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30 (
); 561-567

A new modified deflected subgradient method

Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef, Chlef 02000, Algeria
Universié Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem, Mostaganem 02700, Algeria

⁎Corresponding author. belgacemrachid02@yahoo.fr (Rachid Belgacem),

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


A new deflected subgradient algorithm is presented for computing a tighter lower bound of the dual problem. These bounds may be useful in nodes evaluation in a Branch and Bound algorithm to find the optimal solution of large-scale integer linear programming problems. The deflected direction search used in the present paper is a convex combination of the Modified Gradient Technique and the Average Direction Strategy. We identify the optimal convex combination parameter allowing the deflected subgradient vector direction to form a more acute angle with the best direction towards an optimal solution. The modified algorithm gives encouraging results for a selected symmetric travelling salesman problem (TSPs) instances taken from TSPLIB library.


Integer linear programming
Subgradient method
Nonsmooth optimization
Travelling salesman problem

1 Introduction

In this paper we consider the following integer linear program:

IP z = min x s.t. A 1 x b 1 x X = x Z n : A 2 x b 2 , where x is an n × 1 vector, Z n is the set of integers, c, b 1 , b 2 , A 1 and A 2 are n × 1 , m × 1 , k × 1 , m × n and k × n matrices, respectively. We assume that the problem ( IP ) is feasible and that X is a bounded and finite set. The problem ( IP ) is called the “primal problem” and z is called the “primal optimal value”. The constraints A 2 x b 2 are generally called the easy constraints, in the sense that an integer linear program with only these constraints is easy to solve. Lagrangian duality (Bazaraa and Sherali, 1981) is the most computationally useful idea for solving hard integer programs. The Lagrangian dual problem is obtained via Lagrangian relaxation approach (Fisher, 1985), where the constraints A 1 x b 1 , which are called the “complicated constraints”, are relaxed by introducing a multiplier vector λ R + m , called “Lagrangian multiplier”. The Lagrangian relaxation problem is formulated as follows:
RP w λ = min c x + λ A 1 x - b 1 s.t. x X ,

It is easy to prove that w ( λ ) z for all λ 0 (weak duality (Bazaraa et al., 2006)). The best choice for λ would be the optimal solution of the following problem, called the dual problem:

D w = max w λ λ 0 .

With some suitable assumptions, the dual optimal value w is equal to z (strong duality (Bazaraa et al., 2006)). In general, w provides a tighter lower bound of z . These bounds may be useful in nodes evaluation in exact methods such as Branch and Bound algorithm to find the optimal solution of ( IP ) . The function w λ is continuous and concave but non-smooth. The most widely adopted method for solving the dual problem is the subgradient optimization, see for instance Polyak (1967), Shor (1985), Nedic and Bertsekas (2010), Nesterov (2014) and Hu et al. (2015). The pure subgradient optimization method is an iterative procedure that can be used to solve the problem of maximizing (minimizing) a non-smooth concave (convex) function w λ on a closed convex set Ω . This procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1, and it is used in various fields in science and engineering (Sra et al., 2012).

Algorithm 1 (Based Subgradient Algorithm).
  1. Choose an initial point λ 0 Ω .

  2. Construct a sequence of points λ k k Ω which eventually converges to an optimal solution using the rule λ k + 1 = P Ω λ k + t k s k , where P Ω . is a projection operator on the set Ω and t k is a positive scalar called step length such that

    t k = δ k w - w k s k 2 , where w k = w ( λ k ) is the dual function at the current iteration, δ k ] 0 , 2 [ and s k is a subgradient of the function w at λ k .

  3. Replace k by k + 1 and repeat the process until some stopping criteria.

In the context of Lagrangian relaxation, computing the subgradient direction s k and the projection P Ω λ k + t k s k ( Ω = R + m ) is a relatively easy problem. Since the subgradient s k is not necessarily a descent direction, the step-length rule (4) differs from those given in the area of descent methods. In fact, this choice assures the decreasing of the subsequence λ k - λ k as well as the convergence of λ k k to λ . However, it is impossible to know in advance the value of w for most problems. To this end, the most effective way is to use the variable target value methods developed in Kim et al. (1990), Fumero (2001) and Sherali et al. (2000).

