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Original article
01 2020

DFT and molecular docking study of chloroquine derivatives as antiviral to coronavirus COVID-19

University of Monastir, Laboratory of Quantum and Statistical Physics (LR18ES18), Faculty of Sciences, Monastir 5079, Tunisia
Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, King Saud University, PO Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

⁎Corresponding authors. issaoui_noureddine@yahoo.fr (Noureddine Issaoui), omar@ksu.edu.sa (Omar Al-Dossary)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.



The recently emerged COVID-19 virus caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and instigated a widespread fear, threatening the world’s most advanced health security. In 2020, chloroquine derivatives are among the drugs tested against the coronavirus pandemic and showed an apparent efficacy. In the present work, the chloroquine and the chloroquine phosphate molecules have been proposed as potential antiviral for the treatment of COVID-19 diseases combining DFT and molecular docking calculations. Molecular geometries, electronic properties and molecular electrostatic potential were investigated using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31G* method. As results, we found a good agreement between the theoretical and the experimental geometrical parameters (bond lengths and bond angles). The frontier orbitals analysis has been calculated at the same level of theory to determine the charge transfer within the molecule. In order to perform a better description of the FMOs, the density of states was determined. The molecular electrostatic potential maps were calculated to provide information on the chemical reactivity of molecule and also to describe the intermolecular interactions. All these studies help us a lot in determining the reactivity of the mentioned compounds. Finally, docking calculations were carried out to determine the pharmaceutical activities of the chloroquine derivatives against coronavirus diseases. The choice of these ligands was based on their antiviral activities.


MEP surfaces
Docking simulations

1 Introduction

In late December 2019, the coronavirus (Covid and R Team, 2019) was first reported in humans in Wuhan, China, and appeared as a rapidly spreading pandemic (Wang et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2020). About 46 million people worldwide have been infected as of 1, November 2020, and over 1 197 000 have died. It is worthy to mention that this pandemic has the same symptoms as a flue. Fatigue, fever, headache, runny nose and dry cough are the principal clinical symptoms of COVID-19. Thus far, there is no effective antiviral medication or vaccine against COVID-19 virus has been developed. Where the World Health Organization announced it as one of the most dangerous health catastrophes in human history (Bheenaveni, 2020) since this virus is accelerating very quickly more than predicted by experts (Al Shamsi et al., 2019). Therefore, searching for effective antiviral agents to battle against this virus is urgently needed. In this context, our investigations are destined for the development of therapeutic agents for COVID-19 diseases. Many scientists are working on the designing of efficacious antiviral agents with few aspect effects. Where recent research informed an inhibitor effect of the chloroquine and its derivatives on the growth of coronavirus (Gautret et al., 2020; Romano et al., 2020; Lecuit, 2020). Clinical trials have been done on Chinese patients COVID-19; have shown that the chloroquine has a great effect in terms of clinical results and viral clearance, in comparison to the control groups (Gautret et al., 2020). They have been proposed as a potential antiviral for the treatment of COVID-19 diseases based on their antiviral activities (Touret and X., 2020; Colson et al., 2020).

In this study, we evaluated the antiviral efficiency of two approved drugs which are chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate against the COVID-19 using molecular docking calculations. Docking is a technique of designing drug molecules via computer-aided by simulating the geometric of these molecules and their intermolecular forces (Noureddine et al., 2020a, 2020b). From this calculation, we can predict the different interactions between medications and targets which have an important role in the investigation of the mechanism of the effects of drugs. In this context, many nowadays papers is dedicated to searching in drug design using molecular docking studies (Jomaa et al., 2020; Sagaama et al., 2020a, 2020b; Issaoui et al., 2017). In the same frame, we can cite our previous paper (Romani et al., 2020) in which we used molecular docking analysis in the determination of the biological activity of the Niclosamide compound. As a result, the niclosamide is found to be a good inhibitor of the COVID-19 virus and can, therefore, be effective in controlling this disease.

The main contribution of this paper is to identify the potency of inhibition of chloroquine derivatives against COVID-19 virus by using a molecular docking study. To this end, we first determine the optimized structures of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate molecules by using the density functional theory (DFT) at B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory. Utilizing optimized structures is more exact in docking calculations, which makes the program more trustworthy to be employed in structure-based drug design. Subsequently, their reactivities were foreseen at the same level of theory by using the frontier orbital studies (Brédas, 2014; Parr and Pearson, 1983). From this analysis, we can found the most reactive antiviral ligand. Moreover, molecular electrostatic potentials surfaces were carried out to investigate which are the most reactive nucleophilic and electrophilic regions of a molecule against reactive biological potentials. Docking calculations were performed using four structures of COVID-19 (PDB codes: 6 M03, 5R7Y, 5R81 and 6LU7) (http://www.rcsb.org/). Basing on the binding affinities and the different interactions that exist between amino acid residues and ligands, molecular docking results were discussed.


2 Computational details


2.1 DFT calculations

The GaussView program (GaussView, Guassian, Inc.) was utilized to model the initial structures of the chloroquine and the chloroquine phosphate molecules. Subsequently, their molecular geometries optimizations were carried out in the gas phase with the density functional theory (DFT) with the Gaussian 09 software package (Gaussian 09, Revision C.01, Frisch et al., 2009). All the quantum-chemical calculations have been performed via the hybrid B3LYP (Becke’s three parameter hybrid functional with Lee-Yang-Parr correlation functional LYP (Lee et al., 1988; Becke, 1993) at 6-31G* basis set. Furthermore, several electronic properties for instance the frontier molecular orbitals, gap energies, reactivity descriptors were computed using TD-DFT approach (Liu et al., 2015; Becke, 1993). The density of states (DOS) plots was obtained by using Gauss-Sum software (O'Boyle et al., 2008).


