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Original Article
21 (
); 85-92

Deuterium-bearing molecules in cold and warm dense interstellar clouds

Physics and Astronomy Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


We have studied the production of key observed deuterium species for TMC-1, Orion, L134N and W3IRS4 clouds, of densities 104, 104, 5 × 104, and 106 cm−3, respectively, by using the pseudo-time dependent gas-phase chemistry. These clouds have temperatures in the range 10–70 K. The main results by using the more extensive chemical network with the most updating reaction rates show that the most of calculated fractional abundances are in agreement with observations, and suggest that triply-deuterated ammonia could be detectable in dark clouds. Also our models show that large abundance of NH2D and NHD2 can be produced in the interiors of cold dense clouds at steady state time.



1 Introduction

Because deuterium-bearing molecules used to: probes of the physics of interstellar clouds, study the relation of connection between interstellar and cometary ices and understand the formation mechanism of isotopic composition of interstellar molecules (Roberts and Millar, 2000a; Robets et al., 2002; Shah and Wotten, 2001; van der Tak et al., 2002). Therefore many theoretical and observational studies which have concerned on the formation of deuterated molecules in interstellar clouds.

In the last few years the studying of doubly-deuterated molecules in the interstellar medium has gained considerable attention. This is due to a large amount of doubly-deuterated formaldehyde, D2CO, and ammonia, NHD2, have been observed towards low mass protostar IRAS16293-2422 (Ceccarelli, 1998), Orion cloud (Turner, 1990), very young protostellar core 16293E (Loinard et al., 2001) and in the molecular cloud L1689N (Ceccarelli et al., 2002; Loinard et al., 2001). Also NHD2 observed in the molecular cloud L134N (Roueff et al., 2000). While triply-deuterated ammonia, ND3, observed in the low mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS4 (van der Tak et al., 2002), in the dark cloud B1 (Lis et al., 2002). But the methanol observed in the low mass protostar IRAS16293-2422 (Parise et al., 2002). All these observations suggest that deuteration of formaldehyde and methanol is produced during the cold and dense cloud (Ceccarelli et al., 2001).

There are two chemical networks for the formation of the deuterated molecules:

First, some deuterium-bearing molecules can be formed by the gas-phase reactions (Millar et al., 1989; Rodgers and Millar, 1996; Roberts and Millar, 2000a; Robets et al., 2002). At low temperatures 10–70 K, the H2D+ species is the key of gas-phase reaction to form DCO+ and N2D+ (van der Tak et al., 2002). By gas-phase network, Lis et al. (2002) explained the observed abundance ratio of ND3 in B1 cloud. Similarly, Tine et al. (2000) investigated the fractional abundance of NH2D, which observed in L183 and TMC-1 clouds.

Second, the surface chemistry, in which deuterated molecules can be formed on dust grains. The high abundances of HDCO, D2CO and CH3OD in warm clouds are derived from the occurrence of grain surface chemistry during an earlier cold era followed by evaporation into the gas as temperature rise (Ceccarelli et al., 2001; Caselli et al., 2002; van der Tak et al., 2002; Parise et al., 2002). The formation of singly- and doubly-deuterated isotopomers of formaldehyde and singly-, doubly- and multiply-deuterated isotopomers of methanol on dust grain has been studied by Caselli et al. (2002), with a semi-empirical modified rate approach and Monte Carlo method in temperature range 10–20 K.

In the present work, we shall confine ourselves to calculate the chemical abundances of key observed deuterium species, in several different interstellar clouds and comparison with both available observation and other theoretical models which are given for justification. This paper is organized as follows, in Section 2, chemical models are given. Section 3 contains a brief description of our gas phase chemical models. The conclusions are given in Section 4.


2 Chemical models

In order to interpret the behavior of deuterium-bearing molecules on cold and warm interstellar clouds, we have carried a number of a pseudo-time dependent chemical models, which calculate the varying abundances of 408 species (130 of them containing deuterium) linked by 5320 reactions.

