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Almost α-regular spaces
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A new version of regularity is introduced as a simultaneous generalization of almost regularity and α-regulaity, and it is called almost α-regularity. We discuss many properties of this a new space and we give some properties that connect this a new space with some other topological spaces, also we present an examples and counter examples that show the relationships between almost α-regular and some other topological spaces.
Almost regular
Almost α-regular
Almost α-normal

1 Introduction
Murtinov in (Murtinová, 2001) introduced a weaker version of regularity called α-regularity. In this article we introduce a new notion of regularity as a simultaneous generalization of almost regularity (Singal and Arya, 1969) and α-regularity to get a decomposition of almost regularity in terms of α-regularity.
Let be a topological space, and . In this work, the closure of a set is denoted by or and the interior by or . A set is called regularly open if , and regularly closed if . The family of all regularly open sets defines a base for a topology on , we call it semiregular topology on . Note that every regular space is semiregular. A Tychonoff space is and completely regular space.
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Definition (Singal and Arya, 1969)
A topological space is called almost regular if for any regularly closed subset of not containing can be separated by two disjoint open sets in .
2.2 Definition (Murtinová, 2001)
A topological space is called α-regular if for each and a closed subset such that there are two disjoint open sets , such that and .
2.3 Definition (Arhangel’skii and ludwig, 2001)
A topological space is called -normal if for every disjoint closed subsets and in Y there are two disjoint open subsets and of such that and .
2.4 Definition (Gheith and Mohamed, 2018)
A topological space is called almost -normal if for every disjoint closed subsets and of one of which is regulary closed, there are disjoint open subsets and such that and .
2.5 Definition (Kalantan and Allahabi, 2008)
A topological space is called extremally disconnected if it is the closur of any open set is open .
2.6 Definition (Das et al., 2017)
A topological space is called almost -normal if for every disjoint closed subsets and of one of which is regulary closed, there are disjoint open subsets and such that , , and .
2.7 Proposition (Kalantan and Almontashery, 2016)
If is a topological space. Then the following statements are equivalent:
is the only non-empty regularly closed set in .
For every non-empty open subset of , .
each non-empty proper subset of is nowhere dense in .
2.8 Definition (Engelking, 1977)
A topological space is called -space if is a housrorff and it is a quotient image of a locally compact space.
2.9 Definition (AlZahrani, 2018)
A topological space is called Epiregular if there is a coarser topology on such that is .
2.10 Lemma (Dugundji, 1966)
Let and be disjoint open sets in , then and are disjoint open sets in containing and respectively.
2.11 Definition (Singal and Arya, 1969)
A topological space is ultra regular if for any closed subset in , and such that there are two disjoint clopen subsets in separates and .
2.12 Definition (Engelking, 1977)
A topological space is called Zero-dimensional if it has a base consisting of open-and-closed sets .
2.13 Definition (ALZahrani, 2018)
A topological space is called C-regular if there exists a bijective function from in to a regular space such that the restriction is a homeomorphism for each compact subspace .
2.14 Definition (Singal and Singal, 1973)
A topological space is called k-normal space if for every two disjoint regularly closed sets of can be separated by disjoint open sets.
3 Almost α-Regular
Here we define a decomposition of almost regularity in terms of α-regularity as follows,
3.1 Definition
A topological space is called almost α-regular if for any and a regularly closed subset such that there are two disjoint open sets , such that and .
3.2 Theorem
Any α-regular space is almost α-regular
Let be an α-regular space. Let and a regularly closed subset not containing , then is closed subset and . Since is α-regular then there are two disjoint open sets , such that and .
3.3 Theorem
Any almost regular space is almost α-regular.
Let be an almost regular . Let and a regularly closed subset not containing . Since is almost regular then there are two disjoint open sets , such that and . It follows that . Hence the space is almost α-regular
This guides automatically to ask the following questions:
Question 1: Is there an almost α-regular non almost regular space?
Question 2: Is there an almost α-regular non α-regular space?
Question 3: Is there an almost α-regular non regular? non Tychonoff space?
Question 4: Is there an almost α-regular non normal space?
Question 5: Which almost α-regular space is almost regular space? and which is α-regular?
Note that every regular space is almost α-regular.
Here will be an example of an almost α-regular Hausdorff non almost regular space, which has a large cardinal. To introduce this example, we need the definition of α-normal, which appears in Definition 2.3. Note that any -normal space satisfying axiom is α-regular (Murtinová, 2001).
