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A note on “Jacobi elliptic function solutions for the modified Korteweg–de Vries equation”
*Tel.: +86 571 87317741 (Hong-Zhun Liu)
Received: ,
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This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
Available online 23 January 2014
The recently published paper “Jacobi elliptic function solutions for the modified Korteweg–de Vries equation” [J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 25 (2013) 271–274] is analyzed. We show that these Jacobi elliptic function solutions obtained by the authors do not satisfy the original modified Korteweg–de Vries equation.
Modified Korteweg–de Vries equation
Traveling wave solution
Tanh method
Common error
Recently, Wang and Xiang (2013) studied the modified Korteweg–de Vries (mKdV) equation in the form
As a result they transform (1) to an ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the form
Substituting (4) into (3), we have
Since (4) is a solution of (3), (5) must hold for all values of p. Then each coefficient of p must vanish independently. Thus
The solution of (9) and (10) is . In this case, the left hand side of (7) and (8) vanishes. So , and both of u and satisfy the same ordinary differential equation, which means nothing can be obtained from above approach.
It is a pity that Wang and Xiang (2013) obtained and through solving only three equations, namely (6)–(8) and neglected the rest of the equations. Then they claimed “The Jacobi elliptic function solutions, the trigonometric solutions and hyperbolic solutions are obtained”. It is not difficult to find that these solutions, namely (22)–(24) in their paper, are not admitted by the original mKdV equation.
In particular, the solution (24) in their paper, namely,
The tanh method proposes the following solution admitted by (3)
Finally, we notice that
in the results of Wang and Xiang (2013). And in this case, (3) can be changed to an ODE of degree four in the form
It is worth to mention that if we regard the results obtained by Wang and Xiang (2013) as approximate solutions (in contrast to exact solutions), we can find that the derivations and results are correct. However, in this sense, these authors should express them in a proper way, and relevant calculated precisions for these solutions should be discussed as well, for example, see Holmes (2013).
In summary, solutions obtained by these authors do not satisfy the original mKdV equation. We have to point out that similar concerns are discussed in some other published papers as well (see, for examples, Kudryashov (2009) and Kudryashov and Shilnikov (2012)). We believe that our work will help people have a good understanding of the results obtained by Wang and Xiang (2013).
Many thanks are due to the helpful comments and suggestions from the anonymous referees and the editors.
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