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Original Article
21 (
); 133-143

Kinetic analysis of nonisothermal decomposition of (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O/5Cr2O3) crystalline mixture

Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author asmaalothman@yahoo.com (Asma A. Al-Othman)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Pure MgCr2O4 spinel was synthesized from crystalline mixture of (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O/5Cr2O3) by heating at 900 °C for 27 h. TG, DTA, FT-IR and XRPD techniques were used to follow the reactions and identify the products. Nonisothermal kinetics of thermal decomposition of un-irradiated and γ-irradiated physical crystalline mixtures were studied in static air. The kinetic parameters were obtained through model-fitting and model-free methods, and artificial isokinetic relationship (IKR) for multi-step processes. The results show that the decomposition for both un-irradiated and γ-irradiated mixtures proceed through two steps with different reaction mechanisms. The first is a third-order reaction (F3) mechanism followed by one-dimensional diffusion (D1) as a second step.


Thermal decomposition
Model fitting
Model free
Kinetic parameter
MgCr2O4 spinel

1 Introduction

The tremendous increase in the development of the industrial and transportation sectors have led to consumption of huge quantities of fuel which results in an increase in the amount of hazardous gases such as NOx, CH and COx emitted to the environment. Low cost transition metal mixed oxides such as spinels are active in catalytic total oxidation processes aimed at limiting of air pollution, which often is carried out on the more expensive noble metal-based catalysts. Spinels with AB2O4 formula such as pirochromite MgCr2O4 have additional important technological applications such as magnetic materials, high temperature ceramics, combustion catalysis, catalytic support, strength agents, sensor elements and inter connection materials for solid oxide fuel cells (Shimizu et al., 1990; Gengembre et al., 1999; Docherty et al., 2001). MgCr2O4 is normal spinel has space group F3dm, with 56 atoms per unit cell (Z = 8), Mg and Cr ions occupy the tetrahedral and octahedral site, respectively (Bhatta and Nayak, 2002).

Thermal decomposition of various compounds are of major importance because of their frequent applications in calcinations metallurgy and in the production of large-surface materials for sorbents and catalysis (Hartman et al., 1994). Many studies have been carried out on the effect of γ-irradiation on the thermal decomposition of inorganic solids (Monshi et al., 1998; Mahfouz et al., 2000, p. 59). In general, the effects with increasing dose are in changing of the induction period and acceleration of the decomposition process i.e. the decrease in time or temperature required to complete the reaction in case of the pre-irradiated material which were attributed to formation of additional nucleation site and reactive center (Mahfouz et al., 2000, p. 363).

In the present work, we report the kinetic studies of the thermal decomposition of crystalline mixtures (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O/5Cr2O3) before and after γ-irradiation by applying model-fitting and model-free kinetic approaches to the nonisothermal thermoanalytical data. Formation of magnesium chromite from above materials is also reported. TG, DTA, FT-IR and XRPD techniques were used to follow the reactions and identify the products.


2 Experimental

Powder of heavy magnesium carbonate hydrate Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O and Cr2O3 were obtained commercially from (BDH reagent grade) and were used without any further purifications. 1:5 molar ratio mixtures of the starting materials were calcined at different temperature in the range (100–900 °C) for 9 h each. For irradiation, samples were encapsulated under vacuum in glass vials and were exposed to successively increasing doses of γ-irradiation at constant intensity using Co-60 γ-ray cell 220 (Nordion MDS, Ontario, Canada) at a dose rate of 102 kGy/h. The source was calibrated against Fricke ferrous sulfate dosimeter, and the dose rate in the irradiated samples was calculated by applying appropriate corrections on the basis of photon mass attenuation and energy-absorption coefficient for the sample and the dosimeter solution (Spinks and Woods, 1990). IR spectra were recorded as KBr pellets using a Perkin–Elmer 1000 FT-IR spectrometer. XRPD measurements were carried out on a Jeol D8030 X-ray diffractometer using a nickel filter (Cu Kα λ = 1.5418 Å). The thermal decomposition of physical mixture was followed by nonisothermal (dynamic) thermogravimetric techniques using TGA-7 (Perkin–Elmer) thermogravimetric analyzer. Dynamic experiments were performed at heating rate 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C/min.


