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Original article
31 (
); 362-371

Exponentiated generalized exponential Dagum distribution

Pan African University, Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation, P. O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Machakos University, Department of Mathematics, P. O. Box 136-90100, Machakos, Kenya
Taita Taveta University, Mathematics and Informatics Department, P. O. Box 635-80300, Voi, Kenya

⁎Corresponding author. sulemanstat@gmail.com (Suleman Nasiru), snasiru@uds.edu.gh (Suleman Nasiru),

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


In this study, the exponentiated generalized exponential Dagum distribution has been proposed and studied. This family of distribution consists of a number of sub-models such as the exponentiated generalized Dagum distribution, Dagum distribution, Fisk distribution, Burr III distribution and exponentiated generalized exponential Burr III distribution among others. Statistical properties of the new family were also derived. Maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the distribution were developed and simulation studies performed to assess the properties of the estimators. Applications of the model was demonstrated to show its usefulness.


Reliability measure
Order statistics

1 Introduction

Identifying an appropriate distribution for modeling data sets is very important in statistical analysis. Knowing the appropriate distribution a particular data sets follow helps in making sound inference about the data. Because of this, barrage of techniques have been developed for modifying existing statistical distributions to make them more flexible in modeling data sets that arise in different fields of study. The Dagum distribution (Dagum, 1977) just like other existing statistical distributions has received much attention recently due to its usefulness in modeling of size distribution of personal income and reliability analysis among others. For an extensive review on the genesis and on empirical applications of the Dagum see (Kleiber and Kotz, 2003; Kleiber, 2008).

With the goal of increasing the flexibility of the Dagum distribution in modeling lifetime data, different modifications of the distribution have been proposed in literature recently and includes: Dagum-Poisson distribution (Oluyede et al., 2016), Mc-Dagum distribution (Oluyede and Rajasooriya, 2013), gamma-Dagum distribution (Oluyede et al., 2014), transmuted Dagum distribution (Elbatal and Aryal, 2015), exponentiated Kumaraswamy-Dagum distribution (Huang and Oluyede, 2014), extended Dagum distribution (Silva et al., 2015), beta-Dagum distribution (Domma and Condino, 2013), weighted Dagum distribution (Oluyede and Ye, 2014) and log-Dagum distribution (Domma and Perri, 2009).

In addition, other authors have studied the properties and methods of estimation of the parameters of the Dagum distribution. Shahzad and Asghar (2013) employed the TL-moments to estimate the parameters of the Dagum distribution. Dey et al. (2017) studied the properties and different methods of estimating the parameters of the Dagum distribution. Domma et al. (2011) estimated the Dagum distribution with censored sample using maximum likelihood estimation. In another study, Al-Zahrani (2016) proposed a reliability test plan to determine the termination time of the experiment for a given sample size, producer risk and termination number when the quantity of interest follows the Dagum distribution.

Thus, in this study a new extension of the Dagum distribution called the exponentiated generalized exponential Dagum distribution with tractable cumulative distribution function is proposed with the basic motivation of modeling lifetime data with both monotonic and non-monotonic failure rates, control skewness, kurtosis and tail variations. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the cumulative distribution function, probability density function, survival function and hazard function of the new distribution were defined. In Section 3, some sub-models of the new distribution were presented. In Section 4, statistical properties of the new distribution were discussed. In Section 5, the parameters of the new distribution were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation and Monte Carlo simulation performed to assess the stability of the parameters. In Section 6, the applications of the new model was demonstrated using two data sets. Finally, the concluding remarks of the study was given in Section 7.


2 New model

Let T be a random variable with probability density function (PDF) λ e - λ t , t > 0 , λ > 0 and let X be a continuous random variable with cumulative distribution function (CDF) F ( x ) . Then the CDF of the exponentiated generalized exponential (EGE)-X family of distribution is defined as

G ( x ) = 0 - log 1 - 1 - F d ( x ) c λ e - λ t dt = 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - F ( x ) d c λ , where F ( x ) = 1 - F ( x ) .

For positive integers λ and c, a physical interpretation of the EGE-X family of distribution CDF is given as follows. Eq. (1) represents the CDF of the lifetime of a series-parallel system consisting of independent components with the CDF 1 - ( 1 - F ( x ) ) d corresponding to the Lehman type II distribution. Given that a system is formed by λ independent component series subsystems and that each of the subsystems is made up of c independent parallel components. Suppose X ij 1 - ( 1 - F ( x ) ) d , for 1 i c and 1 j λ , represents the lifetime of the i th component in the j th subsystem and X is the lifetime of the entire system. Then, we have P ( X x ) = 1 - 1 - P ( X 11 x , , X 1 c x ) λ = 1 - 1 - P c ( X 11 x ) λ , and X has the CDF defined in Eq. (1).

