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Original article
10 2023

Insecticidal efficacy of native raw and commercial diatomaceous earths against Tribolium confusum DuVal (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) under different environmental conditions

Plant Protection Research Institute, Diyarbakir, Türkiye
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Türkiye
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Sirnak University, Sirnak, Türkiye
Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 11451, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32608, United States
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Fayoum, Fayoum, Egypt

⁎Corresponding author at: Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Türkiye. cetinmutlu21@hotmail.com (Cetin Mutlu)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.



Stored wheat grains are infested by several insect pests which lead to notable financial losses, compromised food security, and higher wastage. The confused flour beetle [Tribolium confusum DuVal (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)] is a widespread pest infesting stored flour and grains. Pest management in stored wheat requires ecofriendly option with lower toxicity to stored grains. Diatomaceous earths (DEs) are considered environment-friendly, green insecticides and often used to manage stored product pests.


This study determined the impacts of different temperatures, relative humidity levels, and doses on the efficacy of three DEs [i.e., two raw native (Ankara, and Aydin), and one commercial (Silico-Sec)]. Two temperatures (25 °C and 30 °C), two relative humidity levels (40% and 60%) and five doses (0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm) of the tested DEs were included in the study. Different DE doses were mixed with 500 g of wheat grains in plastic containers and 30 adults of T. confusum were released. The containers were kept under different temperature and relative humidity levels according to the treatments and mortality data was recorded at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatments (DAT).


The mortality linearly increased with increasing time intervals and DEs doses. The highest and the lowest mortality was noted at 21 and 7 DAT, respectively. All DEs caused higher mortality under 30 °C temperature, 40% relative humidity and 1000 ppm dose. The native DE Aydin and commercial DE Silico-Sec caused comparable mortalities.


Overall, the highest mortality was recorded with 1000 ppm dose of all DEs under 30 °C temperature and 40% relative humidity. Therefore, the DEs must be applied at these environmental conditions for getting higher efficacy. Furthermore, the native DE Aydin could be utilized to manage T. confusum in the granaries. The farmer granaries in the region have similar temperature and relative humidity conditions; therefore, the DEs can be successfully used to lower the damages caused by T. confusum at farmers’ level.


Native diatomaceous earths
Environmental factors
Humidity, Mortality

1 Introduction

Cereals, especially wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), is a strategic crop for Türkiye and produced all over the country. It is ranked first in the country among agronomic crops in terms of area under cultivation and production (TUIK 2022). Cereals make a significant contribution towards agricultural production of the country and stored for future use. However, stored grains are infested by numerous pests. A total 37 species infesting stored wheat grains have been reported from Türkiye. The infestation by Coleopteran species causes significant losses in grain weight, seed germination, and quality. These species include Trogoderma granarium Everts, Sitophilus granarius (L), S. oryzae (L.), Rhizopertha dominica F., Tribolium confusum DuVal, T. castaneum Herbst., Tenebrio molitor (L.), Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. and Cryptolestes ferrugineus Steph. (Ergül et al., 1972; Işıkber et al., 2005; Mutlu et al., 2019; Ozar & Yucel, 1982; Şen et al., 2019).

The confused flour beetle [Tribolium confusum DuVal (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)] is one of the most common and destructive pests of grains and other food products in granaries, silos, grocery stores and homes. Although confused flour beetle is known as a secondary pest, it can easily feed on damaged and broken grains, increases its population, and makes flour and other processed bakery products unusable. These insects are frequently observed in significant quantities within contaminated grains, where they consume broken grains, grain dust, and additional foodstuffs commonly found in households, including flour, rice, dried fruit, nuts, and beans (Baldwin and Fasulo, 2003).

The confused flour beetle has evolved resistant to numerous pesticides being used in storage granaries for pest control (Rossi et al., 2010). Hence, several studies have evaluated diatomaceous earths (DEs) for their potential to suppress the infestation of confused flour beetle in stored grains. The reaction of the beetle to the DEs is mediated by numerous factors, including temperature, relative humidity, and food availability (Arthur, 2000a, 2000b; Fields and Korunic, 2000; Morrill et al., 2001; Subramanyam and Hagstrum, 2012). Food availability and environmental conditions strongly alter the efficacy of DEs.