2.2 Ligands and proteins preparation

The 3D structures of COVID-19 protein were retrieved from the RCSB PDB database (http://www.rcsb.org) (http://www.rcsb.org/). The Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive contains thousand protein structures obtained either by crystallography X-ray or by NMR. Concerning ligands, the 2D structures of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate were extracted from the PubChem online database (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). The ligands were saved in the MDL Mol file format. Then, they were converted to a PDB file format by using Accelrys Discovery Studio Visualizer (Visualizer, 2005). Thereafter, Rapid-Screening docking was carried out using iGEMDOCK program (Yang and Chen, 2004). It is a Drug Design System for docking calculations and screening by BioXGEM labs. All the trials were docked with a population size set to 800, with 80 generations and 10 solutions.


3 Results and discussion


3.1 Optimization of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate

Optimized structures and numbering of atoms of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate molecules are shown graphically in Figs. 1 and 2, obtained at B3LYP/6-31G* method. Table 1 illustrates their geometrical parameters such as the calculated total energies, the dipole moments, the RMS and the maximum Cartesian force. The global minimum energies are found to be −1326.0352 a.u (≈ −36083 eV) and −2614.3242 a.u (≈ −71139) for chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate, respectively. The RMS Cartesian force values are equal to 2.412 0.10−6, 0.04067 in chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate. Their maximum Cartesian forces are found to be 8.593 0.10−6 and 0.1449. The dipole moment of a molecule is given in the form of a three-dimensional vector and which reflects the molecular charge distribution. Hence, it can be employed as a descriptor to describe the charge movement throughout the molecule. As a result of DFT/B3LYP/6-31G* calculations, the highest dipole moment was observed for the chloroquine phosphate (∼24.49 Debye) whereas the smallest one was observed for the chloroquine (∼6.05 Debye). Of course, the adding of other atoms in the geometry of the chloroquine has an influence on their stability. We can notice that the chloroquine compound becomes more stable when adding the phosphate groups since the global minimum energy decreases. Also, the strong increase in the dipole moment value shows that the chloroquine is harder before adding the phosphate groups. Moreover, it promotes the formation of hydrogen bonds.

Optimized structure of the chloroquine by using DFT/B3LYP/6-31G* method.
Fig. 1
Optimized structure of the chloroquine by using DFT/B3LYP/6-31G* method.
Optimized structure of the chloroquine phosphate molecule.
Fig. 2
Optimized structure of the chloroquine phosphate molecule.
Table 1 Calculated total energies (E), RMS Cartesian force, dipole moments (µ) and Maximum Cartesian force of chloroquine derivatives by using B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory.
B3LYP/6-31G* method
Molecules E (Hartree) RMS Cartesian force µ (D) Maximum Cartesian force
Chloroquine −1326.0352 2.412 0.10−6 6.05 8.593 0.10−6
Chloroquine phosphate −2614.3242 0.04067 24.49 0.1449

The optimized geometrical parameters of chloroquine derivatives have been determined by the above method and they are given in Tables 2 and 3 with the experimental bond angles and bond lengths. First, we observed that the theoretical bond lengths of chloroquine compound are almost similar with the experimental results (Busetta and Courseille, 1973), since the value of RMSD is very small (0.001 Å). The same applies to the bond angles which have an RMSD value equal to 0.298°. Same thing for the chloroquine phosphate, according to the result as collected in table 3 the bond distances and bond angles show good agreement with the experimental data (Albesa-Jové et al., 2008). We find that the RMSD value is equal to 0.065 Å for the bond distances and 3.382° for the bond angles. Results reveal that the carbon–carbon bond distances are found in the range 1.374–1.546 Å for C20-C22 and C5-C7, respectively for the chloroquine. In the benzene ring (I), the carbon–carbon bond lengths C13-C17, C13-C18, C17-C20, C18-C21, C20-C22 and C21-C22 are 1.435, 1.418, 1.421, 1.378, 1.374 and 1.411 Å, respectively. The C–C bond alienation in the pyridine ring (II) is between 1.394 Å (for C12-C16 bond) and 1.445 Å (for C12-C13 bond). While, for chloroquine phosphate, the bond length between two carbon–carbon in the two rings is in the range 1.383–1.419 Å for benzene and 1.366 to 1.464 Å for pyridine ring. It is seen that the B3LYP calculated hydrogen bonding distances C–H vary from 1.009 Å (for N3-H30) to 1.099 Å (for C5-H24) for chloroquine and from 1.084 Å (for C10-H27 bond) to 1.524 Å (for C21-C22 bond) for chloroquine phosphate. Three nitrogen N atoms exist in the structure of chloroquine: the order of the N-C bond length is N2-C10 > N2-C11 > N2-C8 > N3-C7 > N3-C12 > N4-C17 > N4-C19 having values 1.470 > 1.469 > 1.467 > 1.465 > 1.370 > 1.365 > 1.319 Å, respectively. The bond distance of N3-H30 is equal to 1.009 Å. The bond angle of chloroquine between the C7-N3-H30 and C12-N3-H30 are ∼ 115.047° and ∼ 116.505°, respectively. Concerning the chloroquine phosphate, we note that the single N5-C6 bond length of 1.387 Å for ring pyridine is higher than the N5-C4 double bond (1.353 Å). The P-O bond lengths are obtained to be in range 1.489–1.693 Å (for P58-O61 and P58-O62). The O-P-O bond angles are reported in range 107.7–112.02°, whereas it is computed in range 102.543–124.278°. The C8-Cl bond length is observed at 1.743 Å and calculated at 1.748 Å. The C9-C8-Cl and C8-C9-C10 bond angles are at 119.733° and 116.940°, respectively.