Suppose F ( x ) = ( 1 + α x - θ ) - β , x > 0 , α > 0 , β > 0 , θ > 0 is the CDF of type I Dagum distribution, then the CDF of the exponentiated generalized exponential-Dagum distribution (EGEDD) is given by

G ( x ) = 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c λ , x > 0 , where the parameters α , β , θ , λ , c and d are non-negative, with β , θ , λ , c and d being shape parameters and α being a scale parameter. The corresponding PDF of the EGEDD is given by
g ( x ) = α β λ θ cd 1 + α x - θ - β - 1 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d - 1 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c - 1 x θ + 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c 1 - λ , x > 0 .
Lemma 1

The PDF of the EGEDD can be expressed in terms of the density function of the Dagum distribution as

g ( x ) = λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk f D ( x ; α , θ , β k + 1 ) , λ > 0 , α > 0 , θ > 0 , β k + 1 > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 , x > 0 , where f D ( x ; α , θ , β k + 1 ) is the PDF of the Dagum distribution with parameters α , θ and β k + 1 = β ( k + 1 ) and ω ijk = ( - 1 ) i + j + k Γ ( λ ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) ) Γ ( d ( j + 1 ) ) i ! j ! ( k + 1 ) ! Γ ( λ - i ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) - j ) Γ ( d ( j + 1 ) - k ) , Γ ( a + 1 ) = a ! .


For a real non-integer η > 0 , a series expansion for ( 1 - z ) η - 1 , for z < 1 is

( 1 - z ) η - 1 = i = 0 ( - 1 ) i Γ ( η ) i ! Γ ( η - i ) z i

Applying the series expansion in Eq. (5) twice and the fact that 0 < ( 1 + α x - θ ) - β < 1 , implies that

1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c λ - 1 = i = 0 j = 0 ( - 1 ) i + j Γ ( λ ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) ) 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β dj i ! j ! Γ ( λ - i ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) - j ) .

Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (3) yields g ( x ) = λ cd α β θ x - θ - 1 i = 0 j = 0 ( - 1 ) i + j Γ ( λ ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) ) 1 + α x - θ - β - 1 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d ( j + 1 ) - 1 i ! j ! Γ ( λ - i ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) - j ) .

Applying the series expansion again to 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d ( j + 1 ) - 1 gives us the expansion of the density as g ( x ) = λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk f D ( x ; α , θ , β k + 1 ) , x > 0 .  □

Eq. (4) revealed that the PDF of the EGEDD can be written as a linear combination of the Dagum distribution with different shape parameters. The expansion of the PDF is important in providing the mathematical properties of the EGEDD. The triple infinite series in Eq. (4) is convergent for all λ > 0 , α > 0 , θ > 0 , β k + 1 > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 and x > 0 . This can easily be verified using symbolic computational softwares such as MATHEMATICA, MAPLE and MATLAB. Fig. 1 displays different shapes of the PDF of the EGEDD for different parameter values. The survival function of this distribution is

S ( x ) = 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c λ , and the hazard function is
τ ( x ) = α β λ θ cd 1 + α x - θ - β - 1 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d - 1 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c - 1 x θ + 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x - θ - β d c , x > 0 .
EGEDD density function.
Fig. 1
EGEDD density function.

The plots of the hazard function display various attractive shapes such as monotonically decreasing, monotonically increasing, upside down bathtub, bathtub and bathtub followed by upside down bathtub shapes for different combination of the values of the parameters. These features make the EGEDD suitable for modeling monotonic and non-monotonic failure rates that are more likely to be encountered in real life situation. Fig. 2 displays the various shapes of the hazard function.

Plots of the EGEDD hazard function.
Fig. 2
Plots of the EGEDD hazard function.


3 Sub-models

The EGEDD consists of a number of important sub-models that are widely used in lifetime modeling. These include: exponentiated generalized Dagum distribution (EGDD), Dagum distribution (DD), exponentiated generalized exponential Burr III distribution (EGEBD), Burr III distribution, exponentiated generalized Burr III distribution (EGBD), exponentiated generalized exponential Fisk distribution (EGEFD), exponentiated generalized Fisk distribution (EGFD) and Fisk distribution (FD). Table 1 displays a list of models that can be derived from the EGEDD.

Table 1 Summary of sub-models from the EGEDD.
Distribution α λ β θ c d
EGDD α 1 β θ c d
DD α 1 β θ 1 1
EGEBD 1 λ β θ c d
BD 1 1 β θ 1 1
EGBD 1 1 β θ c d
EGEFD α λ 1 θ c d
EGFD α 1 1 θ c d
FD α 1 1 θ 1 1


4 Statistical properties

In this section, various statistical properties of the EGEDD such as the quantile, moment, reliability measure, entropy and order statistics were derived.


4.1 Quantile function

The distribution of a random variable can be described using its quantile function. The quantile function is useful in computing the median, kurtosis and skewness of the distribution of a random variable.

