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Original article
06 2022

A Liu-Storey-type conjugate gradient method for unconstrained minimization problem with application in motion control

Fixed Point Research Laboratory, Fixed Point Theory and Applications Research Group, Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE), Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Numerical Optimization Research Group, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Kano, Nigeria
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria, Medunsa-0204, South Africa
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok 16424, Indonesia
Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE), Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Departments of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung 40402, Taiwan
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Zaozhuang University, Zaozhuang, Shandong 277160, China

⁎Corresponding author at: Fixed Point Research Laboratory, Fixed Point Theory and Applications Research Group, Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE), Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand. poom.kum@kmutt.ac.th (Poom Kumam)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Conjugate gradient methods have played a vital role in finding the minimizers of large-scale unconstrained optimization problems due to the simplicity of their iteration, convergence properties and their low memory requirements. Based on the Liu-Storey conjugate gradient method, in this paper, we present a Liu-Storey type method for finding the minimizers of large-scale unconstrained optimization problems. The direction of the proposed method is constructed in such a way that the sufficient descent condition is satisfied. Furthermore, we establish the global convergence result of the method under the standard Wolfe and Armijo-like line searches. Numerical findings indicate that our presented approach is efficient and robust in solving large-scale test problems. In addition, an application of the method is explored.


Unconstrained optimization
Conjugate gradient method
Line search
Global convergence

1 Introduction

In this paper, we present alternative nonlinear conjugate gradient (CG) method for solving unconstrained optimization problems.

Conjugate gradient methods are preferable among other optimization methods because of low storage requirements (Hager and Zhang, 2006). Based on these, a considerable amount of research articles have been published, most of these articles considered global convergence of the conjugate gradient methods that are previously difficult to globalize (see, for example, Zhang et al., 2006; Gilbert and Nocedal, 1992; Al-Baali, 1985; Dai et al., 2000). In other perspective, some articles considered widening the applicability as well as improving the numerical performance of the existing conjugate gradient methods (see for example Yuan et al., 2019; Yuan et al., 2020; Hager and Zhang, 2013; Ding et al., 2010; Xie et al., 2009; Xie et al., 2010; Abubakar et al., 2021; Abubakar et al., 2021; Malik et al., 2021).

Consider the unconstrained optimization problem

min x R n f ( x ) , where f : R n R is continuously differentiable and its gradient g ( x ) = f ( x ) is Lipschitz continuous. The conjugate gradient method for solving (1) generates a sequence { x k } via the iterative formula x k + 1 = x k + s k , s k = α k d k , k = 0 , 1 , , with d k given by
d k - g ( x k ) , if k = 0 , - g ( x k ) + β k d k - 1 , if k > 0 ,
and the search direction d k satisfies the descent condition
g k T d k - c g k 2 ,
for some c > 0 .

The parameter α k > 0 is the steplength obtained by either the standard Wolfe line search conditions (Sun and Yuan, 2006), namely,

f ( x k + α k d k ) - f ( x k ) ϑ α k g k T d k ,
g ( x k + α k d k ) T d k σ g k T d k ,
or the Armijo-like line search condition proposed by Grippo and Lucidi (1997), where α k is obtained as: ρ , ϑ ( 0 , 1 ) , α k = ρ i , where i is the least nonnegative integer such that the following inequality
f ( x k + α k d k ) f ( x k ) - ϑ α k 2 d k 2

The scalar β k is known as the conjugate gradient parameter. Some notable parameters are; the Hestenes-Stiefel (HS) (Hestenes and Stiefel, 1952), Polak-Ribiére-Polyak (PRP) (Polak and Ribiere, 1969; Polyak, 1969) and Liu-Storey (LS) (Liu and Storey, 1991). They are defined as follows: β k HS = g k T y k - 1 d k - 1 T y k - 1 β k PRP = g k T y k - 1 g k - 1 2 , β k LS = g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 . where g k = g ( x k ) , y k - 1 = g k - g k - 1 .

It can be observed that the HS, PRP, and LS method have similarity in their numerator, this similarity makes them have some common features in terms of computational performance. There exists many works on the development of the HS and PRP methods (see, for example, Zhang et al., 2007; Dong et al., 2017; Yu et al., 2008; Saman and Ghanbari, 2014; Andrei, 2011; Yuan et al., 2021), however, as noticed by Hager and Zhang (2006) in their review article, the research on the LS method is rare. Nevertheless, some works on the LS parameter have been presented in the references (Shi and Shen, 2007; Tang et al., 2007; Zhang, 2009; Liu and Feng, 2011; Li and Feng, 2011. In Shi and Shen, 2007; Tang et al., 2007; Liu and Feng, 2011), the authors proposed a new form of Armijo-like line search strategy and used it to investigate the global convergence of the LS method. Zhang (2009), developed a new descent LS-type method based on the memoryless BFGS update and proved the global convergence of the method for general function using the Grippo and Lucidi (1997) line search. Li and Feng (2011), remarked that because of the similarity of the HS, PRP, and LS conjugate parameters, the techniques applied to the HS and PRP can be applied to the LS method to improve its convergence and computational performance. In this regard, Li and Feng, proposed a modification of the LS method similar to the well-known Hager and Zhang CG-DESCENT (Hager and Zhang, 2005).