Our gas-phase model considers a standard gas-phase chemistry, in which we consider only reactions between gaseous species, with the exception that H2 and HD forming on the grain surface, and we neglect the three body reactions.

Roberts and Millar (2000a,b) developed new models for the chemistry of deuterium, to investigate the fractionation of doubly-deuterated species, in interstellar molecular clouds. These models depend on a wide range of physical parameters including, density, temperature, elemental abundances and the freeze out of molecules on the dust grains. Our model is partially based on that part of gas-phase reactions of Roberts and Millar (2000a,b) for producing doubly-deuterated species. Our model extended the models of Roberts and Millar (2000a,b) to include multiply-deuterated ammonia.

The mono-deuterated reaction set is complete in the sense that for every reaction containing a hydrogen-bearing molecule there is an analogue reaction containing the equivalent mono-deuterated species. If more than one reaction product contains hydrogen atoms then uncertainly arises as to which will be the deuterium-bearing product. Due to lack of comprehensive experimental data, the usual approach is to assume statistical branching ratio between the various possibilities (Millar et al., 1989; Rodgers and Millar, 1996).

In this study we were interested in the chemistry of doubly-deuterated ammonia, NHD2. We also interested with multiply-deuterated ammonia, which begin after the formation of NH3, with deuterated ions XD+. In this model the metals (Fe, Mg, Na and Si) play an important role in determining the ionization fraction.

Since the chemical structure of interstellar clouds depends on the temperature, the radiation field and density number, then we have adopted four models of initial elemental (see Table 1), to study the deuterium chemistry in TMC-1, Orion, L134N and W3 IRS4 clouds. We have neglected the chemistry of species of polycyclic aromatic hydrogen type and their reaction with smaller molecules. As Herbst and Leung (1986) we also neglected the effects of enhanced rate coefficient in ion-polar neutral reactions. The chemical scheme used here is based on that of the most recent UMIST rate file, RATE99 (Le Teuff et al., 2000), with updating the rate coefficients of some modifications by Chastaing et al. (2001). We have adopted the cosmic D/H ratio measured by Linsky et al. (1995). We used a constant ratio for C/O. We neglect the effect of X-ray ionization. The electron abundance is set equal to the sum of the ion abundances.

Table 1 Our models, where n is number density.
Model n (m−3) T (K) Average (mag.) Clouds
1 10 10 TMC-1
2 1 (4) 70 10 Orion
3 1 (4) 10 15 L134N
4 5 (4) 55 30 W3 IRS4


3 Results and discussion

We have followed a large number of runs for the four models listed in Table 1. Using a different initial elemental abundances and cosmic ray ionization rate, the best initial elemental abundances are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Initial fractional abundances.
Species Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
H2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
C+ 7.3 (−5) 7.3 (−5) 7.3 (−5) 4.0 (−6)
O 1.7 (−4) 1.7 (−4) 1.7 (−4) 8.0 (−6)
N 2.14 (−5) 2.14 (−5) 2.14 (−5) 5.1 (−6)
S 1.0 (−7) 1.0 (−7) 1.0 (−7) 6.0 (−8)
Si 2.0 (−8) 2.0 (−8) 2.0 (−8) 1.5 (−10)
Fe+ 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.5 (−10)
Mg+ 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.5 (−10)
Na+ 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.0 (−8) 1.5 (−10)
H3+ 1.0 (−11) 1.0 (−11) 1.0 (−11) 0.0
HD 1.6 (−5) 1.6 (−5) 3.2 (−5) 5.0 (−6)
He 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14

The cosmic ray ionization rate of 1.3 × 10−17 s−1 is used for models (1)–(3) and high cosmic ray ionization rate of 1.3 × 10−16 s−1 is used for model (4). The reduction of the initial elemental abundances and a high cosmic ray ionization rate used in model (4) is in agreement with Amin (1999).

Tables 3–6 compare the molecular D/H ratios observed toward the above four clouds, with the results from our gas-phase models at both early (105 year) time and steady state (100 million year) time, and other theoretical calculations.