Table 2 Calculated geometrical parameters for the chloroquine compound compared with the experimental ones by using B3LYP/6-31G* basis set.
Parameters Experimental Theoretical Parameters Experimental Theoretical
Bond lengths (Å)
Cl-C22 1.755 1.760 C12-C16 1.393 1.394
N2-C8 1.469 1.467 C13-C17 1.432 1.432
N2-C10 1.460 1.470 C13-C18 1.418 1.418
N2-C11 1.498 1.469 C14-H38 1.095 1.095
N3-C7 1.500 1.465 C14-H39 1.096 1.096
N3-C12 1.371 1.370 C14-H40 1.070 1.096
N3-H30 1.009 1.009 C15-H41 1.095 1.095
N4-C17 1.344 1.365 C15-H42 1.096 1.096
N4-C19 1.368 1.320 C15-H43 1.096 1.096
C5-C6 1.534 1.534 C16-C19 1.407 1.407
C5-C7 1.546 1.546 C16-H44 1.065 1.083
C5-H23 1.095 1.095 C17-C20 1.500 1.421
C5-H24 1.100 1.100 C18-C21 1.374 1.378
C6-C8 1.554 1.538 C18-H45 1.087 1.087
C6-H25 1.098 1.098 C19-H46 1.090 1.090
C6-H26 1.099 1.098 C20-C22 1.374 1.374
C7-C9 1.546 1.533 C20-H47 1.034 1.084
C7-H27 1.097 1.097 C21-C22 1.411 1.411
C8-H28 1.096 1.096 C21-H48 1.084 1.084
C8-H29 1.149 1.108 C10-H35 1.078 1.095
C9-H31 1.095 1.095 C11-C15 1.319 1.530
C9-H32 1.095 1.095 C11-H36 1.208 1.108
C9-H33 1.097 1.097 C11-H37 1.056 1.095
C10-C14 1.525 1.530 C12-C13 1.442 1.445
C10-H34 1.108 1.108
RMSD 0.001 Å
Bond angles (°)
C8-N2-C10 112.84 112.103 C15-C11-H37 108.29 108.196
C8-N2-C11 112.23 112.200 H36-C11-H37 105.89 106.039
C10-N2-C11 111.78 111.972 N3-C12-C13 120.83 120.095
C7-N3-C12 124.77 125.707 N3-C12-C16 124.34 123.092
C7-N3-H30 115.049 115.048 C13-C12-C16 116.790 116.790
C12-N3-H30 116.50 116.505 C12-C13-C17 117.68 117.797
C17-N4-C19 116.07 116.079 C12-C13-C18 124.08 123.818
C6-C5-C7 115.89 115.643 C17-C13-C18 118.16 118.383
C6-C5-H23 107.62 107.782 C10-C14-H38 110.36 110.369
C6-C5-H24 109.60 109.535 C10-C14-H39 113.36 112.214
C7-C5-H23 109.22 109.218 C10-C14-H40 110.08 110.289
C7-C5-H24 107.15 107.798 H38-C14-H39 107.9(1) 107.900
H23-C5-H24 106.4(4) 106.496 H38-C14-H40 108.5(3) 108.529
C5-C6-C8 112.5(4) 112.597 H39-14-H40 107.410 107.410
C5-C6-H25 109.59 109.519 C11-C15-H41 110.79 110.273
C5-C6-H26 110.24 110.944 C11-C15-H42 112.3(4) 112.316
C8-C6-H25 109.78 109.513 C11-C15-H43 110.2(4) 110.276
C8-C6-H26 107.46 107.750 H41-C15-H42 107.8(3) 107.894
H25-C6-H26 105.39 106.310 H41-C15-H43 108.5(4) 108.564
N3-C7-C5 113.57 113.473 H42-C15-H43 107.3(4) 107.389
N3-C7-C9 108.38 108.232 C12-C16-C19 119.7354 119.736
N3-C7-H27 106.58 106.584 C12-C16-H44 121.70 121.300
C5-C7-C9 113.83 113.289 C19-C16-H44 118.952 118.959
C5-C7-H27 107.54 107.546 N4- C17-C13 123.19 123.911
C9-C7-H27 107.33 107.331 N4- C17-C20 116.9(4) 116.950
N2-C8-C6 113.41 113.409 C13-C17-C20 119.17 119.139
N2-C8-H28 108.0(3) 108.072 C13-C18-C21 121.72 121.739
N2-C8-H29 111.43 111.344 C13-C18-H45 120.37 120.684
C6-C8-H28 108.78 108.140 C21-C18-H45 117.562 117.561
C6-C8-H29 109.59 109.436 N4-C19-C16 125.27 125.662
C28-C8-H29 106.122 106.122 N4-C19-H46 114.49 115.975
C7-C9-H31 110.742 110.742 C16-C19-H46 118.3591 118.359
C7-C9-H32 110.415 110.415 C17-C20-C22 120.35 120.214
C7-C9-H33 111.15 111.585 C17-C20-H47 117.19 117.802
H31-C9-H32 108.71 108.463 C22-C20-H47 121.70 121.984
H31-C9-H33 108.060 108.060 C18-C21-C22 119.01 119.067
H32-C9-H33 107.450 107.450 C18-C21-H48 119.39 120.983
N2-C10-C14 112.12 113.052 C22-C21-H48 119.29 119.949
N2-C10-H34 111.99 111.009 Cl-C22-C20 119.41 119.987
N2-C10-H35 107.22 107.936 Cl-C22-C21 118.84 118.570
C14-C10-H34 110.2(2) 110.284 C20-C22-C21 121.72 121.442
C14-C10-H35 109.41 108.216 N2-C11-H36 111.71 111.218
H34-C10-H35 105.45 106.030 N2-C11-H37 107.46 107.769
N2-C11-C15 113.3(2) 113.224 C15-C11-H36 110.066 110.065
RMSD 0.298°
Table 3 Calculated and observed geometrical parameters for the chloroquine phosphate.
Chloroquine phosphate
Parameters Experimental Theoretical Parameters Experimental Theoretical
Bond lengths (Å)
N1-C2 1.409(2) 1.324 C17-N18 1.5069(6) 1.523
N1-C13 1.4967(9) 1.486 C17-H36 0.9994 1.095
N1-H48 1.0018 1.048 C17-H37 1.0005 1.094
C2-C3 1.415(3) 1.433 N18-C19 1.4980(6) 1.532
C2-C11 1.402(2) 1.464 N18-C21 1.5083(6) 1.516
C3-C4 1.400(3) 1.366 N18-H50 0.9995 1.025
C3-H23 1.000 1.079 C19-C20 1.5171(5) 1.521
C4-N5 1.366(1) 1.353 C19-H38 1.0010 1.091
C4-H24 0.999 1.084 C19-H39 1.0000 1.095
N5-C6 1.382(3) 1.387 C20-H40 1.0001 1.094