Another challenge in subgradient optimization is the choice of direction search that affects the computational performance of the algorithm. It is known that choosing the subgradient direction s k , leads to the zigzagging phenomenon that might cause slow the procedure to crawl towards optimality (Bazaraa et al., 2006). To overcome this situation, in the spirit of conjugate gradient method (Nocedal and Wright, 2006; Fletcher and Reeves, 1964), we can adopt a direction search that deflects the subgradient pure direction. Accordingly, the direction search d k at λ k is computed as:

d k = s k + Ψ k d k - 1 , where Ψ k 0 is a deflection parameter, s k is a subgradient of the function w at λ k and d k - 1 is the previous direction ( d 0 = 0 ) . Then, the new iteration is computed as:
λ k + 1 = P Ω λ k + t k d k .

Some promising deflection algorithms of this type are the Modified Gradient Technique (MGT) (Camerini et al., 1975) and the Average Direction Strategy (ADS) (Sherali and Ulular, 1989). The MGT method was found to be superior to the pure subgradient method when used in concert with a specially designed step-length selection rule. The deflection parameter Ψ k MGT is computed according to:

Ψ k MGT = - η k s k d k - 1 d k - 1 2 if s k d k - 1 < 0 , 0 otherwise, where 0 < η k 2 . With this choice of the deflection parameter, the direction becomes:
d MGT k = s k + Ψ k MTG d k - 1 .

The ADS strategy recommends to make the deflection at each iteration point by choosing the direction search which simply bisects the angle between the current subgradient s k and the previous direction search d k - 1 . To get this direction, the deflection parameter is computed according to:

Ψ k ADS = s k d k - 1 .

With this choice of the deflection parameter, the direction becomes:

d ADS k = s k + Ψ k ADS d k - 1 .

Nowadays, the deflected subgradient method remains an important tool for nonsmooth optimization problems, especially for linear integer programming, due to its simple formulation and low storage requirement. In this paper, we present a new deflected direction search as a convex combination of the direction d MGT k (8) and the direction d ADS k (10). Our main result is the identification of the convex combination parameter which forces the algorithm to have a better deflection search than those given in the pure subgradient, MGT and ADS. For a numerical comparison of our approach and the two concurrent techniques MGT and ADS, we opted for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) where its importance comes from the richness of its application and the fact that it is a typical of other problems of combinatorial optimization (Diaby and Karwan, 2016; El-Sherbeny, 2010).

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we describe our deflected subgradient method with convergence analysis. The computational tests, conducted on the Lagrangian relaxation of TSP of different sizes are described in Section 3. In Section 4 we conclude the paper.


2 A new modified deflected subgradient method

In this section, we present a new modified deflected subgradient method ( NMDS ) which determines the direction search as follows:

d k = ( 1 - α k ) d MGT k + α k d ADS k , α k 0 , 1 .

We then obtain the following deflection parameter:

Ψ k = - η k 1 - α k s k d k - 1 + α k s k d k - 1 d k - 1 2 if s k d k - 1 < 0 , 0 otherwise, hence d k = s k + Ψ k d k - 1 .
Algorithm 2 (The Deflected Subgradient Algorithm).
  1. (Initialization): Choose a starting point λ 0 Ω = R + m , let d 0 = 0 and k = 0 .

  2. Determine a subgradient s k w ( λ k ) and compute d k = s k + Ψ k d k - 1 , λ k + 1 = P Ω ( λ k + t k d k ) , where Ψ k is given by relation (12) and t k will be specified later.

  3. Replace k by k + 1 if a stopping condition is not yet met and return to step 2.

Consider the deflected subgradient method algorithm given in Algorithm 2. The following proposition extends important properties of the subgradient vector s k and the deflected subgradient direction d MGT k to the new deflected subgradient direction d k (11). With a best choice of the parameter t k , d k make an acute angle with λ - λ k and d k - 1 . We also get the decreasing of the subsequence ( λ - λ k ) k .