It is crucial to prevent the losses caused insect pests in stored grains. Insect pest infestation in Türkiye causes 10% losses in cereal grains during storage (Emekçi and Ferizli, 2000). Chemical management is probably the most popular approach for minimizing losses caused by stored grain pests in granaries. Fumigation with aluminum phosphide is the most used management method in Türkiye for pest infestation in stored grains (Mutlu et al., 2019). However, it has been noted that stored grain pests have developed broad resistance to the phosphine employed in fumigation (Benhalima et al., 2004; Mutlu et al., 2019; Pimentel et al., 2010). In addition, resistance to malathion (the pesticide used to protect stored products) has also been reported (Champ and Dyte, 1976; Mutlu et al., 2019). Unconscious pesticide use has resulted in pesticide resistance, residues, and negative effects on human health. Alternative control methods have gained popularity in recent years because of the drawbacks caused by chemical control (Mutlu et al., 2019). There has been a significant interest in the use of DEs, and much progress has been made in this regard (Alkan et al., 2019; Ciniviz and Mutlu, 2020; Ertürk, 2021; Kılıc and Mutlu, 2020; Korunic, 1998; Sousa et al., 2013).

The DEs cause physical damage to the cuticle of stored grain pests, resulting in water loss and eventually death. The DEs distort the epicuticle by absorbing lipids, making insects susceptible to dehydration once the waterproof layer is destroyed. The physical characteristics of DEs, target insects, habitat and food supply etc. have significant impact on the effectiveness of DEs (Golob, 1997; Korunic, 1998). Temperature and relative humidity significantly influence pest control efficiency of DEs (Arthur 2000a). The DEs absorb cuticular wax coat of insects which leads to desiccation and death.

High quality DEs resources are found different regions of Türkiye (i.e., Afyon, Ankara, Aydin, Balikesir, Bingöl, Çanakkale, Çankırı, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kayseri, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Sivas and Van). It predicted that there could be >200 million tons of DEs present in the country. These DEs can successfully halt product losses and serve as an alternative to the chemicals used in granaries. This study used native raw DEs collected from Ankara and Aydin to test; (a) insecticidal activity, (b) effect of DE doses, relative humidity, and temperature on mortality; and (c) the effect of exposure times on F1 fertility of confused flour beetle. It was hypothesized that different DEs will differ in their insecticidal activity under different temperature and relative humidity levels, and doses. It was further hypothesized that native DEs would cause equivalent mortality to commercial DEs. The results would help to select the optimum temperature, relative humidity, and dose for native and commercial DEs.


2 Materials and methods


2.1 Experimental site

The current study was conducted at Entomology Laboratory, Diyarbakır Plant Protection Research Institute, Diyarbakır Türkiye.


2.2 Diatomaceous earths (DEs)

The efficacy of different doses of three DEs [i.e., two raw native (Aydin, Ankara), and one commercial (Silico-Sec)] was tested on the mortality of confused flour beetle under various temperatures and relative humidity levels. Ankara DE was obtained from the mines of Ankara province. It contains ≈92.8% SiO2, 4.2% Al2O3, 1.5% Fe2O3, 0.6% CaO, 0.3% MgO and 1–5% water. The average particle size is 8–12µ. Aydın DE was obtained from the mines of Aydın province. It contains ≈94.2% SiO2, 4.6% Al2O3, 1.6% Fe2O3, 0.7% CaO, 0.3% MgO and 1–5% water. The average particle size is 8–12µ. Silico-Sec (Biofarma) is commercially available from Germany and contains 92% SiO2, 3% Al2O3, 1% Fe2O3 and 1% Na2O. The average particle size is 8–12µ.