N5-H49 0.998 1.011 C20-H41 1.0001 1.096
C6-C7 1.403(1) 1.403 C20-H42 1.0000 1.098
C6-C11 1.417(3) 1.419 C21-C22 1.5296(5) 1.524
C7-C8 1.411(3) 1.386 C21-H43 1.0000 1.093
C7-H25 0.997 1.086 C21-H44 0.9998 1.094
C8-C9 1.396(3) 1.403 C22-H45 0.9998 1.095
C8-Cl 1.743(3) 1.749 C22-H46 1.0009 1.092
C9-C10 1.373(1) 1.383 C22-H47 1.0002 1.093
C9-H26 0.999 1.085 H48-O53 1.517(8) 1.675
C10-C11 1.431(3) 1.412 P51-O52 1.513(5) 1.497
C10-H27 1.001 1.084 P51-O53 1.574(5) 1.548
C13-C14 1.5142(6) 1.536 P51-O54 1.560(5) 1.594
C13-C15 1.5417(7) 1.545 P51-O55 1.000 1.682
C13-H28 0.9998 1.093 O53-H64 1.554 1.782
C14-H29 0.9993 1.095 O54-H57 0.997 1.017
C14-H30 1.0000 1.095 O55-H56 0.9969 0.972
C14-H31 1.0002 1.094 H57-O60 1.5851 1.626
C15-C16 1.5092(6) 1.544 P58-H59 1.566(6) 1.645
C15-H32 1.0002 1.097 P58-O60 1.519(5) 1.528
C15-H33 1.0000 1.098 P58-O61 1.505(5) 1.489
C16-C17 1.5100(5) 1.531 P58-O62 1.578(6) 1.693
C16-H34 0.9995 1.096 H59-H64 1.005 0.991
C16-H35 0.9997 1.100 O62-H63 1.005 0.971
RMSD 0.065 Å
Bond angles (°)
C2-N1-C13 121.5(1) 129.536 C16-C17- H36 108.84 112.687
C2-N1-H48 119.3 119.047 C16-C17-H37 108.88 111.062
C13-N1-H48 119.25 111.387 N18-C17- H36 108.88 106.346
N1-C2-C3 126.8(2) 123.005 N18-C17-H37 108.83 104.285
N1-C2-C11 115.6(2) 120.246 H36-C17-H37 109.53 107.543
C3-C2-C11 117.6(2) 116.748 C17-N18-C19 105.42(4) 110.081
C2-C3-C4 119.5(2) 120.770 C17-N18-C21 117.16(4) 115.141
C2-C3-H23 120.3 120.656 C17-N18-H50 106.64 106.062
C4-C3-H23 120.2 118.558 C19-N18-C21 113.63(4) 113.264
C3-C4-N5 122.7(2) 121.996 C19-N18-H50 106.67 105.629
C3-C4-H24 118.7 122.029 C21-N18-H50 106.69 105.850
N5-C4-H24 118.6 115.974 N18-C19-C20 111.90(3) 111.886
C4- N5-C6 119.1(2) 121.776 N18-C19-H38 108.87 106.612
C4- N5-H49 120.4 119.692 N18-C19-H39 108.91 107.399
C6-N5-H49 120.5 118.523 C20-C19-H38 108.84 113.272
N5-C6-C7 119.7(2) 119.461 C20-C19-H39 108.80 111.196
N5-C6-C11 119.9(2) 119.233 H38-C19-H39 109.49 106.091
C7-C6-C11 120.3(2) 121.305 C19-C20-H40 109.48 107.585
C6-C7-C8 118.6(2) 118.870 C19-C20-H41 109.46 114.072
C6-C7-H25 120.7 120.497 C19-C20-H42 109.45 111.744
C8-C7-H25 120.7 120.633 H40-C20-H41 109.46 107.490
C7-C8-C9 122.7(2) 121.420 H40-C20-H42 109.46 106.889
C7-C8-Cl 120.4(2) 118.847 H41-C20-H42 109.52 108.727
C9-C8-Cl 117.0(2) 119.733 N18-C21-C22 115.92(3) 114.633
C8-C9-C10 117.8(2) 119.188 N18-C21-H43 107.84 105.833
C8-C9-H26 121.1 122.471 N18-C21-H44 107.83 106.449
C10-C9-H26 121.1 118.339 C22-C21-H43 107.80 110.976
C9-C10-C11 122.5(2) 121.716 C22-C21-H44 107.84 111.021
C9-C10-H27 118.8 116.140 H43-C21-H44 109.51 107.523
C11-C10-H27 118.7 122.143 C21-C22-H45 109.47 107.878
C2-C11-C6 121.3(2) 119.448 C21-C22-H46 109.43 113.139
C2-C11-C10 120.7(2) 123.065 C21-C22-H47 109.47 111.979
C6-C11-C10 118.1(2) 117.483 H45-C22-H47 109.52 108.829
N1-C13-C14 112.18(5) 113.090 H45-C22-H47 109.47 107.896
N1-C13-C15 114.14(5) 114.908 H46-C22-H47 109.47 106.971
N1-C13-H23 105.70 102.804 N1-H48-O53 109.7(4) 160.205
C14-C13-C15 112.50(4) 112.432 O52-P51-O53 109.6(4) 118.326
C14-C13-H23 105.71 105.282 O52-P51-O54 110.7(4) 112.552
C15-C13-H23 105.77 107.166 O52-P51-O55 107.7(3) 108.699
C13-C14-H30 109.45 108.617 O53-P51-O54 108.0(3) 109.174
C13-C14-H30 109.49 114.029 O53-P51-O55 111.0(3) 102.543
C13-C14-H31 109.53 110.151 O54-P51-O55 109.4 104.137
H29-C14-H30 109.45 107.772 H48-O53-P51 109.5 141.744
H29-C14-H31 109.46 107.456 H48-O53-H64 109.5(3) 96.870
H30-C14-H31 109.44 108.592 P51-O53-H64 118.544 113.169
C13-C15-C16 116.02(4) 116.850 P51-O54-H57 109.434 112.759
C13-C15-H32 107.78 105.350 P51-O55-H56 109.45 106.393
C13-C15-H33 107.78 111.163 O54-H57-O60 152.62 172.312
C16-C15-H32 107.81 108.709 H59-P58-O60 109.47 106.240
C16-C15-H33 107.77 108.080 H59-P58- O61 106.8(4) 111.947
H32-C15-H33 109.57 106.135 H59-P58-O62 108.7(4) 100.693
C15-C16-C17 110.09(3) 112.212 O60- P58-O61 111.1(4) 124.278
C15-C16-H34 109.28 109.383 O60- P58-O62 108.7(3) 104.611
C15-C16-H35 109.31 106.991 O61-P58-O62 112.02 106.329
C17-C16-H34 109.35 110.830 P58- H59-H64 109.5 109.330
C17-C16-H35 109.31 110.727 H57-O60-P58 112.0(4) 119.982
H34-C16-H35 109.49 106.464 P58-O60-H63 109.5 104.281
C16-C17-N18 111.86(4) 114.339 O53-H64-H59 161.56 162.347
RMSD 3.382°