Noticing the above development, in this paper, we seek another alternative LS-type method following the modifications of the HS and PRP methods by Liang et al. (2015) and Aminifard and Saman (2019), respectively. Motivated by the above proposals and the similarity of the LS CG parameter with HS and PRP parameters, we present an efficient descent LS-type method for nonconvex functions. The direction satisfy the sufficient descent property without any line search requirement and the method is globally convergent under the standard Wolfe line search as well as the Armijo-like line search. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide the algorithm of the descent LS -type method together with its convergence result. In Section 3, we present the numerical experiments, and conclusions are given in Section 4. Unless otherwise stated, throughout this paper we denote g k = g ( x k ) .


2 Algorithm and theoretical results

Recently, some proposals have been made to modify the HS and PRP methods. The proposal to modify the HS method was done by Liang et al. (2015) and that to modify the PRP (named as NMPRP method) was done by Aminifard and Saman (2019). In Liang et al. (2015), some CG methods with a descent direction was presented. Moreover, the conjugacy condition given by Dai and Liao (2001) was extended. Likewise in Aminifard and Saman (2019), a descent extension of the PRP method was presented and the global convergence was shown under the Wolfe and Armijo-like line search, respectively. In this section, we build on the analysis given in Liang et al. (2015) and Aminifard and Saman (2019) on the LS method to guarantee a sufficient descent direction (3).

Note that if β k LS 0 , then condition (3) is satisfied when g k T d k - 1 0 . Now, our interest is to consider the case where g k T d k - 1 > 0 and the direction satisfies (3). To achieve this, we attach a scaling parameter γ k to the term - g k in (2) and propose the following search direction

d 0 = - g 0 , d k - γ k g k + β k MLS d k - 1 , if g k T d k - 1 > 0 , k > 0 , - g k + β k LS d k - 1 , if g k T d k - 1 0 , k > 0 , where γ k = 1 + g k T d k - 1 g k 2 β k LS and β k MLS = 1 - g k T s k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 β k LS - t y k - 1 2 g k T s k - 1 ( g k - 1 T d k - 1 ) 4 , t 0 .

It is worth noting that if the exact line search is used, the parameter β k MLS reduces to β k LS . If g k T y k - 1 0 the direction d k defined in (7) may not necessarily be descent, in this case we set d k = - g k . Therefore, we defined the proposed direction by

d 0 = - g 0 , d k - g k , if g k T y k - 1 0 , k > 0 , d k ' , if g k T y k - 1 > 0 , k > 0 .

It can be observed that a restart process for the CG method with direction d k defined by (7) occur when g k T y k - 1 0 .

Below we give the algorithm flow framework of the proposed scheme.

Algorithm1: New Modified LS method (NMLS)
Lemma 2.1

The search direction d k defined by (8) satisfy (3) with c = 1 .


For k = 0 or g k T y k - 1 0 , it is easy to see that the sufficient descent condition (3) is satisfied. For k > 0 , we consider the following two cases:

1 st case : ̲ For g k T d k - 1 > 0 , and g k T y k - 1 > 0 , then from (7) and (8) g k T d k = - γ k g k 2 + β k MLS g k T d k - 1 = - 1 + g k T d k - 1 g k 2 g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k 2 + 1 - g k T s k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k T d k - 1 - t y k - 1 2 g k T s k - 1 ( g k - 1 T d k - 1 ) 4 g k T d k - 1 - g k 2 - ( g k T d k - 1 ) ( g k T y k - 1 ) - g k - 1 T d k - 1 + 1 - g k T s k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k T d k - 1 = - g k 2 - ( g k T d k - 1 ) ( g k T y k - 1 ) - g k - 1 T d k - 1 + ( g k T d k - 1 ) ( g k T y k - 1 ) - g k - 1 T d k - 1 - ( g k T s k - 1 ) ( g k T d k - 1 ) ( g k T y k - 1 ) ( g k - 1 T d k - 1 ) 2 = - g k 2 - ( g k T s k - 1 ) ( g k T d k - 1 ) ( g k T y k - 1 ) ( g k - 1 T d k - 1 ) 2 - g k 2 .

2 nd case : ̲ For g k T d k - 1 0 , we proceed the proof of this case by induction. For k = 0 , the result follows trivially. Suppose it is true for k = k - 1 , that is, g k - 1 T d k - 1 - g k - 1 2 . This implies that - g k - 1 T d k - 1 > g k - 1 2 > 0 . Now, we prove it is true for k = k .Since g k T y k - 1 > 0 and by induction hypothesis - g k - 1 T d k - 1 > 0 , then from (7) and (8) g k T d k = - g k 2 + β k LS g k T d k - 1 - g k 2 .  □

Remark 2.2

Note that with an exact line search, the CG scheme with the search direction defined by (7) collapses to the LS scheme.

Next, we prove the convergence of Algorithm 1 under the standard Wolfe line search conditions (4)-(5). In addition, we employ the following assumptions.

Assumption 2.3

The level set H = { x : f ( x ) f ( x 0 ) } is bounded.

Assumption 2.4

In some neighborhood L of H , the gradient of the function f is Lipschitz continuous. That is, there exists L > 0 such that

g ( x ) - g ( x ¯ ) L x - x ¯ , x ¯ L .

Assumptions 2.3 and 2.4 implies that for all x H there exists c 1 , c 2 > 0 such that;

  • x c 1 .

  • g ( x ) c 2 .

