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Original article
08 2023

Categorization of Arabic posts using Artificial Neural Network and hash features

College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L33AF, UK
California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA 92407, United States
Applied College, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

⁎Corresponding authors. Dhafar.hamed@uoanbar.edu.iq (Dhafar Hamed Abd), abir.hussain@sharjah.ac.ae (Abir Hussain)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Sentiment analysis is an important study topic with diverse application domains including social network monitoring and automatic analysis of the body of natural language communication. Existing research on sentiment analysis has already utilised substantial domain knowledge available online comprising users’ opinion in various areas such as business, education, and social media. There is however limited literature available on Arabic language sentiment analysis. Furthermore, datasets used in majority of these studies have poor classification. In the present study, we utilised a primary dataset comprising 2122 sentences and 15,331 words compiled from 206 publicly available online posts to perform sentiment classification by using advanced machine learning technique based on Artificial Neural Networks. Unlike lexicon-based techniques that suffer from low accuracy due to their computational nature and parameter configuration, Artificial Neural Networks were used to classify people opinion posts into three categories including conservative, reform and revolution, accompanied by multiple hasher vector size to benchmark the performance of the proposed model. Extensive simulation results indicated an accuracy of 93.33%, 100%, and 100% for the classification of conservation, reform, and revolutionary classes, respectively.


Sentiment analysis in Arabic
Artificial neural network
Hashing vectoring
Machine learning in Arabic sentiment

1 Introduction

The use of online resources such as social media, personal blogs, online reviews has gained momentum in recent years (Abd et al., 2020) that allows users to share or present ideas, point of views, and comments with respect to various issues (Abd et al., 2020). Collection and automated analysis of these comments in real settings has recently been an important undertaking. For instance, customers in diverse range of retail business environment could be willing to know other users’ opinions before purchasing a service or product (Medhat et al., 2014). Similarly, industries are utilising the body of collected knowledge based on existing customers’ opinions to improve and adapt their products and services accordingly (Amarouche et al., 2015; Abd et al., 2019).

Generally, the pervasiveness of ideological websites, online social networks, and newspapers has increased significantly in various domains with the analyses of such resources to abstract reasonable information. The method of identifying the orientations from unstructured datasets is recognized by sentiment analysis (SA), sometimes known as sentiment orientation or opinion mining (Abd et al., 2020). It is the classification process that determines if the opinion or sentiment expressed in a statement or article is neutral, negative, or positive. Due to the majority of the datasets being limited to only English, with substantially limited amount of translations to other languages, it is critical to diversify sentiment analysis by including other languages for a wider availability, specifically, with larger audience such as Arabic language. It is noted that Arabic dialectal poses significant challenges in sentiment analysis due to its dissimilarity with English language.

Arabic language is regarded as the world's fifth most widely spoken language with its rich vocabulary exceeding 12 million words (Farghaly and Shaalan, 2009). Existing analysis on Arabic context is minimal when compared to other studies that are carried out on attitudes, opinions, emotions, and other relevant sentiments in English language. Previous studies focused on specific aspect, such as business topics, sports articles, which were classified into the corresponding class. In this study, we used a primary dataset that intends to offer information on Arabic articles compiled and processed from social media, websites, and newspapers, to apply a new orientation recognition of polarity1.

Arabic language required a well-established workflow due to the specific characteristics and language dissimilarities from other languages (Duwairi and El-Orfali, 2014). Highly ambiguous and morphologically complex Arabic language presents numerous challenges for sentiment analysis procedures and Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches (Badaro, 2019). Arabic can be written in a variety of ways, including dialectal and classical representing the language of Islam's sacred book, and modern standard, which is the official language (Biltawi et al., 2016). Despite having a reasonably widespread usage across the globe, Arabic language has a few traits that poses significant challenge for sentiment analysis of other well-studied languages, such as English (Biltawi et al., 2016).

