively (Fig. 10) that reflects an excellent agreement between the estimated values for f0 from two independent techniques.

H/V results at three of geotechnical boreholes at Yanbu city.
Figure 10
H/V results at three of geotechnical boreholes at Yanbu city.


5 Conclusions

Although Yanbu city is located close to Red Sea floor spreading active zone; it is not affected by recent instrumentally strong earthquakes. Moreover, most of the city is built on thick soft sediments, which could reasonably amplify the earthquake ground motion in the case of an event. No site effects analyses have been carried out in the city, therefore, it is believed that a detailed study of the local response of Yanbu city should be of some concern in terms of seismic hazard. The current work represents the first attempt to derive useful information on local ground motion amplification in the urban area of Yanbu.

Analysis of microtremor measurements show that the resonance frequency varies considerably through Yanbu city. Values of resonance frequency increase as the basement depth decreases. The central part of the city has low values of f0 as compared to other parts of the city suggesting basinal shape with great thickness of sediments. The results of microtremor data are in congruence with the shear-wave velocity profiles through Yanbu city.

Finally, it is declared that, the using of microtremor measurements represents a powerful tool for microzonation studies in spite of their tendency to underestimate the level of ground motion amplification when compared with earthquake records.


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