  • { x k } H as { f ( x k ) } is decreasing.

Theorem 2.5

Suppose the inequalities (4) and (5) hold. If k = 0 1 d k 2 = + .


lim inf k g k = 0 .


Suppose the conclusion of the theorem is not true, then for some > 0

g k .

By Lemma 2.1 together with (4), we have f ( x k + 1 ) f ( x k ) + ϑ α k g k T d k f ( x k ) - ϑ α k g k 2 f ( x k ) f ( x k - 1 ) f ( x 0 ) .

Likewise, by Lemma 2.1, inequalities (5) and (9), - ( 1 - σ ) g k T d k ( g k + 1 - g k ) T d k g k + 1 - g k d k α k L d k 2 .

Joining the above with (4) yield, ϑ ( 1 - σ ) L ( g k T d k ) 2 d k 2 f ( x k ) - f ( x k + 1 ) and ϑ ( 1 - σ ) L k = 0 ( g k T d k ) 2 d k 2 ( f ( x 0 ) - f ( x 1 ) ) + ( f ( x 1 ) - f ( x 2 ) ) + f ( x 0 ) < + .

This implies that

k = 0 ( g k T d k ) 2 d k 2 < + .

Now, inequality (11) with (3) implies that

g k T d k - g k 2 - 2 .

From (13), we have k = 0 ( g k T d k ) 2 d k 2 k = 0 4 d k 2 = + .

The above lead to a contradiction with (12). Thus, (10) holds. □

In what follows, we prove the convergence result of Algorithm 1 under the Armijo-like condition (6).

Since { f ( x k ) } is nonincreasing, using (6) we have k = 0 α k 2 d k 2 < + , which further implies that

lim k α k d k = 0 .
Theorem 2.6

If α k satisfies the Armijo-like condition (6), then

lim inf k g ( x k ) = 0 .


Suppose Eq. (15) does not hold. Then there is > 0 such that

g ( x k ) for all k { 0 } N .

We first show that the search direction d k satisfies d k N for some N > 0 , using the following two cases.

1 st case : ̲ g k T d k - 1 0 , g k T y k - 1 > 0 and - g k - 1 T d k - 1 > 0 , then from (7), (8) and (3), we have d k = - g k + β k LS d k - 1 = - g k + g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 d k - 1 g k + g k y k - 1 d k - 1 g k - 1 2 c 2 + c 2 L α k - 1 d k - 1 2 2 .

As α k d k 0 from (14), then we can find a c 3 ( 0 , 1 ) and an integer k 0 for which k k 0 and c 2 L 2 α k - 1 d k - 1 c 3 .

So, for every k > k 0 , d k c 2 + c 3 d k - 1 c 2 ( 1 + c 3 + c 3 2 + + c 3 k - k 0 - 1 ) + c 3 k - k 0 d k 0 c 2 1 - c 3 + d k 0 .

Hence, we have d k N 1 where N 1 = max d 0 , d 1 , , d k 0 , c 2 1 - c 3 + d k 0 .

2 nd case : ̲ g k T d k - 1 > 0 , g k T y k - 1 > 0 and - g k - 1 T d k - 1 > 0 , then from (7) and (8) d k = - γ k g k + β k MLS d k - 1 | γ k | g k + | β k MLS | d k - 1 = 1 + g k T d k - 1 g k 2 g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k + 1 - g k T s k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 g k T y k - 1 - g k - 1 T d k - 1 - t y k - 1 2 g k T s k - 1 ( g k - 1 T d k - 1 ) 4 d k - 1 1 + y k - 1 d k - 1 g k - 1 2 g k + 1 + g k s k - 1 g k - 1 2 g k y k - 1 g k - 1 2 d k - 1 + t y k - 1 2 g k s k - 1 g k - 1 8 d k - 1 = g k + 2 + g k s k - 1 g k - 1 2 + + t y k - 1 s k - 1 g k - 1 4 g k y k - 1 d k - 1 g k - 1 2 .

Applying same procedure as in 1 st case, then we can find N 2 > 0 such that d k N 2 . If we let N = max { N 1 , N 2 } , the

d k N .

Next, from the Armijo-like line search condition (6), letting α k ρ - 1 α k = ρ i - 1 , we must have

f ( x k + ρ - 1 α k d k ) > f ( x k ) - ϑ ρ - 2 α k 2 d k 2 .

By mean value theorem, Cauchy Schwartz inequality and (9), there is l k ( 0 , 1 ) for which

f ( x k + ρ - 1 α k d k ) - f ( x k ) = ρ - 1 α k g ( x k + l k ρ - 1 α k d k ) T d k = ρ - 1 α k g k T d k + ρ - 1 α k ( g ( x k + l k ρ - 1 α k d k ) - g k ) T d k ρ - 1 α k g k T d k + L ρ - 2 α k 2 d k 2 .

Inequalities (17), (16), (18) and (19) implies α k ρ g k 2 ( L + ϑ ) d k 2 ρ 2 ( L + ϑ ) N 2 > 0 .

This and (14) gives

lim k d k = 0 .

From the sufficient descent condition (3), we get d k g k .