3.2 Frontier orbitals and quantum chemical calculations

Frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) often play dominant roles in molecular systems. The fundamental idea of this theory can be abridged in the form of a simple rule telling the condition for a simple course of the reaction by the requirement of the maximal positive overlap between LUMO (empty state) and HOMO (filled state) orbitals. LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) is directly related to electron affinity, while HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) is related to ionization potential (Xavier and Periandy, 2015; Abraham et al., 2017). These orbitals help to understand the chemical stability and the reactivity of the molecule (Asiri et al., 2011; Kosar, 2011). In order to predict the energetic behaviors and the reactivity of the chloroquine and the chloroquine phosphate against COVID-19 virus, the FMOs in the electronic transitions and their energies difference Eg are determined. A detailed analysis of the HOMOs and LUMOs orbitals is listed in Table 4, where orbital energies, energy band gap and reactivity descriptors (like electron affinity, chemical softness, ionization potential, chemical softness….) are reported. The gap between two energetic states describes the molecular chemical reactivity. The energies of the four important FMOs (HOMO, HOMO − 1, LUMO and LUMO + 1) were calculated via the TD-DFT approach with B3LYP/6-31G* level. Their 3D plots are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. It is clear from the figure of the chloroquine molecule that the HOMO and LUMO orbitals are localized essentially on the benzene and pyridine rings. The green color represents the negative phase; on the other hand the red color corresponds to the positive phase which is well clarified in the density of states (DOS) spectrum (Fig. 5). DOS spectrums characterize the energy levels per unit energy increment and its composing in energy. The displaying study per orbital shows that the green and the red lines in these curves correspond to the HOMO and LUMO energy levels, respectively. As a result, the energy level of the HOMO orbital is about −5.594 eV and the energy level of the LUMO orbital is about −1.115 eV. The HOMO-LUMO gap energy (Eg) of the chloroquine is equal to −4.479 eV. This low energy value promotes the transfer of electrons in the chloroquine molecule. These values are compatible with those obtained by the DOS spectrum. The state HOMO-1 form another set of degenerate orbital −5.747 eV lower in energy than the HOMO set. As shown for the chloroquine phosphate, LUMO orbital lying at −2.59 eV, located on all the atoms of the benzene and pyridine rings. The HOMO orbital is lying at −5.228 eV. Consequently, Eg is closed to −2.629 eV. The change observed here in the gap value from −4.479 eV to −2.629 eV in solution involves an expected high reactivity for the chloroquine phosphate. This decrease in gap energy makes the flow of electrons easier, so the molecule becomes soft and more reactive. We can also note that the chloroquine molecule is harder before adding the phosphate groups, given the energy value of gap. This result is in agreement with the strong increase in the dipole moment value of 6.05 Debye (of chloroquine) to 24.49 Debye (of chloroquine phosphate).

Table 4 Calculated of some global reactivity descriptors of chloroquine derivatives.
Parameters Chloroquine Chloroquine phosphate
ELUMO −1.115 −2.599
EHOMO −5.594 −5.228
EHOMO-ELUMO −4.479 −2.629
ELUMO+1 −0.375 −1.579
EHOMO-1 −5.747 −5.473
EHOMO-1- ELUMO+1 −5.372 −3.894
Reactivity descriptors
Ionization potential (I) 5.594 5.228
Electron affinity (A) 1.115 2.599
Chemical hardness (η) 2.239 2.629
Chemical softness (ζ) 1.1195 1.3145
Electronegativity (χ) 3.3545 3.9135
Chemical potential −3.3545 −3.9135
Electrophilicity index (ω) 2.512 2.912
Maximum charge transfer index 1.498 1.488

I = –EHOMO, A = –ELUMO, η = (I–A)/2, ζ = 1/2η, χ = (I + A)/2, μ = –(I + A)/2, ω = μ2/2η and ΔNmax. = –μ/η.