2.3 Test insects

The test insects with no history of exposure to insecticides were obtained from the breeding stock of Plant Protection Research Institute, Diyarbakir, Türkiye. Test insects were reared on wheat flour in plastic jars (1000 ml) under controlled conditions (25 ± 1 °C and 65 ± 5% RH) and complete dark. The cultures were maintained at the same condition to obtain new generation adults. The emerging adults were collected with a suction tube and used in the experiments.


2.4 Laboratory bioassays

Five different doses, i.e., 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 ppm of each DE. Wheat grains (‘Pehlivan’ bread wheat variety) were sterilized at 55 °C for 48 h. Afterwards, 500 g of wheat grains was placed in a 1 kg plastic container and mixed manually for 1 min. The 100 g homogenized wheat grains obtained after mixing were taken as a control. The calculated amounts of DEs according to the desired doses as described above were added to the remaining 400 g grains. The plastic containers containing wheat grains and DEs were manually shaken for 2 min to thoroughly mix the grains and DEs. After mixing, 100 g grains were taken and placed in separate containers, whereas treatments were initiated by releasing 30 adults in each container.

Samples prepared in this way were kept at 25 and 30 °C in cabinets adjusted to 40% and 60% relative humidity. Dead and alive adults were counted at 7, 14 and 21 days after adults’ release. During the trials, temperature and relative humidity were monitored with the testo 174H brand temperature/humidity data logger.


2.5 F1 productivity

After data collection on 21 days after adult release, alive adults (if any) were collected and kept under the same conditions for ∼2 months to determine F1 productivity.


2.6 Statistical analysis

The mortality (%) was computed by number of dead adults in each treatment. The mortality data were corrected by Abbot’s formula relative to the mortality observed in the control treatment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the mortality data (Steel et al., 1997). The data of each diatom was analyzed separately. The normality in the data was tested prior to ANOVA, which indicated that the data were normally distributed. Therefore, original data were used in the statistical analysis. Three-way ANOVA was used to infer the difference between individual and interactive effects of DE dose, temperature, and relative humidity. Duncan's multiple comparison test was used to determine the differences between the means where ANOVA denoted significant differences. Statistical analyses were conducted by using SPSS statistical software version 21 (IBM, 2015).


3 Results

The mortality of confused flour beetle was significantly altered by individual and interactive effects of different doses of Ankara, DE, temperature, and relative humidity at different time intervals (Table 1). The individual and interactive effects of temperature, relative humidity and various Aydin DE doses had significant effects on the mortality at different times (Table 2). Similarly, different individual and interactive effects of temperature, relative humidity and Silico-Sec DE doses significantly altered the mortality at 7, 14 and 21 DAT (Table 3).

Table 1 Analysis of variance for individual and interactive effects of different temperatures, relative humidity levels and Ankara diatom doses on mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Source DF SS MS F value P value
Temperature (T) 1 121.85 121.85 340.70 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 330.29 330.29 923.48 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2098.07 699.36 1955.41 <0.0001*
T × R 1 4.58 4.58 12.82 0.00*
T × D 3 4.18 1.39 3.90 0.01*
R × D 3 6.45 2.15 6.01 0.00*
T × R × D 3 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.009*
14 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 77.70 77.70 372.00 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 229.14 229.14 1096.99 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 1655.50 551.83 2641.82 <0.0001*
T × R 1 1.27 1.27 6.09 0.02*
T × D 3 3.58 1.19 5.72 0.00*
R × D 3 1.66 0.55 2.64 0.006*
T × R × D 3 0.54 0.18 0.87 0.0047*
21 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 71.00 71.00 137.34 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 185.53 185.53 358.90 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 1935.74 645.24 1248.18 <0.0001*
T × R 1 3.99 3.99 7.72 0.008*
T × D 3 5.32 1.77 3.43 0.024*
R × D 3 2.18 0.72 1.40 0.0025
T × R × D 3 7.63 2.54 4.92 0.005*

Here, DF = degree of freedom, SS = sum of squares, MS = mean squares, * = significant, DAT = days after treatment. The bold values in P value column indicate that the relative individual or interactive effects had significant impact on the mortality of Tribolium confusum.

