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Original article
32 (
); 2950-2961

Calibration under measurement errors

Department of Mathematics & Computing, Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Dhanbad 826004, Jharkhand, India

⁎Corresponding author. vishwagk@rediffmail.com (Gajendra K. Vishwakarma)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


The calibration technique is the process of adjusting weights for the better enhancement of the estimate of the population parameters using auxiliary information. In this manuscript, we have proposed ratio and regression type calibration estimators for the population mean under both correlated and uncorrelated measurement errors. The variances of the proposed calibrated estimators to the first order approximation are obtained and compared their efficiencies. A Monte Carlo simulation study has been carried out to show the effect of measurement errors on the proposed calibrated estimators.


Calibration estimation
Measurement errors
Monte Carlo

1 Introduction

The sample survey literature mainly comprised of estimating the population characteristics of the study variable using associated auxiliary information, the characteristics are closely related to the study variable and enhances our estimators for better efficiency. In this regard ratio, product and regression methods are good examples. This theory based on auxiliary information is further extended by using two or more than two auxiliary variables such as chain-type ratio cum regression, a linear combination of two auxiliary variables, etc. to estimate and enhance the estimator for better efficiency. These estimation procedures based on auxiliary information or merely on study variable presumed that all the data is free from error (without measurement errors). In the actual scenario, we never meet such ideality, that is the data is contaminated with or have hidden measurements error due to various kind of reasons, (see Cochran (1968) and Murthy (1967)). Measurement error is nothing, but a difference between the actual value and observed value. This can be revealed only when the measurement process is repeated or responses are compared to a gold standard (true value). There are many authors like Biemer and Stokes (1991), Shalabh (1997), Manisha and Singh (2001), Maneesha and Singh (2002), Carroll et al. (2006), Fuller (1987), Gregoire and Salas (2009) and Kumar et al. (2011) have given the estimation procedures for the population characteristics under the measurement errors. There is a different concern that measurement errors have presented in both the study and auxiliary variable are uncorrelated. When the same surveyor or researchers are collecting information on both study and auxiliary variable with the measurement errors then there may be a correlation between measurement errors on both study and auxiliary variable. This correlated measurement errors may arise due to hidden biased tendencies of the surveyor or researchers and can affect the estimators in many ways (see Shalabh and Tsai, 2017). While dealing with sample surveys, you may face a heterogeneous population then it is convenient to use stratified sampling than to simple random sampling. In stratified sampling, we divide the heterogeneous population into homogeneous strata that enhances our estimator for better efficacy than to simple random sampling. Here, the auxiliary information is used at the estimation stages in stratified sampling to estimating the population means. As an illustration of stratified sampling, you may see Vishwakarma and Singh (2012), and Tailor et al. (2014) of estimation procedure for the means in stratified sampling.

The statisticians are always keen to find out or employ some new technique for better precision of their proposed estimators. Calibration approach is one of them for the stratified random sampling which provides better precision for the estimators using calibration weight. It is the technique of adjusting weights for estimating population characteristics associated with characteristics based on auxiliary information as constraints. The calibration technique firstly was proffered by Deville and Sarndal (1992) which minimize the distance function (chi-square) associated with constraints. The calibration approach for the combined generalized linear regression estimator (GREG) also was made known by Singh et al. (1998). Similarly, in the reference of this, many authors like Singh (2001), Tracy et al. (2003), Kim et al. (2007), Singh and Arnab (2011), Singh (2012), Singh (2013), Clement and Enang (2015), Sinha et al. (2017), Rao et al. (2017), Singh et al. (2019), Alka et al. (2019) and, Garg and Pachori (2019) have proposed different calibration approach for estimating the population characteristics associated to different calibration constraints based on auxiliary information.

