1 Introduction
The dynamics of many evolving processes are subject to abrupt changes, such as shocks, harvesting and natural disaster. These phenomena involve short term perturbations from continuous and smooth dynamics, whose duration is negligible in comparison with the duration of an entire evolution. Sometimes time abrupt changes may stay for time intervals such impulses are called non-instantaneous impulses. The importance of the study of non-instantaneous impulsive differential equations lies in its diverse fields of applications such as in the theory of stage by stage rocket combustion, maintaining hemodynamical equilibrium etc. A very well known application of non-instantaneous impulses is the introduction of insulin in the bloodstream which is abrupt change and the consequent absorption which is a gradual process as it remains active for a finite interval of time. The theory of impulsive differential equations has found enormous applications in realistic mathematical modeling of a wide range of practical situations. It has emerged as an important area of research such as modeling of impulsive problems in physics, population dynamics, ecology, biological systems, biotechnology and so forth.
Recently, Hernández and O’Regan (2013) studied mild and classical solutions for the impulsive differential equation with non-instantaneous impulses which is of the form
In Wang and Fečkan (2015) have a remark on the conditions in Eq. (1.1):
and there are positive constants
such that
It follows from Theorem 2.1 in Hernández and O’Regan (2013) that max
is a necessary condition. Then Banach fixed point theorem gives a unique
so that
if and only if
. So Eq. (1.2) is equivalent to
which does not depend on the state
. Thus, it is necessary to modify Eq. (1.2) and consider the condition
Of course then
. The symbols
represent the right and left limits of
respectively. Motivated by above remark, Wang and Fečkan Wang and Fečkan, 2015 have shown existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions of such general class of impulsive differential equations.
In this paper, we continue in this direction to study the second order nonlinear differential equation with non-instantaneous impulses and deviated argument in a Banach space X
be a state function,
. We consider in Eq. (1.5) that
and there exist
. The functions
represent noninstantaneous impulses during the intervals
, so impulses at
have some duration, namely on intervals
. A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family of bounded linear operators
on X.
and f are suitable functions and they will be specified later.
Many partial differential equations that arise in several problems connected with the transverse motion of an extensible beam, the vibration of hinged bars, and many other physical phenomena can be formulated as the second order abstract differential equations in the infinite dimensional spaces. A useful tool for the study of second-order abstract differential equations is the theory of strongly continuous cosine families of operators. Existence and uniqueness of the solution of second-order nonlinear systems and controllability of these systems in Banach spaces have been investigated extensively by many authors (Chalishajar, 2009; Pandey et al., 2014; Acharya, 2013; Arthi and Balachandran, 2014; Sakthivel et al., 2009).
In certain real world problems, delay depends not only on the time but also on the unknown quantity. The differential equations with deviated arguments are generalization of delay differential equations. Gal (2007) has considered a nonlinear abstract differential equation with deviated arguments and studied the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Recently, Muslim et al. (2016) studied exact and trajectory controllability of second order impulsive nonlinear systems with deviated argument. There are only few papers discussing the second order differential equations with deviated arguments in infinite dimensional spaces. As per my knowledge, there is no paper discussing the existence, uniqueness and stability of the mild solution of the second order differential equation with non-instantaneous impulses and deviated argument in Banach space. In order to fill this gap, we consider a nonlinear second order differential equation with deviated argument. Moreover, the study of second order differential equations with noninstantaneous impulses has not only mathematical significance but also it has applications such as harmonic oscillator with impulses and forced string equation, which we present in examples.
2 Preliminaries and assumptions
We briefly review definitions and some useful properties of the theory of cosine family.
Definition 2.1
A one parameter family
of bounded linear operators mapping the Banach space X into itself is called a strongly continuous cosine family if and only if
for all
is continuous in t on
for each fixed point
: is the sine function associated to the strongly continuous cosine family,
: which is defined by
be the domain of the operator A which is defined by
is the Banach space endowed with the graph norm
for all
. We define a set
which is a Banach space endowed with norm
for all
With the help of
, we define a operator valued function
Operator valued function
is a strongly continuous group of bounded linear operators on the space
generated by the operator
defined on
. It follows that
is a bounded linear operator and that
, for each
. If
is locally integrable function then
defines an E valued continuous function which is a consequence of the fact that
defines an
valued continuous function.