Table 3 A comparison of abundance ratio measured in TMC-1 cloud with predictions from our model (1) and Roberts and Millar (2000a).
Species Observation Our cal. M1 RM 2000 Ref.
Early Steady Early Steady
DCO+/HCO+ 0.02 0.018 0.082 0.019 0.087 Tine et al. (2000)
NH2D/NH3 0.009–0.014 0.086 0.029 0.084 0.028 Tine et al. (2000)
HDCO/H2CO 0.0059–0.11 0.043 0.056 0.042 0.055 Turner (2001)
DCN/HCN 0.023 0.006 0.022 0.009 0.025 Turner (2001)
DNC/HNC 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 Wootten (1987)
C2D/C2H 0.01 0.012 0.028 0.011 0.027 Millar et al. (1989)
C4D/C4H 0.004 0.004 0.027 0.004 0.029 Turner (1989)
N2D+/N2H+ 0.08 0.03 0.058 0.025 0.025 Tine et al. (2000)
C3HD/C3H2 0.08–0.16 0.007 0.027 0.006 0.02 Bell et al. (1988)
C3H3D/C3H4 0.054–0.065 0.082 0.098 0.083 0.099 Gerin et al. (1992)
DC3N/HC3N 0.03–0.1 0.008 0.026 0.007 0.026 Howe et al. (1994)
DC5N/HC5N 0.013 0.023 0.026 0.023 0.026 MacLeod et al. (1981)
HDCS/H2CS 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.046 Minowa et al. (1997)
Table 4 A comparison of abundance ratio measured in Orion cloud with predictions from our model (2) and Millar et al. (1989).
Species Observation Our cal. M2 M1998 Ref.
DCO+/HCO+ 0.002 0.002 8 (−4)–8 (−5) Penzias (1979)
NH2D/NH3 0.003 0.0029 4 (−4) Walmsley et al. (1987)
HDCO/H2CO 0.02 0.019 0.004–0.005 Loren and Wootten (1985)
DCN/HCN 0.006 0.0058 0.001–4 (−4) Wootten (1987)
DNC/HNC 0.01 0.043 9 (−4)–2 (−4) Wootten (1987)
C2D/C2H 0.045 0.032 0.003 Combes et al. (1985), Vrtilek et al. (1985)
CH3OD/CH3OH 0.01–0.06 0.005 0.003–0.004 Mauersberger et al. (1988)
HDO/H2O >0.002 0.001 0.001–2 (−4) Henkel et al. (1987)

Note: a (−b) stands for a × 10b.

Table 5 A comparison of abundance ratio measured in L134N (Tine et al., 2000; Roueff et al., 2000) with predictions from our model (3) and Millar (2002).
Species Observation Our cal. M2 M2002
Early Steady Early Steady
DCO+/HCO+ 0.18 0.026 0.17 0.016 0.047
NH2D/NH3 0.1 0.006 0.1 0.0075 0.02
NHD2/NH3 5 (−3) 2.3 (−5) 5.1 (−3) 1.3 (−4) 8.4 (−5)
N2D+/N2H+ 0.35 0.03 0.038 0.023 0.039
Table 6 A comparison of abundance ratio measured in W3IRS4 cloud by Helmich and van Dishock (1997) with predictions from our model (4).
Species Observation Our cal. M2
HDS/H2S <9.1 (−2) 1.0 (−3)
HDCO/H2CO <3.8 (−2) 0.02
DCN/HCN <4.3 (−3) 0.001
DNC/HNC 7.1 (−3) 9 (−4)
C2D/C2H 0.045 0.032
CH3OD/CH3OH <7.1 (−2) 0.006

Note: a (−b) stands for a × 10b.

