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Sequential fractional differential equations and inclusions with semi-periodic and nonlocal integro-multipoint boundary conditions
⁎Corresponding author at: Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, 451 10 Ioannina, Greece. (Sotiris K. Ntouyas),
Received: ,
Accepted: ,
This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
This paper is concerned with the existence of solutions for Caputo type sequential fractional differential equations and inclusions supplemented with semi-periodic and nonlocal integro-multipoint boundary conditions involving Riemann-Liouville integral. We make use of standard fixed point theorems for single-valued and multivalued maps to obtain the desired results. Examples are constructed for the illustration of the main results.
Sequential fractional differential equations
Integro-multipoint boundary conditions
Fixed point

1 Introduction
The topic of nonlocal nonlinear boundary value problems of integro-differential equations constitutes an important area of research and has attracted considerable attention over the decades in view of its numerous applications. Integro-differential equations, regarded as approximation to partial differential equations, are employed to model much of the continuum phenomena and appear in a variety of disciplines such as population models, ecology, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, etc. Lakshmikantham and Rao (1995) and Kot (2001). The failure of classical boundary conditions to describe some peculiar processes taking place inside the given domain, led to the birth of nonlocal boundary conditions (Bitsadze and Samarskii, 1969) which relate the boundary values of the unknown function to its values at some interior positions of the domain. Integral boundary conditions find useful applications in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies of blood flow problems and provide the means to assume an arbitrary shaped cross-section of blood vessels in CFD of blood flow problems. Integral boundary conditions are also used in the regularization of the ill-posed backward problems in time partial differential equations. For further details on integral boundary conditions, see Ahmad et al. (2008) and Ciegis and Bugajev (2012). During the last few decades, fractional differential equations have been studied by many authors and the literature on the topic is now much enriched. In fact, fractional-order differential and integral operators are found to be great interest in the mathematical modeling of real world problems occuring in engineering and scientific disciplines. The importance of such operators can be understood in the sense that they can describe memory and hereditary properties of various materials and processes and provide more degree of freedom than their integer-order counterparts. For theoretical development and applications, for instance, see Kilbas et al. (2006), Magin (2006), Sabatier et al. (2007), Konjik et al. (2011), Zhou (2014) and Wang and Schiavone (2015) and the references cited therein. Fractional-order boundary value problems involving a variety of conditions such as classical, nonlocal, multipoint, periodic/anti-periodic, fractional-order, and integral boundary conditions have recently been studied by many researchers. For some recent works on boundary value problems involving non-sequential and sequential fractional differential, integro-differential equations and inclusions, we refer the reader to works (Agarwal et al., 2011; Ahmad and Ntouyas, 2013; O’Regan and Stanek, 2013; Ahmad and Nieto, 2013; Graef et al., 2014; Wang et al., 9162; Ahmad and Ntouyas, 2015; Ahmad, 2017; Zhou and Peng, 2017; Ahmad et al., 2017) and the references cited therein.In this paper, we discuss the existence of solutions for sequential fractional differential equations and inclusions:
2 Background material
This section is devoted to some fundamental concepts of fractional calculus (Kilbas et al., 2006) and a basic lemma related to the linear variant of the given problem.
The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order r with the lower limit zero for a function is defined as provided the right hand-side is point-wise defined on , where is the gamma function, which is defined by . Note that the above integral exists on when (Zhou, 2014).
The Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order for a function is defined as
Notice that the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order exists almost everywhere on if , for details, see Lemma 2.2 in Kilbas et al. (2006).
The Caputo fractional derivative is defined via above Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives as follows.
The Caputo derivative of order for a function can be written as
Note that the Caputo fractional derivative of order exists almost everywhere on if .
If , then (see Theorem 2.2 in Kilbas et al., 2006).
To define the solution for problem (1.1)–(1.3), we consider the following lemma dealing with the linear variant of (1.1)–(1.3).
For any
, a function
is a solution of the linear sequential fractional differential equation:
As argued in Ahmad and Nieto (2013), the general solution of the system (2.1) can be written as
Using the conditions and in (2.4), we find that which imply that
Thus (2.4) take the form
Using the integro-multipoint condition: in (2.5), we get
Substituting the value of in (2.5) together with (2.3) yields the solution (2.2). The converse of the lemma follows by direct computation. This completes the proof. □
3 Main results for the problem (1.1) and (1.3)
This section is devoted to the main results concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the problem (1.1)–(1.3). First of all, we fix our terminology.
Let denotes the space equipped with the norm . It has been shown in Su (2009) that is a Banach space.
Using Lemma 2.1, we introduce an operator
as follows:
Observe that problem (1.1)–(1.3) has solutions if the operator (3.1) has fixed points.
For the sake of convenience, we set
Let be a continuous function satisfying the condition for all , where L is the Lipschitz constant. Then the boundary value problem (1.1) and (1.3) has a unique solution on if , where are respectively given by 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and .