Proposition 1

Let s k w ( λ k ) , d k be the new deflected subgradient direction given by (11) and (12) and let { λ k } be the sequence of iterations generated by the deflected subgradient scheme. If we take 0 < η k 2 and the stepsize t k to satisfy

0 < t k < w - w ( λ k ) d k 2 , k = 0 , 1 , 2 , then,
  1. (14)
    d k - 1 λ - λ k > 0 ,

  2. (15)
    λ k + 1 - λ < λ k - λ ,

  3. d k d k - 1 0 .

for all k where λ k are non optimal points and λ is an optimal solution.


  1. The proof is established by induction on k. Since we start with d 0 = 0 , the case k = 1 is trivial. Now, assume that we have

    d k - 2 λ - λ k - 1 0 , k 2 , and let us establish (14) at iteration k. Using the definition of d k - 1 , we obtain that d k - 1 λ - λ k = d k - 1 λ - λ k - 1 + λ k - 1 - λ k = d k - 1 λ - λ k - 1 + d k - 1 λ k - 1 - λ k = s k - 1 + Ψ k - 1 d k - 2 λ - λ k - 1 + d k - 1 λ k - 1 - λ k = s k - 1 λ - λ k - 1 + Ψ k - 1 d k - 2 λ - λ k - 1 + d k - 1 λ k - 1 - λ k .

    Furthermore, from the concavity of the function w · , the induction hypothesis (16) and the inequalities in (13), we get

    d k - 1 λ - λ k w - w ( λ k - 1 ) - d k - 1 λ k - λ k - 1

    Since the vector λ k - P Ω ( λ k - 1 + t k - 1 d k - 1 ) is perpendicular to the supporting hyperplane of Ω = R + m at λ k , the angle at λ k is obtuse (see Fig. 1). We deduce that d k - 1 ( λ k - ( λ k - 1 + t k - 1 d k - 1 ) ) 0 , which is equivalent to

    - d k - 1 ( λ k - λ k - 1 ) - t k - 1 d k - 1 2

    Substituting (18) in (17) we obtain

    d k - 1 λ - λ k w - w ( λ k - 1 ) - t k - 1 d k - 1 2 > 0 .

  2. We have λ - λ k + 1 2 = λ - P Ω ( λ k + t k d k ) 2 λ - λ k - t k d k 2 = λ - λ k 2 + t k 2 d k 2 - 2 t k d k λ - λ k = λ - λ k 2 + t k t k d k 2 - 2 d k λ - λ k .

    From the concavity of w, the inequalities in (13) and by applying (14) in Proposition 1, we get the following relations, respectively: t k d k 2 w - w ( λ k ) 2 w - w ( λ k ) 2 s k λ - λ k 2 d MGT k λ - λ k 2 d k λ - λ k .

    It follows, that t k d k 2 - 2 d k λ - λ k 0 .

    Consequently, λ - λ k + 1 < λ - λ k .

  3. If s k d k - 1 0 then d k = s k and hence the claim follows. Thus, consider the case s k d k - 1 < 0 . we have then d k d k - 1 = s k + Ψ k d k - 1 d k - 1 = s k d k - 1 + Ψ k d k - 1 2 = s k d k - 1 - η k 1 - α k s k d k - 1 + α k s k d k - 1 = - α k + η k α k ( 1 - α k ) + α k s k d k - 1 = η k α k 1 - α k s k d k - 1 0 .

This completes the prove. □

Illustration in a two-dimensional case.
Fig. 1
Illustration in a two-dimensional case.

The importance of Proposition 1 lies on the fact that choosing the deflection parameter Ψ k using the rule (12) with 0 < η k 2 forces the current deflected subgradient direction to form always an acute angle with the previous step direction and hence, this method eliminates the zigzagging of the pure subgradient procedure. Note that the choice of the vector of deflected direction d MGT k is always at least as good as the direction of the subgradient vector s k . If 1 η k 2 , then d MGT k d MGT k - 1 0 (Camerini et al., 1975).

The theorem below shows that with a particular choice of the convex combination parameter α k and the parameter η k , the deflected subgradient vector direction d k is always at least as good as the direction d MGT k in a sense that d k can form a more acute angle with the best direction towards an optimal solution than d MGT k does (see Fig. 2), which enhances the speed of convergence. The two lemmas below are necessary for the proof of our principal result.