Lemma 2

The quantile function of the EGEDD for p ( 0 , 1 ) is given by

Q X ( p ) = 1 α 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - p 1 λ 1 c 1 d - 1 β - 1 - 1 θ .


By definition, the quantile function returns the value x such that G ( x p ) = P ( X x p ) = p . Thus

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + α x p - θ - β d c λ = p .

Letting x p = Q X ( p ) in Eq. (10) and solving for Q X ( p ) using inverse transformation yields Q X ( p ) = 1 α 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - p 1 λ 1 c 1 d - 1 β - 1 - 1 θ .  □

When p = 0.25 , 0.5 and 0.75 , we obtain the first quartile, the median and the third quartile of the EGEDD respectively.


4.2 Moment

It is imperative to derive the moments when a new distribution is proposed. They play a significant role in statistical analysis, particularly in applications. Moments are used in computing measures of central tendency, dispersion and shapes among others.

Proposition 1

The r th non-central moment of the EGEDD is given by

μ r = λ cd α r θ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk β k + 1 B β k + 1 + r θ , 1 - r θ , r < θ , where B ( · , · ) is the beta function and r = 1 , 2 , .


By definition μ r = 0 x r g ( x ) dx = 0 x r λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk f D ( x ; α , θ , β k + 1 ) dx = λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk 0 x r f D ( x ; α , θ , β k + 1 ) dx = λ cd α r θ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ω ijk β k + 1 B β k + 1 + r θ , 1 - r θ , r < θ .  □

The triple infinite series in Eq. (11) is convergent for all λ > 0 , α > 0 , β > 0 , θ > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 and x > 0 .


4.3 Entropy

Entropy plays a vital role in science, engineering and probability theory, and has been used in various situations as a measure of variation of uncertainty of a random variable (Rényi, 1961). The Rényi entropy of a random X having the EGEDD is given by the following proposition.

Proposition 2

If X EGEDD ( α , λ , β , θ , c , d ) , then the Rényi entropy is given by

I R ( δ ) = 1 1 - δ log ( λ β cd ) δ α 1 - δ θ θ δ - 1 i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk B β ( δ + k ) + 1 - δ θ , δ + δ - 1 θ , where δ 1 , δ > 0 , β ( δ + k ) + 1 - δ θ > 0 , δ + δ - 1 θ > 0 and ϖ ijk = ( - 1 ) i + j + k Γ ( δ ( λ - 1 ) + 1 ) Γ ( c ( δ + i ) - δ + 1 ) Γ ( d ( δ + j ) - δ + 1 ) i ! j ! k ! Γ ( δ ( λ - 1 ) - i + 1 ) Γ ( c ( δ + i ) - δ - j + 1 ) Γ ( d ( δ + j ) - δ - k + 1 ) .


The Rényi entropy (Rényi, 1961) is defined as I R ( δ ) = 1 1 - δ log 0 g δ ( x ) dx , δ 1 , δ > 0 .

Using the same approach for expanding the density, g δ ( x ) = α λ β θ cd δ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk x - δ ( θ + 1 ) 1 + α x - θ - β ( δ + k ) - δ . Thus I R ( δ ) = 1 1 - δ log 0 α λ β θ cd δ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk x - δ ( θ + 1 ) 1 + α x - θ - β ( δ + k ) - δ = 1 1 - δ log α λ β θ cd δ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk 0 x - δ ( θ + 1 ) 1 + α x - θ - β ( δ + k ) - δ .

Letting y = ( 1 + α x - θ ) - 1 , when x = , y = 1 and when x = 0 , y = 0 . Also, dy = α θ x - θ - 1 ( 1 + α x - θ ) - 2 dx and x = ( α y ) 1 θ ( 1 - y ) - 1 θ . Hence I R ( δ ) = 1 1 - δ log α λ β θ cd δ i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk 0 1 y β ( δ + k ) + δ - 2 α y 1 θ 1 - y - 1 θ - δ ( θ + 1 ) + θ + 1 dy = 1 1 - δ log ( λ β cd ) δ α 1 - δ θ θ δ - 1 i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ϖ ijk B β ( δ + k ) + 1 - δ θ , δ + δ - 1 θ , where δ 1 , δ > 0 , β ( δ + k ) + 1 - δ θ > 0 and δ + δ - 1 θ > 0 .

The Rényi entropy tends to Shannon entropy as δ 1 . It can easily be verified from standard calculus that the triple infinite series in Eq. (12) is convergent for all λ > 0 , α > 0 , β > 0 , θ > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 and x > 0 .


4.4 Reliability

The estimation of reliability is vital in stress-strength models. If X 1 is the strength of a component and X 2 is the stress, the component fails when X 1 X 2 . Then the estimate of the reliability of the component R is P ( X 2 < X 1 ) .

