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22 (
); 61-65

A checklist of some recorded insects in Misurata, Libya

Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

*Corresponding author walidfathy72@yahoo.com (Mohamed Walid Fathy)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Insect fauna of Libya is poorly studied. The insect fauna recorded from Misurata, northwestern Libya is represented by 16 orders, 59 families and 77 genera all are arranged alphabetically. The verification and corrections will be available in a detailed work revising different insect orders and families of Libya. This work is considered the first checklist of insects in Libya at all.



1 Introduction

Insects are invertebrate animals of the Class Insecta which comprises the largest known and widely distributed group of animals in the world. Insects can be found in almost anywhere, on plants, around buildings and under objects like rocks and logs. Aquatic insects can be found in ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and bogs. Many insects are considered as pests by humans including those are parasitic, transmit diseases, damage houses or destroy agricultural goods. Insects also produce useful substances such as honey, wax and silk. On the other hand, they introduce a great job in pollination of the flowering plants. Insects are integral part in the food chain whether consumer, prey or predator (Grimaldi and Engel, 2005). Studies on insect fauna in Libya at all is poor. Ahmed (1978) gave a study on the insect pests of corn in genera in Libya at all. No such published works or studies were constructed to study or record insect fauna of Misurata Jamahiriya. El-Ghariani (1992) recorded many Lepidopteran species by using light traps in El-Beida region. Kaal et al. (2006) reported the flea infestations in farm animals especially ruminants in northern Libya. El-Maghrabi and Amin (2007) surveyed the ecological habitats of Lepidoptera insects in El-Beida area, western Libya with notes on their world distribution, host plants and taxonomy. This paper introduces the first comprehensive study of some recorded insect families and in northwestern Libya. Based on the collected samples from Misurata, this paper adds a biogeographical significant segment to the recent ongoing evaluation of the insect fauna in Libya.


2 Materials and methods


2.1 Study site

Misurata city (32° 23′ N and 15° 6′ E) is located at the northern corner of Sirt Gulf on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea 211 km east of Tripoli and 825 km west of Benghazi with a coast 125 km and 15 m above sea level (Fig. 1). The location of the city forms a mixture of a dualism of sea and sand for it is surrounded by the sea from the north and east and from the south it is surrounded by the golden sands combined with the long palm trees, the shady olives and the green plains which encircle the center of the town. Misurata is submitted under the Mediterranean climate, average temperature reaches to 27.3°, average of rain fall reaches to 200 cm/year and relative humidity reaches to 72.78% in average (after National Weather Service, 2002). Misurata is divided into eleven communes as follow: Kasr Ahmed, Al Zarrok, Ras El Toba, Zat El Remal, El Remela, 9 July, Zawiyet Al Mahjob, Al Dafniya, Al Gheran, Tomena and Tawargha.

Misurata city.
Figure 1
Misurata city.


2.2 Collecting insects

Insects were collected throughout all seasons of the year especially summer and spring where most of all insect species are active. Collection was done by using forceps, jars, hand made collecting nets, digging and bottles for terrestrial and water insects during the period from 2003 to 2008 from all communes of Misurata. Specimens were taken twice a day to record the diurnal and nocturnal ones. Samples were collected by aid of Misurata dwellers and students in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, 7th October University in Misurata city. Collected specimens were categorized, photographed and kept in tight sealed boxes. Orders, families and scientific names were given to each after identification and verification by the authors according to Borror et al. (1981).


3 Results

Orders, families and genera of the insects collected during this study were arranged in a table (Table 1) followed by the scientific names for each insect.