The most important primary reactions to extract deuterium from HD involve ion-neutral isotope exchange reactions:

H 3 + + HD HD + + H 2 ,
CH 3 + + HD CH 2 D + + H 2 ,
C 2 H 2 + + HD C 2 HD + + H 2 ,
where the reaction exoergicities although small – ΔE1/k = 220 K, ΔE2/k = 375 K, ΔE3/k = 550 K – are much larger than the temperatures of cold interstellar clouds. At low temperatures, the reverse reactions do not occur efficiently despite the large abundance of H2. Once formed these deuterated ions can pass on their enhanced deuterium content to other species in chemical reactions (Millar, 2002). In addition to the forward and reverse reaction in (1), H2D+ can be destroyed by metals, by dissociative recombination with electron,
H 2 D + + e H + H + D,
H 2 D + + e H 2 + D,
H 2 D + + e H + HD
with total rate coefficient equal to 6 × 10−8(T/300)−0.5 cm−3 s−1 (Larsson et al., 1996) and by reaction with neutral molecules (CO, N2, H2D).

The reactions for CH2D+ and C2HD+ are similar to that of H2D+, except that each of these ions undergo a radiative association reaction with H2 (Millar et al., 1989; Herbst et al., 1987)

CH 2 D + + H 2 CH 4 D + + photon,
C 2 HD + + H 2 C 2 H 3 D + + photon.

Our calculated ratios for H 2 D + / H 3 , CH 2 D + / CH 3 + and C 2 HD + / C 2 H 2 + are all enhanced at low temperature, but H2D+ is responsible for D/H ratio other than the two molecules. At high temperature H2D+ is rapidly destroyed by H2, so CH2D+ and C2HD+ are responsible for D/H ratio.

Our calculated ratio of C2D/C2H is in agreement with observations of TMC-1 at an early (105 year) time and higher at the steady state (108 year) time. This result is the same as that obtained by Roberts and Millar (2000a). The C2D species is formed by:

C 2 HD + + e C 2 D + H,
C 2 H + D C 2 D + H + 580 K
and is destroyed by
C 2 D + H C 2 H + D.
In model (2) with temperature of 70 K, the neutral–neutral rate coefficient of reaction (8) and dissociative recombination of C2HD+, become more competitive, and fractional abundance of C2D increases. This result agrees with that of Herbst et al. (1987). Also C2D is formed from cosmic ray induced photodissociation of C2HD. At steady state time our calculated C2D/C2H ratio is in agreement with observations of Orion cloud and greater than that obtained by Millar et al. (1989).

As Millar et al. (1989) C2H3D+ is precursor to C2H2D, so the reactions of C+ with C2H2D transfer fractionation to C3-bearing hydrocarbons via

C 2 H 2 D + C + C 3 HD + + H and subsequently to C3D via dissociative recombination. The C3H2 molecule is not transferred easily to the C3HD+ and C3HD is formed as (see Bell et al., 1988);
C 2 HD + C + C 3 D + + H,
C 3 D + + H 2 C 3 H 2 D + + photon,
C 3 H 2 D + + e C 3 HD + H.

Our calculated C3HD/C3H2 ratios in both an early and the steady state times are not in agreement with observation of TMC-1 cloud.

In our model C + 3H3D molecule is formed through the CH2D+ ion, by dissociative recombination of CH 2 DC 2 H 2 + and CH 2 DC 3 H 2 + ions, which are themselves formed from CH2D+ by ion-neutral reactions with small hydrocarbon species like methane or acetylene. C3H3D is destroyed by atomic and molecular ions, primarily H 3 + and He+. Our calculated C3H3D/C3H4 ratios at an early and the steady state time are greater than the lower and upper limit of observations of TMC-1 cloud. This results is the same as that of Roberts and Millar (2000a).

In our model C4D species is formed by the following reactions:

C 4 + + HD C 4 D + + H,
C 4 D + + H 2 C 4 HD + + H,
C 3 HD + + C C 4 HD + + H,
C 4 HD + + e C 4 D + H
and is destroyed by
C 4 D + O C 3 D + CO,
C 4 D + H 3 + C 4 HD + + H 2 ,
C 4 D + HCO + C 4 HD + + CO,
7 C 4 D + H 3 O + C 4 HD + H 2 .
At an early time our calculated C4D/C4H ratio is in agreement with observations of TMC-1 clouds.

