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A nonlocal diffusion problem that approximates the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions
⁎Corresponding author. (Cesar A. Gómez),
Received: ,
Accepted: ,
This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
In this paper we discuss a nonlocal approximation to the classical heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions. We consider and we show that the corresponding solutions, , converge to the classical solution of the local heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions, , and initial condition , as the parameter goes to zero. The obtained convergence is in the weak star on topology.
Nonlocal diffusion
Neumann boundary conditions
Heat equation

1 Introduction
The nonlocal evolution equation
Here, J is a symmetric continuous nonnegative real function defined on , compactly supported in the unit ball, and such that is a bounded smooth domain in and stands for the initial condition. The problem is known as a nonlocal model since the diffusion of the density u at a point x and time t not only depends on locally, but also on all values of u through the convolution like term . Following (Fife, 2003), the model (1.1) can be interpreted as follows: If is the density of a population at point x and time t, and is thought as the probability distribution of jumping from location y to location x, then the convolution , is the rate at which the individuals are arriving to location x from all other places (notice that no individuals may arrive to x coming from outside ). In the same way, , is the rate at which individuals are leaving the location x to travel to other sites (notice that no individual can jump outside ). So, in absence of external or internal sources, the density u satisfies the nonlocal Eq. (1.1). Now we remark that the fact that there is no individuals that enter or leave the domain makes this problem a zero flux diffusion problem and therefore the total mass is preserved, , as happens with solutions to (1.2). The model (1.1) shares more properties with (1.2) such as: bounded stationary solutions are constant, a maximum principle is satisfied and perturbations propagate with infinite speed (Fife, 2003). Concerning applications, (1.1) and some variants of it have been used, for instance, in Biology (Carrillo and Fife, 2005), image processing, Gilboa and Osher (2006), and particle systems, Bodnar and Velázquez (2006); see also (Alberti and Bellettini, 1998 and Fournier and Laurencot, 2006). For the mathematical analysis of nonlocal models the list of references is large and we refer to Abu Arqub et al. (2015), El-Ajou et al. (2015a,b), Andreu et al. (2008), Bates et al. (1997), Bogoya and Gómez (2012), Caffarelli and Silvestre (2009), Chasseigne et al. (2006), Coville et al. (2008), Coville and Dupaigne (2007), Ignat and Rossi (2007), and to the book (Andreu-Vaillo et al., 2010) and references therein.
Moreover, when one rescales the kernel J considering
, it was shown in Cortazar et al. (2008) that the corresponding solutions to (1.1) with a fixed initial condition converge to the solution to (1.2) as
. In addition, concerning the non-homegeneous problem, that is, (1.2) with
, in Cortazar et al. (2008) it is proved that this problem can be approximated with
The main advantage of the model given by (1.4) compared with (1.3) is that when one deals with a nonlinear datum of the form it is necessary to use an extension of the solution u from to in the case of (1.3) (notice that such an extension is not trivial since g depends on the solution itself). However, it is not necessary to perform such extension when dealing with (1.6).
For the problem (1.4) in Bogoya and Gómez (2012) it is proved existence and uniqueness of solutions for , that a comparison principle is satisfied and it is also studied the asymptotic behavior of the solutions as .
Our main goal in this paper is to study the behaviour of solutions to this nonlocal model when the involved kernels are rescaled appropriately. If we consider the new kernels
We have the following existence and uniqueness result:
For every and every there exists a unique solution to problem (1.6).
The proof follow the same lines of Theorem 2.2 in Bogoya and Gómez (2012) and then we omit the details here.As we have mentioned, our main objective is to show that the solution of the non–homogeneous Neumann problem for the heat Eq. (1.2), can be approximated by solutions of (1.6) when the parameter goes to zero. We have the following theorem:
Let be a bounded domain, , let v the solution to (1.2) and assume that , for some . Let be the solution to (1.6). Then, for each
We remark that the obtained convergence is the weak–∗ topology is the same that was obtained in Cortazar et al. (2008) for the problem (1.3).
2 Proof of Theorem 1.2. Weak–∗ convergence in
In this section we give the proof of Theorem 1.2. To this end we use a result proved in Cortazar et al. (2008) for the problem (1.3). More precisely, we will use the following theorem:
Let be a bounded domain, the solution to (1.2), for some . Let be a solution to (1.3). Then, there is an adequate constant K such that, for each ,
We fix K in such a way that the conclusion of Theorem 2.1 holds.
Proof Proof of Theorem 1.2
With the aim to prove Theorem 1.2, we just want to obtain that
the solution to (1.6) is close to
the solution to (1.3). To this end we consider equation verified by the difference
that is,
After integration in
of (2.1), we consider
and we decompose it as follows:
Let such that . We consider the following sets: and
Note that
, we use the change of variables
the normal vector at
to obtain
Now we consider the extension of g given by
and from (2.3) and (2.4) we get
Using the change of variables
in the first integral we obtain
Taking into account (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6), making the change of variables
and considering that
we obtain
appropriately in such a way that
we conclude
With this estimate we can control
In fact, let
be a nonnegative solution of the problem
Integrating (2.9) in and using the symmetry of J we have and therefore
From (2.8) we obtain that
Now, since we get that
Hence, from (2.10), it holds that
To finish the proof of the theorem, let , then
Taking into account (2.11) and Theorem 2.1 we conclude that as we wanted to show. □
Remark that we obtained in (2.11). This says that solutions to the nonlocal models (1.3) and (1.6) are close for small in a topology that is stronger than weak–∗ in .
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