Consider a finite population U=1,.....,N, for estimating the population characteristics of the variable of matter y (known to sample only) associated with auxiliary variable x, which is known to the whole population. Let u* be the set of samples of size n drawn without replacement from a population set with some probabilistic sampling having inclusion probability πi=p(iu). In the support of the estimators and for the efficient estimation of the population characteristics Y=iNyi, Deville and Sarndal (1992) firstly have proposed calibration estimator of the population characteristics Y, which is established as Ŷc=iupiyi, where pi’s are the calibration weights chosen to minimize their average distance from the basic design weights di utilized in Horvitz-Thompson estimator and equal to 1/πi. The Horvitz-Thompson estimator is as

ŶHT=iudiyiassociated with the constraint iupixi=X, where X is the population characteristics of the auxiliary variables. The distance measure is mostly in the chi-square form which is as
where qi’s is the positive value could be chosen suitably to estimators and also unrelated to di. Hence the resulting calibration estimator can be given as
where B̂=iudiqix¯i2-1iudiqix¯iy¯i, ŶHT and X̂HT are the Horvitz-Thompson estimators. The calibrated estimator Ŷc is generalized by chosen different form of φ associated with the different type of constraints (See Singh et al. (1998), Singh (2003) and Tracy et al (2003)).

Further, the impact of measurement errors ridden data on the statistical properties of the estimators of parameters like population mean and population variance, cannot be avoided in the estimation until proper care is not taken. For example, in a satellite launching, the let study variable be the path reading of the satellite and speed of the satellite be the auxiliary characteristics. Second, in a vaccine testing, let study variable be the efficacy of the vaccine and time given to preparing a vaccine be the auxiliary characteristics. If there are any measurement errors then in a satellite launching mission, mission may fail or in a vaccine testing, vaccine could be pestilent. Similarly, in a making or testing of destructive bombs, in a dog fight of fighter plane or in any others exterminatory elements, measurements errors can’t be ignored, because “a miss is as good as a mile”.

We have used some existing basic calibration estimation and the major disadvantages of this existing research is that it doesn’t count seriousness of the measurement errors. To tackle this seriousness or problems along with the variation of measurement errors. In this manuscript, we have explained the calibration technique under both correlated and uncorrelated measurement errors in stratified random sampling to examine the effect of measurement errors on the proposed estimators under different calibration weights. Here, we have described proposed estimators under two different calibration weights, in the first case, it reduced to ratio form and while in the second case it reduced to regression form. A simulation study is conducted to examine the properties of proposed estimators under both cases in measurement errors (correlated and uncorrelated) and without measurements errors in stratified sampling. Also, the efficiency comparisons have been given to examine the precision of the proposed estimators under measurements errors in stratified sampling using different calibration weights over unbiased estimator in stratified sampling. The effect of the measurement errors has given as percentage contribution of measurement errors (PCME). Further, this manuscript followed by as: proposed calibration estimators are given in Section 2, Section 3 consists of efficiency comparisons, Section 4 describes the compilation of simulation study, Section 5 describes the discussion and Section 6 mention the conclusions and further study.


2 Proposed ratio and regression type calibrated estimators under measurement errors

Let us consider a finite heterogeneous population of size N, partitioned into L non-overlapping strata of sizes Nh, h = 1,2, …, L, where h=1LNh=N. Let ywehj,xwehj be the pair of observed values instead of true pair values ythj,xthj of the study character y and the auxiliary character x respectively of the jth unit j=1,2,...,Nh in the hth stratum. Also, let ywehj,xwehj be the pair of values on y,x drawn from the hth stratum j=1,2,...,nh;h=1,2,...,L. It is familiar that in stratified random sampling an unbiased estimator of the population means μweY=h=1LWhμweYh,μweX=h=1LWhμweXh,μtY=h=1LWhμtYh, μtX=h=1LWhμtXh;Wh=NhN of the variable y and x are given by y¯west=h=1LWhy¯weh,x¯west=h=1LWhx¯weh and y¯tst=h=1LWhy¯th, x¯tst=h=1LWhx¯th, where y¯weh=1nhj=1nhywehj, x¯weh=1nhj=1nhxwehj, and y¯weh=1nhj=1nhywehj, x¯weh=1nhj=1nhxwehj are the sample mean of hth stratum of observed value and true value, and μweYh=1Nhj=1NhYwehj,μweXh=1Nhj=1NhXwehj and μtYh=1Nhj=1NhYthj,μtXh=1Nhj=1NhXthj are the population mean of hthstratum of the observed and true value. Let the observational errors be uhj=xwehj-xthj,vhj=ywehj-ythj, which are normally distributed with mean zero and variances σuh2 and σvh2 respectively. Also let ρtXhYh be the population correlation coefficient between Yt and Xt in hth stratum. For simplicity in exposition, assume that the variables uhj and vhj are correlated with correlation coefficient ρUhVh as (ythj, xthj) are correlated. The usual mean estimator and its variance under measurement error are given by