Generally, three separate classification levels are used in sentiment analysis (Liu, 2012) that are conducted at the levels of documents, sentences, and aspect levels. Our work focuses on the document level, with the goal to classify the post opinions. By talking about one article, the entire article is regarded as a basic information item. The goal is to examine articles in order to establish their opinion leanings. The selection was based on reformist, conservative, and revolutionary tendencies which are among those explored in this study.

Based on the document level sentiment analysis, there are further two techniques that include lexicon-based and machine learning (Mitra, 2020). There are several challenges associated with the lexicon-based approaches (2018). For example, lexicon-based methods contain limited words and phrases that express negative and positive emotions. Furthermore, because of word's opposite orientation of different domains using lexicon-based, sentiment categorization is inadequate. Machine learning on the other hand, outperformed lexicon-based strategies according to the parameter's versatility, ease of management, and higher accuracy (Velichkov, 2014; Nakov et al., 2013). These methods analyse the text as collection of words before transformation to numerous characteristics. This is followed by the classification algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

The novelty of the proposed study comprises three distinct aspects as follows:

  • A primary dataset (i.e., corpus) comprising 2122 sentences and 15,331 words acquired from 206 publicly available posts in Arabic-language along with manual annotations is publicly available. In this case, detailed statistical aspects such as source information, overall number of sentences/articles, and punctuation are discussed. Dataset in the present study is divided into three categories including reform, revolution, and conservative. Since the focus of this study is Arabic language, to the authors’ knowledge no other dataset provides such important categorization to Arabic posts

  • Various hasher vector sizes are utilised for the proposed ANNs for optimisation.

  • The application of ANN was used for classifying Arabic sentiment analysis with high accuracy.

The remaining study is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the recent research studies in the field. The suggested model is described in the Section 3. The experimental results and discussions on the outcomes are presented in Section 4. Section 5 contains the conclusion and the future recommendations


2 Related works

Prior research in this field could be classified based on sentiment classification methods including machine learning, lexicon-based, and hybrid method. There are several survey studies such as (Medhat et al., 2014; Balazs and Velásquez, 2016; Ravi and Ravi, 2015; Zhou et al., 2014; Sindhwani and Melville, 2008; Nasukawa and Yi, 2003) summarizing the sentiment analysis (SA) in various perspectives. SA approaches are generally divided into two categories that include machine learning or lexicon-based methods. The machine learning-based methods are further divided into unsupervised knowledge and supervised knowledge.

The application of machine-learning to a dataset comprising the movie critics is presented by Lee et al. (Pang et al., 2002). The application of Support Vector Machines (SVM), maximum entropy, and Nave Bayes (NB) enabled this historic breakthrough. Their portrayal of the reviews came in eight different formats, the simplest of which was shown as a unigram. The most effective representations (set of unigram features) and the most efficient machine learning induction approach (SVM) both had 82.9%accuracy. When utilizing a unigram-based feature representation, their NB classification attained an accuracy of 81%. The work is further extended towards implementation of a review system which reports that the review's objective sentences represent the plot of the film, whilst the subjective sentences express the reviewer's feelings about the story. The system was effective in extracting the most opinionated sentences from the reviews. The system resulted the extracts that are 60% of the original review’s size with an accuracy level comparable to that of the entire text (Pang and Lee, 2004).

An alternative approach is presented by the Hatzivassiloglou et al. (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997), and Turney et al. (Turney and Littman, 2002) that focuses on how to classify the orientation of words rather than entire chapter.

While the aforementioned literature comprises several approaches towards the SA of categorization of Arabic post, these works are limited in several aspects that mainly include: a) limited datasets specifically related to the Arabic contents, b) using only two classes instead of three categories as presented in this study, c) did not using hash vector as feature extraction with different number of features, and d) using ANN with different activation function to compare between them and select the best one. The proposed study instead, presents an intelligent SA of Arabic posts into conservative, revolutionary, and reform while utilising ANN with varying configurations and a larger and diverse corpus (Banan, 2020; Fan, 2020; Chen, 2022).