Our example is constructed by Murtinov in (Murtinová, 2002), and it is first countable space at each of his points except at one point. It is well known that the cardinality of local base of the point is the same as the character of the Club filter on . For revision, see (Balcar & Simon, 1989).
3.4 Example (Murtinová, 2002)
Let and define a topology such that: with the ordinal topology is an open subspace and a base in the point will be the collection:
where is a closed unbounded subset of (Club).
The topology is Hausdorff since it is stronger than the order topology on . The space is not almost regular, consider the set is an ordinal element such that is regularly closed and unbounded, then is closed (Club) not containing . However, For every Club we have,
where is the set of the accumulation points of the club . Hence and can not be separated.
This space is almost α-regular since it is α-normal satisfying axiom, see example (2) in (Murtinová, 2002), which implies that is α-regular, see (Murtinová, 2001). Hence is almost α-regular by Theorem 3.2.
The above example answers question (1). Observe that almost regularity and α-regularity do not imply each other, For example; the set with the particlar point topology , see (Steen & Seebach, 1995), where is the paticular point, is not α-regular nor Hausdorff, but it is almost regular since the only regularly closed sets in the space are and . Hence by Theorem 3.3 the space is almost -regular, and this answers question (2).
It is obvious that every regular space is almost -regular which means that Tychonoff Corkscrew is an example of a regular, almost -regular, non Tychonoff space, (for details, see (Steen & Seebach, 1995), Ex. 90) . Also Deleted Tychonoff Plank (for details, see (Steen & Seebach, 1995), Ex. 87) is an example of a Tychonoff almost -regular non normal space. Another example of an almost -regular non normal space is Tychonoff Corkscrew, and we have answered questions (3) and (4).
3.5 Theorem
For any topological space , the following statements are equivelent:
the space is almost -regular;
For each and a regularly closed set not containing there is an open set such that
Proof. (1)
(2): Let be an almost -regular space. Let and a regularly closed set not containing , then there are two disjoint open sets and such that and , that is; , and . Hence where .
(2) (1): Let and a regularly closed set not containing . By (2) there is an open set such that . Let , then , , and . Hence is almost -regular.
3.6 Theorem
A topological space is almost -regular if and only if for every regularly closed subset and such that there exists an open subset such that and is nowhere dense in .
Let be an almost -regular space, be a regularly closed subset, and such that , then there are two disjoint open subsets and such that and . It follows that which means that . Now let then there is at least an element so which means that and so there is an open set containing and contained in such that . This contradicts . Therefore . Hence is nowhere dense in .
On the other direction, Let be a regularly closed subset and such that , then there exists an open subset such that and is nowhere dense in . Then which implies that . Now let then . It follows that for any open subset in containing then is not contained in . and then . Let , then is an open set disjoint from and , and so . Hence be an almost α-regular space.
3.7 Theorem
Let be a space such that for some , is almost -regular in , (that is, for every regularly closed not containing there are two disjoint open sets , such that and ) and is almost -normal, then is almost α-normal.
Let be a space such that for some , is almost -regular in . Then is a closed subset of and disjoint from regular closed and there are two disjoint open sets , such that and , so consequently is almost -regular in . Let , be two disjoint closed subsets, one of which is regularly closed, then we have three cases:
1. , , then , be two disjoint closed subsets, one of which is regularly closed in . Since is almost -normal, then there are two disjoint open set and such that is dense in and is dense in .
2. , . Since is then is a dense subset of which easily implies that is regularly closed in and is disjoint from in , and since is almost -normal, then there are two disjoint open set and in such that is dense in and is dense in . Since is open, then is open in and for convenience we choose an open set in containing and , then is dense in and is dense in .
3. , . Since is almost α-regular in some then there are two disjoint open sets , such that and , it follows and then .
Hence is almost α-normal.
The following two theorems give an answer for the first part of question (5).
Recall the definition
and be any regular cardinal between and .
3.8 Theorem
Let be a countable almost -regular, space, and , then is almost regular.
Let be a countable almost -regular space, , . Suppose that the space is not almost regular, and consider and a regularly closed set attesting it. Fix an open base in where .
Therefore we have a centered family of infinite sets , . Then there is an infinite set such for any , is finite. Since is , then it is not hard to see that is closed and discrete not containing , then is open so that it is regularly closed and not containing .
Now by almost -regularity there is an open set such that , , and then , and resulting that is finite, which is a contradiction.
The following theorem gives an answer to the first part of question (5).
3.9 Theorem
In extremally disconnected spaces, every almost α-regular is almost regular.