Table 1 Orders, families and genera within parentheses of the collected specimens.
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera 10 (15) Order: Mallophaga 1 (1)
Order: Dermaptera 2 (2) Order: Neuroptera 2 (2)
Order: Dictyoptera 2 (2) Order: Odonata 3 (3)
Order: Diptera 11 (14) Order: Orthoptera 3 (6)
Order: Hemiptera 4 (5) Order: Siphonaptera 1 (2)
Order: Homoptera 1 (2) Order: Siphunculata 1 (1)
Order: Hymenoptera 7 (10) Order: Thysanoptera 2 (2)
Order: Lepidoptera 8 (10) Order: Thysanura 1 (1)

1. Order: Coleoptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Bruchidae Latreille 1802

Bruchus rufimanus Linnaeus 1767

Family: Carabidae Latreille 1802

Graphipterus serrator Latreille 1802

Family: Cerambycidae Latreille 1802

Cerambyx dux Latreille 1802

Family: Cicindellidae Linnaeus 1758

Cicindella aulica Linnaeus 1758

Family: Coccinellidae Latreille 1807

Coccinella septumpunctata Linnaeus 1758

Family: Curculionidae Latreille 1802

Sitophilus oryzae Schonherr 1825)

Family: Dermestidae Linnaeus 1758

Attagenus trifasciatus Brahm 1791

Trogoderma granarium Linnaeus 1758

Family: Meloidae Gyllenhal 1810

Meloe sp. Linnaeus 1758

Family: Scarabeidae Latreille 1802

Scarabaeus saccer Linnaeus 1758

Tropinota squalida Latreille 1802

Family: Tenebrionidae Latreille 1802

Adesmia bicarinata Latreille 1802

Blaps polychresta Latreille 1802

Pimelia sericata Latreille 1802

Tribolium castaneum Winkler 1927

Tribolium confusum Geoffroy 1762

2. Order: Dermaptera De Geer 1773

Family: Labiduridae De Geer 1773

Labidura riparia De Geer 1773

Family: Labiidae De Geer 1773

Labidura minora De Geer 1773

3. Order: Dictyoptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Blattidae Linnaeums 1758

Periplaneta americana Linnaeus 1758

Family: Mantidae Forskal 1775

Sphodromantis viridis Forskal 1775

4. Order: Diptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Asilidae Loew 1848

Erax rufilabris Loew 1848

Family: Calliphoridae Robinaeu-Desvoidy 1830

Calliphora erythrocephala Robinaeu-Desvoidy 1830

Chrysomya albiceps Robinaeu-Desvoidy 1830

Lucilia sericata Meigen 1816

Family: Culicidae Linnaeus 1758

Culex pipiens Linnaeus 1758

Family: Faniidae Linnaeus 1761

Fannia canicularis Linnaeus 1761

Fannia scalaris Fabricius 1794

Family: Hippoboscidae Theobald 1830

Hippobosca camelina Theobald 1830

Family: Muscidae Latreille 1802

Musca domestica Linnaeus 1758

Stomoxys calcitrans Linnaeus 1758

Family: Psychodidae Loew 1845

Phlebotomus papatasi Loew 1845

Family: Sarcophagidae Linnaeus 1758

Sarcophaga carnaria Linnaeus 1758

Family: Tachinidae De Geer 1776

Mintho rufiventris De Geer 1776

Family: Tephretidae Wiedemann 1824

Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann 1824

Family: Tipulidae Latreille 1802

Trichiotinus piger Latreille 1802

5. Order: Hemiptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Belostomatidae Lepeltier and Serville 1825

Lethocerus niloticus Lepeltier and Serville 1825

Family: Cimicidae Kirkaldy 1909

Cimex lectularius Kirkaldy 1909

Family: Pentatomidae Leach 1815

Nezara viridula Linnaeus 1758

Spilostethus pandurus Leach 1815

Family: Reduvidae Linnaeus 1758

Reduvius jakovlevii Linnaeus 1758

6. Order: Homoptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Aphidiidae Linnaeus 1758

Myzus persicus Linnaeus 1758

Schizaphis graminum Linnaeus 1758

7. Order: Hymenoptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Apidae Linnaeus 1758

Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758

Polistes gallicus Latreille 1802

Xylocopa austeneus Latreille 1802