Therefore, we have lim k g k = 0 . This contradicts (16), hence (15) holds. □


3 Numerical examples

This section demonstrates the numerical performance of Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 is named as NMLS method. Based on the number of iteration (NOI), the number of function evaluations (NOF), and central processing unit (CPU) time, we compare the performance of the NMLS method with the NMPRP method (Aminifard and Saman, 2019). Fifty-six (56) test functions suggested by Andrei (2017) and Jamil (2013) are selected for testing the computational performance of each method. For each test function, we run two problems with different starting points or variation dimensions of 2, 4, 8, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000 and 100000. The list of test functions is given in Table 1. The algorithm was coded in MATLAB R2019a and compiled on a PC with specification: processor Intel Core i7, operating system Windows 10 pro 64 bit, and 16 GB RAM. We stop the algorithm when g k 10 - 6 , and the numerical results are said to fail (use “–” to report the failure), if one of the conditions is satisfied: the NOI is more than 10,000 or the problem fail to attained the optimum value.

Table 1 Test Problems.
No Functions No Functions
F1 Extended White and Holst F29 Extended Quadratic Penalty QP2
F2 Extended Rosenbrock F30 Extended Quadratic Penalty QP1
F3 Extended Freudenstein and Roth F31 Quartic
F4 Extended Beale F32 Matyas
F5 Raydan 1 F33 Colville
F6 Extended Tridiagonal 1 F34 Dixon and Price
F7 Diagonal 4 F35 Sphere
F8 Extended Himmelblau F36 Sum Squares
F10 Extended Powel F38 DENSCHNF
F11 NONSCOMP F39 Extended Block-Diagonal BD1
F13 Extended Penalty Function U52 F41 Extended Hiebert
F14 Hager F42 DQDRTIC
F15 Extended Maratos F43 ENGVAL1
F16 Six Hump Camel F44 ENGVAL8
F17 Three Hump Camel F45 Linear Perturbed
F18 Booth F46 QUARTICM
F19 Trecanni F47 DIAG-AUP1
F20 Zettl F48 ARWHEAD
F21 Shallow F49 Brent
F22 Generalized Quartic F50 Deckkers-Aarts
F23 Quadratic QF2 F51 El-Attar-Vidyasagar-Dutta
F24 Leon F52 Price 4
F25 Generalized Tridiagonal 1 F53 Zirilli or Aluffi-Pentini’s
F26 Generalized Tridiagonal 2 F54 Diagonal Double Border Arrow Up
F28 Quadratic QF1 F56 Extended Quadratic Penalty QP3

In this section, we compare the proposed NMLS method with NMPRP method using the strong Wolfe and Armijo-like line searches. This is done as a fair comparison adapted to the NMPRP method in Aminifard and Saman (2019). We use the strong Wolfe conditions comprises of (4) and the following stronger version of (5): | g k + 1 T d k | - σ g k T d k .

To obtain the step-size α k by using strong Wolfe line search in the NMLS method, the parameters are selected as σ = 0.05 and ϑ = 0.0001 . Meanwhile, under the Armijo-like line search, we use the parameters ρ = 0.25 and δ = 0.00003 . For good performance, we choose the parameter t = 0.1 for evaluating β k MLS . In the NMPRP method, we still maintain all the parameter values according to the article (Aminifard and Saman, 2019). All numerical results under the strong Wolfe line search are shown in Table 2 and under Armijo-like line search are given in Table 3. The items in each table have the following meanings: Funct.: the test function, Dim.: dimension, and IP: arbitrary initial points. From the numerical results in Tables 2 and 3, we can see that the NMLS method in this paper is promising.

On the other hand, we use the performance profile introduced by Dolan and Moré (2002) to compare and evaluate the performance of NMLS and the NMPRP methods. The performance profile of each method is depicted by a segment of each problem to obtain a profile curve. From the profile curve, the method that top the curve has the best performance.

Figs. 1–3 present the performance profile with respect to the three metrics; NOI, NOF and CPU time of the two methods, respectively. From Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, Fig. 2a, Fig. 2b, Fig. 3a, and Fig. 3b, the proposed NMLS method has the best performance based on all metrics under strong Wolfe line search and Armijo-like line search.

Performance profile based on NOI.
Fig. 1
Performance profile based on NOI.
Performance profile based on NOF.
Fig. 2
Performance profile based on NOF.
Performance profile based on CPU time.
Fig. 3
Performance profile based on CPU time.


3.1 Application in motion control

This subsection test the efficiency of Algorithm 1 in solving motion control problem. Algorithm 1 (NMLS method) is implemented using the Armijo-like line search (6), in which we set ρ = 0.6 , t = 10 - 14 and ϑ = 0.018 . We begin with a brief background on motion control problems (Zhang et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2020). Here we look only at the motion control of two-joint planar robot manipulator. Given the path of the vector desired r dk R 2 at time instant t k [ 0 , t f ] , the discrete-time kinematics equation is: finding θ k R 2 such that f ( θ k ) = r dk .

f is a mapping given by f ( θ ) = l 1 c 1 + l 2 c 2 l 1 s 1 + l 2 s 2 , where c 1 = cos ( θ 1 ) , s 1 = sin ( θ 1 ) , c 2 = cos ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) , s 2 = sin ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) , and l i denote the i-th rod length. Obviously, this problem can be described as a minimization problem

min θ k R 2 1 2 f ( θ k ) - r dk 2 .