Table 2 Analysis of variance for individual and interactive impacts of different temperatures, relative humidity levels and doses of Aydin diatom doses on mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Source DF SS MS F value P value
Temperature (T) 1 133.05 133.05 405.94 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 463.54 463.54 1414.24 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2971.55 990.51 3022.01 <0.0001*
T × R 1 4.26 4.26 13.01 0.001*
T × D 3 1.33 0.44 1.35 0.007*
R × D 3 6.76 2.25 6.88 0.001*
T × R × D 3 3.22 1.07 3.28 0.029*
14 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 102.16 102.16 478.60 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 321.39 321.39 1505.68 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2507.50 835.83 3915.74 <0.0001*
T × R 1 4.47 4.47 20.95 <0.0001*
T × D 3 2.54 0.84 3.96 0.013*
R × D 3 6.61 2.20 10.33 <0.0001*
T × R × D 3 0.24 0.08 0.38 0.005
21 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 90.20 90.20 130.98 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 292.06 292.06 424.12 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 3007.76 1002.58 1455.89 <0.0001*
T × R 1 3.60 3.60 5.22 0.027*
T × D 3 4.01 1.33 1.94 0.005
R × D 3 2.87 0.95 1.39 0.007
T × R × D 3 20.52 6.84 9.93 <0.0001*

Here, DF = degree of freedom, SS = sum of squares, MS = mean squares, * = significant, DAT = days after treatment. The bold values in P value column indicate that the relative individual or interactive effects had significant impact on the mortality of Tribolium confusum.

Table 3 Analysis of variance for individual and interactive impacts of different temperatures, relative humidity levels and doses of Silico-Sec diatom doses on mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Source DF SS MS F value P value
Temperature (T) 1 125.10 125.10 304.68 <0.0001*
Relative humidity ® 1 431.80 431.80 1051.63 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2740.74 913.58 2224.94 <0.0001*
T × R 1 3.90 3.90 9.50 0.003*
T × D 3 3.85 1.28 3.12 0.034*
R × D 3 9.57 3.19 7.77 0.000*
T × R × D 3 0.36 0.12 0.29 0.0082*
14 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 103.17 103.17 126.21 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 302.32 302.32 369.84 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2566.60 855.53 1046.60 <0.0001*
T × R 1 8.97 8.97 10.97 0.002*
T × D 3 3.32 1.10 1.35 0.00268
R × D 3 0.97 0.32 0.39 0.00756
T × R × D 3 1.33 0.44 0.54 0.00655
21 DAT
Temperature (T) 1 77.96 77.9 170.02 <0.0001*
Relative humidity (R) 1 267.89 267.89 584.20 <0.0001*
Dose (D) 3 2825.98 941.99 2054.22 <0.0001*
T × R 1 3.20 3.2 6.98 0.011*
T × D 3 2.12 0.70 1.54 0.0216
R × D 3 6.64 2.2 4.83 0.005*
T × R × D 3 6.48 2.16 4.71 0.006*

Here, DF = degree of freedom, SS = sum of squares, MS = mean squares, * = significant, DAT = days after treatment. The bold values in P value column indicate that the relative individual or interactive effects had significant impact on the mortality of Tribolium confusum.

The mortality increased with increasing time after the initiation of treatments. Overall, the highest mortality was caused by all DEs at 21 DAT, whereas the lowest mortality was noted at 7 DAT. The mortality caused by Ankara, Aydin, and Silico-Sec DEs under different temperatures ranged between 27.79–54.76%, 34.60–67.21% and 33.06–64.68%, respectively (Table 4). Overall, the lowest mortality was recorded under 25 °C at 7 DAT for all DEs included in the study, whereas the highest mortality was noted at 21 DAT under 30 °C (Table 4). Similarly, the mortality caused by different DEs under different relative humidity levels was 26.90–55.41, 33.35–68.15 and 31.86–65.62% for Ankara, Aydin, and Silico-Sec, respectively. All DEs included in the study caused higher mortality under 40% relative humidity, whereas lower mortality was observed under 60% relative humidity. These results indicate that high temperature and low humidity are more feasible for initiating the insecticidal action of DEs.