where σweYh2=1Nh-1j=1NhYwehj-μ¯weYh2=σtYh2+σVh2=1Nh-1j=1NhYthj-μ¯tYh2+1Nh-1j=1NhVhj-V¯h2 is the hth stratum population variance. the unbiased estimate of this variance σwest2 can be written as
where σ̂weyh2=1nh-1j=1nhywehj-y¯weh2=σtyh2+σvh2=1nh-1j=1nhythj-y¯th2+1nh-1j=1nhvhj-v¯h2 is the hth stratum sample variance, V¯h0U¯h, μ¯tYh, y¯th, u¯h and v¯h are population stratum mean, sample stratum mean and sample mean of the errors.

To obtaining the expression up to first degree of approximation, we have defined some error terms are given by as:

eh0=y¯weh-μtYhμtYh,eh1=x¯weh-μtXhμtXh are such that Eeh0=0=Eeh1 with Eeh02=1nhCtYh2+CVh2,

Eeh12=1nhCtXh2+CUh2 and Eeh0eh1=1nhρtXYhCtXhCtYh+ρUVhCUhCVh. Where CtYh=σtYhμtYh,CtXh=σtXhμtXh and CVh=σVhμtYh,CUh=σUhμtXh.

Thus, variance of the estimator up to first order of approximation is given by:

Vy¯^west=h=1LWh2μtYh2CtYh2+CVh2nhwhich is same as in Eq. (5). Now, we are going to define new proposed calibration estimators instead of (y¯^west) under measurement errors, here calibration estimators are as
  • Case 1: Ratio form

The estimator based on Kim et al. (2007) for the population mean in stratified random sampling under measurement errors with new calibration weight Wh is given as

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯wehwhere Wh are chosen such that the chi-square-type distance function
is minimized associated to constraint
where Qh provide form of calibration estimator and can be arbitrary chosen.

Then we have the following theorem

Theorem 1

A calibrated estimator for the population mean under measurement errors along with calibrated weight Wh is given by:

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯h+β̂weh=1LWhμweXh-x¯hwhere β̂we=h=1LQhWhx¯wehy¯weh/h=1LQhWhx¯weh2 and h=1LWhx¯h=h=1LWhμweXh withx¯weh=x¯th+u¯h,y¯weh=y¯th+v¯h,μweXh=μtXh,μweYh=μtYh


By defining λa as Lagrange multiplier, and from Eqs. (8)–(10), we have Lagrange function as


Differentiating ϕ1 in Eq. (12) with respect to calibration weight Wh and equating to equal to 0, we have


Multiplying above Eq. (13) by x¯weh on both side and taking summation we have

h=1LWhx¯weh=h=1LWhx¯weh+λah=1LQhWhx¯weh2solving above Eq. (14), we have Lagrange multiplier as
and by putting the value of λa in Eq. (13), we have calibrated weight as
and hence from Eqs. (8) and (16), we have calibrated estimator as
finally, new estimator under calibration weight Wh can be written as

Also, setting Qh=x¯weh-1, we get combined ratio estimator in stratified random sampling under measurement errors as

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯weh/h=1LWhx¯wehμweX, hence ratio form.