Family: Cephidae Linnaeus 1758

Cephus pygmaeus Linnaeus 1758

Family: Chrysididae Linnaeus 1758

Stilbum cyaneum Linnaeus 1758

Family: Evanidae Linnaeus 1758

Evania appendigaster Linnaeus 1758

Family: Formicidae Latreille 1809

Cataglyphis bicolor Fabricius 1793

Monomorium pharoensis Mayr 1855

Family: Mutillidae Ashmead 1899

Mutella barbara Ashmead 1899

Family: Vespidae Linnaeus 1771

Vespa orientalis Linnaeus 1771

8. Order: Lepidoptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Danaidae Linnaeus 1758

Danus chrysippus Linnaeus 1758

Family: Gelichidae Stainton 1854

Phthorimaea operculella Zeller 1873

Sitotroga cerelella Stainton 1854

Family: Gracillaridae Bruand 1851

Phylloconistis citrella Bruand 1851

Family: Lycaenidae Leach 1815

Virachola livia Leach 1815

Family: Nymphalidae Rafinesque 1815

Cynthia cardui Linnaeus 1758

Family: Pieridae Duponchel 1835

Pieris rapae Linnaeus 1758

Family: Pyralidae Latreille 1802

Ephestia kuehniella Heinemann and Wocke 1876

Family: Sphingidae Linnaeus 1758

Acherontia atropos Linnaeus 1758

Hers convolvuli Bergh 1895

9. Order: Mallophaga Haekel 1896

Family: Menoponidae Haekel 1896

Menopon gallinae Haekel 1896

10. Order: Neuroptera Linnaeus 1758

Family: Chrysopidae Linnaeus 1758

Chrysoperia vulgaris Linnaeus 1758

Family: Myrmelionidae Linnaeus 1758

Cucta varigata Linnaeus 1758

11. Order: Odonata Fabricius 1793

Family: Aeschnidae Rambur 1842

Hemianax ephippiger Rambur 1842

Family: Coenagrionidae Fabricius 1793

Ischnura sengalensis Selys 1854

Family: Libellulidae Rambur 1842

Brachythemis leucostica Rambur 1842

12. Order: Orthoptera Latreille 1793

Family: Acrididae MacLeay 1819

Acrotylus insubricus Latreille 1793

Acridella nasuta Latreille 1793

Acrida bicolor Latreille 1793

Aiolopus thalasinus Latreille 1793

Family: Gryllidae Bolivar 1878

Gryllus bimaculatus Saussure 1870

Gryllus domesticus Saussure 1870

Family: Gryllotalpidae Saussure 1870

Gryllotalpa vulgaris Latreille 1802

13. Order: Siphonaptera Latreille 1825

Family: Pulicidae Linnaeus 1758

Echdinophaga gallinae Linnaeus 1758

Pulex irritans Linnaeus 1758

14. Order: Siphunculata PhthirapteraHaekel 1896

Family: Pediculidae Charles De Geer 1767

Pediculus humanus capitis Charles De Geer 1767

Pediculus humanus corporis Linnaeus 1758

15. Order: Thysanoptera Haliday 1836

Family: Phallopthripidae Uzel 1895

Haplothrips cottei Uzel 1895

Family: Thripidae Stevens 1829

Heliothrips haemorrhoudalis Stevens 1829

16. Order: Thysanura Linnaeus 1758

Family: Lepismatidae Linnaeus 1758

Lepisma saccharina Linnaeus 1758


4 Discussion

Insects have a high value from the faunistic point of view due to their significance in the food web and environmental effect (Frantz and Cordone, 1966). Most of all published works revealed with one family of the insect families around Libya (Edwards, 1921; Abdel-Malek, 1960; Subba Rao, 1967; Hayat, 1999) even some entomologists done their medical manual without mentioning insects there (Furman and Catts, 1982). So there is no information about the insect fauna of about all regions of Libya. This work revealed with only collected specimens from Misurata city which considered the third big city in Libya after Tripoli and Benghazi. And also considered the first commercial city there. In total, 16 orders, 59 families and 77 genera were listed for some recorded insect fauna of Misurata city located in the northwestern Libya. This checklist is considered as a beginning for further studies on insect fauna of Libya at all.


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