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An algorithm for verifying some norm identities in inner-product spaces
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
In this paper, we provide an algorithm for verifying the validity of identities of the form , where and in inner-product spaces. Such algorithm is used to verify the validity, in inner-product spaces, for a number of identities. These include a generalization of the parallelepiped law. We also show that such identities hold only in inner-product spaces. Thus, the algorithm can be used to deduce characterizations of inner-product spaces.
Inner product
Parallelogram identity
Parallelepiped law
Binomial coefficient
Without loss of generality
1 Introduction
Throughout this paper, let be an index set, and } be a subset of elements of a vector space . For denote by the sum of vectors . i.e. . The notation is used to denote the set . For a finite set , we use to denote the cardinality of , and the standard notation for binomial coefficients, is used.
The algorithm given in Theorem 2.3 is meant to test the validity of identities of the form in inner-product spaces by converting the verification of such an identity to verifying numerical equalities. The algorithm is illustrated in Section 3 by using it to derive several identities. Notable among these results is a generalization of the parallelepiped law, which is deduced, in Corollary 3.5, from a more general result. In Section 4, we prove that all the identities that can be verified by this algorithm only hold in inner-product spaces. Thus, the algorithm can be used to derive characterizations of norms defined by an inner product. This is the application chosen for discussion in the paper.
Investigating norm identities that are satisfied only by norms induced by inner products dates back to the late 19th century (see Amir, 1986, Introduction). Fréchet, 1935 showed that a normed space is an inner product space if and only if
Jordan and von Neumann, 1935 showed that the norm is induced by an inner product if and only if the parallelogram law
holds for all . For a proof of Jordan and von Neumann’s result see Istrăţescu (1987), Theorem 4.3.6. The study of characterizations of inner-product spaces continue to be an active field (see e.g. Adamek 2020; Chelidze 2004; Dadipour and Moslehian 2010; Mendoza and Pakhrou, 2003). The author hopes that the algorithm presented here will lead to new characterization like the ones given in Corollary 4.5.
This paper is self-contained, the only results needed are the Jordan and von Neumann characterization mentioned above and a Lemma due to Fréchet on finite difference (see e.g. Amir 1986 Lemmas 1.1, 1.2 or Reznick, 1978, Lemma 1). We give a proof of this lemma below
let . The following statements hold:
For every function in is infinitely differentiable.
If and then
For every function in is a polynomial of degree less than
1) Assume and that . Thus, for all . Moving the term to the left side of the equality and multiplying by , we obtain
Take a -function on with support in such that . By multiplying the above equality by and integrating with respect to , we obtain where . Substituting , yields, for
Repeated differentiation under the integral sign, which is justifiable by the dominated convergence theorem, and the mean value theorem, we have that is infinitely differentiable with
for .
Thus, is infinitely differentiable.
2) By assumption, we have
for all .
Differentiating both sides with respect to yields
Summing over and dividing by , the last expression becomes
Given , substituting in the last identity, we obtain
Since are arbitrary, then .
3) By induction on . For the identity defining is for all which clearly implies that is a constant, i.e., a polynomial of degree less than 1. Suppose , the result is true for and that . Using 2) we have is a polynomial of degree less than so by integration, is a polynomial of degree less than ▪
2 A test for a class of norm identities in inner product Spaces.
In this section, a test that can be used to verify the validity of certain identities in inner product spaces is provided. Recall the familiar identity for inner product norms
Or equivalently
Let be an inner product space, and be elements in . The equality
holds for all positive integer .
By induction on . For the equality is simply . Suppose the equality holds for then, from (3)
By induction hypothesis, we have
Substituting (7) and (8) in (6), we obtain
Thus, the relation (5) is true for . By induction, (5) is true for all ,n≥2
By using Theorem 2.1 to substitute for where , the equal expression
any identity of the form can be converted to an identity of the form
Thus, testing the validity of the identity is transformed into testing the validity of the equivalent identity . The verification of the latter identity can be reduced to verifying that all its coefficients are zero as shown by the following Lemma.