Theorem 2

The variance of the estimator y¯^west under measurement errors, to the first order approximation is given by:



From the Eq. (8), we have

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯weh and


From Eq. (16) we have

Wh=Wh+QhWhx¯wehh=1LQhWhx¯weh2h=1LWhx¯weh-h=1LWhx¯wehand also, from Eq. (10) we have

h=1LWhx¯weh=h=1LWhμweXh=μweX=μtX, so, we have Eq. (21) as following


On setting Qh=x¯weh-1 in Eq. (22), we have new weight as

Wh=WhμtXh=1LWhx¯weh=WhμtXx¯west=WhμtXx¯tst, since, now substituting this W in Eq. (20),

We have variance of the calibrated estimator y¯^west as following

Vy¯^west=μtXhx¯tst2h=1LWh2μtYh2CtYh2+CVh2nh, which proves the theorem 2.

Lemma 1

The variance of the estimator y¯^west without measurement errors, to the first order approximation is given by:



From the theorem 2, we have variance of the estimator y¯^west under measurement errors as followingVy¯^west=μtXhx¯tst2h=1LWh2μtYh2CtYh2+CVh2nh

If there are no measurement errors then in the expression of the variance of the estimator y¯^west, the coefficient of variation CVh will be zero and the variance of the estimator y¯^west will be now as following

Vy¯^west=Vy¯^west=μtXhx¯tst2h=1LWh2μtYh2CtYh2nh this proves lemma1.

Lemma 2

The variance of the estimator y¯^west under measurement errors, to the first order approximation has greater variance than to variance of the estimator y¯^west without measurement errors:



From the theorem 2 and lemma 1, the variance of the estimator y¯^west under measurement errors in Eq. (19) can be expressed as following


That is Vy¯^west>Vy¯^tst, hence the proof of the lemma 2.

  • Case 2: Regression form

Again, we are considering here new estimator, and this estimator based on Sinha et al. (2017) for the population mean in stratified random sampling under measurement errors along with weight Wh and is given by:

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯wehwhere Wh are chosen such that the chi-square-type distance
is minimized s. to c.
Theorem 3

A calibrated estimator for the population mean under measurement errors along with calibrated weight Wh is given by:

y¯^west=h=1LWhy¯weh+β̂weh=1LWhμtXh-x¯wehwhere β̂we=h=1LQhWhx¯wehy¯wehh=1LQhWh-h=1LQhWhy¯wehh=1LQhWhx¯wehh=1LQhWhh=1LQhWhx¯weh2-h=1LQhWhx¯weh2


By defining λb and λc as Lagrange multiplier, and from Eqs. (26) to (28), we have Lagrange function as


Differentiating ϕ2 in Eq. (30) with respect to calibration weight Wh and equating to equal to 0, we have

Wh=Wh1+λbQhx¯h+λcQhthe following equations are obtained solving above Eq. (31) by multiplying x¯weh and over summation
by substituting the h=1LWhx¯weh=h=1LWhμweXh, h=1LWh=h=1LWh=1 and solving Eqs. (32) and (33), we haveλb=h=1LQhWhh=1LWhμweXh-h=1LWhx¯weh/h=1LQhWhh=1LQhWhx¯weh2-h=1LQhWhx¯weh2λc=-h=1LQhWhx¯wehh=1LWhμweXh-h=1LWhx¯weh/h=1LQhWhh=1LQhWhx¯weh2-h=1LQhWhx¯weh2putting both the value of λb and λc in Eq. (31), we have new calibration weight as
and the new estimator under calibration weight Wh can be written as
β̂we=h=1LQhWhx¯wehy¯wehh=1LQhWh-h=1LQhWhy¯wehh=1LQhWhx¯wehh=1LQhWhh=1LQhWhx¯weh2-h=1LQhWhx¯weh2hence, proves the theorem 3. Also, when we put the value Qh=1 in Eq. (35) then we have calibrated estimator in the regression form as

The estimator in Eq. (35) has another form is given by:

y¯^west1=h=1LWhy¯weh+βweh=1LWhμweXh-x¯wehwhere is a constant to be determined such that the variance of the estimator y¯^west is minimum. The regression coefficient β̂we is considered as consistent estimator of βwe. Therefore, the variance of the calibrated estimator y¯^west under measurement errors, up to first order approximation, is asymptotically equivalent to the variance of the estimator y¯^west (see Salinas et al., 2019).