The D–N bond begins due to the lower proton (deuteron) affinity of H2D+, which reacts with N2 to form N2D+ species,

H 2 D + + N 2 N 2 D + + H 2 . In addition to reaction (19), D atom can also react with N2H+ to form N2D+
N 2 H + + D N 2 D + + H.
Reaction (20) has an exothermicity of about 550 K (Adams and Smith, 1985). Due to the proton affinity of N2 is very small, so that N2D+ reacts with CH2D+ and C2HD+.

IN our model N2D+/N2H+ ratios are less than the observations of TMC-1 and Orion clouds. This is because at dense clouds N2D+ condense onto grains, i.e. N2 D+is not easily predictable by gas-phase reactions and its value must be predicted through evaporation from the grain (Willacy and Millar, 1998; Millar et al., 1989; Millar, 2002).

After NH3 is formed by the reaction sequence N 2 He + N + 4 H 2 NH 4 + e NH 3 , deuteron transfer reaction forms NH3D+ which can then recombine to give NH2D as;

NH 3 + XD + + NH 3 D + + XH,
NH 3 + + e NH 2 D + H,
where XD+ represents all species capable of transferring a proton or deuteron to NH3, principally H 3 + , N2H+, HCO+ and their deuterated isotopomers. Successive deuteron transfer reaction can lead eventually to NHD2 and ND3 as
NH 2 D + XD + NH 2 D + + + X,
NH 2 D 2 + + e NHD 2 + H,
NHD 2 + XD + NHD 3 + + X,
NHD 3 + + e ND 3 + H,
NHD 3 + + e NHD 2 + D.
From the last reactions (21)–(27) the relative fractional abundances depend on the XD+/XH+ and the branching ratio for dissociative recombination of the deuterated ions.

By assuming the rate coefficients of reactions (26) and (27) are equal, our calculated fractional abundances for ND3 is about 2 × 10−11. This value is greater than that obtained by Rodgers and Charnely (2001) by two times. The abundance of ND3 in our model is in the same order of magnitude as given by Lis et al. (2002) for B1 cloud. From this result we can conclude that ND3 can be detected in L134N cloud.

One species for which time dependence significant is DCO+. The species DCO+ is more readily observable than N2D+, because the abundance of CO is greater than that of N2 in interstellar clouds. So at low temperature the D–C band begins with the reaction:

H 2 D + + CO DCO + + H 2 at an early time. Also DCO+ is formed by:
C + + HDO DCO + + H,
HCO + + D DCO + + H.
At the low temperature and density, the atomic deuterium is very abundant, so reaction (30) proceeds very rapidly and can further enhance the fractionation of DCO+.

At high temperature the abundance of CH4D+ is greater than H2D+, then DCO+ is formed by,

CH 4 D + + CO DCO + + CH 4 . In addition to this reaction, there are significant contributions to DCO+ formation in the reactions
CH 2 D + + O DCO + + H 2 ,
C 2 HD + + O DCO + + CH,
CD + O DCO + + e,
CH 2 D + + O DCO + + H 2 .
The primary of D in dark clouds is the dissociative recombination of DCO+,
DCO + + e CO + D.
Our calculated DCO+/HCO+ ratio is in agreement with observations of TMC-1 cloud at an early time. At the steady state time it is in agreement with observations of Orion and L134N clouds. This result differs than that obtained by Millar et al. (1989) and Millar (2002).

The band between D–C–O begins by the formation of deuterated formaldehyde, HDCO, which is formed from two species derived from CH2D+, CH4D+ and CH2D, via the reactions;

CH 4 D + + O H 2 DCO + + H 2 , followed by dissociative recombination
H 2 DCO + + e HDCO + H,
CH 2 D + + O HDCO + H + .
HDCO also reacts with H 3 + to form H2DCO+ which will then recombine to HDCO. The calculated HDCO/H2CO ratio is in agreement with observations of TMC-1, Orion and W3IRS4 clouds.