3 Proposed model

In this study, a new approach based on ANNs with hasher vectors of various sizes was proposed to detect the orientation of the articles in the context of Arabic contents. The proposed study followed the workflow of five stages including: a) primary dataset collection from multiple publicly available sources followed by the manual annotations with three labels (reform, conservative, and revolutionary), b) pre-processing to eliminate unnecessary content, c) feature extraction using multiple sizes of hasher vector, d) implementation of ANNs to classify processed data into three available classes (reform, conservative, and revolutionary), and e) performance evaluation of the trained model over purely unseen instances. Fig. 1 shows the flow of the proposed approach utilizing the standard data science analysis for Arabic text classification in which the data was collected from various sources. Due to the raw and unstructured nature of the available dataset, the first step consisted of text tokenization. Punctuation and stop words were then removed for the normalization and stemming of data, which is critical for sentiment analysis via NLP.

Sequential procedure in the Proposed Model for Arabic Post.
Fig. 1
Sequential procedure in the Proposed Model for Arabic Post.


3.1 Dataset

In this study, we collected raw data with 206 articles from various resources including online blogs, newspapers, and web sites (Abd et al., 2020). Table 1 summarises the dataset used in this work, which is built upon three class labels. Our PAAD (Arabic Articles Dataset) is available for free download from Mendeley repository under an open-source license. The PAAD dataset consists of statistic, description, number of instances, and percentage. Length of post is divided into short, medium, and long these belong to number of words in each post, also present number of sentences belong to each class, additionally show number of token(words) belong to each class, show number of unique token (word) this important for build the hash vector, finally show highest number of tokens belong to each class to see in results which class effect by the number of tokens.

Table 1 The PAAD dataset.
Statistic Description No. of. Instances Percentage (%)
Class Reform 80 38.834
Conservative 58 28.155
Revolutionary 68 33.009
Length post Short ≤150 7.281
Medium ≤250 17.242
Long >250 75.242
Number of sentences Reform 738 34.778
Conservative 511 24.081
Revolutionary 873 41.140
All token Reform 29,607 43.816
Conservative 14,111 20.883
Revolutionary 23,853 35.3
Unique token Reform 6782 44.237
Conservative 3246 21.172
Revolutionary 5303 34.590
Highest posts token Reform 1130 38.124
Conservative 626 21.120
Revolutionary 1208 40.755


3.2 Pre-processing

Pre-processing is a critical step specifically for the primary dataset when collected from various sources (Abd et al., 2019). For the proposed dataset, five steps are utilised which are tokenization, elimination of unwanted words, normalization, removal of stop word, and stemming. Tokenization breaks articles into sequence of words to feed to other steps. Second phase involves the elimination of unwanted words such as English and punctuation. Normalization was applied to standardize the corpus, in other words, this step diacritic and converts alphabetic to other. Table 2 (b) illustrates the conversion of alphabetic to another where we convert nine alphabetic into four alphabetic, all shape of Alph (“إأٱآا”) become as (“ا”), also both alphabetic (“ؤ”) and (“ئ”) become (“ء”) these conversions do not change the meaning of word but help to but different shape of alphabetic in one shape.

Table 2 (a) Example of word cleansing to eliminate the unnecessary diacritics (b) Converting alphabetic.
Arabic name English name Diacritic symbol Keyboard press Arabic example
فتحة Fatha َ Shift + Q بَ
ضمة Damma ُ Shift + E بُ
كسره Kasra ِ Shift + A بِ
السكون Sakon ْ Shift + x بْ
تنوين الكسر tanween kasra ٍ Shift + S بٍ
شده Shada ّ Shift + Q بّ
تنوين الفتح Tanween fatha ً Shift + W بً
تنوين الضم tanween damma ٌ Shift + R بٌ
همزء Hamza ء X بء
Original alphabetic إأٱآا ى ؤ ئ ة
Converting to ا ي ء ء ه

The fourth step consists of eliminating stop words, that is used to remove the token when having the same word in list of stop words. This eliminates the need to remove the word that does not make decision and condensed the vector to improve the performance of the ANN. The final step is stemming, in Arabic language there are two types of stemming which are light stemming, and root stemming, in our work, light stemming is utilized which is description in details here (Abd et al., 2021).