Lemma 1

Let s k w ( λ k ) and set α k = - cos ( s k , d k - 1 ) if s k d k - 1 < 0 . With the assumption in (13) and letting

0 < η k 1 2 - α k , then
d k λ - λ k d MGT k λ - λ k forallk .


Using (8), (10) and (11) we obtain the following relation: d k λ - λ k - d MGT k λ - λ k = α k d MGT k λ - λ k + 1 - α k d ADS k λ - λ k - d MGT k λ - λ k = 1 - α k d ADS k λ - λ k - d MGT k λ - λ k = 1 - α k s k + Ψ k ADS d k - 1 λ - λ k - s k + Ψ k MGT d k - 1 λ - λ k = 1 - α k Ψ k ADS - Ψ k MGT d k - 1 λ - λ k .

From (7) and (9) it follows that:

Ψ k ADS - Ψ k MGT = s k d k - 1 d k - 1 2 1 + η k cos ( s k , d k - 1 ) .

Using the last equality and applying Proposition 1 we get (21). □

Lemma 2

Under the same hypothesis of Lemma 1, we have

d k d MGT k for all k .


If s k d k - 1 0 then Ψ k = 0 and hence (23) obviously holds and one simply has d k = d MGT k . In the case where s k d k - 1 < 0 , then: d k 2 - d MGT k 2 = s k + Ψ k d k - 1 2 - s k + Ψ k MGT d k - 1 2 = Ψ k 2 - Ψ k MGT 2 d k - 1 2 + 2 Ψ k - Ψ k MGT s k d k - 1 = Ψ k - Ψ k MGT Ψ k + Ψ k MGT d k - 1 2 + 2 s k d k - 1 .

Since s k d k - 1 = s k d k - 1 cos ( s k , d k - 1 ) one finds: d k 2 - d MGT k 2 = α k 2 s k 2 - η k α k + 1 η k 2 - α k - 1 .

By the choice of η k such that we obtain d k d MGT k .

Theorem 1

Under the same hypothesis of Lemma 1, we have

  • (i)

    d k λ - λ k d k d MGT k λ - λ k d MGT k .

  • (ii) If the vectors d k and d MGT k form an angle θ d k and θ d MGT k , respectively, with the vector λ - λ k , then 0 θ d k θ d MGT k 90 ° .


Direct consequence of the previous lemmas. □

Case where s k is deflected since it has formed an obtuse angle with d k - 1 and the direction d NMDS k is better as compared to other directions d ADS k and d MGT k .
Fig. 2
Case where s k is deflected since it has formed an obtuse angle with d k - 1 and the direction d NMDS k is better as compared to other directions d ADS k and d MGT k .


3 Computational results

The proposed algorithm has been applied to one of the standard integer linear programming problems in the field of operational research, namely the symmetric travelling salesman problem (TSPs). The travelling salesman problem is a classical NP-Hard combinatorial optimization problem (Garey and Johnson, 1990). It can be formulated as follows: giving a set of cities, and distances between them, the goal is to find the shortest tour visiting every city only once and returning to the starting city. More details on this problem may be found in Lawler et al., 1985. The TSPs can be stated as follows (where c ij is the cost of link ( i , j ) ):

min i = 1 m j = 1 j i m c ij x ij , subject to
j = 1 m x ij = 1 , i = 1 , , m ,
i = 1 m x ij = 1 , j = 1 , , m ,
i Q m j Q m x ij Q - 1 , Q : 2 Q m - 2 ,
x ij = 0 or 1 , i , j = 1 , , m ,
where Q 1 , , m . Letting X be the set of all 1-trees (Held and Karp, 1970), the subtour constrains (28) can be eliminated by insisting that a vector x satisfying the constraints (26), (27) and (29) must also belong to X. In particular for the symmetric case, constraints (26) and (27) can be replaced by (30) leading to the following equivalent formulation of the TSPs: min i = 1 m j = 1 j i m c ij x ij , subject to
j = 1 j i m x ij + j = 1 j i m x ji = 2 for i = 1 , , m ,
x X .

