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A note on “The tanh–coth method combined with the Riccati equation for solving nonlinear coupled equation in mathematical physics”
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +7 495 324 11 81. (Nikolai A. Kudryashov)
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Available online 26 June 2011
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
The recent paper “The tanh–coth method combined with the Riccati equation for solving nonlinear coupled equation in mathematical physics” (J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 23 (2011) 127–132) is analyzed. We show that the authors of this paper solved equations with the well known solutions. One of these equations is the famous Riccati equation and the other equation is one for the Weierstrass elliptic function. We present the general solutions of these equations. As this takes place, 19 solutions by authors do not satisfy the equation but the other 29 solutions can be obtained from the general solutions.
Riccati equation
Weierstrass elliptic function
Tanh–coth method
In the recent paper Bekir and Cevikel (2011) tried to study the (2+1)-dimensional system of two equations in the form
However, in fact, these authors looked for exact solutions of these equations taking the traveling waves into account
After integrating both equations of system (4) and (5), the authors omitted constants of integration and obtained the system
In fact, taking arbitrary constants into account we have the system of equations in the form
After multiplying on u′ Eq. (8) can be integrated with respect to ξ again. In this case we have the equation in the form
We checked all solutions by Bekir and Cevikel (2011) and obtained that 19 solutions from this paper: u3, u4, u10, u11, u12, u13, u16, u17, u23, u24, u25, u26, u40, u41, u42, u43, u44, u47 and u48 do not satisfy Eq. (6) and sequently these solutions are wrong. The other 29 solutions of Eq. (6) of Bekir and Cevikel (2011) can be obtained from solution (12). For example, when D2 and D3 in (11) are equal to zero, solution of (6) can be transformed to the form:
Assuming D1 = −1 and ξ0 = 0, we obtain
For D1 = 4 we have
Bekir and Cevikel (2011) also considered the Riccati equation in the form
In conclusion, let us note that idea by Bekir and Cevikel (2011) using the simplest equation method for finding exact solutions was published in paper by Kudryashov (1990, 2005). We have to point out that the authors of work Bekir and Cevikel (2011) made many mistakes discussed in papers Kudryashov (2009a,b), Kudryashov and Loguinova (2009), Kudryashov and Soukharev (2009), Kudryashov (2010), Kudryashov and Ryabov (2010), Kudryashov et al. (2010), Parkes (2009, 2010a,b,c).
This research was partially supported by Federal Target Programmes “Research and Scientific– Pedagogical Personnel of Innovation in Russian Federation on 2009–2013” and “Researches and developments in priority directions of development of a scientifically-technological complex of Russia on 2007–2013”.
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