3.3 Feature extraction

In this work, hash vector is used for feature extraction (Hasan et al., 2019) mainly due to their efficiency compared to alternative methods such as bag of words, Term Frequency (TF), and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF). These techniques pose computational challenges due to their nature of analysing complete words. Hash vector has lower memory footprint for the storage of words for analysis as illustrated in Fig. 2. It can extract features from list of articles to convert into matrix of tokens (occurrence). It works by mapping the tokens directly to column in a matrix with a predefined size. Fig. 2 shows an example of hash vector used in the present work. Since, hash vector utilizes smaller vectors, in which more focused words can be selected leading to improved accuracy. In the proposed work, various threshold values were investigated from 50 to 15,000 to determine the best word for Arabic text classification.

Example of hashing vectorization providing idea about hash vector and how it builds the spars matrix used to train our ANN model.
Fig. 2
Example of hashing vectorization providing idea about hash vector and how it builds the spars matrix used to train our ANN model.

There are several challenges when dealing with larger dataset and can be resolved by using hash vector. For instance, (i) larger dataset needs large memory to save vocabulary, (ii) require fit data structure for dataset, (iii) word map require full dataset which is difficult to fit through the classifier, (iv) large vocabulary make learning model very slow, (v) it is difficult to split the vector into sub vocabulary (attributes). To overcome all these limitations, hash vector and count vectorization can be utilised as proposed in this study.


3.4 Methodology

Multiple experiments were conducted using the aforementioned dataset and evaluation metrics to measure the performance of proposed model. The configuration for the ANN is set empirically and summarized in Table3, which is determined through trail and errors.

Table 3 ANN algorithm parameters.
Parameters Value Details
Activation Linear, logistic, relu, tahn These Activation used for hidden layer.
Hidden layer 100 The number of hidden layers.
Number of neurons for each layers 100 The number of neurons in each hidden layer.
Solver Limitedmemory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno(Lbfgs) Lbfgs used for weight optimization when dataset not large, that will be fast and good performance
Alpha 0.0001 Alpha value used for regularization
Learning rate 7 Learning rate for weight updates using (integer number)
Max iteration 200 Number of iterations until training achieved good weights
Random state Random value Initialize random value for weight and bias
Max function 15,000 This number used for loss function. The stop training depends on max iteration or reach loss function number.
Tolerance 1e-4 Tolerance used for enhance loss function.

We partition the dataset into training and testing with 70% and 30% proportions, respectively. Hence, the total articles for training set are (144) articles consisting of 43, 46 and 55 articles for conservative, reform and revolution respectively and for testing set there are (62) articles with15, 22 and 25 articles for conservative, reform and revolution classes, respectively.

To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we used various evaluation metrics that include Accuracy, Recall, F1-score, kappa, and Precision (Abd et al., 2019). Another quality measure is the AUC that provided a relation between true positives and false positives. In this respect, the higher the value of the AUC, the better the algorithm. However, the curve steepness, that determines the maximum of the genuine positive rate while reducing the false positive rate, is equally vital to consider.


3.5 Results and discussions

Various experiments were conducted in which parameter tuning was accomplished by recording an optimal hash vector size from 50 to 15,000 with four activation functions which are (linear, logistic, tanh, and relu). The best model with high accuracy can then be selected. From Table 4, the number (1000) of features showed the best selection with high accuracy of 98.383% for three activation functions (linear, logistic, and tanh). As illustrated in Table 4, logistic activation function showed high accuracy when benchmarked with linear, tanh and Relu functions. Table 5 shows the details for each activation function in which the number of features utilized is (1000).