Theorem 4

The variance of the calibrated estimator y¯^west under correlated measurement errors, to the first order approximation is given by:



From the Eq. (37) and following the approach of Koyuncu and Kadilar (2014), and Salinas et al. (2019), we have variance of the estimator y¯^west as


To obtaining the optimum value of for the minimum variance of the estimator y¯^west, we are differentiating Vy¯^west along with Eq. (39) with respect to equating it equal to zero, that is Vy¯^westβwe=0, we have


Putting the value of from the Eq. (40) in Vy¯^west along with Eq. (39), we have minimum variance of the calibrated estimator y¯^west1 asVy¯^west1min=h=1LWh2μtYh2nhCtYh2+CVh2-ρtXYhCtXhCtYh+ρUVhCUhCVh2CtXh2+CUh2hence the proof of the theorem 4.

Lemma 3

The variance of the estimator y¯^west1 under uncorrelated measurement errors, to the first order approximation is given by:


From the theorem 4, we have variance of the estimator y¯^west1 under correlated measurement errors as followingVy¯^westmin=h=1LWh2μtYh2nhCtYh2+CVh2-ρtXYhCtXhCtYh+ρUVhCUhCVh2CtXh2+CUh2

If there are uncorrelated measurement errors then in the expression of the variance of the estimator y¯^west1, the correlation coefficient ρUVh will be zero and the variance of the estimator y¯^west1 will be now as following

Vy¯^west1min=h=1LWh2μtYh2nhCtYh2+CVh2-ρtXYhCtXhCtYh2CtXh2+CUh2 this proves lemma3.

Lemma 4

The variance of the estimator y¯^west1 without measurement errors, to the first order approximation is given by:


From the theorem 4, we have variance of the estimator y¯^west1 under correlated measurement errors as following


If there are no measurement errors then in the expression of the variance of the estimator y¯^west1, the correlation coefficient ρUVh and coefficient of variations CUh,CVh will be zero, and the variance of the estimator y¯^west1 will be now as following

Vy¯^west1min=Vy¯^tst1min=h=1LWh2μtYh2CtYh2nh1-ρtXYh2 this proves lemma3.

The expression for variance in lemma 4 of Eq. (42), is a variance of the classical linear regression under stratified sampling when there are no measurement errors. Similarly, the calibrated estimator y¯^west1 from the Eq. (36) under measurement errors will be classical linear regression estimator under stratified sampling if there are no measurement errors. Therefore, this also shows that the variance of the estimator y¯^west1 from the Eq. (37) will be equivalent to the variance of the estimator y¯^west1 from the Eq. (36) under both correlated and uncorrelated measurements errors. That is

Lemma 5

The variance of the estimator y¯^west1 under measurement errors, to the first order approximation has greater variance than to variance of the estimator y¯^west1 without measurement errors


From the lemma 3 and lemma 4, the variance of the estimator y¯^west1 under measurement errors in Eq. (41) can be expressed as following


That is Vy¯^west1>Vy¯^tst1, hence the proof of the lemma 5.


3 Efficiency comparisons

In this section, we are giving efficiency comparisons of the calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west1 over unbiased estimator y¯^west under measurement errors.

  1. Vy¯^west<Vy¯^west iff

from the Eqs. (19) and (7), the variance of the estimator y¯^west can also be expressed as following

Vy¯^west=μtXhx¯tst2Vy¯^west i.e.


Since μtXhx¯tst2=1-2μtXh-1x¯tst-μtXh-3μtXh-1x¯tst-μtXh2-OPnh-3/2 see Kim et al. (2007). It is clear from Eq. (46) Vy¯^west<Vy¯^west.

  1. Vy¯^westmin<Vy¯^west iff

from the Eqs. (38), (7) and (48), we have following expression
which is always true.

Hence, the calibrated estimators y¯^westy¯^west1 and y¯^west1 theoretically have shown supremacy over unbiased estimator y¯^west under measurement errors.