From this, one obtains the following dual function, which has to be maximized:

w λ = min i = 1 m j = 1 j i m c ij + λ i + λ j x ij , x X - 2 i = 1 m λ i , where λ R m is the vector of Lagrangian multipliers.

Given a vector λ , if x optimizes w λ , then a vector s whose i th component

s i = j = 1 j i m x ij + j = 1 j i m x ji - 2 is a subgradient of w λ at λ (Bazaraa et al., 2006; Held et al., 1974).

To validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have applied it on some TSPs instances taken from TSPLIB.1 The proposed algorithm, MGT and ADS were implemented in Matlab and executed on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i517U CPU @ 1.70 GHz 1.70 GHz RAM 4.00GO.

For all symmetric instances and for a fair comparison between the three algorithms, the following parameter settings were chosen:

  • The same initial multiplier λ 1 = ( 0 , 0 , , 0 ) T was used for the three algorithms.

  • The stop conditions are the maximum number of iteration iterMAX = 1000 , or w - w ( λ k ) ε , where ε is a small tolerance ( ε = 10 - 2 ) .

  • The step size t k is defined according to formula (4).

  • The parameter δ k follows the Held et al. (1974) suggestion, that makes 0 < δ k 2 , beginning with δ k = 2 . If after 20iterations w ( λ k ) not increases, δ k is updated to δ k = δ k 2 .

  • For MGT algorithm, as mentioned in Camerini et al. (1975), the use of η k = 1.5 is recommended and its intuitive justification together with computational results are also given, which indicates that in practise, the performance of MGT strategy is superior to that of the pure subgradient algorithm.

  • For our algorithm the value of η k depends on the optimal convex combination parameter α k as indicated in Lemma 1, where α k = - cos ( s k , d k - 1 ) if s k d k - 1 < 0 . We used η k = 1 2 - α k - ε , where ε is an arbitrary small value.

Table 1 shows the experimental results obtained by: MGT strategy, ADS strategy and by applying our NMDS algorithm proposed in this paper with 11 symmetric benchmark instances between n = 6 and n = 101 vertices taken from TSPLIB. For the three strategies, the duality GAP for these 11 examples is null. However, always NMDS algorithm outperforms the others in number of iterations and execution time. Table 2 gives the computational results for 19 symmetric benchmark instances between 131 and 3056 vertices. This table also shows that our algorithm gives near optimal results for several instances. The column headers are as follows:

  • Name: Indicate the instance name.

  • n: Indicate the problem size.

  • w : The best known optimal solution.

  • LB: The best value (lower bound) obtained by each strategy.

  • Iter: Number of iterations at which the best value LBis obtained (limited to 1000).

  • GAP = w - LB w .

  • CPU: Total computer time, in second for calculating the best value LBobtained by each strategy.