Let us fix , and . Then we show that where .For , notice that
Then, for , we have
Also we have
By definition of Caputo fractional derivative with ,we get
This shows that F maps into itself. Now, for and for each , we obtain
Also we have , which implies that
From the above inequalities, we get
As , F is a contraction. Thus, the conclusion of the theorem follows by the contraction mapping principle. This completes the proof. □
Now, we state a known result due to Krasnoselskii (1955) which is needed to prove the existence of at least one solution of (1.1)–(1.3).
Let M be a closed, convex, bounded and nonempty subset of a Banach space X. Let be the operators such that: (i) whenever ; (ii) is compact and continuous; (iii) is a contraction mapping. Then there exists such that .
Assume that
is a continuous function satisfying
. In addition we suppose that the following assumption holds:
Then the boundary value problem 1.1,1.2,1.3 has at least one solution on
, we fix
For , following the earlier arguments, we can have
From the above inequalities, we get
Thus, . In view of the condition (3.8), it can easily be shown that is a contraction mapping. The continuity of f implies that the operator is continuous. Also, is uniformly bounded on as and
Now we prove the compactness of the operator . Setting , we define , and consequently we get and
Clearly, and as . Thus, is relatively compact on . Hence, by the Arzel′̂a-Ascoli Theorem, is compact on . Thus all the assumptions of Theorem 3.6 are satisfied and the conclusion of Theorem 3.6 implies that the boundary value problem (1.1)–(1.3) has at least one solution on . This completes the proof. □
In the above theorem we can interchange the roles of the operators and to obtain a second result replacing (3.8) by the following condition:
4 Main results for the problem (1.2) and (1.3)
Before presenting the existence results for the problem (1.2) and (1.3), we outline the necessary concepts on multi-valued maps (Deimling, 1992; Hu and Papageorgiou, 1997).
For a normed space , let , and . A multi-valued map is convex (closed) valued if is convex (closed) for all . The map G is bounded on bounded sets if is bounded in X for all (i.e. . G is called upper semi-continuous (u.s.c.) on X if for each , the set is a nonempty closed subset of X, and if for each open set N of X containing , there exists an open neighborhood of such that . G is said to be completely continuous if is relatively compact for every . If the multi-valued map G is completely continuous with nonempty compact values, then G is u.s.c. if and only if G has a closed graph, i.e., imply . G has a fixed point if there is such that . The fixed point set of the multivalued operator G will be denoted by . A multivalued map is said to be measurable if for every , the function is measurable.
For each , define the set of selections of F by
A multivalued map is said to be Carathéodory if
is measurable for each ;
is upper semicontinuous for almost all ; Further a Carathéodory function F is called Carathéodory if
for each , there exists such that
We define the graph of G to be the set and recall two results for closed graphs and upper semicontinuity.
[Deimling, 1992, Proposition 1.2] If is u.s.c., then is a closed subset of ; i.e., for every sequence and , if when and , then . Conversely, if G is completely continuous and has a closed graph, then it is upper semi-continuous.
[Lasota and Opial, 1965] Let X be a Banach space. Let be an Carathéodory multivalued map and let be a linear continuous mapping from to . Then the operator is a closed graph operator in .
For the forthcoming analysis, we need the following lemma.
(Nonlinear alternative for Kakutani maps) (Granas and Dugundji, 2005). Let E be a Banach space, C a closed convex subset of an open subset of C and . Suppose that is a upper semicontinuous compact map. Then either
F has a fixed point in , or
there is a and with .
Let be a metric space induced from the normed space . Consider defined by , where and . Then is a metric space and is a generalized metric space (see Kisielewicz, 1991).
A multivalued operator is called Lipschitz if and only if there exists such that and a contraction if and only if it is Lipschitz with .
[Covitz and Nadler, 1970] Let be a complete metric space. If is a contraction, then .
A function is said to be a solution of the boundary value problem (1.2) and (1.3) if , and there exists a function such that and
4.1 The upper semicontinuous case
In the case when F has convex values we prove an existence result based on nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type.
Assume that:
is -Carathéodory and has nonempty compact and convex values;
there exist a function , and a nondecreasing, subhomogeneous (that is, for all and ) function such that for each ;
there exists a constant such that where and are defined by 3.3,3.4,3.5.
Define an operator by where
We will show that satisfies the assumptions of the nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type. The proof consists of several steps. As a first step, we show that is convex for each . This step is obvious since is convex (F has convex values), and therefore we omit the proof.
In the second step, we show that maps bounded sets (balls) into bounded sets in . For a positive number , let be a bounded ball in . Then, for each , there exists such that
Then, for we have which, on taking the norm for yields
Also we have
By definition of Caputo fractional derivative with ,we get
is an arbitrary element, therefore we have
Now we show that maps bounded sets into equicontinuous sets of . Let with and . For each , we obtain
Obviously the right hand side of the above inequalities tends to zero independently of as . As satisfies the above assumptions, therefore it follows by the Arzelá-Ascoli theorem that is completely continuous.