The atomic orbital compositions of the HOMO, HOMO-1, LUMO and LUMO + 1 frontier molecular orbitals for chloroquine molecule.
Fig. 3
The atomic orbital compositions of the HOMO, HOMO-1, LUMO and LUMO + 1 frontier molecular orbitals for chloroquine molecule.
The atomic orbital compositions of the HOMO, HOMO-1, LUMO and LUMO + 1 frontier molecular orbitals for chloroquine phosphate.
Fig. 4
The atomic orbital compositions of the HOMO, HOMO-1, LUMO and LUMO + 1 frontier molecular orbitals for chloroquine phosphate.
DOS spectrum of chloroquine (a) and chloroquine phosphate (b) molecules.
Fig. 5
DOS spectrum of chloroquine (a) and chloroquine phosphate (b) molecules.

Using the energies of FMOs, we calculated the reactivity descriptors of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate molecules. A =  − ELUMO: represent the electron affinity; I =  − EHOMO represent the ionization potential and μ = 1/2(I + A) is the electronic chemical potential. The chemical hardness (η) is found to be 2.239 and 2.629 eV for chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate, respectively. The chemical softness (ζ) has been computed and found to be 1.1195 and 1.3145 eV−1. Moreover, the electrophilicity index (ω) is about 2.512 eV for chlroquine and 2.912 eV for chloroquine phosphate. Based on the value found of the electrophilicity index, we can conclude that the chloroquine phosphate is a good electrophile better than chloroquine. Therefore, it is able to accept an electron doublet in order to form bonds with another reagent which is necessarily a nucleophile. Electronegativity is also determined (χ = (I + A)/2) and it is found to be χ chloroquine = 3.3545 eV and χ chloroquine phosphate = 3.9135 eV.


3.3 Molecular electrostatic potential

The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) is a well-established tool for the study of molecular reactive properties and to describe intermolecular interactions (Reed and Weinhold, 1985). It allows us to search the most reactive nucleophilic and electrophilic sites of a molecule against the reactive biological potentials (Gökce et al., 2013). These sites promote the formation of hydrogen bonds. The electrophilic site indicates a strong attraction, while the nucleophilic site indicates a strong repulsion. The electrostatic potential diagrams of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate are illustrated in Fig. 6 at B3LYP/6-31G* method. MEP diagram gives negative, positive and neutral electrostatic potential regions in terms of color grading and is an indicator in the research of molecular structure properties. The red color represents the most electronegative electrostatic potential. That is, atoms in this region have a tendency to attract electrons (electrophilic). The blue color indicates the most electropositive potential (strong attraction) and the red color indicates the most electronegative potential (strong repulsion). Regions where the potentials are zero are denoted by green color. As a results, MEP surfaces varies between −5.504 0.10−2 a.u (deepest red) to 5.504 0.10−2 a.u (deepest blue) for chloroquine and between −0.116 a.u to 0.116 a.u for chloroquine phosphate. As can be seen, the MEP map of chloroquine molecule (Fig. 6a), a maximum positive region is localized on the nitrogen N3 and hydrogen H30 atoms indicating a possible site for electrophilic attack. The zero potential sites (green color) are found in the benzene ring. For the chloroquine phosphate (Fig. 6b), the positive potential (blue and light blue) sites are found in the benzene and pyridine rings (electrophilic reactivity). It can be inferred that the oxygen atoms O61 and O62 indicate the neutral potential of the molecule.

Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) maps of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate molecules.
Fig. 6
Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) maps of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate molecules.


3.4 Molecular docking analysis

Molecular docking studies of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate ligands were carried out with four structures of COVID-19 protein (PDB ID: 6 M03, 5R7Y, 5R81 and 6LU7). The two ligands were tested for drug-likeliness properties. Calculations were performed using the iGEMDOCK program through the generic evolutionary method (GA) and an empirical scoring function. Both ligands and target proteins structures were adapted with Discover Studio Visualizer software. All crystallographic water molecules were removed.

Our goal is to determine the modes of interaction of protein-ligand complexes while looking for favorable orientations for the binding of a ligand to a receptor (Duhovny et al., 2002; Seeliger and de Groot, 2010; Amin et al., 2010; Ahmed et al., 2013; Ghalla et al., 2018). In our case, the receptor represents the COVID-19 protein which has one or more specific active sites, more or less accessible. At each step, the interactions are affected and the best pose of the ligands is determined. 10 poses have been obtained; we have chosen the best pose with the lowest energy. These best poses, as presented in Fig. 7, were selected for investigating the different types of interactions that introduce a biological signal.

Orientation of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate in the active sites of COVID-19 proteins.
Fig. 7
Orientation of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate in the active sites of COVID-19 proteins.


3.4.1 Chloroquine

The examination of Table 5 revealed that the chloroquine ligand presented the highest total energy score with the target protein 6 M03 which is equal to −81.866 kcal/mol. Note that the total energy is the sum of the three energies interactions: VDW, hydrogen band and electronic. Van der Waals interaction is a potential energy of attraction between two molecules. It represents the sum of the energies of Keesom, London and Debye. The H-bond represents an interaction between two electronegative atoms. Generally, the energy of an H-bond is of the order of a few tens of KJ/Mol. It varies between 1 and 60 KJ/mol for neutral fragments, and sometimes it can reach higher values for some covalent bonds. The last interaction is electronic; they always take very low values compared to the other two interactions.