Let be an extremally disconnected spaces and almost α-regular space. Let and a regularly closed set not containing . Since is almost α-regular, then there are two disjoint open sets and such that and , which implies that and . Now since is extremally disconnected, then is open. Hence is almost regular.
3.10 Theorem
Every semiregular, almost β-normal space satisfying axiom is -regular.
Let be a , semiregular, and almost β-normal space. Let and a closed subset of such that , then is an open subset containing . By semi-regularity, there is a regularly open set where . Here is regularly closed not containing . The set is closed because is a and disjoint from . But since is almost -normal, there exist two disjoint open sets and such that , , and , that is; . Let then and are disjoint open sets in where and . Therefore . Hence is -regular.
The following obvious theorem gives an answer to the second part of question (5).
3.11 Theorem
In extremaly disconnected spaces. Every semiregular, almost -regular space is -regular.
Proof. .
Let be an extremally disconnected spaces and almost -regular space. By Theorem 3.9, is almost regular, and by theorem 3.1 in (Singal and Arya, 1969), every semiregular, almost α-regular space is α-regular.
The following characterization of almost regular spaces induced from (2.5 in (xxxx), and has an important role on many properties of our space which will not be mentioned in this article.
3.12 Theorem
If is an extremally disconnected space, then is almost α-regular if and only if for every open set in , is -open.
Since by Theorem 3.9 every extremally disconnected almost α-regular space is almost regular and by theorem (2.5 in (xxxx) proves the statement.
4 Topological properties of an almost α-regular space
4.1 Theorem
A regularly closed subspace of an almost α-regular space is almost α-regular.
Assume is almost α-regular space and be a regularly closed subspace of . Let be a regularly closed subset of and such that then since is regularly closed and by (exercise 2.1.B in (Engelking, 1977) the set is regularly closed in and such that . Now by almost α-regularity of , there are two disjoint open sets and in such that and . Thus and are open sets in , , , and . Hence is almost α-regular.
4.2 Theorem
A regularly open subspace of an almost α-regular space is almost α-regular.
Let be a regularly open subspace of an almost α-regular space . Let be a regularly closed subset of and where , then is regularly open in containing . Since is a regularly open subspace of then by exercise 2.1.B in (Engelking, 1977) is regularly open in containing , and so is a regularly closed subset of and such that . By almost α-regularity of there are two disjoint open sets and in such that and . Since is open, then an are disjoint open sets in such that and . Therefore is almost α-regular.
4.3 Corollary
Every subspace of an almost α-regular space which is both closed and open is almost α-regular.
Any subspace which is both open and closed is obviously regularly closed and therefore the result follows by Theorem 4.1.
It is unknown if every open or closed subspace of an almost α-regular space is almost α-regular space. It is easy to prove the following result,
4.4 Lemma (Engelking, 1977)
(Exercise 1.4.D) The inverse image of a regularly closed subset under a continuous open map between topological spaces is regularly closed.
Let be a continuous open map between topological spaces and , be a regularly closed subset of , then clearly , since is continuous then is closed. Now let , since is closed then , so for any open set of , we have . Since is open then is open subset of and . It follows that and so which implies that . Again by continuity , and therefore . Thus . Hence is regularly closed.
4.5 Theorem
Let be an almost α-regular space, is an onto, continuous, open, and closed function. Then is almost α-regular.
Let be an almost α-regular space, be a regularly closed subset of and such that . Then is a closed subset of and there exists such that and . By Lemma 4.4 the set is regularly closed, and since is an almost α-regular space, there are disjoint open subsets and of such that and , since , so . Then . It is clear that is a closed set containing the open set , . Thus which implies and . Now we show that , it is sufficient to show that . Let b ∈ B and W be any open set containing b, then . Since , . Hence by surjectivity of , which implies .
The following theorem shows a result on a quotient space defined on an almost α-regular space, and it is induced from (Singal and Arya, 1969)
4.6 Theorem
Let be an almost α-regular space and define an equivalence relation in by setting iff . If be the projection map of onto the quotient space . Then is almost -regular.
Similar argument of Theorem 4.5.
4.7 Corollary
Almost α-regularity is a topological property.
4.8 Theorem
Let be an extremally disconnected, Hausdorff, almost α-regular space, is a regularly closed set. Then is a Hausdorff space.