Table 1 Computational results for 6 n 101 .
Name n w Strategy
Our method ADS strategy MGT strategy
tsp6 6 207 207 0 2 0.027862 s 207 0 2 0.032690 s 207 0 2 0.028533 s
tsp7 7 106.4 106.4 0 3 0.028651 s 106.4 0 3 0.028819 s 106.4 0 3 0.029059 s
tsp8 8 100 100 0 3 0.032122 s 100 0 3 0.032360 s 100 0 3 0.033069 s
tsp10 10 378 10 0 3 0.077130 s 378 0 18 0.085784 s 378 0 15 0.099755 s
ulysses16 16 68.59 68.59 0 16 0.077255 s 68.59 0 30 0.099056 s 68.59 0 26 0.090043 s
gr21 21 2707 2707 0 19 0.077098 s 2707 0 26 0.086654 s 2707 0 22 0.080609 s
ulysses22 22 70.13 70.13 0 21 0.219532 s 70.13 0 70 0.467253 s 70.13 0 28 0.253197 s
tsp33 33 10861 10861 0 18 0.27955 s 10861 0 19 0.303524 s 10861 0 22 0.304997 s
eil76 76 538 538 0 12 0.728258 s 538 0 23 1.285156 s 538 0 18 1.071510 s
rat99 99 1211 1211 0 19 1.817552 s 1211 0 20 1.902072 s 1211 0 34 3.111573 s
eil101 101 629 629 0 13 1.253360 s 629 0 16 1.523116 s 629 0 15 1.422569 s
Table 2 Computational results for 131 n 3056 .
Name n w Strategy
Our method ADS strategy MGT strategy
xq131 131 564 555.96 0.0159 350 38.134934 s 555.52 0.0167 350 39.009219 s 555.64 0.0165 350 42.417376 s
ch150 150 6528 6498.3 0.0045 193 57.562539 s 6463.2 0.0099 200 58.301731 s 6490.4 0.0057 202 59.548258 s
tsp237 237 1019 1004.8 0.0139 190 76.942993 s 1002.4 0.0162 200 79.046667 s 1003.9 0.0148 197 77.288710 s
a280 280 2579 2569.8 0.0035 251 128.401733 s 2568.3 0.0041 251 134.245723 s 2569.8 0.0035 251 129.376815
linhp318 318 41345 41345 0 188 135.792252 s 41330 0.0003 200 148.125054 s 41337 0.0001 195 140.734334 s
pbk411 411 1343 1443 0 250 328.562376 s 1338.3 0.0034 250 376.626413 s 1338.6 0.0032 250 235.626147 s
pbn423 423 1365 1365 0 251 344.519801 s 1360.3 0.0034 251 349.933052 s 1361.5 0.0025 251 370.504702 s
pbm436 436 1443 1423.9 0.0132 207 241.663478 s 1422.3 0.0143 251 334.741944 s 1421.4 0.0149 207 255.055079 s
rat575 575 6773 6721.2 0.0076 350 1287.476161 s 6716 0.0084 350 1266.572875 s 6718.9 0.0079 350 1138.613357 s
rbx711 711 3115 3099.6 0.0049 500 1648.379114 s 3094.3 0.0066 500 1668.377875 s 3096.2 0.0060 500 1701.099452 s
rat783 783 8806 8652.2 0.0197 121 496.527482 s 8609.5 0.0223 180 744.089813 s 8642.8 0.0185 131 592.200505 s
dkg813 813 3199 3164.7 0.0107 200 126.290411 s 3147.5 0.0203 200 129.330427 s 3154.7 0.0138 200 138.698584 s
pbd984 984 2797 2797 0 500 2216.458302,s 2772 0.0089 500 4059.009584 s 2774.3 0.0081 500 3394.524016,s
xit1083 1083 3558 3551.1 0.0019 550 3394.524016 s 3525.1 0.0092 600 3394.524016 s 3549.6 0.0023 600 3726.7668 s
dka1376 1376 4666 4666 0 500 7321.695698 s 4659.6 0.0013 500 14632.080221 s 4662 0.0008 500 14704.797585 s
dja1436 1436 5257 5194.2 0.0437 500 10959.322745 s 5189.4 0.0128 500 12014.302471 s 5184.4 0.0138 500 11486.802618 s
dcc1911 1911 6396 6367.9 0.0043 500 10602.013548 s 6338.3 0.0097 500 11742.144423 s 6357.2 0.0060 500 11127.0759858 s
djb2103 2103 6197 6197 0 430 13566.845650 s 6133.8 0.0101 500 14954.211430 s 6169.3 0.0044 500 15955.063763 s
pia3056 3056 8285 8285 0 500 51124.513213 s 8192 0.0112 500 59123.013454 s 8228.2 0.0068 500 58072.083303 s


4 Conclusion

By identifying the optimal convex combination parameter, a new deflected direction is given as convex combination of the deflected direction of MGT and ADS. This direction, at each iteration reduces the zigzagging phenomenon and hence getting closer and faster to the optimal solution. The analysis studies are consistent with the numerical experiments. Moreover, this method can be used to improve convergence in the area of deflected subgradient method using augmented Lagrangian duality (Burachik and Kaya, 2010) and dual subgradient methods (Gustavsson et al., 2015). One can also follow Lim and Sherali (2006) and combine this method with a variable target technique in order to have a good performance. Finally, the subgradient method is usually used as subroutine in exact, heuristic and metaheuristic optimization, which justifies the large spectrum of applications of our approach.


The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the editor and the reviewers for their constructive comments, which are very useful for improving this paper.


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