4 Simulation study

To examine the merit of the proposed calibrated estimators under measurement errors, we have conducted Monte-Carlo simulation study (see Shalabh and Tsai 2017, ). The simulation study is conducted through using R studio. We have drawn heterogeneous strata of the sizes N1=150,N2=90 and N3=120 with the total population N=450. The different sizes of strata are drawn from a 4-variate multivariate normal distribution with means μtXh,μtYh,0,0 and covariance matrixσtXh2ρtXYhσtXhσtYh00ρtXYhσtXhσtYhσtYh20000σUh2ρUVhσUhσVh00ρUVhσUhσVhσVh2where h = 1, 2, and 3 for the different strata with the details of the combination of the parameters. Which are given below as:

μtX1,μtX2,μtX3=94,88,91,μtY1,μtY2,μtY3=99,92,97,μtY1,μtY2,μtY3=99,92,97,σtX12,σtX22,σtX32=37.07,35.76,31.23,σtY12,σtY22,σtY32=33.59,36.47,34.90,ρtXY1,ρtXY2,ρtXY3=0.9,0.5,0.7, for all possible combination we have σU12=σU22=σU32=0,1,2,3,σV12=σV22=σV32=0,1,2,3 and the correlation coefficient for the correlated and uncorrelated measurement errors are as given following ρUV1=ρUV2=ρUV3=0.9,0.7,0.5,0.0,-0.5,-0.7,-0.9. Similarly, for heterogeneous case are given by as ρUV1,ρUV2,ρUV3=0.5,0.7,0.9&-0.5,-0.7,-0.9.

Further, we have drawn samples n1=50, n2=30 and n3=40 from each stratum with the total sample n=120. The values of the means, estimated variances, relative efficiencies and percentage contribution of the measurement error are computed based on 5000 replications and are represented in the Tables 1–3 or by graphs in Figs. 1 and 2, see Appendix A. The relative efficiencies (RE) and percentage contribution of the measurement error (PCME) are defined respectively as

where V0 are the variances when there are no measurement errors, Vm are the variances when there are measurement errors and * = y¯^west, y¯^west andy¯^west.

Note: For the convenient of the graphical representation, the estimators y¯^west, y¯^west and y¯^west are represented by y, y1 and y2 respectively in all Figs. 1 and 2.


5 Discussion

To analyze the contribution of measurement errors, we have obtained two proposed calibration estimators y¯^west and y¯^west with their respective variances to the first order approximation under measurement errors. The two calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west are stated in theorem 1 and 3, and their respective variances are stated in theorem 3 and 4. Lemma 1 and lemma 4 state the variances of the calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west without measurement errors and in lemma 3, the variance of the calibrated estimator y¯^west under uncorrelated measurement errors have shown. Lemma 2 and lemma 5 have shown that the variances of the calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west have greater variances than to the respective same estimators under without measurement errors. Theoretically, lemma 2 and 5 have shown that there is contribution of measurement errors (correlated and uncorrelated). Also, in section 3, we have shown the supremacy of the calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west over mean per unit estimator y¯^west under measurement errors through the efficiency comparisons.

Thus, theoretically we have shown the aim of the study but for more analytical study, we have conducted a simulation study in Section 4. The results are shown in Tables 1–3 as a numerical and as a graphical in Figs. 1 and 2. We can see in the Tables 1–3, the relative efficiency of the proposed calibrated estimators y¯^west and y¯^west are greater than mean per unit estimator y¯^west under measurement errors. Also, we have represented combination of data in Figs. 1 and 2 along with data level. The Figs. 1 and 2 represent the results with changing values of the correlation coefficient of the measurement errors. We can see from Figs. 1 and 2, the relative efficiency of the proposed calibrated estimators over mean per unit estimator have increased with the increasing values of the positive homogeneous correlation coefficient and have decreased with the increasing values of the negative homogeneous correlation coefficient of the measurement errors. Alike homogeneous correlation coefficient of the measurement errors, heterogeneous case has also shown the same pattern for the relative efficiency of the proposed calibrated estimators.