For simplicity, we set l i = 1 ( i = 1 , 2 ) and the end-effector is controlled to track the following Lissajous curve (Zhang et al., 2019) r dk = 1.5 + 0.2 sin ( π t k / 5 ) 3 / 2 + 0.2 sin ( 2 π t k / 5 + π / 3 ) .

The starting point of the initial problem is θ 0 = [ 0 , π / 3 ] , and that of any i-th problem is the approximate solution to the i - 1 -th problem ( i = 2 , 3 , ). Furthermore the time for the task is [ 0 , 10 ] , and divided equally into 200 pieces. The outcomes obtained by NMLS are presented in Fig. 4, which shows that NMLS algorithm effectively accomplished the task. More specifically, synthesization of the trajectories of the robot using the NMLS algorithm is plotted in Fig. 4a, and trajectory of end-effector as well as the path desired are plotted in Fig. 4b. Figs. 4c and 4d show the error generated by the NMLS method on x-axis and y-axis, respectively. It is not easy to see the variation of the generated end-effector trajectory and desired path from Fig. 4a and 4b. Actually, Fig. 4c and 4d depict that the errors are not above 10 - 5 . In addition, to show the absolute error generated by NMLS, we show their Euclidean distance of end-effector trajectory and desired path in Fig. 5, from which we find that the absolute error is always smaller than 3.5 × 10 - 5 . This shows that NMLS completes the task with high precision. In Fig. 4a there is one broken line that is far from other broken lines, which indicates that there is some sudden shift of the manipulator. This may cause damage to the manipulator. Therefore, in addition to the unconstrained optimization model (21), we need to design some new mathematical model of this motion control, which can generate continuous and repetitive motion control. This is one of our further research topics.

Numerical results generated by NMLS.
Fig. 4
Numerical results generated by NMLS.
Absolute error generated by NMLS.
Fig. 5
Absolute error generated by NMLS.


4 Conclusions

In this article, we have presented a Liu-Storey type conjugate gradient method that guarantees sufficient descent condition independent of the line search. Using the Wolfe and Armijo-like line search conditions, we proved that the NMLS method converges globally. Moreover, the presented method can inherit a built-in self-restarting mechanism of the LS method. Based on our numerical findings, we conclude that the proposed method is the most efficient and promising.


The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE), KMUTT. Also, the (first) author, (Dr. Auwal Bala Abubakar) would like to thank the Postdoctoral Fellowship from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand. Moreover, this project is funded by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) under Research Grants for Talented Mid-Career Researchers (Contract no. N41A640089). Also, the first author acknowledge with thanks, the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University.