Let , such that . If neither one is an element of , the existence of disjoint open sets follows by nothing that is Hausdorff as a subspace of . If , then is a single point and . By almost -regularity of and Theorem 3.5 there exists an open set such that . Let then , and . Since is extremally disconnected then is an open set containing and disjoint from . Now clearly the images and are disjoint open sets in containing and respectively. Hence is a Hausdorff space.
Note that any almost β-normal is almost regular and hence almost -regular. However; Example 3.4 is an example of an almost -regular non almost -normal space since it is not almost regular.
It is well known that regularity and almost regularity are invariant under products, however, this is not the case for -regularity as Murtinov in (Murtinová, 2001) proved that -regularity is not preserved under products. Regarding Murtinov result in (Murtinová, 2001), the following theorem proves that almost -regularity does not be preserved by products and at the same time we construct a non almost -regular space from a non almost regular space.
4.9 Theorem
Let is the one-point compactification of a discrete set of cardinality . Then for every non-almost regular space there is such that is not almost -regular.
Suppose that and is a regularly closed subset of such that and there are no disjoint open sets in that separate and . Choose an open base for such that .
Now let be the one-point compactification of the set with discrete topology, and be the compactifying point. The aim of this theorem is to show that is not an almost -regular space.
Define the set
The set is regularly closed.
Note that the set is closed, and clearly . Now let , then is an open neighborhood of which does not meet since is regularly closed.
Therefore is an open neighborhood of which does not meet . Therefore is regularly closed. Moreover, does not meet which implies that . So clearly .
Suppose that is an almost -regular space in the point . Then in paretical, there is and an open neighborhood of in where
Since is not isolated we can use axiom in to find such that , . Pick , then and is an open neighborhood of in . Observe that and implies that . Now it is not hard to see that , therefore which is a contradiction. Hence is not an almost -regular space
It is not hard to show that any space meets the statements in proposition 2.7 is almost regular and hence it is almost -regular. By a similar argument of corollary (0.8 in (Kalantan and Almontashery, 2016), we prove the following.
4.10 Corollary
If is a space meets the conditions of proposition 2.7, then the Alexandroff Duplicate of it is almost -regular.
The Topological space of Alexandroff Duplicate in (Engelking, 1968), we have the following theorem.
4.11 Theorem (Gheith, 2019)
If is -regular satisfying axiom, then the Alexandroff Duplicate . is -regular.
Let be a closed subset in and such that . Write where and . Since where , then in . By -regularity of there are two disjoint open sets and in where is dense in and . since is then we can choose and . Then and are disjoint open sets in and . It is enough to show that is dense in . Observe that . Therefore , and so is dense in . Hence is -regular.
4.12 Theorem
Let be an almost -regular space satisfying axiom. If is -regular, then the Alexandroff Duplicate is almost -regular.
Let be an almost -regular space. If is -regular, then by Theorem 4.11 the Alexandroff Duplicate is -regular, and since every -regular space is almost -regular by Theorem 3.2, then the Alexandroff Duplicate is almost -regular.
5 Relations with some other separation axioms
5.1 Theorem
Every almost -normal space satisfying axiom is almost -regular.
Let be an almost -normal space satisfying . Let and a regularly closed subset of such that . Since is , then is closed set disjoint from . Now by almost -normality, there are two disjoint open sets , such that and as required.
The Michael product space , (Steen & Seebach, 1995) is an almost -regular non almost -normal space. It is almost -regular because it is regular, and it is not an almost -normal space by similar argument used in (Kalantan and Allahabi, 2008). Hausdorff spaces and almost -regular spaces do not imply each others, For example, the finite complement topology defined on an infinite set see (Steen & Seebach, 1995) is an example of an almost -regular non Huasdorrf space. And Alexandroff plank (Steen & Seebach, 1995) is an example of a Hausdorff non almost -regular space.
The definition of -space appears in Definition 2.8. Note that a closed subset of a -space is a -space [Arhangel’skii]. we get the following result.
5.2 Theorem
In the class of extremally disconnected spaces, every regularly open subspace of almost -regular space, -space is -space.
Straightforward by Theorem 4.2 and theorem [7.1] in (Singal and Arya, 1969).
Murtinová in (Murtinová, 2001) proved that Every first countable, Hausdorff, -regular space is regular. Regarding her result, we have the following,
5.3 Theorem
Each first countable, Hausdorff, almost -regular space is almost regular.
Using a contradiction, we suppose that is a first countable, Hausdorff and non almost regular. Then there is an and a regularly closed subset of such that where there are no disjoint open sets that separate them. Let be an open base in such that for all . Let .
