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The present paper enlighten us with the study of the conformal generic submersion whose total space is locally product Riemannian manifold. We investigate;the geometry of the foliations arisen from the definition of conformal generic submersion and provided some decomposition theorem for the total space of the submersion. Meanwhile, harmonicity of conformal generic submersion is also discussed. We mainly established relations between the sectional curvatures of fibres, total space and base manifold and discussed the related consequences. A non-trivial example have also been discussed to make the content wrth.
Throughout paper, we will use some abbreviations as follows:
Riemannian Manifold
Riemannian Submersion
Conformal Generic Submersions
Locally Product Riemannian
One of the most popular areas of study in differential geometry is submanifold theory, and establishing proper smooth maps between two manifolds is one of the quickest ways to compare them and transfer certain structures from one manifold to another. If there are two manifolds, then a differential map is said to be an immersion (submersion) if its rank coincide with the dimension of the source manifold (target manifold). Moreover, these are called isometric immersions (isometric submersions) if the maps defined between manifolds are isometric. O’Neill (1966) and Gray (1997) were the first to address the idea of Riemannian submersions between Riemannian manifolds. The Riemannian submersions are being used extensively in both mathematics and physics. Particularly in the context of the Yang-Mills theory (Bourguignon and Lawson, 1981; Baird and Wood, 2003), Kalauza-Klien theory (Bourguignon, 1990), super-gravity and super-string theories (Ianus and Visinescu, 1991; Ianus and Visinescu, 1987), redundant robotic chains (Altafini, 2004) etc.
Riemannian submersions eventually developed into a suitable approach for describing the geometry of RMs with differential structures. The first study of RS between RMs equipped with an additional structure of almost complex type was executed by Watson (1976). In most instances, Watson established that the structure of the base manifold and each fiber is the same as that of the total space by defining an almost Hermitian submersion between almost Hermitian manifolds. In this case, the RS is also a complex mapping and consequently, the vertical and horizontal distributions are invariant with respect to the almost complex structure of the total manifold of the submersion. Almost Hermitian submersions have been extended to the almost contact manifolds (Chinea, 1985), locally conformal Kaheler manifolds (Marrero and Rocha, 1994) and QR manifolds (Ianus et al., 2008). Escobales (Escobales, 1978) studied RS from complex projective space onto a RM under the assumption that the fibres are connected, complex, totally geodesic submanifolds. In fact this assumption also implies that the vertical distribution is invariant with respect to the almost complex structure.
The vertical and horizontal distributions are invariant, which is a characteristic shared by all the submersions mentioned above. Then, in 2010, B. Sahin presented the notion of anti-invariant RS, which is referenced in (Şahin, 2010). Anti-invariant RS are the RS from almost Hermitian manifolds to RMs such that the vertical distributions (or, for that matter the fibres) are anti-invariant under the almost complex structure of total manifold. Such submersions are demonstrated to exhibit a wealth of geometrical characteristics and are helpful for assessing the geometry of the total manifold of the submersion. The vertical and horizontal distributions are reversed by the almost complex structure of the total manifold in a Lagrangian submersion, which is a special case of an anti-invariant RS. (Şahin, 2010; Şahin, 2011; Tastan, 2014). Following that, many RS have been investigated such as Semi-invariant submersion (Şahin, 2011), Slant submersion (Şahin, 2011), Semi-slant submersion (Park and Prasad, 2013), Generic submersion (Ali and Fatima, 2013) etc.
On the other hand, horizontally conformal submersions caught attention in 1992 and studied by Gudmundsson and Wood (1997). Horizontally conformal submersions are the generalization of RS and unlikely to the RS, horizontally conformal submersions do not preserve the distance between the points but they preserve the angles between the vector fields. This property allows one to transfer specific properties of a manifold to another manifold by deforming such properties. Recently, M. A. Akyol and B. Sahin defined conformal anti-invariant submersion (Akyol and Şahin, 2016) and later on conformal semi-invariant, conformal slant, conformal semi-slant and CGS are studied by M. A Akyol and others (we refer to Akyol and Şahin, 2017; Akyol, 2017; Akyol and Şahin, 2019; Akyol, 2017; Akyol, 2021Özdemir et al., 2017).