Table 4 Number of feature selection with four activation function to select best number with best activation function.
No. of
Activation function (Accuracy%) Selection of best activation function
Linear Logistic Tanh Relu
50 80.645 82.258 79.032 80.645 Logistic
100 93.548 90.322 93.548 88.709 Linear and tanh
150 88.7 88.7 88.7 88.7 =
250 93.5 93.5 93.5 91.9 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
400 95.1 95.1 95.1 96.7 Relu
700 91.9 93.5 91.9 91.9 Logistic
1000 98.3 98.3 98.3 96.7 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
1500 96.7 96.7 96.7 96.7 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
2000 96.7 96.7 96.7 95.1 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
2500 95.1 95.1 95.1 93.5 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
3000 95.1 95.1 95.1 96.7 Relu
4000 96.7 96.7 96.7 95.1 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
5000 95.1 95.1 95.1 93.5 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
7000 95.1 95.1 95.1 93.5 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
9000 95.1 95.1 96.7 98.3 Relu
11,000 95.1 95.1 95.1 96.7 Relu
12,000 96.7 96.7 96.774 98.3 Relu
15,000 96.7 96.7 96.7 95.1 Linear, Logistic, and tanh
Table 5 Performance evaluation of proposed classification model (conservative, reform, revolutionary).
Activation function Metric evaluation Class (%)
Conservative Reform Revolutionary
Linear Precision 100 0.96 100
Recall 0.93 100 100
F-score 0.97 0.98 100
AUC 100 100 100
Accuracy 93.33 100 100
Logistic Precision 100 0.96 100
Recall 0.93 100 100
F-score 0.97 0.98 100
AUC 0.98 0.98 100
Accuracy 93.33 100 100
Tanh Precision 100 0.96 100
Recall 0.93 100 100
F-score 0.97 0.98 100
AUC 100 100 100
Accuracy 93.33 100 100
Relu Precision 100 0.93 100
Recall 0.93 100 0.95
F-score 0.97 0.96 0.98
AUC 100 100 100
Accuracy 93.33 100 93.33

Model performance was evaluated using well established metrics based on AUC, Recall, F-score, and precision as illustrated in Table 5. AUC at linear, tanh, and relu achieved high value (100%). Recall metric at conservative label for all activation functions achieved similar performance (i.e., 93%). For reform label, all activation functions achieved similar performance (i.e., 100%). For the revolutionary label, (linear, logistic, and tanh achieved same accuracy (100%) while relu function achieved 95%. The precision metric for conservative and revolutionary labels is similar (100%) for all activation functions while for reform label, linear, logistic, and tanh achieved 96%. In terms of F-score, revolutionary label achieved higher value (%100) than other labels (conservative and reform) using three activation functions which are linear, logistic, and tanh. The Kappa value for Relu function was of 0.95 relatively lower than the same reported value of 0.97 for Linear, Logistic and Tanh.

The kappa metric was used to evaluate proposed model for each activation function. This metric can provide details about the proposed classification technique reliability. It can be noticed that e linear, logistic, and tanh achieved higher value (97.52%) and for relu achieved (95.03%). Fig. 3 shows the learning rate for activation function with size 1000 for feature extraction.

Learning rate using four activation functions for size 1000 feature extraction.
Fig. 3
Learning rate using four activation functions for size 1000 feature extraction.

The precision and recall for each label (conservative and revolutionary) using all activation functions achieved 100%, where reform label for all activation function achieved 0.99%. As shown in Table 4, three activation functions work very well when the number of features to build hash vector is small, these functions are linear, logistic, and tanh achieving high accuracy at number (1000). Relu activation function works better than other activation functions when the number of features is high as seen in Table 4 with the number of features at (9000 and 12000) achieved accuracy higher than other around (98.3%). Table 5 indicates that the reform and conservative classes outperform for all activation functions. On the other side, revolutionary class performs better for three activation function which are (linear, logistic, and tanh) with (100% accuracy) while comparatively lower for the relu (0.95%). Precision metric for revolutionary and conservative label achieved higher value for all activation function. Finally, the best label performance from the proposed model is achieved for the revolutionary label (100%) for all metrics and activation functions.