3 Result and discussion


3.1 X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis

Fig. 1 shows XRPD patterns of the calcined mixtures at different temperatures for different duration times. All phases in the mixtures were identified by FARHAN program (Al-Farhan, 1999). The XRPD pattern of the mixture heated at 300 °C displays only the peaks of Cr2O3, indicating that the heavy magnesium carbonate hydrate had converted to amorphous lower carbonate as documented by FT-IR measurement (see Fig. 2). The XRPD of the mixture calcined at 500 °C shows only the characteristic peaks of Cr2O3 and MgO. No notable changes in XRPD of the mixtures heated up to 600 °C were detected compared with that heated at 500 °C. The XRPD of the mixture calcined at 625 °C are dominated by the peaks of Cr2O3 and MgO, with the main characteristic peaks of MgCr2O4 just starting to show up in the XRPD. MgCr2O4 becomes the dominant phase in the mixture calcined at 900 °C for 9 h. MgCr2O4 is the only phase present in the XRPD pattern of the mixture heated at 900 °C for 27 h. The same result was obtained from the counterpart of irradiated mixture.

XRPD patterns of un-irradiated (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) and the calcined un-irradiated mixtures at different temperatures for different time duration.
Figure 1
XRPD patterns of un-irradiated (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) and the calcined un-irradiated mixtures at different temperatures for different time duration.
FT-IR spectra of un-irradiated (a and c) and irradiated (b and d) of Mg5(CO3)2(OH)2·4H2O and Cr2O3, respectively.
Figure 2
FT-IR spectra of un-irradiated (a and c) and irradiated (b and d) of Mg5(CO3)2(OH)2·4H2O and Cr2O3, respectively.


3.2 FT-IR analysis

Fig. 2 shows the FT-IR spectra of the starting materials before and after γ-irradiation. The spectrum of un-irradiated heavy magnesium carbonate hydrate (a) shows bands of the carbonate anion at 1120 cm−1 (symmetric stretching), 1485 and 1423 cm−1 (asymmetric stretching), 745 and 714 cm−1 (symmetric bend), and 854, 886 and 797 cm−1 (asymmetric bend). The two main bands at 3515 and 3450 cm−1 are due to lattice water vibration and the 3649 cm−1 is due to OH stretching (White, 1971). Spectrum (c) shows five main bands at 637, 569, 443, 415 and 305 cm−1 which are due to lattice vibration of un-irradiated Cr2O3. Neither disappearance nor appearance of new bands was observed as result of γ-irradiation up to 103 kGy total γ-ray dose as well as seen in (b and d, respectively).

The FT-IR spectra for the calcined mixtures are shown in Fig. 3. The spectra of the mixture calcined at 300 °C shows main bands at 643, 573, 442, 413 and 305 cm−1 which are due to Mg–O and Cr–O lattice vibrations, and the weak band at 858 cm−1 is due to carbonate anion. At 500 °C, the spectra displays, in addition to, lattice vibration bands of MgO and Cr2O3, two bands at 957 and 834 cm−1 which are due to Cr⚌O stretching of amorphous α-MgCrO4 (Roy et al., 1969). At 625 °C, the bands of α-MgCrO4 completely disappeared from the spectra, and the characteristic band of MgCr2O4 at 429 cm−1 (Williey et al., 1993) is not detectable, although it present and it was confirmed by XRPD. However, the 429 cm−1 band is observable in FT-IR spectra of the mixture heated at 650 °C. The spectra of the mixture calcined at 900 °C for 27 h displays only the bands of MgCr2O4, and the characteristic band of Cr2O3 at 305 cm−1 is completely disappeared.

FT-IR spectra of un-irradiated calcined mixtures at different temperatures for different time duration.
Figure 3
FT-IR spectra of un-irradiated calcined mixtures at different temperatures for different time duration.


3.3 TG and DTA analysis

Fig. 4 shows TG and DTA curves for thermal decomposition of heavy magnesium carbonate in a pure form and in physical mixture with chromium(III)oxide.

TG/DTA curves of Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O (a), physical crystalline mixtures before (b) and after (c) irradiation.
Figure 4
TG/DTA curves of Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O (a), physical crystalline mixtures before (b) and after (c) irradiation.