Proposition 3

If X 1 EGEDD ( α , λ , β , θ , c , d ) and X 2 EGEDD ( α , λ , β , θ , c , d ) , then the estimation of reliability R is given by

R = 1 - λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ν ijk ( k + 1 ) , where ν ijk = ( - 1 ) i + j + k Γ ( 2 λ ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) ) Γ ( d ( j + 1 ) ) i ! j ! k ! Γ ( 2 λ - i ) Γ ( c ( i + 1 ) - j ) Γ ( d ( j + 1 ) - k ) .


By definition R = 0 g ( x ) G ( x ) dx = 1 - 0 g ( x ) S ( x ) dx = 1 - 0 α λ β θ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ν ijk x - θ - 1 1 + α x - θ - β ( k + 1 ) - 1 dx = 1 - α λ β θ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ν ijk 0 x - θ - 1 1 + α x - θ - β ( k + 1 ) - 1 dx = 1 - λ cd i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 ν ijk ( k + 1 ) .  □

The triple infinite series in Eq. (13) is convergent for all λ > 0 , α > 0 , β > 0 , θ > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 and x > 0 .


4.5 Order statistics

Let X 1 , X 2 , , X n be a random sample from the EGEDD and X 1 : n < X 2 : n < < X n : n are order statistics obtained from the sample. Then the PDF, g p : n ( x ) , of the p th order statistic X p : n is given by g p : n ( x ) = 1 B ( p , n - p + 1 ) G ( x ) p - 1 1 - G ( x ) n - p g ( x ) , where G ( x ) and g ( x ) are the CDF and PDF of the EGEDD respectively, and B ( · , · ) is the beta function. Since 0 < G ( x ) < 1 for x > 0 , using the binomial series expansion of [ 1 - G ( x ) ] n - p , which is given by 1 - G ( x ) n - p = l = 0 n - p ( - 1 ) l n - p l G ( x ) l , we have

g p : n ( x ) = 1 B ( p , n - p + 1 ) l = 0 n - p ( - 1 ) l n - p l G ( x ) p + l - 1 g ( x ) .

Therefore, substituting the CDF and PDF of the EGEDD into Eq. (14) yields

g p : n ( x ) = l = 0 n - p m = 0 p + l - 1 ( - 1 ) l + m n ! ( p + l - 1 ) ! l ! ( m + 1 ) ! ( p - 1 ) ! ( n - p - l ) ! ( p + l - m - 1 ) ! g ( x ; α , λ m + 1 , β , θ , c , d ) , where g ( x ; α , λ m + 1 , β , θ , c , d ) is the PDF of the EGEDD with parameters α , β , θ , c , d and λ m + 1 = λ ( m + 1 ) . It is obvious that the density of the p th order statistic given in Eq. (15) is a weighted function of the EGEDD with different shape parameters. The double finite series in Eq. (15) is convergent for all λ > 0 , α > 0 , β > 0 , θ > 0 , c > 0 , d > 0 and x > 0 .


5 Parameter estimation

In this section, the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters of the EGEDD are derived and their finite sample properties assessed. Let X 1 , X 2 , , X n be a random sample of size n from the EGEDD. Let z i = ( 1 + α x i - θ ) , then the log-likelihood function is given by

= n log ( α λ β θ cd ) - ( θ + 1 ) i = 1 n log ( x i ) - ( β + 1 ) i = 1 n log ( z i ) + ( d - 1 ) i = 0 n log 1 - z i - β + ( c - 1 ) i = 1 n log 1 - 1 - z i - β d + ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n log 1 - 1 - 1 - z i - β d c .

Taking the first partial derivatives of the log-likelihood function in Eq. (16) with respect to the parameters α , λ , β , θ , c and d, we obtain the score functions as

λ = n λ + i = 1 n log 1 - [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c ,
c = n c + i = 1 n log [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] - ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c log [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] 1 - [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c ,
d = n d + i = 1 n log ( 1 - z i - β ) + ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n c ( 1 - z i - β ) d 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d c - 1 log ( 1 - z i - β ) 1 - 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d c - ( c - 1 ) i = 1 n ( 1 - z i - β ) d log ( 1 - z i - β ) 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ,
β = n β - i = 1 n log ( z i ) + ( d - 1 ) i = 1 n z i - β log ( z i ) 1 - z i - β - ( c - 1 ) i = 1 n dz i - β ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 log ( z i ) 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d + ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n cdz i - β ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c - 1 log ( z i ) 1 - [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c ,
θ = n θ - i = 1 n log ( x i ) + ( β + 1 ) i = 1 n α x i - θ log ( x i ) z i - ( d - 1 ) i = 1 n α β x i - θ z i - β - 1 log ( x i ) 1 - z i - β - ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n α β cdx i - θ z i - β - 1 ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c - 1 log ( x i ) 1 - [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c + ( c - 1 ) i = 1 n α β dx i - θ z i - β - 1 ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 log ( x i ) 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ,
α = n α - ( β + 1 ) i = 1 n x i - θ z i + ( d - 1 ) i = 1 n β x i - θ z i - β - 1 1 - z i - β - ( c - 1 ) i = 1 n β dx i - θ z i - β - 1 ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d + ( λ - 1 ) i = 1 n β cdx i - θ z i - β - 1 ( 1 - z i - β ) d - 1 [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c - 1 1 - [ 1 - ( 1 - z i - β ) d ] c .