Table 4 The impact of individual effects of different temperatures, relative humidity levels, and doses of different diatomaceous earths on the mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Treatments Mortality (%)
Ankara DE Aydın DE Silico-Sec DE
7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days
Temperature (°C)
30 30.55a 39.45a 54.76a 37.49a 48.57a 67.21a 35.86a 46.46a 64.68a
25 27.79b 37.25b 52.66b 34.60b 46.05b 64.83b 33.06b 43.92b 62.47b
LSD 0.05 0.30 0.23 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.41 0.32 0.45 0.34
Relative humidity (%)
40 31.44a 40.24a 55.41a 38.74a 49.55a 68.15a 37.05a 47.36a 65.62a
60 26.90b 36.46b 52.01b 33.35b 45.07b 63.88b 31.86b 43.02b 61.53b
LSD 0.05 0.31 0.25 0.36 0.30 0.24 0.42 0.33 0.45 0.34
Diatom doses (ppm)
1000 36.80a 45.23a 61.71a 45.03a 55.81a 76.10a 43.16a 53.81a 73.37a
750 32.16b 40.82b 54.36b 39.76b 50.24b 66.62b 37.87b 48.09b 64.13b
500 25.80c 35.44c 52.49c 32.00c 43.87c 64.48c 30.69c 41.81c 62.07c
250 21.92d 31.90d 46.28d 27.39d 39.31d 56.88d 26.11d 37.05d 54.74d
LSD 0.05 0.42 0.32 0.51 0.40 0.32 0.59 0.45 0.64 0.48

Any two means sharing a letter in common are statistically non-significant (p > 0.05).

Like time intervals, the mortality increased with increasing doses of DEs and the highest mortality was recorded in the insects treated with the highest dose, i.e., 1000 ppm of all DEs. The mortality caused by different dose of Ankara, Aydin, and Silico-Sec DEs was 21.92–61.71%, 27.39–76.10% and 26.11–73.37%, respectively. The highest mortality was noted with the highest dose of the tested DEs at 21 DAT (Table 4).

Temperature by relative humidity interaction indicated that all DEs caused the highest mortality at 30 °C temperature and 40% relative humidity at 21 DAT (Table 5). The lowest mortality was caused by all DEs with 25 °C temperature and 60% relative humidity at 7 DAT.

Table 5 The impact of two-way interactions of different temperatures, relative humidity levels and doses of three diatomaceous doses on the mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Treatments Mortality (%)
Ankara DE Aydin DE Silico-Sec
7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days
Temperature × Relative humidity
T1R1 29.80b 39.00b 54.11b 37.04b 48.02b 66.73b 35.41b 45.72b 64.30b
T1R2 25.79d 35.49d 51.20d 32.17d 44.07d 62.93d 30.71d 42.12d 60.65d
T2R1 33.09a 41.48a 56.72a 40.44a 51.08a 69.58a 38.70a 49.01a 66.95a
T2R2 28.01c 37.42c 52.81c 34.54c 46.07c 64.83c 33.01c 43.91c 62.41c
LSD 0.05 0.44 0.34 0.51 0.40 0.32 0.59 0.45 0.64 0.48
Temperature × Diatom doses
T1D1 20.61h 30.65h 44.92g 26.10h 38.04h 55.32g 24.83h 35.46h 53.36g
T1D2 24.58f 34.19f 51.85e 30.50f 42.61f 63.50e 29.40f 40.58f 61.20e
T1D3 30.99d 40.12d 53.43d 38.44d 49.27d 65.34d 36.66d 47.15d 63.03d
T1D4 34.99b 44.03b 60.43b 43.38b 54.28b 75.16b 41.34b 52.49b 72.30b
T2D1 23.23g 33.16g 47.65f 28.68g 40.59g 58.44f 27.38g 38.63g 56.12f
T2D2 27.02e 36.70e 53.13d 33.51e 45.13e 65.45d 31.98e 43.05e 62.94d
T2D3 33.34c 41.51c 55.30c 41.08c 51.22c 67.89c 39.08c 49.04c 65.23c
T2D4 38.62a 46.43a 62.98a 46.68a 57.35a 77.05a 44.98a 55.13a 74.44a
LSD 0.05 0.58 0.45 0.53 0.57 0.46 0.83 0.64 0.90 0.68
Relative humidity × Diatom doses
R1D1 24.15e 34.06f 48.28g 30.14e 42.11f 59.22g 28.80e 39.32f 57.22g
R1D2 27.99d 37.27e 54.09d 34.50d 45.95e 66.70d 33.00d 44.02e 63.93d
R1D3 34.06b 42.55c 55.87c 42.09b 52.35c 68.40c 40.07b 50.06c 65.77c
R1D4 39.58a 47.08a 63.42a 48.22a 57.80a 78.30a 46.35a 56.05a 75.58a
R2D1 19.70f 29.74g 44.29h 24.64g 36.52g 54.54h 23.41f 34.77g 52.26h
R2D2 23.61e 33.62f 50.89f 29.50f 41.78f 62.25f 28.38e 39.60f 60.21f
R2D3 30.27c 39.08d 52.86e 37.43c 48.14d 64.83e 35.67c 46.13d 62.49e
R2D4 34.03b 43.38b 59.99b 41.84b 53.83b 73.91b 39.97b 51.56b 71.16b
LSD 0.05 0.60 0.47 0.72 0.58 0.46 0.84 0.64 0.90 0.68