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Appendix A

See Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 Numerical results for NMLS and NMPRP methods Under strong Wolfe Line Search.
F1 50000 (1.1,…,1.1) 27 114 2.1063 10 59 0.9867
F1 100000 (1.1,…,1.1) 27 114 3.8852 10 58 1.9118
F2 50000 (0.1,1,…,0.1,1) 27 133 0.9388 16 75 0.5461
F2 100000 (0.1,1,…,0.1,1) 27 133 1.8728 16 75 1.0683
F3 50000 (0.5,−2,…,0.5,−2) 8 38 0.2869
F3 100000 (0.5,−2,…,0.5,−2) 8 38 0.5809
F4 50000 (1,0.8,…,1,0.8) 16 56 1.0577 10 44 0.8081
F4 100000 (1,0.8,…,1,0.8) 16 56 2.1137 10 44 1.6154
F5 50 (2,…, 2) 66 177 0.0066 82 991 0.0254
F5 100 (2,…,2) 71 216 0.0125 220 1837 0.1142
F6 50000 (−2.1,…,−2.1) 83 217 4.164 8 48 0.7848
F6 100000 (−2.1,…,−2.1) 97 303 11.2897 8 47 1.5565
F7 50000 (0.1,…,0.1) 9 24 0.1955 8 21 0.1716
F7 100000 (0.1,…,0.1) 9 24 0.3747 8 21 0.3468
F8 50000 (5,…,5) 9 40 0.3006 13 103 0.678
F8 100000 (5,…,5) 9 40 0.5847 11 48 0.7318
F9 50000 (−5,…,−5) 39 175 1.222 48 363 2.3116
F9 100000 (−5,…,−5) 37 159 2.2551 55 246 3.3653
F10 50000 (8,…,8) 160 607 11.0454 195 799 14.369
F10 100000 (8,…,8) 245 1103 38.2768 84 421 14.5381
F11 50000 (1.05,…,1.05) 26 81 0.629 41 125 0.9895
F11 100000 (1.05,…,1.05) 30 97 1.5444 39 249 3.3063
F12 50000 (1,…,1) 7 22 0.1765 6 20 0.1677
F12 100000 (1,…,1) 7 22 0.3481 6 20 0.3149
F13 500 (−10,…,−10) 16 120 0.0167 22 152 0.0344
F13 1000 (−10,…,−10) 47 329 0.0638 37 284 0.0629
F14 50 (1.05, …, 1.05) 19 58 0.0018 22 116 0.0053
F14 100 (1.05,…,1.05) 25 76 0.0083 37 347 0.0165
F15 50 (1,…,1) 24 104 0.003 13 68 0.0039
F15 100 (1,…,1) 15 91 0.0095
F16 2 (−1.5,−2) 8 30 4.40E−03 7 28 4.05E−04
F16 2 (−5,−10) 13 70 0.0014 9 45 4.88E−04
F17 2 (−5,−5) 18 66 6.09E−04 18 507 0.0041
F17 2 (5,5) 18 66 0.0011 18 507 0.0026
F18 2 (5,5) 2 6 3.70E−03 2 6 2.86E−04
F18 2 (10,10) 2 6 1.50E−04 2 6 1.49E−04
F19 2 (−1,0.5) 1 3 9.78E−05 1 3 7.70E−05
F19 2 (−5,5) 10 36 5.95E−04 7 74 4.41E−04
F20 2 (0,0) 2 6 7.80E−03 2 6 1.19E−04
F20 2 (−5,5) 25 84 0.0017 14 67 8.19E−04
F21 50000 (1.001,…,1.001) 14 36 0.3292 5 19 0.1546
F21 100000 (1.001,…,1.001) 15 39 0.6534 5 19 0.2997
F22 50000 (1.001,…,1.001) 8 141 0.8757
F22 100000 (1.001,…,1.001) 9 169 1.9728
F23 100 (1.001,…,1.001) 58 176 0.0112 200 2568 0.0903
F23 1000 (1.001,…,1.001) 190 582 0.1224 328 2856 0.4666
F24 2 (−2.5,−2.5) 34 198 0.0016 22 163 0.0016
F24 2 (−8.5,−8.5) 53 429 0.0048 45 412 0.0034
F25 10 (8,…,8) 29 112 0.0033 39 146 0.0038
F25 100 (8,…,8) 37 155 0.0112 40 217 0.0155
F26 50 (8,…,8) 79 532 0.0127
F26 100 (8,…,8) 76 604 0.0388
F27 100 (3,…,3) 143 429 0.0215 146 438 0.0284
F27 1000 (3,…,3) 1574 4722 0.9696 1584 4753 0.9698
F28 1000 (1,…,1) 187 561 0.1345 209 872 0.175
F28 10000 (1,…,1) 606 1818 3.6627 695 2792 5.0326
F29 50 (1,…,1) 22 179 0.0106 29 298 0.0193
F29 500 (1,…,1) 42 401 0.0713 47 510 0.086
F30 50 (2.5,…,2.5) 10 44 0.0019 9 41 0.0023
F30 100 (2.5,…,2.5) 13 72 0.0075 9 61 0.0065
F31 4 (10,10,10,10) 44 222 0.0036 1581 9824 0.0624
F31 4 (100,…,100) 62 346 0.006 1102 6668 0.0515
F32 2 (1,1) 63 252 0.004 1 8 0.0019
F32 2 (20,20) 80 320 0.005 1 8 5.27E−04
F33 4 (1.01,…,1.01) 13 41 0.001 21 201 0.0018
F33 4 (1.05,…,1.05) 31 106 0.0032 63 542 0.0027
F34 10 (2.5,…,2.5) 67 271 0.0065 158 1743 0.0185
F34 100 (2.5,…,2.5) 224 969 0.0445 1494 16304 0.4986
F35 50000 (1,…,1) 1 3 0.0305 1 3 0.0345
F35 100000 (1,…,1) 1 3 0.0629 1 3 0.0534
F36 5000 (−1,…,−1) 435 1305 1.1682 477 1431 1.2797
F36 50000 (−1,…,−1) 1399 4197 32.1167 1578 4778 41.4889
F37 10000 (−1,…,−1) 13 37 0.1518 9 29 0.1121
F37 100000 (−1,…,−1) 13 37 1.2014 8 26 0.8156
F38 5000 (100,…,100) 17 100 0.1517 13 81 0.0767