The estimates for the parameters α , λ , β , θ , c and d are obtained by equating the score functions to zero and solving the system of non-linear equations numerically. In order to construct confidence intervals for the parameters, the observed information matrix J ( ϑ ) is used since the expected information matrix is complicated. The observed information matrix is given by J ( ϑ ) = - 2 2 λ 2 λ c 2 λ d 2 λ β 2 λ θ 2 λ α 2 2 c 2 c d 2 c β 2 c θ 2 c α 2 2 d 2 d β 2 d θ 2 d α 2 2 β 2 β θ 2 β α 2 2 θ 2 θ α 2 2 α , where ϑ = ( α , λ , β , θ , c , d ) . The explicit expression for the elements of the observed information matrix are available upon request. When the usual regularity conditions are fulfilled and that the parameters are within the interior of the parameter space, but not on the boundary, n ( ϑ ̂ - ϑ ) converges in distribution to N 6 ( 0 , I - 1 ( ϑ ) ) , where I ( ϑ ) is the expected information matrix. The asymptotic behavior is still valid when I ( ϑ ) is replaced by the observed information matrix evaluated at J ( ϑ ̂ ) . The asymptotic multivariate normal distribution N 6 ( 0 , J - 1 ( ϑ ̂ ) ) can be used to construct an approximate 100 ( 1 - η ) % two-sided confidence intervals for the model parameters, where η is the significance level.


5.1 Monte Carlo simulation

In this sub-section, a simulation study is carried out to examine the average bias (AB) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the EGEDD. The experiment was conduct through various simulations for different sample sizes and different parameter values. The quantile function given in Eq. (9) was used to generate random samples from the EGEDD. The simulation experiment was repeated for N = 1000 times each with sample sizes n = 25 , 50 , 75 , 100 , 200 and parameter values I : α = 2.5 , λ = 1.5 , β = 0.4 , θ = 0.5 , c = 1.0 , d = 0.2 and II : α = 0.3 , λ = 0.5 , β = 0.8 , θ = 0.2 , c = 0.7 , d = 1.5 . The AB and the RMSE of the parameters were computed using the following relations: AB = 1 N i = 1 n ϑ ̂ - ϑ , and RMSE = 1 N i = 1 n ϑ ̂ - ϑ 2 , where ϑ = α , λ , β , θ , c , d . Table 2 presents the AB and RMSE values of the parameters λ , α , β , θ , c and d for different sample sizes. From the results, it can be seen that as the sample size increases, the RMSE decay towards zero. In addition, the AB decreases as the sample size increases. Hence, the maximum likelihood estimates and their asymptotic properties can be used for constructing confidence intervals even for reasonably small sample size.

Table 2 Monte Carlo simulation results: AB and RMSE.
Parameter n AB RMSE AB RMSE
λ 25 13.724 58.702 17.105 98.897
50 0.681 12.444 2.634 32.134
75 0.268 0.980 1.124 27.832
100 0.204 0.891 0.286 1.249
200 0.105 0.365 0.187 0.507
α 25 105.848 532.196 40.717 211.657
50 3.892 59.077 7.484 96.125
75 0.806 7.613 1.728 45.595
100 0.195 2.625 0.332 3.204
200 -0.031 1.268 0.097 0.354
β 25 0.763 2.226 0.030 1.703
50 1.039 2.960 0.198 1.989
75 0.891 2.571 0.258 2.138
100 0.759 2.205 0.259 1.727
200 0.382 1.089 0.031 1.175
θ 25 -0.041 0.263 0.133 0.247
50 -0.090 0.221 0.059 0.158
75 -0.107 0.209 0.033 0.122
100 -0.109 0.197 0.017 0.110
200 -0.095 0.158 0.008 0.082
c 25 9.384 41.310 6.311 32.040
50 0.499 5.113 1.481 21.073
75 0.254 0.904 0.270 2.625
100 0.207 0.716 0.222 0.658
200 0.106 0.323 0.143 0.299
d 25 3.668 0.676 1.950 0.376
50 0.233 0.062 0.518 0.084
75 0.155 0.204 0.395 0.064
100 0.114 0.011 0.471 0.053
200 0.074 0.008 0.299 0.044