Let be an inner product space of dimension at least two. The identity holds for all if and only if for all with .
( ) Clearly if for all with then
for all
( ) Suppose that for all . Pick orthogonal unit vectors. For let . For 1 , let and for .
Since we have
Choose with , subtract the above equality at from the same equality at to obtain . Since were arbitrary elements of , we obtain that for all with . Using this and our assumption of the validity of the identity, we obtain . Finally, for each , take to be a unit vector and for in the last identity to get
Since was arbitrary, then for all with . ■
The following Theorem uses Theorem 2.1 and a modified version of Lemma 2.2 to test validity of identities of the form . The modification allows us to avoid the need to compute for * with which simplifies the application of the validity test.
Let be an inner product space of dimension at least two. Given an expression , let be the result of replacing where by
The identity holds if and only if
for all with , and
For each unit vector , and for each , if and for then for this choice of xk’ s we have .
( )If the identity holds then is also an identity, so by Lemma 2.2 , we have for all with . i.e. 1) holds. Since holds for any choice of values of the ’s, 2) also holds.
(⇐)Assume 1) and 2) hold, and be any unit vector in , for each , let and for then from
where we have used 1) in the second equality. Since was arbitrary, we have for all with . This together with 1) gives us that for all . Thus is an identity. ■
3 Some deduced identities
In this section, we provide some example applications of Theorem 2.3. For future reference we have listed the identities as Lemmas rather than examples.
Let be an inner product space. The identity
holds for all and all .
We start by converting the identity in (9) to one with zero on one of the sides to get
Using Theorem 2.1 to replace
for each
by the equivalent expression
and replace
converts the left hand side of (10) to
By writing (11) in the form , we get for a set of size 2,
The number of -subset containing is equal to the number of ( -subsets C of so is . Thus for of cardinality 2,
giving us that condition (1) of Theorem 2.3. To verify condition (2), let to be a unit vector, for each , let and for , then substituting this choice of ’s in the left hand side of (10) (our original identity), the equation in (10) becomes
The middle term in the above equation was computed by noting that if and otherwise, and that the number of k-subsets containing is equal to the number of ( -subsets of \{i} which is . By a well-known recurrence relation for the binomial coefficients (note ) condition (2) also holds. ▪
Let be an inner product space of dimension at least 2. For and in , we have
Splitting the sum in (12) into a sum over and a second sum over , then using Theorem 2.1, to substitute for in the first sum, the LHS of (12) becomes
Let us write (13) in the form
For a set with , we have . As the number of sets of cardinality containing equals the number of ways of choosing the elements of I\B from the elements of \B, this sum is
So, condition 1) of Theorem 2.3 is satisfied. To verify condition (2), let be a unit vector, for each let and for . By substituting this choice in (12), as the number of sets containing and of cardinality is , we have
Thus condition (2) holds.▪
For , let and then
This gives us a test for identities of the form
(where the inner sum is over all possible choices of signs ) Indeed, the above identity can be transformed to the form
which has the form that can be verified using Theorem 2.3.
The test for verifying such identities is given in Theorem 3.4. Corollary 3.5 uses this test to prove the parallelepiped law. Namely
Let be an inner-product space of dimension at least 2. For each , fixed real numbers, and . If for then
holds for all in if and only if for each ,
As in Remark 3.3, we have
For fixed and the square norm occurs (with a factor of 2) twice in the inner sum on the RHS of (16) (once when and the other when ) while the occurs times in the inner sum (once for each ) Thus, the RHS of (16) is
So, the equality in (16) becomes
Using Theorem 2.1 to substitute for and in (17), we get that for each a subset of of cardinality 2,
The first sum is
As the sets satisfying are in bijective correspondence with the subsets of the number of the former is , thus
So, condition (1) of Theorem 2.3 is satisfied. Therefore (16) holds if and only if condition (1) of Theorem 2.3 holds. Hence, it suffices to show that in this case condition (2) of Theorem 2.3 is equivalent to the condition in Theorem 3.4. Let be a unit vector. For let and for . With this choice of values for the ,s
For that if , and if , we have
in either case . Thus
proving the desired equivalence. ▯
Let be an inner-product space of dimension at least 2. For each , in and real numbers , if there are such that then
As in Remark 3.3, the equation in (18) can be rewritten as
for each ,
For a nonempty index set , by an easy induction on the cardinality of , we get that
Thus, the condition of Theorem 3.4 becomes, for each
Which always hold if there are two distinct indices so that ▪
Note that factoring out from (14), it becomes a special case of Corollary 3.4 where .