Theoretically, lemma 2 and 5 have shown that there is contribution of measurement errors (correlated and uncorrelated) and numerically, we have calculated as percentage contribution of measurement errors (PCME) through simulation study. We can see from the Tables 1 and 3 or from the Figs. 1 and 2, the PCME of the proposed calibrated estimators under measurement errors are increasing or decreasing with same pattern. In all the Tables 1–3 or in Figs. 1 and 2, we can see the PCME of the calibrated estimators are increasing with the increased variability of the measurement errors. In Tables 1, the proposed calibrated estimators have high values of PCME for all the cases of the uncorrelated measurement errors, that is the proposed estimators are highly affected by the measurement errors. Also, in heterogeneous correlated measurement errors case, the proposed estimators are highly affected by the measurement errors for all the variability cases of the measurement errors, But, for the positive correlated measurement errors cases not much affected. In Table 2, the proposed estimators are not much highly affected by measurement errors except in the case σUh2=2,σVh2=2 and σUh2=3,σVh2=3 for which the calibrated estimators have high values of PCME. While, in Table 3, the proposed estimators are highly affected by measurement errors for all possible correlation coefficient and variability of the measurement errors due to high values of the PCME.

In Figs. 1 and 2, the effect of measurement errors is represented with the changing values of the correlation coefficient of the measurement errors. We can see from Figs. 1 and 2, the PCME of the proposed estimators are decreasing with increased values of the positive correlation coefficient of the measurement errors and are increasing with increased values of the negative correlation coefficient of the measurement errors. Even, the PCME of the proposed estimators are high in the case of negative correlation coefficient of the measurement errors. This shows the proposed calibrated estimators are highly affected by the measurement errors than to all cases when the negative correlation coefficient of the measurement errors is observed.


6 Conclusions and further study

In this manuscript, we have proposed calibrated estimators in stratified sampling under both the correlated and uncorrelated measurement errors. The proposed calibrated estimators have shown superiority over usual mean estimator under all the cases of measurement errors and also when there are no measurement errors by theoretically as well as numerically. To examine the effect of measurement errors, we have calculated percentage contribution of measurement error (PCME) and we found that the PCME of the calibrated estimators are increasing with increased variability of the measurement errors presented in both the study and auxiliary variables. Also, the PCME of the calibrated estimators decreases with the positive increment of correlation coefficient of the measurement errors concerning to when there is no correlation in the measurement errors of the both variables. While, the PCME of the calibrated estimators increases with the negative increment of the correlation coefficient of the measurement errors concerning to when there is no correlation in both the variables of the measurement errors. The calibrated estimators are highly affected by the measurement errors when the correlation coefficient in the measurement errors of the both variables are negative. A proper care should be taken in those cases where proposed estimators are highly affected by the measurement errors and specially for negative correlation coefficient of the measurement errors.

A further study can be done by applying different estimators on a calibration estimator having a calibration weight subject to fix single constraint (mean or variance), as in Eqs. (9) and (10) (see Kim et al. (2007), Clement (2017)). Second, by applying a calibration weight subject to many constraints (see Koyuncu and Kadilar (2014), Clement (2018) and Salinas et al. (2019)).


7 Disclosure of any funding to the study

No funding to carry this research work and APC.


Authors are hearty thankful to Editor-in-Chief Professor Omar Al-Dossary and three anonymous learned reviewers for their valuable comments which have made substantial improvement to bring the original manuscript to its present form.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Appendix A