Here, T1 = 25 °C, T2 = 30 °C, R1 = 40% relative humidity, R2 = 60% relative humidity, D1 = 250 ppm, D2 = 500 ppm, D3 = 750 ppm, D4 = 1000 ppm. Any two means sharing a letter in common are statistically non-significant (p > 0.05).

Temperature by dose interaction revealed that the highest dose of all DEs included in the study caused the highest mortality under 30 °C at 21 DAT. The lowest mortality was caused by all DEs at 7 DAT under 250 ppm dose and 25 °C. Similarly, relative humidity by dose interaction revealed that the highest mortality was caused by interaction between the 1000 ppm dose of all DEs and 40% relative humidity at 21 DAT. The lowest mortality of all DEs was caused at 250 pp dose and 60% relative humidity (Table 5).

Three-way interaction of temperature, relative humidity and DE doses indicated that the highest mortality occurred under 30 °C temperature, 40% relative humidity and 1000 ppm dose of all DEs included in the study (Table 6). The mortality linearly increased with the increase in time after treatment. The highest mortality caused by Ankara, Aydin, and Silico-Sec DEs was 64.44%, 78.77% and 76.39% respectively. The results of three-way interaction revealed that the native DE caused higher mortality than commercially available DE Silico-Sec. Therefore, the native DE could be utilized to manage the target pest used in the current study.