Fig. 4a shows typical TG–DTA curves of the thermal decomposition of pure heavy magnesium carbonate hydrate. The TG of pure salt showed three overlapped decomposition steps. The first decomposition step was in the range of (100–250) °C attributed to loss of water of crystallization, this decomposition was accompanied by an endothermic peak at 230 °C. The second decomposition step was in the range of (370–440) °C due to loss of hydroxyl water and was accompanied by an endothermic peak at 430 °C. The third decomposition step was in the range of (440–500) °C due to decomposition of MgCO3 and was accompanied by sharp endothermic peak at 480 °C. Very sharp exothermic peak was detected at 460 °C attributed to the crystallization of MgCO3 from the amorphous lower carbonate (Criado et al., 1979; Khan et al., 2001; Sawada et al., 1979a, p. 32, 1979b, p. 33, 1979c, p. 34).

Fig. 1b shows the TG and DTA curves of crystalline mixture. The DTA show an endothermic peak detected at almost the same temperature range as for pure salt for loss of water of crystallization. A more broad second endothermic peak was detectable at 440 °C due to loss of hydroxyl water and starting to form the chromate intermediate. Two endothermic peaks were detectable at 490 °C and 500 °C due to the decomposition of chromate intermediate and formation of amorphous magnesium chromite. The decomposition behavior of γ-irradiated mixture is similar to that of un-irradiated mixture as we seen in Fig. 1c. Thus, γ-irradiation has no apparent effect on the decomposition behavior of γ-irradiated physical mixture with 102 kGy total dose.

Based on the foregoing discussion of XRPD, FT-IR, TG and DTA analysis the following Scheme 1, for decomposition of the investigated crystalline mixture and formation of chromite spinel could be suggested.

The proposed reaction mechanism or the thermal decomposition of the investigated crystalline mixture and formation of chromite spinel.
Scheme 1
The proposed reaction mechanism or the thermal decomposition of the investigated crystalline mixture and formation of chromite spinel.


4 Kinetic studies

Heterogeneous solid-state reaction can empirically be described by a single-step kinetic equation:

d α dt = k ( T ) f ( α ) where t is the time (min−1), T is the temperature (K), k is the reaction rate constant, α is the extent of conversion ( α = { W 0 - W / W 0 - W } ; W0 is the initial weight of the sample (mg), W is the sample weight (mg) at any temperature T and W is the final sample weight (mg)), d α /dt is the reaction rate (min−1) and f( α ) is the reaction model. The reaction model may take various forms (Sharp et al., 1966; Galway and Brown, 1999), some of which are given in Table 1.
Table 1 Algebraic expressions of f( α ) and g( α ) for the reaction models considered in the present work.
Symbol No. Reaction model f( α ) z
1 D1 One-dimensional diffusion 1/2 α α 2
2 D2 Two-dimensional diffusion (bi-dimensional particle shape) Valensi equation 1/[−ln(1 −  α )] (1 −  α )ln(1 −  α ) +  α
3 D3 Three-dimensional diffusion (tri-dimensional particle shape) Jander equation 3(1 −  α )1/3/2[(1 −  α )−1/3 − 1] [1 − (1 −  α )1/3]2
4 D4 Three-dimensional diffusion (tri-dimensional particle shape) Ginstling–Brounshtein 3/2[(1 −  α )−1/3 − 1] (1 − 2 α /3) − (1 −  α )2/3
5 R2 Phase-boundary controlled reaction (contracting area, i.e., bi-dimensional shape) 2(1 −  α )1/2 [1 − (1 −  α )1/2]
6 R3 Phase-boundary controlled reaction (contracting volume, i.e., tri-dimensional shape) 3(1 −  α )2/3 [1 − (1 −  α )1/3]
7 F1 First-order (Mampel) (1 −  α ) [−ln(1 −  α )]
8 F2 Second-order (1 −  α )2 (1 −  α )−1 − 1
9 F3 Third-order (1 −  α )3 (1/2)[(1 −  α )−2 − 1]
10 F3/2 Three-halves order (1 −  α )3/2 2[(1 −  α )−1/2 − 1]
11 A2 Avrami-Eroféev (n = 2) 2(1 −  α )[−ln(1 −  α )]1/2 [−ln(1 −  α )]1/2
12 A3 Avrami-Eroféev (n = 3) 3(1 −  α )[−ln(1 −  α )]2/3 [−ln(1 −  α )]1/3
13 A3/2 Avrami-Eroféev (n = 1.5) (3/2)(1 −  α )[−ln(1 −  α )]1/3 [−ln(1 −  α )]2/3
14 A4 Avrami-Eroféev (n = 4) 4(1 −  α )[−ln(1 −  α )]3/4 [−ln(1 −  α )]1/4

The rate constant, k, usually has an Arrhenius temperature dependence

k = A exp - E a RT where A (min−1) is pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy (kJ mol−1) and R is the universal gas constant.