Likewise, the best performing activation functions are logistic, linear, and tanh indicating over 90% accuracy for all labels. Table 6 shows the accuracy of our proposed model for 10 folds using four activation functions and best 1000 features.

Table 6 K-fold 10 with four activation functions.
Activation function Accuracy Recall Precession F-score ROC-AUC
Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std
Linear 0.937 0.064 0.937 0.064 0.95 0.045 0.934 0.073 0.993 0.016
Logistic 0.937 0.064 0.927 0.034 0.949 0.041 0.934 0.07 0.992 0.018
Tanh 0.937 0.064 0.937 0.064 0.95 0.045 0.934 0.073 0.993 0.015
Relu 0.942 0.052 0.942 0.052 0.954 0.036 0.94 0.056 0.994 0.015

In our work we utilized accuracy, precession, recall, f-score, and ROC-AUC with two statistic metrics which are mean and standard deviation (STD). As it can be shown from Table 6, with 10 K-fold, the model achieved good accuracy and 0.064 using the standard deviation. This means that activation functions (linear, logistic, Tanh) can provide high accuracy.

Table 7 shows the benchmark with various techniques available in the literature. As it can be shown, our proposed solution indicated improved accuracy for light steaming.

Table 7 Benchmark with the available works in the –literature.
Ref objective data/methd accuracy limitation
(Al-Radaideh and Al-Khateeb, 2015) Categorize medical Arabic document in disease class Using set of associative
90.6 Not opinion Arabic post
(Abooraig et al., 2018) Categorize resources into Arab nationalist, Islamic Shia, socialist, liberal, and brotherhood Using Bag of Words (BOW) and machine learning 90.17 Not categorize science in three class as we did
(Al-Radaideh and Al-Abrat, 2019) categorize Arabic text into (Art,

Economy, Health, Law, Literature, Religion, Sport, and
Using rough set theory with Term frequency – inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) 94 Not opinion Arabic
(Abd et al., 2019) Classify Arabic article Support vector machine with TF-IDF 95.161 Low accuracy and time consuming because use SVM
(Abd et al., 2019) Classify Arabic documents Four different nave bayes with Term Frequency (TF) feature extraction 96.77 Word order information is lost in TF
(Alwan et al., 2021) Categories Arabic article Using rough set theory with lexicon and five grams. Best accuracy with unigram 85.483
Low accuracy
(Abd et al., 2020) Classify Arabic articles Using Decision Tree (DT) and KNearest Neighbor (KNN) with TF DT = 87.096
KNN = 77.419
Both algorithms are low accuracy
Propsoed model Categorize Arabic post Using hash vector with four activation function in ANN 98.3 Using only light stemming, in feature use root stemming

As it can be noted, there are various techniques available in the literature for Arabic text classification including SVM (Abd et al., 2019), KNN (Alwan et al., 2021), decision trees (Abd et al., 2020), and Rough set theory (Alwan et al., 2021), our proposed method utilized smaller feature set with 1000 words which provided improved computational complexity and memory utilization as well as accuracy.


4 Conclusions

This study presents an automated categorization approach for Arabic posts using ANN and a primary dataset acquired from various online sources. The experimental outcomes showed that an artificial neural network classifier is able to classify Arabic posts into three categories {conservative, reform, revolutionary}. Our goal was to interrogate the impact of the size of PAAD dataset on model classification accuracy and efficiency by accompanying hash vectors with ANN model. Utilizing hash vector with various transfer functions including linear, logistic, tanh, and sigmoid activation functions provided reasonable accuracy of ∼ 98.3 % with size vector of 1000.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Appendix A

Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksus.2023.102733.

Appendix A

Supplementary material

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

Supplementary data 1

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