Table 5 Docking results of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate in COVID-19 protein.
Ligands 6 M03 5R7Y 5R81 6LU7
Total energy −81.866 −77.498 −68.514 −67.136
VDW −75.581 −70.605 −65.014 −64.988
H-bond −6.285 −6.893 −3.500 −2.147
Electronic 0 0 0 0
Affinity −6.7 −6.6 −6.7 −6.1
Chloroquine phosphate
Ligands 5R7Y 6 M03 5R81 6LU7
Total energy −99.119 −88.686 −84.817 −82.663
VDW −66.409 −55.450 −79.862 −69.861
H-bond −29.499 −30.505 −4.9547 −12.802
Electronic −3.210 −2.731 0 0
Affinity −4.5 −3.5 −3.5 −3.6

Chloroquine ligand posses the strongest van der Waals interaction EVDW = -75.581 kcal/mol. The docking pose analysis showed that the chloroquine ligand is oriented with the VDW interactions surrounded by the chains of LEU-141, MET-165, PHE140, HIS163, GLN189, MET49, GLY143, THR25 and VAL42 binding residues in the 6 M03 protein. Also, it have the strongest H-bond interaction EH-bond = -6.893 kcal/mol. The greater negative energy score suggests a more favorable binding mode. Table 6 presents the different interactions between the chloroquine ligand and proteins via the binding residues along with their bond length. Results obtained for protein targets show that the chloroquine ligand has bonded effectively with 6 M03 target sites with two remarkable carbon-hydrogen bond interactions. The mentioned compound is immensely bonded with active residues SER144 (Serine) and HIS164 (Histidine) by carbon-hydrogen bond interactions conduct to more antiviral activity. The first C—H bond interaction was identified between H46 atom and SER144 binding residues and the distance was found to be 2.61 Å. The second C—H bond interaction was identified between H27 and HIS164 with distance 2.27 Å. The hydrogen atom H30 linked to HIS41 amino residues via an alkyl interaction with bond length equal to 4.11 Å. Also, Pi-Sulfur, Pi-Alkyl and Pi-Anion interactions were observed surrounded by the amino acids CYS145, LEU27 and GLU166, having distances 3.99, 4.28 and 4.55 Å, respectively. These results have been well described in Figs. 8 and 9. Furthermore, chloroquine molecule showed total energy score of −77.498 kcal/mol against 5R7Y protein with VDW interaction (−70.605 kcal/mol) and hydrogen bond energy (−6.893 kcal/mol). Regarding the two other proteins (5R81 and 6LU7), the interaction energies are slightly weaker in comparison with the other ligands but as even remain important. The docking calculations led to the following results: the total energies scores are equal to −68.514 kcal/mol and −67.136 kcal/mol for 5R81 and 6LU7, respectively. The van der Waals interactions were found to be EVDW (for 5R81) = −65.014 kcal/mol and EVDW (for 6LU7) = −64.988 kcal/mol. Additionally, the hydrogen bond interactions exhibiting values of −3.500 and −2.147 kcal/mol for 5R81 and 6LU7 receptors. In the chloroquine-5R7Y complex, a Pi-Anion and Pi-Sulfur interactions wrapped by the amino acids GLU166 and CYS145 were formed with bond lengths 4.42 and 4.03 Å. C15 atom made two Alkyl interactions with A:CYS145 and A:LEU27 residues and having distances 3.99 and 4.07 Å. Also, C15 interact with A:HIS41 via a Pi-Alkyl interaction (bond length = 3.88 Å). A:SER144 and A:HIS164 amino residues form two carbon-hydrogen bond interactions with H46 and H27 atoms. Their bonding distances are found to be 2.53 Å and 1.98 Å, respectively. In 5R81virus, A:MET165 and A:MET49 amino residues are involved in the alkyl interaction with C10 and C15 atoms having bond length 4.43 and 3.96 Å. Pyridine group formed Pi-Alkyl, Pi-Sulfur and Pi-Donor hydrogen bond interactions with A:LEU27 (5.13 Å), A:CYS145 (4.08 Å) and A:CYS143 (3.80 Å) residues, respectively. Another Pi-Alkyl interaction is also seen which contributed by A:HIS41 with C15 atom, indicating distance 4.25 Å. For the last ligand 6LU7, the LEU141 (2.38 Å), the ASN142 (3.02 Å) and the HIS163 (2.47 Å) amino acids formed a C—H bond interactions with H29, H27 and H28 atoms of chloroquine. In addition to these weak interactions there are two alkyl interactions; one between PRO168 residues and the Cl atom and the second one is in between CYS145 and the N2 atom, indicating bond distance 3.63 and 4.35 Å, respectively. Subsequently, the H30 atom exhibit a conventional-H bond interaction with GLU166 residues and bonding distance is 2.22 Å.

Table 6 Amino acid residues-chloroquine interactions.
Ligand Target protein Binding residue Type Atoms Bond length (Å) Interactions
Chloroquine 5R7Y A:GLU166
Carbon-H bond
Carbon-H bond
6 M03 A:CYS145
Carbon-hydrogen bond
Carbon-hydrogen bond
6LU7 A:LEU141
C—H bond
C—H bond
C—H bond
Conventional H-bond
5R81 A:MET165
Pi-Donor H-bond
2D visual representations of chloroquine ligand-COVID-19 proteins.
Fig. 8
2D visual representations of chloroquine ligand-COVID-19 proteins.
Different interactions between ligand and their receptor.
Fig. 9
Different interactions between ligand and their receptor.
Different interactions between ligand and their receptor.
Fig. 9
Different interactions between ligand and their receptor.

In order to upgrade the recognition of the interactions existing between receptor and ligand, the affinities of these complexes were calculated by using AutoDockTools (ADT) (Morris et al., 2008). These affinities describe the strength of a non-covalent interaction between the ligand and its target which binding to a site on its surface. It is premised on the numeral and the nature of the physicochemical interactions. As illustrated in Table 5; the affinities values (in ultimate value) of chloroquine are found to be in the order of 6.7 > 6.6 > 6.1 kcal/mol for (6 M03 and 5R81), 5R7Y and 6LU7, respectively.