Note that was chosen inductively and because the space is Hausdorff, we can also suppose at each step of the induction that , it follows that if and only if .
The set is regularly closed. Indeed, if , then is a regularly open set containing and not intersecting which implies that is a neighborhood open set containing and not intersecting . Therefore . Since and can not be separated, so is not an almost -regular space.
An example of almost -regular non regular is an example (113 in (Steen & Seebach, 1995), this answer for the first part of question (3), and it is as follows:
Let be the set of nutural numbers and be the collection of all ultra filters defined on . Let . Let the topology defined on generated by the points , that is; the point are isolated, and the collection . Kalantan in (Kalantan and Allahabi, 2008) showed that this is an extremally disconnected almost normal Hausdorff non regular space. Therefore this is another example of an almost regular, almost -regular non regular space.
We introduced epiregular spaces in (AlZahrani, 2018) and it appears in Definition 2.9. Almost -regular spaces do not imply epiregular spaces. An example of this , Each indiscrete space which has more than one point is an example of an almost -regular non epiregular space. On the other direction, if is epiregular and the witness of epiregularity is semiregular, then is almost regular, and hence it is almost -regular. The family of all regularly open sets formes a base for a topology on , this topology is known as semi-regularization of . Note that .
Considering the semi-regularization of a space we still have the following correct.
5.4 Theorem
If the space is -regular, then is almost -regular.
Suppose that is -regular. Let be a regularly closed subset in , and such that . Now since is -regular, then it is almost -regular by Theorem 1.2. Therefore there are two disjoint open subsets and in such that and . Since is coarser than , then and are in . Hence is almost -regular.
5.5 Definition
A topological space is called weakly -regular if for any and a closed subset not containing there are two disjoint open sets , such that and .
Note that every -regular space is weakly -regular. Howevere; In extremallly disconnected space, the concept of an -regular space and a weakly -regular space are the same.
We still have the following true.
5.6 Theorem
If the space is almost -regular, then is weakly -regular.
Assume is almost -regular. Let be a closed subset in , and such that . Consider where are regularly closed in and for every . By almost -regularity of , there are two disjoint open subsets and in where and . Therefore for all , then . By lemma 2.10 there are two disjoint open sets and in where and . Therefore and , and . Hence is weakly -regular.
Observe that in extremally disconnected spaces, Theorem 5.6 and Theorem 5.4 will be as follows:
5.7 Corollary
If is an extremally disconnected space, then the space is almost -regular if and only if is almost -regular.
5.8 Corollary
Every semiregular, almost -regular space is weakly -regular.
5.9 Corollary
Every subspace of a semiregular almost -regular space is weakly -regular space.
We referred to ultra regular in Definition 2.11. Therefore the following is clear.
5.10 Theorem
Every ultra regular is almost -regular.
The other side of the above theorem is not always correct. Example 3.4 is an example of almost -regular non ultra regular space. In zero-dimensional spaces, we have the following result,
5.11 Corollary
If is a zero-dimensional semiregular space , then the space is almost -regular if and only if is ultra regular.
Note that any compact -regular space is regular, see (AlZahrani, 2018), and hence is almost -regular. Considering that, the finite particular point topology is an example of a compact non regular and hence non -regular space. However this is an example of an almost -regular space. On the other side, -regularity does not imply almost -regular. For example; Theorem 4.9 shows that the product of any almost -regular, non almost regular space and a compact zero-dimensional space fail to be almost -regular, and if we assume that is -regular, then the product space would be an example of -regular, non almost -regular space since -regularity is multiplicative property, see theorem [2.16] in (AlZahrani, 2018).
We referred to k-normal in Definition 2.14. Since every almost regular lindel f space is -normal (Singal and Singal, 1973), the proof of the following theorem is immediate by applying Theorem 3.8.
5.12 Theorem
Every countable almost -regular, lindel f, space, and , then is -normal.
6 Conclusion
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new weaker version of regularity called almost -regular. This difenition leads naturally to ask five questions, we have answered this questions in pages 5, 7, 8, and 15. We discuss some topological properties of almost α-regular and we show that some relationships between this a new space and some other topological spaces.
Funding statement
This research received funding from Taif University, Researchers Supporting and Project number (TURSP-2020/207), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The author declare that she has no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Further reading
- Balcar, B. and Simon, P. Disjoint refinement, 1989. Handbook of Boolean Algebras (J.D. Monk, R. Bonnet, ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. ,333-386.
- Kohli, J.K., Das, A.K., A class of spaces containing all almost compact spaces, (preprint).