The current article’s objective is to investigate CGS from l.p.R manifolds onto RMs. The manuscript is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the fundamental ideas of RS and horizontally conformal submersions and Section 3 explains the requirement for a l.p.R manifold. In Section 4, the definition and an example of CGS are covered. Then, several fundamental conclusions are reached, including equivalent criteria for the distributions’ integrability and conditions that are required and adequate for the distributions to describe completely geodesic foliations. Section 4 also lists the criteria for CGS to be a harmonic map. The sectional curvature relations of the total manifold, fibers and manifolds are the only focus of Section 5.
2 Conformal Riemannian Submersions
We shall review the concept of conformal submersions, which are one of a large class of conformal maps, but in this study, we won’t look at these maps.
Definition 1
(Baird and Wood, 2003) “ Let and be two RMs with dimensions m and n, respectively, and let be a – differentiable map between them. If either
, or
maps horizontal space conformally onto , i.e., is surjective and there exists a number such that
for any .
Then, is called horizontally weakly conformal or semi conformal at . ”.
In the definition above, if “ is met, we say that p is a critical point of and if is met we refer point p as a regular point. At a critical point, has rank 0 where as at a regular point has rank n and represents submersion. The number , which is necessarily non-negative, is called the square dilation of at p. The square root is called the dilation of at p. The map is called horizontally weakly conformal or semi conformal on M if it is horizontally weakly conformal at every point of M. It is clear that we refer to a horizontally conformal submersion if has no critical points. Let be a submersion. A vector field E on is said to be projectable if there exists a vector field on , such that for all . In this case E and are called – related. A horizontal vector field on is called basic, if it is projectable. It is well known fact that if is a vector field on , then there exists a unique basic vector field Z on , such that Z and are – related. The vector field Z is called the horizontal lift of (O’Neill, 1966).”.
In (O’Neill, 1966), the basic tensors of submersions were presented. They function similar to the second fundamental form of immersion. More precisely, O’Neill’s tensors and defined for any vector fields by
where and are the vertical and horizontal projections of and (see Falcitelli et al., 2004). On the other hand, from (2) and (3 ), we have
for any and , where . If is basic, then . It is easily seen that for any and , the linear operators are skew-symmetric, that isfor all and . The restriction of to the vertical distribution is precisely the same as the second fundamental form of the fibers, as can also be seen. We conclude that has totally geodesic fibres if and only if because is skew-symmetric. The following are the results for the horizontal conformal submersion:
Proposition 1
(Gudmundsson, 1992) “Letbe a horizontally conformal submersion with dilationbe horizontal vectors fields, then
We see that the skew-symmetric part of measures the obstruction integrability of the horizontal distribution .
“Letandbe two RMs, where. Let R andbe the curvature tensors onand, respectively. Letbe a horizontally conformal submersion, with dilationand letbe the curvature tensor of the fibres of the submersion. Ifare horizontalvertical vectors, then
“Let and be RMs and suppose that is a smooth map between them. The differential of of can be viewed a section of the bundle , where is the pullback bundle which has fibres , . has a connection induced from the Levi–Civita connection and the pullback connection. Then, the second fundamental form of is given bydefined by
for , where is the pullback connection.” The symmetry of the second fundamental form is well recognised. “A smooth map is said to be harmonic if . On the other hand, the tension field of is the section of defined by
where is the orthonormal frame on . Thus, it follows that is the neccesary and sufficient condition under which is harmonic.” For more information, see (Baird and Wood, 2003).
Lemma 1
(Urakawa, 1993) “Consider thatis a smooth map between the RMsand. Then
“Assume that the submersionis horizontally conformal. Then, for any vertical fieldsand horizontal vector fields,
3 Locally Product Riemannian manifolds
“Assume that is an m-dimensional manifold with a tensor of type (1,1) such that . Then, we assert that is an almost product manifold with almost product structure. We placeIt’s simple to observe that
As a result and define two complimentary distributions. We note that the ’s eigenvalues are either +1 or −1. If , an almost product manifold, admits g, a Riemannian metric, then
for any vector fields and on , then is called an almost product RM, denoted by and M is called a l.p.R. manifold if is parallel with respect to i.e.,
where denotes the Levi–Civita connection on with respect to g (Yano and Kon, 1984).”
4 Conformal generic submersions
This section assesses the study of CGS as the total space of the submersions is l.p.R. manifold. We define the CGS and provide a non-trivial example to assure the existence of such submersion.