F38 50000 (100,…,100) 17 100 0.7345 11 75 0.5609
F39 5000 (1.02,…,1.02) 23 72 0.0909 12 78 0.075
F39 50000 (1.02,…,1.02) 23 72 0.7157 13 87 0.7222
F40 50000 (−1,…,−1) 1 3 0.041 1 3 0.0353
F40 100000 (−1,…,−1) 1 3 0.0684 1 3 0.064
F41 50000 (1,…,1) 44 213 1.4846 28 201 1.3216
F41 100000 (1,…,1) 39 208 2.84 28 201 2.6386
F42 100 (2.5,…,2.5) 703 3432 0.1174 245 2457 0.0901
F42 1000 (2.5,…,2.5) 877 4989 0.9623 692 7470 1.3607
F43 10 (1,…,1) 27 85 0.0019 20 263 0.0034
F43 50 (1,…,1) 29 91 0.0056 22 281 0.0131
F44 4 (8,…,8) 321 7917 0.0366 361 9535 0.0483
F44 8 (8,…,8) 344 8358 0.0532 269 7078 0.0449
F45 5000 (2.5,…,2.5) 445 1335 1.1661 479 1573 1.2648
F45 10000 (2.5,…,2.5) 633 1899 3.456 686 2355 4.1385
F46 50000 (4,…,4) 103 847 16.2004 5 51 0.9805
F46 100000 (4,…,4) 105 879 33.5407 5 51 1.9413
F47 100 (4,…,4) 245 3071 0.1165 134 2434 0.0815
F47 500 (4,…,4) 444 5685 0.6422 405 6495 0.7
F48 10 (1.1,…,1.1) 201 3610 0.0173 201 3715 0.0241
F48 50 (1.1,…,1.1) 1044 18579 0.0832 1044 18565 0.0705
F49 2 (1,1) 2 6 2.48E−04 2 6 2.07E−04
F49 2 (8,8) 1 3 2.48E−04 1 3 1.52E−04
F50 2 (1,1) 8 67 8.14E−04
F50 2 (−1,−1) 8 67 8.72E−04
F51 2 (2.5,2.5) 10 50 8.75E−04 10 53 8.20E−04
F51 2 (8,8) 27 170 0.0028 13 91 0.0012
F52 2 (4,4) 15 89 0.002 11 79 9.97E−04
F52 2 (1.5,1.5) 55 222 0.0035 18 103 0.0023
F53 2 (1,1) 10 23 5.97E−04 6 20 3.96E−04
F53 2 (−1,−1) 11 27 3.39E−04 4 11 2.95E−04
F54 500 (0.4,…,0.4) 398 5203 0.5884 327 5272 0.5708
F54 5000 (0.4,…,0.4) 2276 32993 24.4614 577 9468 6.7099
F55 10000 (1,2,…,10000) 27 304 0.4694 24 300 0.4533
F55 50000 (1,2,…,50000) 22 353 2.0584 17 260 1.4967
F56 100 (1,…,1) 21 100 0.0118 31 210 0.0108
F56 1000 (1,…,1) 35 203 0.0527 33 293 0.0549
Table 3 Numerical results for NMLS and NMPRP methods Under Armijo-like Line Search.
F1 50000 (1.1,…,1.1) 343 8414 36.5449 125 1014 7.9958
F1 100000 (1.1,…,1.1) 334 8160 69.2095 177 1710 34.4755
F2 50000 (0.1,1,…,0.1,1) 274 6083 5.1683 121 1059 1.9011
F2 100000 (0.1,1,…,0.1,1) 274 6101 14.229 162 1282 5.7396
F3 50000 (0.5,−2,…,0.5,−2) 317 8333 8.125
F3 100000 (0.5,−2,…,0.5,−2) 285 7565 13.0259
F4 50000 (1,0.8,…,1,0.8) 193 2408 20.5074 80 640 5.3248
F4 100000 (1,0.8,…,1,0.8) 190 2420 58.852 165 1290 37.4979
F5 50 (2,…,2) 88 558 0.6429 102 770 0.0127
F5 100 (2,…,2) 145 1217 0.0393 217 2210 0.0353
F6 50000 (−2.1,…,−2.1) 722 1328 57.5115 863 867 31.0011
F6 100000 (−2.1,…,−2.1) 864 1718 154.1461 982 986 148.3827
F7 50000 (0.1,…,0.1) 163 2367 2.7513 91 776 1.3088
F7 100000 (0.1,…,0.1) 160 2282 5.3768 68 537 2.4787
F8 50000 (5,…,5) 143 2406 2.5317 54 385 0.8655
F8 100000 (5,…,5) 146 2456 5.1637 50 402 1.8747
F9 50 (−5,…,−5) 345 8110 0.0266 61 530 0.0057
F9 500 (−5,…,−5) 3015 67319 0.924 160 1760 0.0654
F10 100 (5,…,5) 293 4678 0.0934 1879 24291 0.3753
F10 1000 (5,…,5) 373 5820 0.7372 1899 22603 2.9481
F11 50000 (1.05,…,1.05) 170 2366 3.1738 52 438 0.8185
F11 100000 (1.05,…,1.05) 49 456 1.7689
F12 50000 (1,…,1) 86 635 1.2963 29 58 0.4912
F12 100000 (1,…,1) 81 570 2.5959 29 58 0.902
F13 50 (−10,…,−10) 129 1896 0.0146 55 499 0.0057
F13 100 (−10,…,−10) 132 2282 0.0242 101 778 0.018
F14 50 (1.05,…,1.05) 95 685 0.009 40 313 0.0048
F14 100 (1.05,…,1.05) 128 1052 0.0307 50 332 0.0124
F15 50 (1,…,1) 211 4583 0.0353 222 2895 0.0241
F15 100 (1,…,1) 196 4341 0.0433 246 2503 0.0344
F16 2 (−1.5,−2) 91 856 1.76E−01 31 171 6.46E−04
F16 2 (−5,−10) 85 839 0.0045 19 140 0.0012
F17 2 (−5,−5) 22 153 0.0016
F17 2 (5,5) 22 153 9.63E−04
F18 2 (5,5) 90 783 3.70E−03 33 85 1.10E−03
F18 2 (10,10) 103 912 0.0037 41 105 0.0019
F19 2 (−1,0.5) 42 1169 9.60E−02 21 78 7.35E−04
F19 2 (−5,5) 86 613 0.0049 39 334 0.0028