In our next step, we show that is upper semicontinuous. To this end it is sufficient to show that has a closed graph, by Lemma 4.2. Let and . Then we need to show that . Associated with , there exists such that for each ,
Thus it suffices to show that there exists such that for each ,
Let us consider the linear operator given by
Observe that
Thus, it follows by Lemma 4.3 that is a closed graph operator. Further, we have . Since , therefore, we have
Finally, we show there exists an open set
for any
and all
. Let
. Then there exists
such that, for
, we can obtain
In view of , there exists M such that . Let us set
Note that the operator is upper semicontinuous and completely continuous. From the choice of U, there is no such that for some . Consequently, by the nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type (Lemma 4.4), we deduce that has a fixed point which is a solution of the problem (1.2) and (1.3). This completes the proof. □
4.2 The Lipschitz case
We prove in this subsection the existence of solutions for the problem (1.2) and (1.3) with a nonconvex valued right-hand side by applying a fixed point theorem for multivalued maps due to Covitz and Nadler (1970).
Assume that:
is such that is measurable for each ;
for almost all and with and for almost all .
Consider the operator defined in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 4.12. Observe that the set is nonempty for each by the assumption , so F has a measurable selection (see Theorem III.6 Castaing and Valadier, 1977). Now we show that the operator satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 4.5. To show that for each , let be such that in . Then and there exists such that, for each ,
As F has compact values, we pass onto a subsequence (if necessary) to obtain that converges to v in . Thus, and for each , we have
Hence, .
Next we show that there exists such that
Let and . Then there exists such that, for each ,
By , we have
So, there exists such that
Define by
Since the multivalued operator is measurable (Proposition III.4 Castaing and Valadier, 1977), there exists a function which is a measurable selection for . So and for each , we have . For each , let us define Thus which yields .Further, in view of the estimate ,we have
In consequence, we get
Analogously, interchanging the roles of x and , we can obtain
By the condition (4.3), it follows that is a contraction and hence it has a fixed point x by Lemma 4.5, which is a solution of the problem (1.2) and (1.3). This completes the proof. □
In case the multivalued map F is not necessarily convex valued, we consider the following problem
In order to establish the existence of solutions for the given problem, we need the following assumption in addition to and :
is a nonempty compact-valued multivalued map such that
is measurable,
is lower semicontinuous for each .
The proof of the concerned existence result follows the method of proof for Theorem 4.12 and relies on the nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type comined with the selection theorem of Bressan and Colombo (1988) for lower semi-continuous maps with decomposable values.
For , the results of this paper correspond to semi-periodic nonlocal classical integro-multipoint boundary conditions of the form: .
5 Examples
(a) Consider the following nonlocal multi-point boundary value problem of Caputo type sequential fractional integro-differential equations
Here . With the given values, it is found that . Now we illustrate the obtained results by choosing different values of .
Let us consider
Obviously as . Further, .Thus all the conditions of Theorem 3.5 are satisfied. Therefore, by the conclusion of Theorem 3.5, we conclude that there exists a unique solution for the problem (5.1) on .
To show the applicability of Theorem 3.7, we take the nonlinear function f of the form:
Clearly and . As all the conditions of Theorem 3.7 hold true, the conclusion of Theorem 3.7 applies. Hence the problem (5.1) with the given value of f has at least one solution on .
(b) Let us consider the following inclusions problem:
In order to demonstrate the application of Theorem 4.12, we consider
(5.3)Obviously and Condition is satisfied with . Thus, all the conditions of Theorem 4.12 are satisfied and consequently, there exists at least one solution for the problem (5.2) with F given by (5.3) on .
For the illustration of Theorem 4.13, let us choose
(5.4)ClearlyLetting , it is easy to check that holds for almost all and that . As the hypotheses of Theorem 4.13 are satisfied, we conclude that the problem (5.2) with F given by (5.4) has at least one solution on .
6 Conclusions
We have developed the existence theory for single-valued and multivalued problems of Caputo type sequential fractional differential equations and inclusions involving Riemann-Liouville integral equipped with semi-periodic and nonlocal multipoint Riemann-Liouville type integral boundary conditions. The nonlinearities in the given problems implicitly depend on the unknown function together with its fractional derivative of order and its Riemann-Liouville integral of order . We apply standard fixed theorems for single-valued and multivalued maps to establish the desired results. Our results are not only new in the given configuration but also yield some new special cases for specific choices of the parameters involved in the problem. For instance, the results associated with semi-periodic and nonlocal multipoint classical integral boundary conditions follow by taking in the results of this paper. Letting , our results correspond to the three-point boundary conditions: . We can get the results for semi-periodic nonlocal multipoint boundary conditions of the form: if we take in the obtained results.
The authors thank the reviewers for their useful comments that led to the improvement of the original manuscript.
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