Table 6 The impact of three-way interactions of different temperatures, relative humidity, and doses of diatomaceous earths on the mortality of Tribolium confusum at different time intervals.
Treatments Mortality (%)
Ankara DE Aydin DE Silico-Sec DE
7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 7 days 14 days 21 days
T1R1D1 22.60i 32.60k 46.28j 28.70i 40.54l 56.89j 27.37j 37.13j 55.28j
T1R1D2 26.46g 36.00i 53.32f 32.35g 44.34i 65.89f 31.35g 42.57g 62.92g
T1R1D3 32.61d 41.61f 54.44e 40.62d 51.18f 66.31f 38.60d 48.74e 64.21f
T1R1D4 37.53b 45.78b 62.41b 46.48b 56.04b 77.84a 44.31b 54.44b 74.77b
T1R2D1 18.63k 28.70m 43.56l 23.50k 35.54n 53.76l 22.29l 33.80l 51.44l
T1R2D2 22.70i 32.37k 50.39hi 28.64i 40.87l 61.12i 27.46j 38.60i 59.49i
T1R2D3 29.37f 38.63h 52.42fg 36.26f 47.35h 64.36gh 34.72f 45.56f 61.85h
T1R2D4 32.46d 42.28e 58.46c 40.28d 52.52e 72.49c 38.37d 50.54d 69.83d
T2R1D1 25.70g 35.53i 50.28i 31.58g 43.68j 61.56i 30.23h 41.51gh 59.15i
T2R1D2 29.53f 38.53h 54.86e 36.66f 47.56h 67.52e 34.65f 45.48f 64.94f
T2R1D3 35.51c 43.49d 57.30d 43.56c 53.51d 70.48d 41.53c 51.37cd 67.32e
T2R1D4 41.63a 48.39a 64.44a 49.96a 59.57a 78.77a 48.39a 57.67a 76.39a
T2R2D1 20.77j 30.79l 45.02k 25.79j 37.51m 55.32k 24.54k 35.75k 53.08k
T2R2D2 24.52h 34.87j 51.40gh 30.36h 42.70k 63.38h 29.31i 40.61h 60.94h
T2R2D3 31.17e 39.54g 53.31f 38.61e 48.93g 65.31fg 36.62e 46.70f 63.13g
T2R2D4 35.61c 44.48c 61.52b 43.39c 55.14c 75.33b 41.58c 52.59c 72.50c
LSD 0.85 0.65 1.02 0.81 0.65 1.18 0.91 1.28 0.96

Here, T1 = 25 °C, T2 = 30 °C, R1 = 40% relative humidity, R2 = 60% relative humidity, D1 = 250 ppm, D2 = 500 ppm, D3 = 750 ppm, D4 = 1000 ppm. Any two means sharing a letter in common are statistically non-significant (p > 0.05).

Temperature and relative humidity indicated interesting interactions where high temperature and low relative humidity caused higher mortality. Similarly, three-way interactions revealed that the highest dose, high temperature and low relative humidity combination proved more effective in bringing higher mortality. Although higher doses, temperatures and relative humidity levels were not tested in the current study, these need to be tested in future studies.


3.1 F1 productivity

No F1 progeny were recorded in all DEs under all tested doses, temperature, and relative humidity levels. Therefore, the tested DEs have higher efficacy to stop the emergence of F1 productivity. Although mortality did not reach 100% in the tested DE doses, the F1 emergence was completely retarded. This indicates that the application of DEs would not cause mortality to existing individuals but also retard the emergence of F1 progeny.


4 Discussion

Insecticidal activity of two native (Ankara, Aydin) and a commercial (Silico-Sec) DEs was tested against confused flour beetle adults in stored wheat at two different temperatures and relative humidity levels and five different doses. The activities of all DEs decreased with increased humidity, whereas increased with the increase in temperature. This result demonstrates that insecticidal efficacy of DEs depends on the circumstances under which the grains are stored (Sousa et al., 2013). The mortality rate significantly increased with increasing temperature and was greater at 30 °C than at 25 °C. The native DE Aydin caused higher mortality than Ankara and Silico-Sec DEs. Aydin DE showed higher insecticidal effect at 30 °C than rest of the DEs. According to prior research on the effect of temperature on the effectiveness of various locally produced and commercially available DEs against storage pests (S. oryzae, T. confusum, and R. dominica), increasing temperature increased the insecticidal efficiency against S. oryzae (Arthur, 2002; Athanassiou et al., 2005; Fields and Korunic, 2000; Rojht et al., 2010; Şen et al., 2019; Vassilakos et al., 2006).

The current study revealed that the toxicity of Aydin DE increased with increasing temperature. In fact, higher mortality was noted just after 7 days of exposure, at 30 °C than 25 °C. This may be explained by the fact that in warmer temperatures insects are often more movable and have a greater likelihood of exposure to dust particles (Arthur, 2000b, 2000a; Fields and Korunic, 2000; Rigaux et al., 2001). Additionally, higher temperatures are likely to result in greater water loss (Arthur, 2000b, 2000a; Fields and Korunic, 2000; Rigaux et al., 2001). Similar to this Arthur (2000b) discovered that Protect-It DE increased mortality of T. confusum and T. castaneum when temperature increased from 22 °C to 27 °C and 32 °C.