Replacing k(T) in Eq. (1) with the Arrhenius equation gives

d α dt = A exp - E a RT f ( α ) Under a nonisothermal condition, at constant heating rate β  = dT/dt Eq. (3) may be written as
d α dT = d α dt 1 β = A β exp - E a RT f ( α )
Upon integration Eq. (4) gives
g ( α ) = A β 0 T exp - E a RT dT
If Ea/RT is replaced by (x) and integration limits are transformed then Eq. (5) becomes
g ( α ) = AE a β R x e - x x 2 dx
Eq. (6) can be written as
g ( α ) = AE a β R P ( x ) = A β I ( Ea , T )
The exponential integral (P(x)) has no analytical solution but has many approximations (Khawam and Flanagan, 2005).

Kinetic parameters can be obtained from nonisothermal rate laws by both model-fitting and isoconversional (model-free) methods.

Force-fitting experimental data to different model function f( α ) is denoted as model-fitting methods, after the f( α ) model has been selected from the best linear fit for a series of temperature, k(T) is evaluated (Rodante et al., 2002).

Model-free isoconversional methods allow for estimating the activation energy as function of α without choosing the reaction model, the basic assumption of these methods is that the reaction rate of constant extent of conversion α depends only on the temperature. Hence, constant Ea value can be expected in the case of single stage decomposition, while for multi-step process Ea varies with α due to the variation in the relative contributions of single steps to the overall reaction rate (Khawam and Flanagan, 2005; Vyazovkin and Sbirrazzuoli, 2002).


5 Model-fitting approach

There are several nonisothermal model-fitting methods. One of the most popular is the Coats and Redfern method (CR method), which utilizes the asymptotic series expansion in approximating P(x) Eq. (7), producing the following equation:

ln g ( α ) T 2 = ln AR β E a 1 - 2 RT β E a - E a RT where T is the mean experimental temperature.

The other method proposed by Clark and Kennedy (CK method) is based on the expression, T =  β t + T0, where T0 is initial temperature.

The basic equation is:

β g ( α ) T - T 0 = A exp - E a RT Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation:
ln β g ( α ) T - T 0 = ln A - E a RT

Plotting the left-hand side of both Eqs. (8) and (10) against 1/T should give straight lines for the reaction models listed in Table 1 (Vyzovkin and Wight, 1999) and the result are shown in Fig. 5. From the slope and intercept we can determine Ea and ln A, respectively.

(a) CR method and (b) CK method.
Figure 5
(a) CR method and (b) CK method.

The values of activation energy (Ea), pre-exponential factors (lnA) and the coefficients of linear correlations (r) for kinetic models are presented in Table 2. The correlation coefficient (r) is sometimes used as a parameter for choosing the best model.

Table 2 Kinetic parameter determind by CR and CK methods.
Model CR CK
E ln A r E ln A r
Un-irradiated Irradiated Un-irradiated Irradiated Un-irradiated Irradiated Un-irradiated Irradiated Un-irradiated Irradiated Un-irradiated Irradiated
D1 39.2464 40.03058 4.22043 4.314446 91.528 92.324 39.05335 39.99566 2.50784 2.61826 91 91.982
D2 44.26224 45.23348 4.800317 4.925812 89.362 90.384 44.06919 45.13837 3.00946 3.13678 88.806 89.9
D3 50.69728 51.84427 4.901847 5.052753 86.026 87.194 50.50439 51.749 3.01522 3.16666 85.46 86.696
D4 46.70489 47.40077 3.828872 3.957691 88.27 89.344 46.17945 47.30533 2.001 2.13616 87.704 88.85
R3 18.84302 20.95361 0.471686 0.481407 82.33 82.284 18.65013 20.8585 −1.03556 −0.99312 80.712 80.93
R2 20.4275 19.29513 0.419865 0.522472 80.626 83.788 20.23461 19.23261 −1.06906 −0.96554 79.074 82.552
A2 7.04249 55.174 58.306 6.849522 7.212328 −2.1533 −2.10832 50.74 54.498
A3 1.414162 10.664 13.266 1.221194 1.464228 −3.15334 −3.12316 6.954 10.17
A3/2 12.67087 - 1.043867 68.484 70.568 7.482101 12.96053 −1.1533 −1.09346 65.778 68.458
A4 18.854 17.928 −3.72528 −3.63062 18.498 15.686
F1 23.92719 24.55174 2.342056 2.438306 76.942 78.648 23.73431 24.45679 0.84674 0.9363 75.544 77.418
F2 37.05384 38.06748 4.591417 5.691372 66.106 67.818 36.86095 37.97237 3.87932 4.02374 65.174 67.002
F3 53.49527 54.83765 7.313669 9.754276 58.818 60.462 53.13594 54.74254 7.6117 7.8265 58.198 59.924
F3/2 30.01919 30.82133 7.016659 3.937283 71.25 72.98 29.82598 30.72638 2.2576 2.37312 70.098 71.964
P1 89.794 90.326 −4.19572 −4.18152 86.678 86.986
P2 47.984 48.426 −3.8765 −3.86118 45.342 43.424
P3 2.620722 45.912 48.986 2.236749 2.474895 −3.23806 −3.21012 34.73 41.668
P4 26.97411 27.58386 2.119116 2.195114 90.048 91.302 26.78106 27.48874 0.59254 0.67548 89.428 90.606