Also the band between D–C–N begins by the formation of DCN, which is formed a derivative of CH2D+;

CH 2 D + + e CHD + H,
CHD + + N DCN + H + .
The main derives of DCN at high temperature is the neutral–neutral reactions;
DCO + + N DCN + O,
HCN + + D DCN + H.
We found that the reaction
H + + DCN HCN + + D
can cycle deuterium between the atomic D and the DCN molecule. This result is in agreement with that of Schilke et al. (1992) and Hatchell et al. (1998). As shown in Tables 3, 4 and 6 our calculated DCN/HCN is in agreement with observations of TMC-1, Orion and W3IRS4 clouds.

At the low temperature, the dominant route to deuterated cyanoacetylene, DC3N, formation is thought to be

C 3 H 2 D + + N HD C 3 N + + H followed by
HD C 3 N + + e DC 3 N + H.
At the high temperature, the deuterated acetylene should form deuterated cyanoacetylene through
C 2 HD + CN DC 3 N + H.
DC3N species is only observed in TMC-1 cloud, and our calculated its ratio is in agreement with observations at steady state time.

In our models we have assumed that the species CH3OD is formed from the radiative association reaction

CH 3 + + HDO CH 3 OHD + + photon and
CH 3 OHD + + e CH 3 OD + H.
The HDO species comes from the rapidly exothermic reaction
CH 2 D + + H 2 O CH 3 + HDO.
The calculated CH + 3OD/CH + 3OH ratio in our model differs from observations. This is because, at high densities most molecules condense onto grain; i.e. CH3OH and CH3OD is not easily predictable by gas-phase reaction and their values must be predicted through evaporation from the grains surface (Amin, 1999). Also our calculated ratio for HDO/H2O is small, because the large value must be predicted by shock chemistry (Amin, 2001; Parise et al., 2002).

When we compare our predicted gas-phase abundances with those observed in TMC-1 and W3IRAS4 clouds, only HDCS is in agreement and other species HDS is smaller than observation. In our model after the formation of H2S by the chain; S + H 2 HS + H 2 H 3 S + e H 2 S, (By the last chain the calculated fractional abundance of H2S is small) deuteron transfer reaction forms H2DS+ which then recombine to give HDS as:

H 2 D + + H 2 S H 2 DS + + H 2 ,
H 2 DS + + e HDS + H.
Also DCO+ and H2D+ react with H2CS to form HDCS as;
DCO + + H 2 CS H 2 DCS + + CO,
H 2 D + + H 2 CS H 2 DCS + + CO,
H 2 DCS + + e HDCS + H.


4 Conclusions

With a more extensive chemical network, we made a detailed study of a pseudo-time dependent chemical evolution of deuterium species in different interstellar clouds,TMC-1, Orion, L134N and W3IRS4, with different densities and temperatures. This has been done using different initial elemental abundances and without the temperature dependence of the ion–dipole molecule collisions. We have shown that large abundances of NH2D and NHD2 can be produced by gas phase chemistry in cold dense clouds. Ammonia is deuterated via deuteron transfer from species such as H2D+, DCO+ and N2D+, followed by dissociative recombination. We predict the abundance of ND3 is 2 × 10−11, by a assuming the rate coefficients of reactions NHD 3 + + e ND 3 + H , and NHD 3 + + e NHD 2 + D are equal. So we suggest that triply-deuterated ammonia could be detectable in L134N cloud. We have included the fractionation of sulphur-bearing molecules and found a good agreement with observation for HDCS. The very slow formation rates of HDS in cold gas make this molecule particularly useful in probing regions where grain surface chemistry may be important. Reduction of the initial elemental abundances and high cosmic ray ionization gave us good relative abundances for most of the observed deuterated species in W3IRS4.


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Further reading

  1. , , . Interstellar deuterium chemistry. Philosophical Transactions. 1981;303A(1480):523-533.
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