6 Applications

In this section, the application of the EGEDD is provided by fitting the distribution to two real data sets. The goodness-of-fit of the EGEDD is compared with that of its sub-models, the exponentiated Kumaraswamy Dagum (EKD) distribution and the Mc-Dagum (McD) distribution using Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistic and Cramér-von (W) misses distance values, as well as Akaike information criterion (AIC), corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The maximum likelihood estimates of the fitted model parameters were computed by maximizing the log-likelihood function via the subroutine mle2 using the bbmle package in R (Bolker, 2014). This was done using a wide range of initial values. The process often leads to more than one maximum, thus in such situation, the maximum likelihood estimates corresponding to the largest maxima is chosen. In few cases were no maximum is identified for the selected initial values, new sets of initial values are employed in order to get a maximum. The PDF of EKD distribution is given by

g ( x ) = α λ δ ϕ θ x - δ - 1 1 + λ x - δ - α - 1 1 - 1 + λ x - δ - α ϕ - 1 1 - 1 - 1 + λ x - δ - α ϕ θ - 1 , for α > 0 , λ > 0 , δ > 0 , ϕ > 0 , θ > 0 , x > 0 , and that of McD distribution is
g ( x ) = c β λ δ x - δ - 1 B ( a , b ) ( 1 + λ x - δ ) - β ac - 1 [ 1 - ( 1 + λ x - δ ) - c β ] b - 1 ,
for a > 0 , b > 0 , c > 0 , λ > 0 , β > 0 , δ > 0 , x > 0 .


6.1 Yarn data

The data in Table 3 represents the time to failure of a 100 cm polyster/viscose yarn subjected to 2.3 % strain level in textile experiment in order to assess the tensile fatigue characteristics of the yarn. The data set can be found in Quesenberry and Kent (1982) and Pal and Tiensuwan (2014).

Table 3 Failure time data on 100 cm yarn subjected to 2.3 % strain level.
86 146 251 653 98 249 400 292 131 169
175 176 76 264 15 364 195 262 88 264
157 220 42 321 180 198 38 20 61 121
282 224 149 180 325 250 196 90 229 166
38 337 65 151 341 40 40 135 597 246
211 180 93 315 353 571 124 279 81 186
497 182 423 185 229 400 338 290 398 71
246 185 188 568 55 55 61 244 20 289
393 396 203 829 239 236 286 194 277 143
198 264 105 203 124 137 135 350 193 188

The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the fitted models with their corresponding standard errors in brackets are given in Table 4. All the parameters of the EGEDD are significant at the 5 % significance level. The EGEDD provides a better fit to the yarn data than its sub-models, the McD distribution and the EKD distribution. From Table 5, the EGEDD has the highest log-likelihood and the smallest K-S, W, AIC, AICc, and BIC values compared to the other models. Although the EGEDD provides the best fit to the data, the McD distribution, EGEBD and EGEFD are alternatively good models for the data since their measures of fit values are close to that of the EGEDD.

Table 4 Maximum likelihood estimates of parameters and standard errors for yarn data.
Model α ̂ λ ̂ β ̂ θ ̂ c ̂ d ̂
EGEDD 0.026 75.310 0.017 3.513 45.692 0.090
(0.007) (0.007) (0.005) (0.631) (0.036) (0.011)
EGDD 1.992 10.480 4.733 75.487 0.223
(0.251) (13.022) (0.587) (27.669) (0.032)
DD 19.749 11.599 1.126
(10.814) (5.008) (0.069)
EGEBD 35.463 35.965 4.859 15.667 0.070
(0.271) (0.120) (0.666) (2.714) (0.011)
EGBD 24.801 4.196 73.9120 0.258
(15.068) (1.808) (22.832) (0.112)
EGEFD 20.662 34.477 5.217 16.438 0.65
(2.365) (0.278) (0.578) (2.708) (0.009)
EGFD 10.537 5.239 21.341 0.140
(1.115) (0.429) (4.089) (0.015)
λ ̂ δ ̂ β ̂ a ̂ b ̂ c ̂
McD 0.027 0.600 98.780 0.333 25.042 46.276
( 1.848 × 10 - 2 ) ( 9.647 × 10 - 2 ) ( 2.180 × 10 - 5 ) ( 1.504 × 10 - 1 ) ( 4.507 × 10 - 4 ) ( 4.654 × 10 - 5 )
α ̂ λ ̂ δ ̂ ϕ ̂ θ ̂
EKD 46.109 39.413 5.188 0.203 31.169
(1.295) (5.006) (0.961) (0.040) (11.023)
Table 5 Log-likelihood, goodness-of-fit statistics and information criteria for yarn data.
EGEDD 628.170 1268.336 1269.553 1283.967 0.124 0.249
EGDD −653.070 1316.137 1317.040 1329.163 0.172 0.948
DD −649.260 1304.517 1304.938 1312.333 0.164 0.821
EGEBD −630.870 1271.745 1272.648 1284.771 0.136 0.340
EGBD −653.030 1314.056 1314.694 1324.447 0.174 0.969
EGEFD −630.760 1271.523 1272.426 1284.549 0.139 0.339
EGFD −666.880 1341.757 1342.395 1352.177 0.236 0.760
McD −628.200 1268.399 1269.616 1284.030 0.128 0.285
EKD −653.960 1317.913 1318.816 1330.938 0.178 0.985

In order to make a complete statistical inference about a model, it is imperative to reduce the number of parameters of the model and examine how that affects the ability of the reduce model to fit the data. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) is therefore performed to compare the EGEDD with its sub-models. The LRT statistic and their corresponding P-values in Table 6 revealed that the EGEDD provides a good fit than its sub-models.