As listed in Table 2 for both applied methods (CR and CK methods), it can be found that D1 is the best model show the linear relationships of the data for both irradiated and un-irradiated mixtures. The values of Ea, ln A (Arrhenius parameters) and r obtained from CR and CK methods using the selected model for the processes obtained in Table 2 are very low. From this fact it may be concluded that the reaction under consideration is a typical complex multi-step reaction with more than one mechanism.


5.1 Model-free approach

The Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose method (KAS method) is based on the Coats–Redfern approximation of P(x) ≅ (exp(−x))/x2 which transformed Eq. (7) to:

ln β T 2 = ln AR E a g ( α ) - E a RT Another method proposed by Tang (T method) is based on the approximate formula which introduced into Eq. (7). Taking the logarithms of both sides, Eq. (12) is obtained as:
ln β T 1.894661 = ln AE a Rg ( α ) + 3.635041 - 1.894661 ln E a - 1.001450 E a RT
A plot of the left-hand sides of both Eqs. (11) and (12) versus 1/T give a group of straight lines at each α (Vyzovkin and Wight, 1999) as can be seen in Fig. 6, which give apparent activation energy from the slope for a particular α without considering a selected model.
(a) KAS method and (b) T method.
Figure 6
(a) KAS method and (b) T method.

The Vyazovkin isoconversional method (VYZ method) (Vyzovkin and Wight, 1999; Janković et al., 2007) is a nonisothermal method which utilizes an accurate nonlinear Senium-Yang approximation of P(x) (Eq. (7)), which leads to:

Ω = i = 1 n i j n I ( E a , α , T α , i ) β j I ( E a , α , T α , j ) β i
I ( Ea , α , T α ) = 0 T α i exp - E a , α RT dT
where n the number of heating rates, I(Ea,α, T α ) the exponential integral (P(x)) that results from heating rate β . The 5th degree Senum-Yang approximation was chosen for our work.

The E a , α can be determined at any particular value of α by finding the value of E α for which the objective function Ω is minimized.

The temperature integral can be evaluated by several approximation. We have used Gorbachev, Agrawal and Sivasubramanian and Cai for integration of Eq. (14) (Ghoshal and Saha, 2006; Maiti et al., 2006).

0 T exp - E α RT α i dT = RT α i 2 E α 1 1 + 2 RT E α exp - E α RT
0 T exp - E α RT α i dT = RT α i 2 E α 1 - 2 RT / E α 1 - 5 ( ER / E α ) 2 exp - E α RT α i
0 T exp - E α RT α i dT = RT α i 2 E α E α / RT α i + 0.66691 E α / RT α i + 2.64943 exp - E α RT α i
Fig. 7 shows the variation of apparent activation energy E a , α , as a function of the extent of conversion α of the data for un-irradiated and γ-irradiated mixtures. From Fig. 7 we can recognized that the dependence of E a , α on α is almost the same by using different isoconversional methods. And these differences in the values of E a , α could be due to the approximation of temperature integral that were used in the derivations of relations that ground KAS, T and VYZ methods (Vyzovkin and Wight, 1999). Also, Fig. 7 shows that, the values of E a , α for γ-irradiated mixture are reduced compared to un-irradiated one. The reducing of the values of activation energy of the decomposition reaction could be attributed to the formation of additional nucleation sites and reactive centers. From the dependence of E a , α on α we can assumed that there are at least two steps, the first step at α  < 0.3 show decrease of activation energy by increase extant of conversion which is lie to dehydration process, the second step at α  > 0.3 which is show an increase of the activation energy by increase extent of conversion which lie to decarbonation and formation of the magnesium chromite.
The activation energy plotted as a function of the extent of the conversion.
Figure 7
The activation energy plotted as a function of the extent of the conversion.