Table 1 Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator for uncorrelated and heterogeneous correlations cases.
Estimators ρuv1=ρuv2=ρuv3=0.0, σUh2=2,σVh2=2
y¯^west V RE PCME
y¯west 79.3 0.201 1.00 0
79.2 0.111 1.82 0
y¯west 79.2 0.110 1.83 0
σUh2=1,σVh2=1 σUh2=2,σVh2=2 σUh2=3,σVh2=3
y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME
y¯west 79.3 0.209 1.00 4.125 79.4 0.217 1.00 7.826 79.4 0.224 1.00 11.46
y¯west 79.4 0.123 1.71 10.90 79.5 0.135 1.61 21.60 79.6 0.146 1.53 32.29
y¯west 79.4 0.122 1.72 10.75 79.5 0.133 1.63 21.39 79.6 0.145 1.54 32.02
y¯west 79.3 0.209 1.00 4.183 79.4 0.216 1.00 7.502 79.3 0.236 1.00 17.30
y¯west 79.3 0.116 1.81 4.558 79.3 0.120 1.81 8.173 79.2 0.131 1.80 18.19
y¯west 79.3 0.115 1.82 4.514 79.3 0.119 1.82 8.100 79.2 0.130 1.81 18.38
y¯west 79.3 0.205 1.00 1.983 79.3 0.221 1.00 9.909 79.2 0.216 1.00 7.586
y¯west 79.2 0.130 1.58 17.55 79.3 0.164 1.35 48.11 79.3 0.173 1.25 56.09
y¯west 79.2 0.129 1.59 17.48 79.3 0.162 1.36 48.04 79.3 0.171 1.26 55.95
Table 2 Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator for positive correlations.
Estimators ρuv1=ρuv2=ρuv3=0.5,
σUh2=1,σVh2=1 σUh2=2,σVh2=2 σUh2=3,σVh2=3
y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME
y¯west 79.3 0.205 1.00 2.174 79.3 0.211 1.00 4.872 79.4 0.216 1.00 7.757
y¯west 79.3 0.116 1.76 5.312 79.3 0.122 1.73 10.35 79.4 0.131 1.65 18.37
y¯west 79.3 0.116 1.78 5.216 79.3 0.121 1.74 10.20 79.4 0.130 1.67 18.15
y¯west 79.3 0.206 1.00 2.659 79.4 0.212 1.00 5.617 79.4 0.228 1.00 13.49
y¯west 79.3 0.114 1.81 3.224 79.3 0.118 1.81 6.262 79.2 0.126 1.81 13.88
y¯west 79.3 0.113 1.82 3.161 79.3 0.117 1.82 6.166 79.2 0.125 1.82 14.04
y¯west 79.3 0.208 1.00 3.317 79.3 0.216 1.00 7.351 79.5 0.227 1.00 13.24
y¯west 79.3 0.112 1.86 1.075 79.2 0.117 1.85 5.408 79.4 0.121 1.88 9.213
y¯west 79.3 0.111 1.87 1.055 79.2 0.116 1.86 5.465 79.4 0.120 1.90 9.177
Table 3 Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator for negative correlations.
Estimators ρuv1=ρuv2=ρuv3=-0.5,
σUh2=1,σVh2=1 σUh2=2,σVh2=2 σUh2=3,σVh2=3
y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME y¯^west V RE PCME
y¯west 79.3 0.213 1.00 6.061 79.3 0.224 1.00 11.61 79.3 0.220 1.00 9.366
y¯west 79.4 0.132 1.61 19.32 79.3 0.159 1.41 43.66 79.3 0.166 1.32 50.47
y¯west 79.4 0.131 1.63 19.27 79.3 0.158 1.42 43.62 79.3 0.165 1.33 50.35
y¯west 79.3 0.206 1.00 2.788 79.2 0.215 1.00 7.265 79.3 0.219 1.00 8.984
y¯west 79.2 0.131 1.57 18.81 79.1 0.160 1.35 44.52 79.3 0.174 1.26 56.88
y¯west 79.2 0.130 1.58 18.75 79.1 0.159 1.36 44.50 79.3 0.172 1.27 56.77
y¯west 79.2 0.208 1.00 3.452 79.3 0.211 1.00 5.273 79.3 0.222 1.00 10.60
y¯west 79.1 0.139 1.50 25.60 79.2 0.158 1.34 43.07 79.4 0.198 1.12 78.95
y¯west 79.1 0.138 1.51 25.61 79.2 0.157 1.35 43.00 79.4 0.196 1.13 78.86

Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator when σUh2=1,σVh2=1.
Fig. 1
Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator when σUh2=1,σVh2=1.
Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator when σUh2=3,σVh2=3.
Fig. 2
Shows variances, PCME and relative efficiencies of the calibrated estimators over usual mean estimator when σUh2=3,σVh2=3.

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