3.4.2 Chloroquine phosphate

According to the energetic related results of the docking calculations and the corresponding docking positions, the chloroquine phosphate has better binding interaction with 5R7Y protein (as seen in Table 5 and Fig. 7). This protein strongly interacts with the mentioned ligand, resulting in high inhibition potency. It presented the highest total energy value of −99.119 kcal/mol with a −66.409 kcal/mol van der Waals interaction, also along with important hydrogen and electronic energies equal to −29.499 and −3.210 kcal/mol, respectively. Thereafter, we show that the binding affinities of chloroquine phosphate-6 M03 complex exhibit total energy score equal to −88.686 kcal/mol with EVDW = −55.450 kcal/mol, EH-bond = −30.505 kcal/mol and E electronic = −2.731 kcal/mol. The total energies scores of 5R81 and 6LU7 proteins are found to be −84.817 and −82.663 kcal/mol, respectively. As clearly seen, docking calculations led to the following results: the H-bond interaction equal to −4.954 and −12.802 kcal/mol and their VDW interaction were −79.862 and −69.861 kcal/mol, respectively. For PDB ID: 5R7Y, as shown in Table 7, the amino acid A:MET49 and A:MET165 residues were involved in alkyl interaction with C15 atom with 4.52 and 4.39 Å bond length, respectively. Likewise, C15 atom was linked to A:HIS41 (4.40 Å) throughout pi-alkyl interaction. Moreover, oxygen atom O55 showed a conventional hydrogen bond with amino acid A:GLU166 having distance 2.65 Å. The pyridine group present a Pi-Donor H-bond with A:ASN142, indicating 4.19 Å bond length. For the second 6 M03-chloroquine phosphate complex, A:MET49 interacted with C22 and C20 atoms via alkyl interaction with 3.17 and 4.05 Å bond length. A pi-alkyl interaction was also being formed between A:HIS41 residues and C20 (3.58 Å). In addition, H63 atom (2.45 Å) involve in carbon H-bond with A:HIS164 amino acid. The pyridine ring exhibited pi-donor H-bond interaction with A:ASN142 having 3.79 Å distance. Then, O54 atom has a conventional H-bond interaction with A:GLU166 residues with distance value 3.27 Å. Amino acids A:HIS41 and A:HIS145 forms Pi-Alkyl interactions with Cl atom (4.87 Å) and benzene ring (4.73 Å) for PDB ID: 6LU7. As well, the Cl atom interacts with A:HIS145 via an Alkyl interaction with 3.54 Å distance. The H63 and H24 atoms have a carbon H-bond interactions with A:GLN189 and A:HIS163 residues with distances values 2.74 Å and 2.95 Å, respectively. Finally, the other amino acids A:ASN142 and A:SER144 forms two conventional H-bond interactions with H48 (2.78 Å) and N5 (2.93 Å) atoms. For the last 5R81-chloroquine phosphate complex, an Alkyl interaction was observed between A:PRO168 amino acid residues and Cl atom having 5.02 Å bond length. In addition, two Pi-Alkyl interactions are performed between A:MET165 and A:MET49 residues and pyridine ring. Their bond lengths are equal to 4.40 and 4.67 Å, respectively. A:HIS41, A:THR190 and A:HIS41 amino acid residues interacted with C15, Cl and pyridine ring via Pi-Sigma, halogen and Pi-Pi T shaped interactions, showed distances ranging from 3.04 to 5.01 Å. Chloroquine phosphate present weaker affinities −4.5 kcal.mol−1 (for 5R7Y), −3.6 kcal.mol−1 (6LU7), −3.5 kcal.mol−1 (5R81), −3.5 kcal.mol−1 (6 M03).

  • The results obtained show that the chloroquine penetrates well into the active areas of the protein. Therefore, it can be considered to be a potent inhibitor against COVID-19 diseases. But the chloroquine phosphate molecule showed a better activity rather than chloroquine since it interacts stronger with the receptor. This can be justified by the effect of the addition of the phosphate groups.

Table 7 Amino acid residues-chloroquine phosphate interactions.
Ligand Target protein Binding residue Type Atoms Bond length (Å) Interactions
Chloroquine phosphate 5R7Y A:MET49
GlutamicAcid Asparagine
Conventional H-bond
Pi-Donor H-bond
6 M03 A:MET49
Carbon H-bond
Pi-Donor H-bond
Conventional H-bond
6LU7 A:HIS41
Carbon-hydrogen bond
Carbon-hydrogen bond
Conventional H-bond Conventional H-bond
5R81 A:PRO168
Pi-Pi T shaped


3.5 Hybridization effect

Of course, each compound has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the rest. The chloroquine phosphate is initially made up of chloroquine. Evidently, the adding of other atoms in the geometry of the chloroquine has an influence on their stability. The chloroquine compound becomes more stable when adding the phosphate groups since the global minimum energy decreases. Moreover, the smallest dipole moment was obtained for the chloroquine whereas the highest one was obtained for the chloroquine phosphate. This increase shows that the chloroquine is harder before adding the phosphate groups and also it promotes the formation of hydrogen bonds. We also find that by adding phosphate group the gap energy decreases, which involves a high reactivity for the chloroquine phosphate. This decrease in gap energy makes the flow of electrons easier, so the molecule becomes soft and more reactive.


4 Conclusion

Given their high efficiency in the treatment against COVID-19 pandemic, chloroquine derivatives have been studied combining DFT method and molecular docking calculations. The optimized molecular structures of chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate have been carried out using DFT/B3LYP/6-31G* method and their geometrical parameters were also determined. The comparison of the observed and calculated results showed a good agreement. Molecular properties such as frontiers orbitals, gap energies and reactivity descriptors have also been discussed. Results reveal that the addition of the sulfate group resulted in a decrease in the gap energy, which involves an expected high reactivity for the chloroquine phosphate. This decrease in gap energy makes the flow of electrons easier, so the molecule becomes soft and more reactive. The density of states (DOS) was determined and it allowed bettering describing the border orbitals. Thereafter, the calculated MEP maps show the positive potential sites are favorable for nucleophilic attack, whereas the negative potential sites are favorable for the electrophilic attack. Docking results were discussed based on the different interactions between the ligands and proteins. The chloroquine derivatives are found to be a good inhibitor of COVID-19 virus and can, therefore, be effective in controlling this disease. We found that chloroquine phosphate was considered to be the best inhibitor of coronavirus pandemic.


Researchers supporting project number (RSP-2020/61), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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