5.2 Compensation effect

Use of the artificial isokinetic relationship (IKR) that occurs on fitting various reaction models to the same set of nonisothermal kinetic data can be used to evaluate ln A.

ln A j = a + bE a , j where j refers to one of the possible models fj( α ) assumed to describe the process. The parameters of Eq. (18) are a = ln kiso and b = 1/RTiso (Agrwal, 1986). Fig. 8 shows the artificial isokinetic relationship for the process obtained by CK method. The values of a, b, kiso, Tiso of Eq. (18) obtained by (CK) model-fitting are given in Table 3.
The isokinetic relationships obtain by CK method.
Figure 8
The isokinetic relationships obtain by CK method.
Table 3 Artificial isokinetic parameter obtained by CK method.
Method a (min−1) b (mol kJ−1) kiso (min−1) Tiso (K) r
KC −3.396 0.158 0.0335 759.82 0.896
KC (irradiation) −3.488 0.159 0.0306 753.63 0.905

It can be seen that the isokinetic temperatures (Tiso) lying in the region of the experimental temperature and this indicates that the reaction model f( α ) was properly chosen.

Once the correlation parameters a and b have been evaluated, the E a , α values are substituted for Ea,j in Eq. (18) to estimate the corresponding ln  A α values and obtaining the dependence of ln  A α on α for multi-step processes (Vyzovkin and Wight, 1999).

Fig. 9 shows the variation of the ln  A α as a function of extent of conversion α , which was obtained by different isoconversional methods for the process.

Dependence of the ln Aα on extent of conversion, estimated from Eq. (18) for the different isoconversional methods.
Figure 9
Dependence of the ln Aα on extent of conversion, estimated from Eq. (18) for the different isoconversional methods.

It can be seen that the ln  A α shows the same dependence on α as the apparent activation energy E a , α in Fig. 7. This behavior supported the conclusion mentioned above.


5.3 Simulation

Simulated data are the only data for which Arrhenius parameters and reaction models are known exactly (Vyazovkin, 2000). The data were simulated according to the scheme of two reaction mechanisms

A ( s ) B ( s ) + C ( g ) B ( s ) D ( s ) + E ( g ) The overall reaction rate of these processes is:
d α dt = 1 2 d α 1 dt + d α 2 dt = 1 2 [ k 1 ( T ) f ( α 1 ) + k 2 ( T ) f ( α 2 ) ]
The Arrhenius parameters of the individual steps were taken so that A1 = 1031 min−1, E1 = 260 kJ mol−1, A2 = 1010 min−1 and E2 = 80 kJ mol−1. The values were chosen to make rates of two steps are comparable within the working range temperature.

Integration of Eq. (20) for nonisothermal condition has give rise to reaction dependence of α versus T.

By assumption that, the processes contain at least two steps with different reaction mechanism. The first mechanism is third-order reaction (F3) model, and the second mechanism is diffusion in one-dimensional (D1) model. Then the effective activation energy of the overall process can be written as:

E a , α = - R d ln ( d α / dt ) dT - 1 α = E 1 k 1 ( T ) f ( α 1 ) + E 2 k 2 ( T ) f ( α 2 ) k 1 ( T ) f ( α 1 ) + k 2 ( T ) f ( α 2 ) = E 1 k 1 ( T ) f ( 1 - α 1 ) 3 + E 2 k 2 ( T ) f 1 2 α 2 k 1 ( T ) f ( 1 - α 1 ) 3 + k 2 ( T ) f 1 2 α 2 This is clearly a function of both temperature an extent of conversion. Substitution of depends of a α versus T for various β into Eq. (21) allows surface plots of the effective activation energy as function of α and β to be obtained (Sbirrazzuoli et al., 2000). These plots are shown in Fig. 10.
Surface plot of activation energy for simulated process before irradiation (a) and after irradiation.
Figure 10
Surface plot of activation energy for simulated process before irradiation (a) and after irradiation.


This work was supported by the King Abdullaziz City of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia. Also the authors thanks Dr. Ahmed Basfar for his supported and advice.


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