F20 2 (0,0) 42 335 3.60E−03 16 48 0.0171
F20 2 (−5,5) 60 431 0.0021 174 2401 0.006
F21 50000 (1.001,…,1.001) 61 458 0.9017 53 425 0.7686
F21 100000 (1.001,…,1.001) 64 483 1.779 98 915 2.824
F22 50000 (1.001,…,1.001) 25 51 0.3194
F22 100000 (1.001,…,1.001) 26 53 0.6645
F23 100 (1.001,…,1.001) 128 2640 0.0262 121 1352 0.1293
F23 1000 (1.001,…,1.001) 346 9686 0.1551 444 5068 0.1918
F24 2 (−2.5,−2.5) 248 6066 0.1254 243 2652 0.0091
F24 2 (5,5) 210 5233 0.0132 275 3165 0.0062
F25 10 (8,…,8) 156 2024 0.0145 50 334 0.0047
F25 50 (8,…,8) 174 2333 0.0403 54 444 0.007
F26 50 (8,…,8) 88 558 0.0074
F26 100 (8,…,8) 111 721 0.0141
F27 50 (3,…,3) 542 15491 0.0399 1088 11492 0.0476
F27 100 (3,…,3) 1119 37179 0.1394 1871 22067 0.1567
F28 1000 (1,…,1) 351 8188 0.1416 618 5406 1.2305
F28 10000 (1,…,1) 1141 35261 5.9839 7386 108554 37.9789
F29 50 (1,…,1) 311 10782 0.0308 3486 74335 0.3662
F29 500 (1,…,1) 461 19621 0.2568 378 4864 0.1917
F30 10 (2.5,…,2.5) 132 1572 0.0061 35 261 7.87E−04
F30 50 (2.5,…,2.5) 141 2356 0.0123 36 200 2.35E−01
F31 4 (10,10,10,10) 239 5724 0.022 393 3887 0.0329
F31 4 (100,…,100) 325 8204 0.0209 371 3912 0.021
F32 2 (1,1) 269 269 0.0055 269 269 0.0067
F32 2 (20,20) 342 342 0.0067 342 342 0.0056
F33 4 (1.01,…,1.01) 239 5802 0.0134 60 630 0.0059
F33 4 (1.05,…,1.05) 267 6510 0.0136 54 436 0.0024
F34 10 (2.5,…,2.5) 151 1872 0.0074 131 1067 0.0055
F34 100 (2.5,…,2.5) 677 15030 0.0698 683 4526 0.0581
F35 50000 (1,…,1) 58 1847 1.0773 29 58 0.3573
F35 100000 (1,…,1) 63 2447 2.4575 30 60 0.6896
F36 1000 (−1,…,−1) 404 10324 0.1742 733 7743 0.2627
F36 5000 (−1,…,−1) 855 26517 1.4923 2773 41336 4.8455
F37 10000 (−1,…,−1) 86 601 1.075 24 147 0.2807
F37 100000 (−1,…,−1) 91 660 8.7063 34 251 3.2634
F38 5000 (100,…,100) 167 3485 0.3386 49 369 0.0935
F38 50000 (100,…,100) 180 3727 3.6781 49 380 0.7706
F39 5000 (1.02,…,1.02) 34 211 0.0731
F39 50000 (1.02,…,1.02) 28 168 0.5191
F40 50000 (−1,…,−1) 39 340 0.803
F40 100000 (−1,…,−1) 39 331 1.4508
F41 50 (1,…,1) 2546 26486 0.14
F41 500 (1,…,1) 6631 85547 1.8229
F42 100 (2.5,…,2.5) 254 8876 0.0498 1519 32237 0.1569
F42 1000 (2.5,…,2.5) 264 8837 0.1669 1155 25694 0.6078
F43 10 (1,…,1) 117 1215 0.0056 36 257 0.0027
F43 50 (1,…,1) 120 1228 0.0108 36 251 0.0032
F44 4 (8,…,8) 163 1845 0.0066 50 443 0.0023
F44 8 (8,…,8) 126 1576 0.0056 70 680 0.0031
F45 5000 (2.5,…,2.5) 911 28172 1.7493 3566 54740 5.7253
F45 10000 (2.5,…,2.5) 1319 43903 7.0819 1523 15798 6.044
F46 50000 (2,…,2) 23 2486 20.6921 1 2 0.0436
F46 100000 (2,…,2) 23 2500 39.4022 1 2 0.0713
F47 100 (4,…,4) 116 2750 0.0263 171 2152 0.0273
F47 500 (4,…,4) 123 2900 0.0584 140 1711 0.0594
F48 10 (1.1,…,1.1) 82 1035 0.0067 30 262 0.0025
F48 50 (1.1,…,1.1) 79 1114 0.0077 23 155 9.23E−04
F49 2 (1,1) 51 1534 0.0037 26 51 0.0016
F49 2 (8,8) 56 1873 0.0043 26 52 6.77E−04
F50 2 (1,1)
F50 2 (−1,−1)
F51 2 (2.5,2.5) 135 2608 0.0077 30 152 0.0019
F51 2 (8,8) 156 3088 0.0148 34 184 0.0019
F52 2 (4,4) 137 2918 0.0102 487 5529 0.0249
F52 2 (1.5,1.5) 92 1244 0.0046 2570 41676 0.0856
F53 2 (1,1) 58 2880 0.0063 26 151 0.0017
F53 2 (−1,−1) 37 516 0.002 24 238 0.0012
F54 500 (0.4,…,0.4) 117 2579 0.0506 245 2992 0.0759
F54 5000 (0.4,…,0.4) 133 3089 0.2593 242 2559 0.382
F55 100 (1,2,…,100) 120 1531 0.0217 30 232 0.005
F55 500 (1,2,…,500) 125 2301 0.0566 43 429 0.032
F56 100 (1,…,1) 163 2736 0.031 109 1009 0.022
F56 1000 (1,…,1) 441 12977 0.4352 176 1756 0.0878

Appendix B

Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksus.2022.101923.

Supplementary data

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

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