4 Sufficient conditions for an inner product
In the previous sections we examined identities that follow from the norm being derived from an inner product. In this section, we show that any such identity (any identity of the form ) implies that the norm is derived from an inner product. The proof is divided into two lemmas.
Let be a normed spaced.
If some identity of the form holds in with the for some θ then an identity of the form with and θholds in .
If an identity of the form with and θ holds in . Then an identity of the form also holds in for some θ.
Pick a maximal element in the collection θ} with respect to inclusion. Let for and let be arbitrary for . Using this choice of values our identity becomes
Since is maximal ,i.e. , and implies that so the coefficient of is and by our choice of , . Thus, the identity we obtained above has desired type.
Let be the minimum element of the nonempty set
Pick a set with cardinality , and an identity .
By our choice of , if is nonempty and an identity of the form holds in then .
We prove that, with the above choice of , for every . The proof is by downward induction on . For this is clear since . Suppose the claim is true for and . Let be a subset of of cardinality . Choose for and let be arbitrary for . Substituting in our identity, we obtain,
Since we have by (*) that the coefficient of in the above expression is zero, so . Therefore, by the induction hypothesis,
For each the number of m-subsets that contain is so
Establishing the result for subsets of cardinality . Thus for our choice of the above identity is , and we obtain the desired conclusion by dividing by . ▪
Let be a normed space. If for some θ the identity
holds in , then is an inner product space.
WLOG assume that for some . If our hypothesis (after renaming variables) coincides with the identity (1) from which we obtain identity (2) by replacing by . The existence of inner product then follows from the Jordan and von Neumann result.
If , Let and be arbitrary. The substitution
and for
in the identity in the statement of the lemma, yields
Indeed, for and , the above substitution transforms into
For , we have . Thus, since there are j-subsets of A that don’t contain 1
Using the identities , we get that the last sum is
Fix and . The function is continuous since if is a number such that , then is bounded above by
The sum
is just where which is zero by (18) so, by Lemma 1.1, is a polynomial. Since for ,
the degree of is at most . Thus,
we have, and
Since were arbitrary, by Jordan and von Neumann result, the norm is induced by an inner product. ▪
The following result follows directly from Lemmas 4.1, and Lemma 4.2.
Let H be a normed space. If an identity of the form holds in H with the for some , then the norm is given by an inner product.
Let H be a normed space. The norm on H is given by an inner product if and only if any of any of the identities in Lemmas 3.1 or 3.2 or Corollary 3.5 hold.
If H is an inner-product space, then the identities hold by the Lemmas in which they occur. If, on the other hand, any of these identities hold then by Theorem 4.3, H is an inner-product space.▯
5 Discussion and Conclusion
In this paper an algorithm is given for testing the validity of a class of norm identities in inner-product spaces. The algorithm can be utilized in discovering some new identities in inner-product spaces, as illustrated the generalization of the parallelepiped law. It can also be used in verifying the validity, in inner-product spaces, of given identities, as illustrated by several examples. It was also shown that identities verified by the algorithm will hold in a normed space only if the norm is given by an inner-product. Thus, the algorithm can be used to generate tests for the existence of an inner-product underlying a given norm as was illustrated by several tests given in the paper.
Disclosure of funding
The author would like to thank the reviewer for suggesting the more general and elegant alternative to Frechet’s lemma.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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