Propostion 2.1
be a strongly continuous cosine family in X. The following are true:
there exist constants
such that
for all
for all
For more details on cosine family theory, we refer to Fattorini (1985), Travis et al. (1977) and Travis and Webb (1978).
be the space of piecewise continuous functions.
and there exist
}. It can be seen easily that
for all
, is a Banach space endowed with the supremum norm,
for some
. We set,
, where L is a suitable positive constant. Clearly
is a Banach space endowed with PCB norm.
In order to prove the existence, uniqueness and stability of the solution for the problem Eq. (1.5), we need the following assumptions:
A be the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family,
: of bounded linear operators.
is a continuous function and there exists a positive constant
such that
for every
. Also there exists a positive constant N such that
is continuous and there exists a positive constant
such that
and it holds
and there are positive constants
, such that
There exist positive constants
such that
In the following definition, we introduce the concept of mild solution for the problem Eq. (1.5).
Definition 2.2
A function
is called a mild solution of the impulsive problem Eq. (1.5) if it satisfies the following relations:
the non-instantaneous impulse conditions
is the solution of the following integral equations
3 Existence and uniqueness result
Theorem 3.1
. If all the assumptions (A1)-(A5) are satisfied, then the second order problem Eq. (1.5) has a unique mild solution
is a bounded linear operator therefore, we set
. For more details on
, we refer (Pandey et al., 2014; Sakthivel et al., 2009; Hernández and McKibben, 2005). By choosing
we set
We define a map
given by
First, we need to show that
for any
and some
. If
, then we get
We have,
Similarlly, we have
Similarly, we calculate third and fourth parts of inequality Eq. (3.1) as follows
We use the inequalities Eqs. (3.2)–(3.5) in inequality Eq. (3.1) and get the following inequality
, then we get
We have,
Similarly, we have
Similarly, we calculate third and fourth part of inequality Eq. (3.7) as follows
We use the inequalities Eqs. (3.8)–(3.11) in inequality Eq. (3.7) and get the following inequality
Finally, if
, then we get
Summarizing, we see that
for any
and some
Next, we need to show that
. Now for
, we have
Now for
, we have
Similarly for
, we have
After summarizing the above inequalities, we get
. For any
, we have
, we obtain
Similarly, for
, we have
Therefore, we get
After summarizing the above inequalities, we have the following
is a strict contraction mapping for sufficiently large
. Application of Banach fixed point theorem immediately gives a unique mild solution to the problem Eq. (1.5). □
4 Nonlocal problems
The nonlocal condition is a generalization of the classical initial condition. The study of nonlocal initial value problems are important because they appear in many physical systems. Byszewski (1991) was the first author who studied the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions to the Cauchy problems with nonlocal conditions. In this section, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of mild solution Eq. (1.5) with nonlocal conditions.
We consider the following nonlocal differential problem with deviated argument in a Banach space X:
be a state function,
. The functions
represent non-instantaneous impulses same as in system Eq. (1.5). A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family of bounded linear operators
on X. The functions
will be suitably specified later.
Definition 4.1
A function
is called a mild solution of the impulsive problem Eq. (4.1) if it satisfies the following relations:
the non-instantaneous impulse conditions
is the solution of the following integral equations
Further, we need assumptions on the functions p and q to show the existence and uniqueness of the solution for the problem Eq. (4.1)
The functions
are continuous and there exist positive constants
such that
Theorem 4.1
. If all the assumptions (A1)–(A6) are satisfied, then the second order nonlocal problem Eq. (4.1) has a unique mild solution
provided that
By choosing
we set
We define a map
given by
We have,
is a strict contraction mapping for sufficiently large
. Application of Banach fixed point theorem immediately gives a unique mild solution to the problem Eq. (4.1). The proof of this theorem is the consequence of Theorem 3.1. □
5 Ulam’s type stability
In this section, we show Ulam’s type stability for the system Eq. (1.5).
be the nondecreasing. We consider the following inequalities
Now, we take the vector space
The following definitions are inspired by Wang et al. Wang and Fečkan, 2015.
