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A note on the unsteady torsional sinusoidal flow of fractional viscoelastic fluid in an annular cylinder
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +92 3214858413 (A. Mahmood)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Available online 23 March 2011
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
In this note, the velocity field and the associated shear stress corresponding to the torsional oscillatory flow of a generalized second grade fluid, between two infinite coaxial circular cylinders, are determined by means of Laplace and Hankel transforms. Initially both cylinders and fluid are at rest and then the two cylinders suddenly start torsional oscillations around their common axis with simple harmonic motions having angular frequencies ω1 and ω2. The solutions that have been obtained are presented under integral and series forms in terms of the generalized G and R functions and satisfy the governing differential equation and all imposed initial and boundary conditions. The respective solutions for the motion between the cylinders, when one of them is at rest, can be obtained from our general solutions. Furthermore, the corresponding solutions for the similar flow of ordinary second grade fluid and Newtonian fluid are also obtained as limiting cases of our general solutions. At the end, flows corresponding to the Newtonian, second grade and generalized second grade fluids are shown graphically by plotting velocity profiles.
Second grade fluid
Shear stress
Torsional oscillatory flow
Fractional calculus
1 Introduction
Flows in the neighborhood of spinning or oscillating bodies are of interest to both academic workers sand industry. Among them, the flows between oscillating cylinders are some of the most important and interesting problems of motion. As early as 1886, Stokes established an exact solution for the rotational oscillations of an infinite rod immersed in a classical linearly viscous fluid. Casarella and Laura (1969) obtained an exact solution for the motion of the same fluid due to both longitudinal and torsional oscillations of the rod. Later, Rajagopal (1983) found two simple but elegant solutions for the flow of a second grade fluid induced by the longitudinal and torsional oscillations of an infinite rod. These solutions have been already extended to Oldroyd-B fluids by Rajagopal and Bhatnagar (1995). Others interesting results have been recently obtained by Khan et al. (2005), Fetecau and Fetecau (2006) Mahmood et al. (2009), Vieru et al. (2007), Fetecau et al. (2008), Massoudi and Phuoc (2008), Khan et al. (2009), and Mahmood et al. (2010).
Recently, the fractional calculus has encountered much success in the description of viscoelasticity. Specifically, rheological constitutive equations with fractional derivatives play an important role in the description of the properties of polymer solutions and melts. The starting point of the fractional derivative model of non-Newtonian fluids is usually a classical differential equation which is modified by replacing the time derivative of an integer order by so-called Riemann–Liouville fractional differential operator. This generalization allows us to define precisely non-integer order integrals or derivatives (Podlubny, 1999).
It is important to mention here that a number of research papers in the literature (Fetecau et al., 2008; Massoudi and Phuoc, 2008; Khan et al., 2009; Mahmood et al., 2010) are devoted to the study of the flow of different viscoelastic fluids between two cylinders, when only one of them is oscillating and other is at rest. On the other hand, the exact solutions corresponding to the flow of these fluids between two cylinders, when both of them are oscillating along or around their common axis simultaneously, are very rare in literature. Recently, Mahmood et al. (2009, 2010) have studied the flow of fractional Maxwell and second grade fluids between two cylinders, when both of them are oscillating around, respectively, along their common axis. As far as the knowledge of authors is concerned, in the literature, no attempt has been made to study the flows of fractional second grade fluid due to torsional oscillations of two cylinders. Therefore, in this paper, we are interested into the torsional oscillatory motion of a generalized second grade fluid between two infinite coaxial circular cylinders when both of them are oscillating around their common axis with given constant angular frequencies ω1 and ω2. Velocity field and associated tangential stress of the motion are determined by using Laplace and Hankel transforms and are presented under integral and series forms in terms of the generalized G and R functions. It is worthy to point out that the solutions that have been obtained satisfy the governing differential equation and all imposed initial and boundary conditions as well. The solutions corresponding to the ordinary second grade fluid and those for Newtonian fluid, performing the same motion, are also determined as special cases of our general solutions. Furthermore, the respective solutions for the oscillatory motion between the cylinders, when one of them is at rest, can be obtained from our general solutions.