Table 6 Likelihood ratio test statistic for yarn data.
Model Hypotheses LRT P-values
EGDD H 0 : λ = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 49.801 < 0.001
DD H 0 : λ = c = d = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 42.181 < 0.001
EGEBD H 0 : α = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 5.409 0.020
EGBD H 0 : λ = α = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 49.721 < 0.001
EGEFD H 0 : β = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 5.187 0.023
EGFD H 0 : λ = β = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 77.421 < 0.001

The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix for the estimated parameters of the EGEDD for the yarn data is given by J - 1 = 5.0338 × 10 - 5 2.1232 × 10 - 5 1.3887 × 10 - 5 0.0045 2.5246 × 10 - 4 - 7.5812 × 10 - 5 2.1232 × 10 - 5 5.1601 × 10 - 5 1.0316 × 10 - 5 0.0019 1.0648 × 10 - 4 - 2.5628 × 10 - 5 1.3887 × 10 - 5 1.0316 × 10 - 5 2.2466 × 10 - 5 0.0012 6.9642 × 10 - 5 - 1.6719 × 10 - 5 4.4786 × 10 - 3 1.8887 × 10 - 3 1.2354 × 10 - 3 0.3985 2.2462 × 10 - 2 - 6.7451 × 10 - 3 2.5246 × 10 - 4 1.0648 × 10 - 4 6.9642 × 10 - 5 0.0225 1.2662 × 10 - 3 - 3.8023 × 10 - 4 - 7.5812 × 10 - 5 - 2.5628 × 10 - 5 - 1.6719 × 10 - 5 - 0.0067 - 3.8023 × 10 - 4 1.1654 × 10 - 4 .

Thus, the approximate 95 % confidence interval for the parameters λ , α , β , θ , c and d of the EGEDD are [ 75.296 , 75.324 ] , [ 0.012 , 0.040 ] , [ 0.007 , 0.027 ] , [ 2.276 , 4.750 ] , [ 45.621 , 45.763 ] and [ 0.068 , 0.111 ] respectively.


6.2 Appliances data

The appliances data was obtained from (Lawless, 1982). The data set consists of failure times for 36 appliances subjected to an automatic life test. The data set are given in Table 7.

Table 7 Failure Times for 36 appliances subjected to an automatic life test.
11 35 49 170 329 381 708 958 1062 1167 1594 1925
1990 2223 2327 2400 2451 2471 2551 2565 2568 2694 2702 2761
2831 3034 3059 3112 3214 3478 3504 4329 6367 6976 7846 13403

Table 8 provides the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters with their corresponding standard errors in brackets for the models fitted to the appliances data. From Table 8, all the parameters of the EGED are significant at the 5 % significance level.

Table 8 Maximum likelihood estimates of parameters and standard errors for appliances data.
Model α ̂ λ ̂ β ̂ θ ̂ c ̂ d ̂
EGEDD 0.001 27.198 4.560 2.838 20.866 0.070
( 1.000 × 10 - 4 ) (0.001) (0.847) (0.123) (0.010) (0.003)
EGDD 7.977 0.404 3.570 15.862 0.130
(0.651) (0.044) (0.391) (5.196) (0.021)
DD 0.018 1495.519 0.509
(0.0062) ( 1.058 × 10 - 7 ) (0.056)
EGEBD 25.705 14.152 3.412 8.332 0.047
(0.514) (0.110) (0.247) (1.934) (0.009)
EGBD 9.504 3.392 11.226 0.129
(3.205) (0.388) (3.440) (0.022)
EGEFD 13.048 27.555 3.561 9.084 0.047
(1.817) (0.071) (0.392) (2.186) (0.009)
EGFD 8.4843 3.429 16.533 0.143
(1.550) (0.711) (5.833) (0.034)
λ ̂ δ ̂ β ̂ a ̂ b ̂ c ̂
McD 1.427 3.455 1.275 10.505 0.064 500.556
(0.092) (0.212) (6.875) (56.906) (0.012) (6.796)
α ̂ λ ̂ δ ̂ ϕ ̂ θ ̂
EKD 5.562 12.683 3.716 0.128 11.609
(1.517) (2.158) (0.755) (0.029) (3.922)

From Table 9, it is clear that the EGEDD provides a better fit to the appliances data than the other models. It has the highest log-likelihood and the smallest K-S, W, AIC, AICc and BIC values. Alternatively, the EGEBD and EGEFD are good models since their goodness-of-fit measures are close to that of the EGEDD.