Definition 5.1
The Eq. (1.5) is Ulam-Hyers stable with if there exists
such that for each
and for each solution
of the inequality Eq. (5.1), there exists a mild solution
of the Eq. (1.5) with
Definition 5.2
The Eq. (1.5) is generalized Ulam-Hyers stable if there exists
such that for each
and for each solution
of the inequality Eq. (5.1), there exists a mild solution
of the Eq. (1.5) with
Definition 5.3
The Eq. (1.5) is Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to
if there exists
such that for each
and for each solution
of the inequality Eq. (5.3), there exists a mild solution
of the Eq. (1.5) with
Definition 5.4
The Eq. (1.5) is generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to
if there exists
such that for each solution
of the inequality Eq. (5.2), there exists a mild solution
of the Eq. (1.5) with
Remark 5.1
A function
is a solution of the inequality Eq. (5.3) if and only if there is
such that:
Easily, we can have similar remarks for the inequalities Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2).
Remark 5.2
A function
is a solution of the inequality Eq. (5.3) then y is a solution of the following integral inequality
By Remark 5.1, we have
The solution
of the Eq. (5.9) is given by
Easily, we can have similar remarks for the solution of the inequalities Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2). In order to discuss the stability of the problem Eq. (1.5), we need the following additional assumption:
be a nondecreasing function. There exists
such that
Lemma 5.1
Lemma 5.1 Impulsive Gronwall inequality
(see Theorem 16.4, Bainov and Simeonov, 1992). Let
, where
and the following inequality holds
is nondecreasing and
. Then for
Theorem 5.1
. If the assumptions (A1)–(A4) and (A7) are satisfied. Then, the Eq. (1.5) is Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to
be a solution of the inequality Eq. (5.3) and x is the unique mild solution of the problem Eq. (1.5) which is given by
. By inequality Eq. (5.8), we have
, we have
, we have
Hence, for
, we have
, we have
Now, for
, we have
We observe that inequalities Eqs. (5.14)–(5.16) give together an impulsive Gronwall inequality of a form of Eq. (5.11) on J. Therefore, we can apply impulsive Gronwall inequality Eq. (5.12) for
, since
for some
Consequently, we have
for any
, where
is a constant depending on
. Hence, the Eq. (1.5) is Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to
. □
Theorem 5.2
If the assumptions (A1)- (A4) and (A7) are satisfied. Then, the Eq. (1.5) is generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to
It can be easily proved by applying same procedure of Theorem 5.1 and taking inequality Eq. (5.2).
Theorem 5.3
If the assumptions (A1)–(A4) and (A7) are satisfied. Then, the Eq. (1.5) is Ulam-Hyers stable.
It can be easily proved by applying same procedure of Theorem 5.1 and taking inequality Eq. (5.1).
6 Application
Example 6.1
. We consider the following partial differential equations with deviated argument
We assume that
is locally Hölder continuous in t with
We define an operator A, as follows,
Here, clearly the operator A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family of operators on X. A has infinite series representation
is the orthonormal set of eigenfunctions of A. Moreover, the operator A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family
on X which is given by
and the associated sine family
on X which is given by
The Eq. (6.1) can be reformulated as the following abstract differential equation in X:
, that is
. Functions
represent noninstantaneous impulses during intervals
. The operator A is same as in Eq. (6.2).
The function
, is given by
is given by
and V is continuous in its second argument. For more details see (Sakthivel et al., 2009; Gal, 2007). Thus, Theorem 3.1 can be applied to the problem Eq. (6.1). We can choose the functions
as given below
are constants.
Example 6.2
We consider particular linear case of the abstract differential Eq. (6.3) in the space
. A forced string equation
. We define A, as follows
Here, clearly the value
behaves like infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous cosine family
. The associated sine family is given by
. Deviated argument in the abstract differential Eq. (6.3) is represented by the term
of the differential Eq. (6.4). Noninstantaneous impulses
are created when bob of the string is extremely pushed on each interval
Example 6.3
We generalize the above example to consider a coupled system of strings or pendulums
. Moreover we suppose
. Then we consider Eq. (6.5) on
and use Exercise 1 on p. 39 from Fattorini, 1985. The lattice ODE Eq. (6.5) is a generalization of the discrete sine-Gordon equation Scott, 2003 and
represents pantograph-like terms Derfel and Iserles, 1997.