The current study indicated that exposure duration, dose, and DE formulation had significant impact on the effectiveness of all DEs. The highest insecticidal efficacy was noted with the highest dose, i.e., 1000 ppm. Previous studies have found similar findings (Alkan et al., 2019; Arnaud et al., 2005; Arthur, 2000c; Kılıc and Mutlu, 2020; Korunic, 1998; Şen et al., 2019; Shams, 2011; Vayias et al., 2006).

Increasing dose and time after DEs’ application significantly increased mortality rate. Mortality was strongly influenced by dose, temperature, and exposure interval. Mortality was higher at longer exposure intervals. The efficacy of all evaluated combinations of temperature, humidity and DE dose reduced with increase in relative humidity. The quick water loss in adults with a broken cuticle layer brought on by DEs at low humidity is assumed to be the cause of this scenario. It is believed that improved efficacy with increasing temperature is because pests are exposed to more DEs due to their increased movement with rising temperatures and more water loss (Arthur, 2000a, 2000c; Fields and Korunic, 2000; Rigaux et al., 2001). Additionally, higher temperatures are likely to result in greater water loss (Arthur, 2000a, 2000b; Fields and Korunic, 2000).

Although tested DEs had varying particle sizes, they exhibited varying insecticidal efficacies. The Aydin DE caused the highest mortality followed by Silico-Sec and Ankara DEs. The findings showed that the effectiveness of DEs varies depending on the origin. The fact that DEs from various geological regions have varying efficacies and those from maritime areas are less effective has also been described by Golob (1997) and KoruniĆ (1997). In addition, many studies reported significant insecticidal changes between DEs extracted from different geographical regions and mines. Korunic, (1998) investigated insecticidal efficacy and bulk density of 25 different DEs in stored products and reported that different DEs had varying insecticidal activity and bulk density. It seems that variations in the morphological and physical properties of numerous DE formulations are likely to have diverse effects (Fields and Korunic, 2000; Subramanyam and Hagstrum, 2012). Likewise, Kavallieratos et al. (2007) stated that the effectiveness of DEs was significantly altered by formulation type and temperature.

In the current study, no new generation adult emergence was recorded from the wheat grains treated with tested DEs. The confused flour beetle individuals are secondary pests, they need damaged or broken grains for their feeding. The inability to obtain a new generation adult is thought to be due to this reason. Like this study, Kavallieratos et al. (2007), tested DEs formulations (Insecto and Silico-Sec) at 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm doses against S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. confusum under different insect density, wheat amount and broken grain ratio. Significant differences were noted for mortality among DEs formulations, insect density, wheat content, and broken grain ratio. Similarly, F1 generation adults were unable to emerge. Kabir (2013), on the other hand, found 16% reproductive efficiency of T. castaneum in the control group for F1 yield after 40-day storage period at 26 and 32 °C and 48–65% relative humidity.

The fact that DEs are natural substances harmless to human and environmental health, does not cause residue problems in the product, making its use as an insecticide very attractive. The results presented in this study suggest that 1500 ppm dose of Aydin DE with high temperatures can be recommended to control T. confusum with 7 days exposure time.


5 Conclusion

All DEs used in the current study caused greater mortality under 30 °C temperature, 40% relative humidity and 1000 ppm dose. The local DE Aydin and commercial DE Silico-Sec caused almost equivalent mortalities. Overall, the highest mortality was observed with 1000 ppm dosage of all DEs under 30 °C temperature and 40% relative humidity. Therefore, the DEs must be used under these environmental circumstances for gaining increased effectiveness. Furthermore, the local DE Aydin might be applied to control confused flour beetle in the warehouses and used commercially. The structural changes in the insects were not explored in the current study; therefore, these should be inferred in the future studies.


This research was financially supported by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies under project number (TAGEM BS-13/12-01/01-01). The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and innovation, “Ministry of Education” in Saudi Arabia for funding this research (IFKSUOR3-486-1).

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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