Table 9 Log-likelihood, goodness-of-fit statistics and information criteria for appliances data.
EGEDD 328.870 669.740 670.957 679.241 0.253 0.569
EGDD −340.910 691.818 692.721 699.736 0.264 0.882
DD −339.610 685.225 685.646 689.976 0.257 0.858
EGEBD −330.910 671.823 672.726 679.741 0.272 0.634
EGBD −341.520 691.037 691.675 697.371 0.268 0.881
EGEFD −330.730 671.460 672.363 679.377 0.269 0.625
EGFD −341.030 690.054 690.692 696.388 0.269 0.907
McD −356.480 724.955 728.950 734.456 0.347 0.986
EKD −341.650 693.295 694.198 701.213 0.269 0.925

The LRT was performed in order to compare the EGEDD with its sub-models. From Table 10, the LRT revealed that the EGEDD provides a better fit to the appliances data than its sub-models. Although the LRT favored the EGEFD at the 5 % level of significance, the EGEDD was better than it at the 10 % level of significance.

Table 10 Likelihood ratio test statistic for appliances data.
Model Hypotheses LRT P-values
EGDD H 0 : λ = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 24.078 < 0.001
DD H 0 : λ = c = d = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 21.486 < 0.001
EGEBD H 0 : α = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 4.084 0.043
EGBD H 0 : λ = α = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 25.297 < 0.001
EGEFD H 0 : β = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 3.720 0.054
EGFD H 0 : λ = β = 1 vs H 1 : H 0 is false 24.315 < 0.001

The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix for the estimated parameters of the EGEDD for the appliances data is given by J - 1 = 1.7033 × 10 - 6 1.5346 × 10 - 8 1.1045 × 10 - 3 3.7492 × 10 - 5 1.2695 × 10 5 - 6.6696 × 10 - 8 1.5346 × 10 - 8 1.4494 × 10 - 8 8.8310 × 10 - 6 5.7406 × 10 - 6 1.1008 × 10 - 7 - 8.3473 × 10 - 8 1.1045 × 10 - 3 8.8310 × 10 - 6 7.1688 × 10 - 1 2.1348 × 10 - 2 8.2348 × 10 - 3 1.3547 × 10 - 5 3.7492 × 10 - 5 5.7406 × 10 - 6 2.1348 × 10 - 2 1.5185 × 10 - 2 2.6827 × 10 - 4 - 2.8002 × 10 - 4 1.2695 × 10 - 5 1.1008 × 10 - 7 8.2348 × 10 - 3 2.6827 × 10 - 4 9.4629 × 10 - 5 - 2.9359 × 10 - 7 - 6.6696 × 10 - 8 - 8.3473 × 10 - 8 1.3547 × 10 - 5 - 2.8002 × 10 - 4 - 2.9359 × 10 - 7 8.4565 × 10 - 6 .

Thus, the approximate 95 % confidence interval for the parameters λ , α , β , θ , c and d of the EGEDD are [ 27.1955 , 27.2005 ] , [ 0.0008 , 0.0012 ] , [ 2.9005 , 6.2195 ] , [ 2.5965 , 3.0795 ] , [ 20.8470 , 20.8850 ] and [ 0.0643 , 0.0757 ] respectively.


7 Conclusion

This study proposed and presented results on the statistical properties of the EGEDD. The EGEDD contains a number of sub-models with potential applications to a wide area of probability and statistics. Statistical properties such as the quantile function, moment, entropy, reliability and order statistic were derived. The estimation of the parameters of the model was approached using maximum likelihood estimation and the applications of the EGEDD was also demonstrated to show its usefulness.


During the review process, one of the reviewers referred us to a work done by Rezaei et al. (2017), we found out that our proposed CDF for the EGE-X family of distribution possess exactly analogous form with the CDF of their generalized exponentiated class of distribution. However, we conducted our research without any prior knowledge of their work. The content of that paper, is however different from ours.

Competing interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publications of this article.


The first author wishes to thank the African Union for supporting his research at the Pan African University, Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation. The authors wish to thank the Editor-in-chief and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that have greatly improved the content of this manuscript.


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Appendix A


R Algorithm

EGEDD_CDF<-function(x,alpha, lambda, beta,theta,c,d){
### EGEDD survival function
### EGEDD Hazard function
### EGEDD Quantile function
### EGEDD Moment
### Negative Log-likelihood function of EGEDD
fxn<- -sum(log(lambda*alpha*beta*theta*c*d*(x(-theta-1))*A*(B(d-1))*
### Fitting EGEDD to Real Data Set
fit<-mle2(EGEDD_LL, start=list alpha=alpha,lambda=lambda,beta=beta,
### Computing the variance-covariance matrix

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