Definition 2
Let be a l.p.R. manifold with the product structure and be a RM. Consider a horizontally conformal submersion . Then is called CGS if there are two orthogonal complementary distributions and of such that
where , a complex subspace of a vertical space , has a constant dimension along and defines a differentiable distribution on . The distribution is called the purely real distribution.
As observed that the vertical distribution is integrable. Therefore, this defintion simply implies that integral manifolds, of the submersion are generic submanifold of M. For generic submersions, we refer to (Chen, 1981).
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold onto a RM . For any ,
where and . Also for any ,
where and . Then, is decomposed as
where denotes the orthogonal complement of in and is invariant under the almost product structure .
We now present a non-trivial example of CGS whose total space is an almost product manifold.
Consider an Euclidean space with coordinates . We denote by the compatible almost product structure on as follows;
Example 1
Let be a submersion defined byThen it follows thatand
Hence, and . Also by direct computations, we obtainwhere and denote the standard metrices on and , respectively. Thus is CGS with .
We start with the preliminary results of CGS.
Proposition 2
Letbe a CGS from a l.p.R. manifoldonto a RM. Then
These can easily be obtained with the help of (19)–(21).
We proceed now to the main results of this section where first we prove the equivalent conditions for the integrability of the distributions and . As vertical distribution is integrable so far, we give the necessary and sufficient condition for the horizontal distribution to be integrable. Also we study the geometry of foliations of all the distributions.
Theorem 2
Letbe a CGS from l.p.R. manifoldonto a RM. Then the f.a.e;
On the other side, applying (13), we arrive atHence, .
Theorem 4
Letbe a CGS from a l.p.R manifoldto a RMi.e.,. Then, the distributionis integrable iff
There is no component of in .
Since the horizontal distribution is integrable if and only if , for any and , where such that and . This implies that and .
We omit the proof as it easily follows by the use of the Eqs. (16), (17), (6), (7), (20), (13)in addition to the fact that is a horizontal conformal submersion, using Lemma 2.
Theorem 5
Letbe a CGS from a l.p.R manifoldonto a RM. Then,
The distribution defines a totally geodesic foliation on M iffand
The distribution defines a totally geodesic foliation on M iffand
Letbe CGS from a l.p.R manifoldonto a RM. Then, the total space M is a generic product RMiffandfor anyand, whereandare leaves of the distributionsand, respectively.
We now conclude this section with the necessary and sufficient condition for CGS to be harmonic map.
Theorem 11
Letbe a CGS, whereis a l.p.R. manifold andis a RM. Then,is harmonic if and only if
In view of the Eqs. 19,20, we getHence, the assertion follows directly.
5 Curvature relations on conformal generic submersions
This section investigates the sectional curvatures of the fibres of a CGS as well as the total space and base manifold. Let be a CGS whose total space is a l.p.R. manifold and the base space be a RM. We denote the Riemannian curvature tensors by and for any fibre and , respectively. The sectional curvature denoted by K, defined as follows;
where and are the pair of non-zero orthogonal tangent vectors on M.
Theorem 12
Letbe a CGS from a l.p.R. manifoldto a RM. Then, for any horizontal vector fieldand vertical vector fields
whereandbe the sectional curvatures of the total space, the base spaceand fibers, respectively.
Since is a CGS and is a l.p.R. manifold, using (19), we obtain
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold to a RM i.e., . Then,for . In above expression equality is satisfied iff is a homothetic submersion.
Corollary 4
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold to a RM . Then,for . The equality holds iff for any and either or .
On using (35) we have,which proves the assertion. The necessary and sufficient condition for the equality isHence, we obtain , for any and either or .
Corollary 5
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold to a RM . Then,for . The equality holds iff and .
Corollary 6
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold to a RM . Then,for and . The equality holds iff and horizontally homothetic submersion.
On Using (36) we have,This follows the inequality. For the equality case,Thus, the eqality follows if and only if and which ensures that is horizontally homothetic.
We now conclude this section with the following result;
Corollary 7
Let be a CGS from a l.p.R. manifold to a RM . Then,for and . The equality case follows iff and .
Data Availability Statement
My manuscript has no associated data set.
Author Contributions
All authors contributed to the study conception and design. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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