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Approximation by Phillips operators via q-Dunkl generalization based on a new parameter
⁎Corresponding author at: Al-Qaryah, Street No. 1 (West), Doharra, Aligarh-202002, India. (M. Mursaleen)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
In the present article we study the approximation properties of Phillips operators by q-Dunkl generalization. We construct the operators in a new q-Dunkl form and obtain the approximation properties in weighted function space. We give the rate of convergence in terms of Lipschitz class by initiate the modulus of continuity and finally, we present some direct theorems in Peetre’s K -functional.
Szász operators
Phillips operators
q-Dunkl analogue
modulus of continuity
weighted modulus of continuity
Primary 41A25
Secondary 33C45

1 Introduction and auxiliary results
The q-calculus also known as “quantum calculus” began to arise with the interest grown explosively in physic as well as in mathematics both due to the large number of its applications. For instance, some q-analogues of Fourier analysis (see Koornwinder and Swarttouw, 1992), q-harmonic analysis to study q-wavelets and q -wavelets packets (see Bettaibi et al., 2010; Fitouhi and Bettaibi, 2006). The q-calculus plays very important role in the development of approximation process and has led in finding more appropriate generalizations of several classical operators. The q-operators have better rate of convergence than classical ones (see Lupaş, 1987; Phillips, 1997). In the recent years, more development of Szász operators based on Dunkl generalization have been obtained by several mathematicians.
In 1950, the classical Szász (Szász, 1950) operators were defined by
There are many important research papers on the study of approximation of Szász type operators via Dunkl generalization in q-calculus and in -calculus, for instance we refer to Alotaibi (2019), Alotaibi and Mursaleen (2020), İçöz and Çekim (2015), Nasiruzzaman and Mursaleen (2020) and Sucu (2014) etc. Sucu (2014) gave the Dunkl form of classical Szász-operators with an exponential function (see Rosenblum, 1994) and the q-Hermite type polynomials studied by Cheikh et al. (2014).
The basic definition of q-integer and q-factorial is given by:
Recalling some basic definitions of the exponential functions and their recursion formulas in structure of q-Dunkl, we have
By using the definition based on q-integrs and their exponential Dunkl generalization the Szász operators obtained by İçöz and Çekim (2015) such as
In recent investigation (Nasiruzzaman and Rao, 2018), authors have introduced a new extended form of Phillips operators by implement the new parameter , for each and , where, and and is defined by (5.1).
In this context, we construct the Phillips operators in a newly modified form via q-calculus generated by exponential function and study the approximation properties and its related results. Moreover, we want to calculate the convergence results by applying the modulus of continuity and investigate their order of approximation in Lipschitz space and give some direct theorems. In Nasiruzzaman and Rao (2018), authors have studied a generalized Dunkl type modifications of Phillips operators. The approximation results in the present article enable to give a modified version and have more general results than (Nasiruzzaman and Rao, 2018). Approximation properties of different types of operators are obtained by several authors in Alotaibi and Mursaleen (2020), Kilicman et al. (2020), Milovanovic et al. (2018), Mohiuddine and Özger (2020), Mursaleen et al. (2020), Nasiruzzaman and Mursaleen (2020), Rao et al. (2019) and Srivastava et al. (2019).
be the class of sequence of continuous functions on semi axis
such that
Now for every
, and
, we define
For every
, and
, we have
In order to get the basic estimates we use the appropriate generalized definition of gamma function in q-calculus.
The generalized definition of gamma function in q-calculus given by
In 1954, an inversion formula on the semigroups of positive linear operators was obtained in May (1977), while recently the approximation properties of Phillips operators were studied by applying the Dunkl generalization of an exponential form in Nasiruzzaman and Rao (2018). Most recently, the approximation results of Phillips operators by introducing the Dunkl generalization of q -exponential form were studied in Nasiruzzaman et al. (2019), which include the better generalized approximation properties of Phillips operators for and function rather than (May, 1977; Nasiruzzaman and Rao, 2018). In this paper, our results are primarily concerned with the problem on the domain and for determining the better generalized approximation results of Phillips operator. Our generalization of Phillips operators gives more appropriate and modified convergence properties in quantum calculus rather than the published article (May, 1977; Nasiruzzaman and Rao, 2018; Nasiruzzaman et al., 2019).
2 Basic Estimates and their moments
Suppose for . Then for all and the operators , have , and the following properties:
We take into account Lemma 1.1 and the generalized definition of gamma function in q-integers 1.2. Take , then easily get that For , hence For , we have Similarly, if and , then we have and Hence for and we use results by (1.7) (see İçöz and Çekim, 2015), and the recent results obtained in Nasiruzzaman et al. (2019) we get the required other proofs.
For for . Then for all and then we get
For any , we suppose then
3 Korovkin type theorems in weighted spaces
In mathematics and other branches of sciences the Korovkin’s type approximation theory has many applications see Altomare (2010) (see also Alotaibi et al., 2021; Alotaibi and Mursaleen, 2011, 2016; Braha, 2018, 2020, 2021; Mursaleen and Karakaya, 2012). In the present section, we approximate the sequence of our new operators by (1.10) by make use of Korovkin’s and weighted Korovkin’s theorem. We take with and where . In this context, we suppose and let we symbolize the set of all bounded and continuous functions by , and equipped the norm function h on by
Let be the sequences positive numbers satisfying . Then, for every , we have
Clearly, as . By using Lemma 2.1 and Korovkin’s theorem, for all , we have is uniformly for every . Thus we follows immediately the proof.
Moreover, we recall the following well-known results in weighted spaces: where depending on h and positive constant. Additionally, we notice here is a normed space equipped with .
For all and with we have
To prove this theorem we let for all . Then for all , the Korovkin’s theorem give us as . From the Lemma 2.1, we have , then clearly
For all and
In order to investigate the maximum oscillation of
, the notion of modulus of smoothness of
in classical order given by
Let such that . Then for every and , operators satisfy where
We use (3.4), (3.5) and apply Cauchy–Schwarz inequality. where clearly, if we take , then we get the result.
Let by Lemma 2.3 and suppose , then
4 Rate of convergence
In this part of section our purpose is to present the rate of convergence in terms of Lipschitz function for the our newly operators
(1.10). We suppose the class of Lipschitz functions is defined by
Suppose there is a numbers and . Then the sequence for every and have the inequality where
We demonstrate the proof of this theorem by (4.1) and well-known H ölder’s inequality. This completes the proof.
Further more we write
Let and such that . Then for , the operators defined by (1.10) satisfy
Use the Taylor series formula, we go through the expression Linearity of implies that Therefore,
By (4.3), and . Hence Which completes the proof.
5 Some direct approximation
In 1968, Jaak Peetre introduced K-functional
(Peetre, 1968) as
For an absolute positive real constant C one has
, where
indicates modulus of continuity of the function
by order two such that
Let such that . Then for every and there exits a positive constant such that
Using Theorem 4.2, we have By implement the infimum property over all of and use (5.1), we get
From Ciupa (1995) for an absolute and positive real , one has introduced the connection with Peetre’s K-functional by Which is enable to give the complete prove.
For an arbitrary
, the recent investigation on weighted modulus of continuity established by Atakut (2002)
In addition, we have the results
For every and there exits a positive such that , where such that and
Using (5.3), (5.4) and then apply the inequality of Cauchy–Schwarz, we get that
In the light of Lemma 2.3, if we take
then easily we see that
For a constant
we have
Similarly a small calculation leads us to where Since as , for all , we have for a constant .
Also (5.7) implies that
Authors contributions
All the authors contributed equally and significantly in writing this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant no. (RG-84-130-38). The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for technical and financial support.
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