2 Torsional oscillations between two cylinders
Among the many constitutive assumptions that have been employed to study non-Newtonian fluid behavior, one class that has gained support from both the experimentalists and the theoreticians is that of Rivlin–Ericksen fluids of second grade. The Cauchy stress tensor T for such fluids is given by
If this model is required to be compatible with thermodynamics, then the material moduli must meet the following restrictions:
Generally, the constitutive equation of the generalized second grade fluids has the same form as (1), but A2 is defined by
2.1 Mathematical formulation of the problem and governing equation
Suppose that an incompressible generalized second grade fluid is situated in the annular region between two infinite straight circular cylinders of radii R1 and R2(>R1) as shownin Fig. 1. At time t = 0, the fluid and cylinders are at rest. At time t = 0+, inner and outer cylinders suddenly begin to oscillate around their common axis (r = 0) with the velocities W1sin(ω1t) and W2sin(ω2t), where ω1 is the frequency of velocity of inner cylinder and ω2 is that of outer cylinder. Owing to the shear, the fluid between the cylinders is gradually moved, its velocity being of the form
Flow geometry.
Introducing (7) into the constitutive equation, we find that
The appropriate initial and boundary conditions are
2.2 Calculation of the velocity field
Applying the Laplace transform to Eqs. (10)–(12) and using the Laplace transform formula for sequential fractional derivatives (Podlubny, 1999), we obtain the ordinary differential equation
Finally, Eqs. (19)–(21), (A5) and (22) give the velocity field
2.3 Calculation of the shear stress
Applying the Laplace transform to Eq. (8), we find that
3 Limiting cases
3.1 Solutions for ordinary second grade fluid (β → 1)
Making β → 1 into Eqs. (23) and (27) and using (A4) and (A7), we obtain the velocity field
It is important to point out here that the terms containing exp(·) in Eqs. (28) and (29) correspond to the transient solutions of the velocity field and shear stress, respectively, of the second grade fluid. As time goes to infinity, these terms vanish and we are left with the corresponding steady-state solutions.
3.2 Solutions for Newtonian fluid
Making α → 0 (equivalently α1 → 0) into Eqs. (28) and (29), velocity field and associated shear stress for Newtonian fluid, performing the same motion, can be obtained. For instance, the velocity field is
4 Concluding remarks
Our purpose in this paper was to establish exact analytic solutions for the velocity field and shear stress corresponding to the flow of a generalized second grade fluid between two infinite coaxial circular cylinders, by using Laplace and Hankel transforms. The motion of fluid was due to the simple harmonic sine oscillations of both cylinders around their common axis, with different angular frequencies ω1 and ω2 of their velocities. It is important to point out that the velocity field and the shear stress for the oscillatory motion between the cylinders, when one of them is at rest, can be obtained from our general solutions by making W1 = 0, W2 = W and ω2 = ω (when inner cylinder is at rest) or W1 = W, W2 = 0 and ω1 = ω (when outer cylinder is at rest). For instance, the velocity field for the flow of generalized second grade fluid, when inner cylinder is at rest and the outer cylinder is oscillating, is given by (from Eq. (23))
The solutions that have been obtained, presented under integral and series forms in terms of the generalized G and R functions, satisfy the governing equation and all imposed initial and boundary conditions and for β → 1 reduce to the similar solutions for the second grade fluid. Finally, the solutions for the flow of Newtonian fluid for the similar flow between cylinders have been also recovered as a special case of our general solutions, when β → 1 and α → 0.
Finally the graphical illustrations, Figs. 2–4, are given to show the comparison between the flow of generalized second grade (curves vG1(r) and vG2(r) for β = 0.9 and 0.6, respectively), second grade (curve vS(r) for β = 1) and that of Newtonian fluid (curve vN(r) for β = 1 and α → 0). These graphs also show the influence of the fractional coefficient β on the velocity v(r, t). In all figures we consider R1 = 1, R2 = 4, V1 = 1, V2 = 4, Ω1 = 5, Ω2 = 7, α = 9 × 10−3 and ν = 1.1746 × 10−3 while SI units of parameters are used.Velocity profiles for different values of time.
Velocity profiles for different values of time.
Velocity profiles for different values of time.
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Appendix A
Some results used in the text:
The finite Hankel transform of the function